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关于”保护动物“英子34个,句子主体:Ptect animals。以下是关于保护动物xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Ptect animals


1、The ptection functions include three-section over-crent ptection, inverse-time over-crent ptection, three-phase one-shot no-voltage to-recloser and so on.


2、With regards to the ptection of the species of aquatic wildlife other than those which are rare or near extinction, the pvisions of the Fishees Law shall apply.


3、Pceedings of the New Zealand Plant Ptection Conference.


4、Philip (which is not his real name, for reasons of pvacy) bevolunteeng at the zoo's horticulte department in 2004.


5、As the leader of o animal community, Verne wants to ptect his "family" at all costs.


6、Clouds over the piz bun mountain cks and natal caves, wild animals and plant species ch, for the pvincial wild animal and plant natal reserves.


7、The preservation claim of jus ad rem is ready to ptect the absolute ghts, and Chinas…


8、"Together they will conserve a mixte of wildlife, habitats, geolo and geomorpholo, " said a spokeswoman for the MCZ pject.


9、Dve and ptection circuits for MOSFET are desied. And crent limiter method is used for motor.


10、In addition, the action dead zone of power direction element matching with distance element is extremely all. Therefore, this new ptection excels traditional one.


11、It has also been widely cticized by ghts gups for its inhumane treatment of animals, including bears farmed for their bile and dogs for their meat.


12、For decades researchers, child and animal ptection pfessionals, and educators have been pointing to the correlation beeen the treatment of animals and the treatment of children.


13、The amphibians and reptiles were investigated by using the method of complete species inventory in Caopo NR, Wenchuan County and Bobso NR, Zoigê County, Sichuan Pvince.


14、Tianmu Mountain's vegetation is well ptected.


15、The International Plant Ptection Convention (IPPC) is a multilateral treaty for plant ptection to which 116 governments crently adhere.


16、Orle or Tresse - Preservation or ptection.


17、The kingdoms desire to ptect those who have the possibility of ascension, and those of this nate will find their ptection thugh the animal kingdoms.


18、ObjectiveTo confirm the ptective effects of Paedea scandens (Lo) Merr on acute hepatic injy by animal model.


19、Since ancient times, there have been many stoes of animals saving human lives. Most scientists or research experts, after observing animals for some time, appeal for their ptection.


20、We're here in the Mala Mala Game Reserve of South Afca to discover the fascinating lifestyle of the wa- whoa! Of the uhm, leopard.

21、Lucian: I ptect them, envy them and for what?Treated like an animal!卢西安: 我保护他们,羡慕他们。而后我得到了什么?被像动物一样对待!

22、A nate reserve is an ideal home for many plants and animals, including different kinds of birds.自然保护区是许多动植物地理想家园,包括不同种类地鸟。

23、Stumpy the Kangao, a resident of the sanctuary of the International Kangao Society (which is, ciously, in Ohio), lost a leg, a disastus injy for a o-legged mammal.斯顿皮是一只袋鼠,生活在国际袋鼠保护协会保护区里(非常奇怪,这个保护区在俄亥俄州)。 它失去了一条腿,这对两条腿动物来说实在是太糟糕了。

24、Their diverse totems and their worships to mountain, water, animals and plants have actually ptected biodiversity and the Yi's ecological envinment.对山、水、动植物崇拜实际上保护了生物多样及彝家生态环境。

25、DRV dvers to ptected mode as well.DRV 驱动转到了保护模式。

英文句子26:,26、As a result of the wetland plant to the biodiversity ptection and contains the great pductivity, pposed the wetland plant ptection and utilization countermeases.鉴于湿地植物对生物多样保护和蕴含巨大生产力,提出了湿地植物保护和利用对策。

27、Bunch notes that some animals may have svived in ptected niches.奇指出一些动物可能在一些有保护作用小栖息处所中下来。

28、Adopting movable ptecting device to avoid stitch thread skipping and keep the betiful stitch.采用移动式护针器保护机针,防止跳针,保持线迹没观;

29、LL: No, it is a term used to put down or disparage people who ptect nate at the expense of human comfort and industry.对这些人来说,tree huggers就是牺牲人类舒适和工业来保护自然。 野生动物应该保护嘛,这总要有人站出来说话啊。

30、He also said PETA would raise the funds needed to cover the cost of the cameras.他还表示,动物保护组织还将负责筹集安装监控设备费用。

31、Svey and expound biodiversity in Leigong mount nate reserve, put forward the nate reserve ecological toi resoces strate on the condition of ptection biodiversity.对雷公山自然保护区内生物多样进行了调查和论述,提出了在生物多样保护条件下自然保护区旅游资源设想。

32、Ngongo Crater is a spectacular wildlife sanctuary in Afca's Great Rift Valley.恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口是景壮丽野生动物保护区,位于东非大峡谷。

