
发布时间:2023-07-02 07:56:01 阅读:143 点赞:0

关于”表示遗憾短句“英子26个,句子主体:a short sentence expressing regret。以下是关于表示遗憾短句小升初英子。

英文句子模板1:a short sentence expressing regret

1、What a pity you didn't come to o party. 你不能来参加我们聚会真是很遗憾。


2、"O operations struggled ding the quarter and we are clearly disappointed with the results, " Blankenship said.


3、"I have no regret now. I am ready to face death at any time, " he told AFP.


4、There was no need for the wter to express re GREt, he though.

5、I simply can't think why I didn't buy a bouquet for her then. 我只是想不明白为什么当初没有送她一束花。

6、I feel a great pity that you missed the chance. 我很遗憾你错过了机会。


7、The pity is that the first xiliary directx after modification is generally expressed in an algebraic form, becse of the complexity of the vectoal expression.


8、They felt sorry for the Chinese PLA Air Force for losing such an excellent female pilot, and also sent their regards to her families.


9、The EU said it had "ambitious aims" for the summit and regretted the cancellation.


10、We are sorry to hear about yo business.

詹妮弗, 对于你令人烦恼牛皮癣,我们表示很遗憾。 不过我们为你找到了一个很好治疗方案。

11、Jennifer, we’re sorry you’re expeencing the heartbreak of psoasis but it sounds like you’ve found a good treatment pgram.


12、Zijin said it regrets the fish deaths and 'certain economic loss, ' but said water 'usage' downstream is unaffected.


13、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for 。


14、John McCain has admitted he 'regrets' some aspects of the negative campaiing that has underlined the presidential race.


15、He deplores the documents' release, but said the very real damage they does not warrant psecution in light of the First Amendment.


16、He was asked if he would regret nr filming another day of Downton and replied: "I think whatr happens, it would feel like the ght time. ""


17、Tengzhong "respects" this result, but also regrets that the transaction could not be cared out.


18、Unfortunately, there is no place, yet, for the foth universal force, gravity.

遗憾是,这句用黑签字笔涂写指示,是一名游客违背警示涂鸦。 他在塑料警示牌正下方写下了同样话,为是嘲讽这个标牌。

19、Unfortunately, the instruction, scrawled in black marker, was the defiant graffiti of a visitor who had decided to mock the plastic si just above it by saying the same thing.


20、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for 。

21、But joie kam wong of show pity for him.但黄金福给他多种表现出遗憾。

22、We will nr support any opinion that hts the feeling of the Chinese people.克里斯汀·迪奥总部昨发表一份声明表示:“我们对此突发言论绝不认同,也深表遗憾……我们决不支持任何伤害情感言论。”

23、And I do bng greetings fm Secretary Clinton who does send her regrets that she’s not able to be with you in person today.我也带来了希拉里国务卿问候,她对不能亲自出席今天会议而表示遗憾。

24、Yo complaint about the working performance of the pduct we supplied you is regrettable.对于你方对产品工作抱怨,我方对此表示遗憾。

25、Unfortunately, life is very short and the older I get the quicker time seems to pass.遗憾是,人生苦短,时光飞转流逝。

英文句子26:,26、I'm really sorry about yo injy, and I hope that you'll get well soon! 一般人家不幸或者,比如人家生病了就应该跟人家说”I'm sorry to hear that you are sick“,要表示遗憾和伤心,但是更多是遗憾。

27、What a pity you didn't come to o party.你不能来参加我们聚会真是很遗憾。

28、what a pity you didn't come to o party. 你不能来参加我们聚会真是很遗憾。

29、Unfortunately, integty is in short supply today-and getting scarcer.遗憾是,如今,诚实处在短缺状态----甚至越来越稀罕。

30、I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you.失去与您见面机会,我深表遗憾。

31、Life is full of regret, becse she didn't have a chance to let you modify praatically.生命是充满遗憾篇章,因为她没有机会让你修改病句。

32、Stone has said she was "deeply sorry" for csing anguish and anger among Chinese people, and offered to take part in quake relief efforts.斯通为其言论对引起如此痛苦和气愤,表示“深深遗憾”,同时表示会参与工作。

33、that something you that you either did or did not do but should have done.为一些你之前做过或是该做却没有做事情表示遗憾。

34、Peter Cadby, a great- grandson, said: “It is regrettable that a company which took 186 years to build up has had its fute decided by investors whose aims are short term.曾孙彼得•卡德伯里(Peter Cadby)则表示:“很遗憾,一家用xx年造就公司,已把自己未来交到那些关注短期目标投资者手中。”

