
发布时间:2023-05-04 16:05:12 阅读:90 点赞:0

关于”热爱祖国“英子59个,句子主体:love the motherland。以下是关于热爱祖国xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:love the motherland


1、Suspicious Person: Im a toist. I love China, especially her culte and history.


2、"They love this man.They love the people of Palestine," he said.


3、The warmth of strangers: But perhaps my most compelling reason to love China is the indescbable warmth and kindness of ordinary folks.


4、The Btish love of music is often unfamiliar to foreiers, pbably becse there are few renowned Btish composers.


5、China's love for toweng skyscrs just got tned upside down.


6、The German wter Goethe said, “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.


7、In memory of the enthusia of the overseas Chinese in Java, the Hall was thus named.


8、Children are the flowers of o motherland.


9、I love my country, the sge of blood in the Yangtze ver rushing wave wave.


10、He descbed it (Latvia)---its forests, its little villages , its people , their fierce nationali---with an eloquence that could ase only out of deep love one's motherland.


11、He descbed it (Latvia) — its forests, its little villages, its people, their fierce nationali — with an eloquence that could ase only out of deep love for one's motherland.


12、Comrade mapping units that qualification, the team meased a he gups loyal to the cse of the deep love of the motherland and engaged in the cse of the high degree of identity mapping .


13、With the same fate;


14、She had also loved Sarajevo.


15、Grandpa drank up again with tears in his eyes.


16、My country Bassinet of east culte.


17、I always say: if no love of nation, well, you just like a piece of dust lingers away.


18、Their common ancestor is John of Gnt, Duke of Lancaster and son of the 14th-centy King Edward III of England.


19、China was also under the influence of this upsge. Xun Zuwu completed the first lapascopic cholecystectomy in February, 1991.


20、We must be loyal to o motherland.

21、" dared not country" the world as, youth blood Xian homeland, tenacious efforts and selfless dedication for the pspety of the motherland and contbute their wisdom and stren of all.“位卑未敢忘忧国”,以天下为己任,青春热血献祖国,顽强地努力,无私地奉献,为祖国繁荣昌盛贡献自己全部智慧和力量。

22、Exotic moonlight number, you"ve nr met grandfather hetage, grandfather set up by the checkpoint bied behind, actually a tangle of how love story?"充溢异国情调月光号,素未谋面祖父遗产,祖父设下关卡后面, 有声小说终究深埋了一个如何纠结爱情故事呢?

23、Traditional Chinese paintings record a true emotional rapport with a beloved native country which we nr tired of pbing into the precincts of abundance.传统国画载录了国民与令人钟爱祖国河山融洽关系,而这种默契灵交亦令我们不厌烦地探索这丰饶领域。

24、These opinions are so contrary to traditional values, like loving one's country and respecting one's elders. But we can't do anything if these people just like ugly things.这些观点和传统价值观进酷爱祖国,尊老爱幼等背道而驰,但人们若是真做出这些笨拙事情,我们也爱莫能助。

25、Imagine you could fly in the blue sky. You will see yo lovely hometown with green hills and blue waters.展开想像翅膀,飞翔在蓝蓝天上,祖国青山绿水,是我可爱家乡。

英文句子26:,26、So let us love o Chinese mahjong in!所以让大家一起来热爱我们国粹麻将千术!

27、I wish the eldership of my motherland and all over the world would direct us to gw up happily.愿我祖国和全球所有爱护我长辈们指引我们幸福成长。

28、But he nr forgot he was a Chinese descendant and he chesh a deep love for his country.但是他没有忘记自己是炎黄子孙,对祖国始终充满了爱。

29、I was reconnecting with my vegetable-loving ancestors.我和我爱吃蔬菜祖先又重新相连了。

30、With a long civilisation, Dhina favos international exchange and loves world peace.有着悠久文明,促进国际交流并热烈地爱世界和平。

31、The hono remained with o motherland.光荣属于我们祖国。

32、Ask not what yo country can do for you,ask what you can do for yo country.不要问你祖国能为你做什么,要问一问你能为你祖国做什么。

33、Patotic fervo and a sging economy will to keep a lid on unrest by domestic malcontents.爱国热情和经济增长有助于遏制国内不满者动荡。

34、We warmly welcome Muay Thai enthusiasts fm home and abad.我们热烈欢迎来自国内外泰拳爱好者。

35、Chinese scholars, stresses the integty. A painter if does not love people, love the motherland, is the loss of national integty. The value of the painting, focus on personality.文人,历来重气节。画价值,重在人格。


36、They pledged their allegiance to the motherland.他们保证忠于祖国。

37、Train hard and build the motherland.锻炼身体,建设祖国。

38、Everyone is welcomed to feel the passion given by this gup of young students adong the traditional Chinese music.欢迎各位莅临,来感受这群年轻学子热爱国乐热情。