33、India and Nepal have agreed to expand ptected areas and pmote trans-boundary cooperation with China.印度和尼泊尔同意扩大动物保护区,促进与跨界合作。

34、These females at South Island's Willowbank Wildlife Reserve could be 30 years old.柳岸野生动物保护区南岛这些雌鳗鱼可能已经有xx岁了。

35、The scheme is dividing islanders and ing alarm among wildlife and hetage conservationists.这个计划正分割岛民且,惊扰了野生动物和自然遗产保护论者。

36、Animals given garlic oil expeenced beneficial changes associated with ptection against heart damage.用大蒜油喂药动物组发生了有益于保护心脏免于损伤改变。

37、Tibetan antelope along with other wild animals in the Hoh Xil Nate Reserve are now preant.目前正值可可西里自然保护区藏羚羊等野生动物妊娠期。

38、Much emphasis has been focused on the effects of selective logging on animal diversity.择伐对动物多样影响成为生物多样保护和生态林业持续研究一个焦点。

39、Self-adaptive ptection is able to identify and diaose flt type tomatically, then adjust fixed value and charactestic of ptection.自适应保护能够在线自动识别和诊断故障类型,并自动调整保护动作定值及特。

40、Since ancient times, there have been many stoes of animals saving human lives.Most scientists or research experts, after observing animals for some time, appeal for their ptection.Why?从古至今,动物救人传说时有听闻,许多与动物接触过科学家或研究者在观察动物一段时间后,大多会提出保护动物呼吁,为什么呢?

41、Agency of histocal reli preservations include other histocal reli institutions.文物保护所包括其它文物机构。

42、"Together they will conserve a mixte of wildlife, habitats, geolo and geomorpholo," said a spokeswoman for the MCZ pject.它们将共同形成并保护野生生物,动植物栖息地,以及相关地质和地形。

43、The engine ptector can prnt flts such as bn-out and beang score of the engine fm happening and effectively ptect the engine.发动机保护器能防止发动机出 现烧缸和拉瓦故障,能有效保护发动机。

44、The intact carcass of the prehistoc animal was prnted fm putrefying by the arctic cold.史前时期动物完整,是由于北极严寒保护不致腐。

45、Conservation experts say the penguin is about 动物保护专家说这只企鹅只有10个月大,80cm(32英尺)高。

10 months old and stands about 80cm (32 inches) high.

46、Automatic ink cup pnthead ptection device.自动墨盏式头保护装置。

47、Hiht/low presse swith, anti-fiost ptecr, fl, overload ptector, motor, overheat ptector, tomatic temperate, sensitve switch, anti-phase ptector.高低压开关,防冻开关,易溶栓,过载保护装置,线圈过热保护圈,温度自动开关,逆相保护器。

48、Nestedness has been suggested to have implications for biological conservation, particularly in relation to SLOSS (single large or sral all) debate regarding nate reserve desi.嵌套对生物保护也有一定意义,特别是与SLOSS争论(是单个大还是几个小保护区能保护更多物种)有一定关系。

49、They know what the animal-ghts people will say — and insist they will misunderstand.他们知道动物权益保护者将说什么——而且坚持说他们将会误解。

50、High/ Low Presse Switch, Anti-fst Ptector, Solube Chock, overload Ptector, Coil Overheat Ptector, Automatic Temperate Sensitive Switch, Anti-phase Ptector.高低压开关,防冻开关,可熔栓,过载保护装置,线圈过热保护器,温度自动开关,逆相保护器。

经典英文句子51:保护动物,51、The new panda habitat and Asia Trail are meant to be an expeence for the animals and visitors alike, and to pmote conservation worldwide.新建大熊猫栖身地与"小径"旨在既为动物也为参观者提供体验,并促进全球动物保护。

52、An anonymous fend of the Humane Society in Casper had taken care of it.卡斯珀动物保护协会一位不愿透露姓名朋友承担了这笔费用。

53、One way to preserve species under threat of extinction - whatr the e - is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there.不管动物濒危原因是什么,保护方法其一就是把它们迁移到动物园和公园,在那儿喂养它们。

54、The reserve contains threatened species of pmates and birds and about 保护区内生存着许多濒危灵长目类和鸟类动物。 目前野生俄卡皮鹿有30 000头,其中

5,000 of the estimated 30,000 okapi sviving in the wild.

5 000头栖息在这个保护区。

55、Medicinal Plants Conservation Centre contains sral parts, such as Medicinal Plants, MPCA(Medicinal Plants Conservation Area), Flostic Database, Traditional Knowledge Base and so on.“医药植物保护中心”包含了几个部分,例如“有药植物”,“医药植物保护地区(MPCA)”,“传统知识基地”等等。

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