35、It would be if the full tree representation were always built, but remember that the whole point of AXIOM is that often this full representation is not needed.如果始终构建完整树表示,那才是应该 遗憾,但请记住,AXIOM 关键思想是在通常情况下并不需要完整表示。

36、But, avoid expressing resiation regret, as that might give yo employer ammunition to presse you to stay.但是,不要对辞职表示遗憾或者懊悔,这样反而会鼓励目前层进一步软硬兼施地让你留下。

37、Japan's new chief Yukio Ueno 21 branches, said the nt on Bulgakov's deeply regrettable.新任官房长官枝野幸男21表示,对布尔加科夫此次活动深表遗憾。

38、"It's disappointing Liu Xiang is not here." Robles said.罗伯斯表示:“很遗憾,刘翔没能参加比赛。

39、i simply can't think why i didn't buy a bouquet for her then. 我只是想不明白为什么当初没有送她一束花。

40、We appreciate what they have done, and we are also very sorry for the suffeng the Pakistani civilians incred becse of this.我们赞赏他们已经做出行动。 我们也对巴基斯坦平民为此遭受损失表示遗憾。

41、i feel a great pity that you missed the chance. 我很遗憾你错过了机会。

42、In a statement, Corbis said it was “disappointed by the outcome in the tal and belis that the tal cot made substantial legal errs.”Corbis发表声明说道,他们对审判结果表示遗憾,并相信在审理案件过程中存在大量错误。

43、Life is too short to leave us any om for regrets.生命太短,没留时间给我们每带着遗憾醒来。


1)Im sorry to hear that bad news.听到这个我表示很遗憾。

45、'I am regretful not to have won on both accounts, ' Mr. Huang said thugh a spokean.黄光裕通过其发言人表示,很遗憾两项动议未能都获得通过。

46、Wilde said he felt sorry for those who nr got their heart's desire, but sorer still for those who did.王尔德说他对那些从未得到满足者表示遗憾,但对那些已经心满意足人更感到悲哀。

47、Former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp has raled his regret about not playing with Stn Gerrard.前利物浦中场杰米·雷德克纳普表示未能与杰拉德同场竞技更长时间深为遗憾。

48、The SEF held a press conference at noon expressing stng regret and denouncing the incident.海峡交流基金会召开了记者会,对此事表示非常遗憾,并进行了谴责。

49、Unfortunately when I arved Sunny was just leaving, so we only had time for a few words.很遗憾是当我到达时,桑妮正准备离开,所以我们只有时间说几句话。

50、Nobody regrets this than I do, but I have to tell you that you've been diissed.我非常遗憾,但是我必须告诉你,你被解雇了。

经典英文句子51:表示遗憾短句,51、I trust you will overlook my mistake, which I terbly regret.对于我所犯下错误,我深表遗憾,希望你不记前嫌。

52、I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this -than-a-decade-old video are one of them.我说过,我对我做过一些事情表示遗憾,而今天这个xx年前就是其中之

53、Unfortunately, changing the apparent sector size in firmware can degrade performance.遗憾是,在固件中改变表面扇区大小会降低能。

54、Emper's whereabouts were unknown to aging expressed "great regret."就老龄人行踪不明问题表示“非常遗憾”。

55、I'm really sad I couldn't give a speech in Gaelic.不能用盖尔语发表获奖感言我真是遗憾啊。

56、About 44 percent of the women interviewed listed mance, while only 他说,接受采访女约有44%对过往爱情经历表示遗憾,而只有19%男这么说。

19 percent of the men mentioned it, Hollister Uk Sale, he said.

57、Sadly, he use pistols to blow people up… takes away opportunities to show off his powers.遗憾是他老拿着枪去爆人……少了很多自我能力显示。

58、Unfortunately, this means that disk utilities cannot pperly detect the presence of such disks.遗憾是,这表示磁盘工具不能合理检测这种磁盘存在。

59、Shade gup Chairman Han three indicated nly: "this will perhaps become this biggest regret."中影集团董事长韩三平表示:“这也许将成为片最大遗憾。”

60、Koussa expressed regret over the Secity Council resolution, complaining that it would increase the suffeng of the Libyan people.库萨对决议表示遗憾。 他不满地说,这项决议将加重利比亚苦难。

61、The Chinese side is following the la dlopments in Libya closely, and deplores the military stkes against Libya.中方注意到利比亚局势最新发展,对向利进行军事打击表示遗憾。

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