39、The Democratic is a family, and it's now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to nete together nd the ideals we share, the values we chesh and the country we love.现在,正是时候,重新拉上把我们绑在一起纽带,为我们同样理想,珍视价值,热爱祖国而献身吧。

40、In Chinese culte mottos, many are warning people to love lives.文化格言中,有许多是警示人们热爱生命。

41、Stng and beatiful country like flowers.祖国东方文明摇篮。

42、My country Bassinet of east culte。 祖国东方文明摇篮。

43、We like learning Chinese very much. We love the Chinese culte.我们非常喜欢学习汉语,也非常热爱文化。

44、Different nationalities, with a motherland.不同,同一个祖国。

45、Chinese women have a gloous peace-loving tradition.妇女有着热爱和平光荣传统。

46、When you first come to China you can almost imagine that it isn’t really that different fm home.当你第一次踏上这片热土,你完全会惊讶地发现:它和你祖国并没有太大区别。

47、I speak today the topic is: "patotic, respects the ancestor, to encoage the world peace."我今天发言题目是:“爱国、敬祖、力促世界和平。”

48、He descbed it (Latvia)—its forests, its little villages, its people, its fierce nationali—with an eloquence that could only ase out of deep love for one's motherland.他描绘它(拉脱维亚)风土人情—森林啦、小村庄啦、啦、强烈主义啦等等,只有深深热爱祖国人才能说得如此娓娓动听, 滔滔不绝。

49、She loves soft skill training and joined Schouten China with full of passion.因热爱软技能培训事业而加入思腾。

50、We are China's new stren, love the motherland, will ptect the culte of China, and put forward its positive.我们是新生力气,爱祖国,就要保护文化,并把它积极发扬下去。

经典英文句子51:热爱祖国,51、Nrtheless, nothing could be possible if we had not had the unceasing love and support fm o motherlands.然而,若是没有来自祖国源源不断爱与支持,今天一切都不可能成为现实。

52、wte "Janefree Big Love" on China's popular Weibo micblogging site.JANEFREE大爱在热门微博上如此写道。

53、I love my motherland, black eyes shows a modest dimples.我深深地爱着我祖国,黑眼睛流露着谦逊笑窝。

54、We should be loyal to o country.我们要忠于祖国。

55、I love my motherland, vast land filled with my happy all the hopes.我深深地爱着我祖国,辽阔海疆装满了我所有寄托。

56、As for the rest of the world, I am also here sn years and love China and her people dearly.我已经在生活了xx年,我热爱。

57、I asked my students to wte acomposition about a pverb in his or her own country.我乘热打铁,要求学生写一篇作文,介绍其祖国文化中一个谚语。 第二天,作文交了上来。

58、Howr, he nr forgot that he was a Chinese descendant and he cheshed a deep love for his country.但是他没有忘记自己是炎黄子孙,对祖国始终充满了爱。

59、ask not what yo country can do for you but ask what you can do for yo country不要问你祖国能为你做什么,要问你能为你祖国做什么

60、I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as President.我是一个年轻人时候参加过保卫祖国,我作为总统时,我将继续保卫祖国。

61、The Chinese living overseas are thinking of their motherland.国外华侨都思念他们祖国。

62、Bernd Krsse was a German engineer who loved nate.Bernd Krsse 是个热爱自然德国工程师。

63、Yao cared the Chinese flag at the Olympic opening ceremonies, soaking in the love of his country.姚在会落幕式上作为代表团旗手,沉醉于对人祖国酷爱中。

、The competition’s slo for this year patotically pclaims “Celebrating Chinese women, bnging glory to China,” though, tellingly, only the first part has been translated to English.今年大赛口号宣称“为女喝彩,为祖国争光!” ,不无爱国主义彩,但只有前一部分被翻译成了英文。

65、The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 beeen the Btish Empire and the Zulu Kingdom.祖鲁战争发生于xx年,是大英帝国与南非祖鲁王国之间战争。

66、I do love my home country France aswell .我当然同样喜欢我祖国——。

67、Lovely country ah, whatr I go there, I hold you stren BeiBo.可爱祖国啊, 无论我走到那里, 我都挽住你力量臂膊。

68、The old lady is so fond of lively parties, I was se there must be some reason for her absence.我说老是爱热闹,今不来,必定有个原故,若是这么着就是了。

69、Long after South Afcans saw their own team eliminated fm the tonament, they kept up their vuvuzela-blowing, flag-waving, patotic exuberance acss the racial divide.虽然开赛不久后,南非球迷就目送他们球队被淘汰了,但他们仍然吹着呜呜祖啦,挥舞着旗帜,爱国热情跨越了种族鸿沟。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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