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xx年级要求词汇表,常用作男孩名,这里搜集了788个关于“xx年级上册英语第七课单词”核心单词表,涵盖 abnormal situation 、abyss、acquit等词汇,帮助记牢单词!

xx年级要求词汇表,常用作男孩名,这里搜集了788个关于“xx年级上册英语第七课单词”核心单词表,涵盖 abnormal situation 、abyss、acquit等词汇,帮助记牢单词!

1、 abnormal situation

中文翻译: 异常情况

例句:Becse it's the most abnormal situation in the world. 翻译:这应该是世界上最不正常现象了吧。 Becse it's the most abnormal situation in the world.。

After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at sn o'clock. 我天天六点睡醒、洗脸刷牙后,就起头温习课,七点钟我就去上课。



例句:it means the abyss calls the abyss. 翻译:意思是深渊呼叫深渊。

Every day there are sn lessons. 我们每天有七节课。




例句:And will acquit yo duty accordingly 翻译:尽心履行你们职责 否则 以神名义。

Then she waited and till she went to bed this ning, she recited the whole content in lesson 137 to me. 于是,她就一直等啊等,等到今天晚上她要床睡觉了,她才把第一百三十七课全部内容都给我背诵了一遍。

4、 adoptive immunotherapy

中文翻译: 过继免疫治疗 继免疫治疗 获得免疫治疗 过继免疫疗法

例句:i mean, o adoptive mother. 翻译:o adoptive mother.。

We did football for PE, and we went to German for second peod. 在体育课上,我们了足球,第二节课是德语。

5、 The Adoration of the Magi

中文翻译: 贤士来朝 东方三博士崇拜 阿尔布雷希特

例句:One religious painting he nr finished was called "Adoration of the Magi" . 翻译:他从来没有完成一个画被称为“贤士来朝”。。

Shenzhen Desi Fair pavilions are askance of the snth. 深圳设计之都睥第七届文博会展馆。

6、 affnt saw

中文翻译: 雕花锯

例句:That is an Affnt! Not badly. 翻译:-这是侮辱,是丑闻 我觉得还不错。

每天那里是七节课.这是我星期一时间表。 Every day there are sn lessons.This is my timetable for Monday.

7、 air filter

中文翻译: 动力 空气滤清器 建 空气过滤器 风隔

例句:The present invention relates to an air filter and a method for manu not facting such an air filter. 翻译:发明涉及一种空气过滤器以及用于制造这种空气过滤器方法。。

My dghter did her summer exercises this morning. She tght me five Olympian math pblems this afternoon. Then we dictated the rest conversations in lesson 76. 今天早上,我女儿做了她暑假作业。今天下午,她教了我五道奥数题。接着我们听写了第七十六课剩余对话部分。

8、 The Alcoves

中文翻译: 花园凉亭

例句:Take shelter in the alcoves! 翻译:快躲到洞里去。

RMST is consideng a snth dive next year. RMST正在考虑明年第七次潜水打捞行动。

9、 Already Dead

中文翻译: 跨越亡线 已经了啊 已经去 片

例句:She was already dead before... 翻译:She was already dead before...。

In Wales, young children follow a play-based cculum until the age of 7. 在威尔士,小孩子们xx岁前都是上以玩为主课程。

10、 High altitudes

中文翻译: 高海拔地带 很高地方

例句:Snow leopards live at high altitudes. 翻译:雪豹生活在海拔高地区。 。

I found Chapter 7 (wtten by Michael Feathers) particularly valuable. 我认为第七章(由Micheal Feathers撰写)特别有用。

11、 be amazed at sth

中文翻译: 讶异于某事 对某事感到吃惊

例句:♪baby i'm amazed ♪i'm amazed with you 翻译:♪Maybe I'm amazed♪ ♪Maybe I'm amazed♪ ♪I'm amazed♪。



例句:Congress unaware of a little thing called the First Amendment. 翻译:Congress unaware of a little thing called the First Amendment.。


13、 Extinct Anatomies

中文翻译: 灭绝解剖

例句:And Neanderthal has gone extinct. 翻译:And Neanderthal has gone extinct.。

14、 i can't afford anew car

中文翻译: 我买不起一部新车

例句:We can't afford a new car. 翻译:我们买不起新车 We can't afford a new car.。

15、 pvate Stng announce

中文翻译: 聊天室 会议室

例句:And you'll announce that the bial is pvate. 翻译:要声明下葬仪式不对外。

16、 The Naked Ape

中文翻译: 猿 猴

例句:it shorted, and he went ape. 翻译:and he went ape.。

17、 Chilling Appation

中文翻译: 寒冰幻影

例句:i'm a freak an appation. 翻译:I'm a freak an appation。

18、 Celebty Apprentice

中文翻译: 名人学徒 明星学徒 飞黄腾达 名流学徒

例句:To reli you of this young fellow, yo apprentice. 翻译:yo apprentice.。

19、 arbitration of exchange

中文翻译: 汇兑率 汇兑率裁定 汇率裁定 汇兑套利

例句:That were reported missing o months ago. 翻译:-exchange students。

20、 arork desi

中文翻译: 原图设计 设计及排版

例句:arts,business,desi,industal desi,pduct desi 翻译:arts,business,desi,industal desi,pduct desi。

21、 She Asses Him

中文翻译: 她还让他

例句:As a matter of fact, she thinks she saw him. 翻译:she thinks she saw him.。



例句:Remember to watch Gve High School's TV cable show... 翻译:Attention.。


23、 atypical mycobactea

中文翻译: 分枝杆菌 型分枝杆菌 型分支杆菌

例句:Update on vaccine of recombinant mycobactea eatis of Mycobactea tuberculosis 翻译:结核分枝杆菌重组耻垢分枝杆菌疫苗研究进展。

24、 avenge one's comrades

中文翻译: 替同志们报仇

例句:Not to avenge yo dead comrades. 翻译:不是为他们报仇。

25、 dow jones industal average

中文翻译: 道琼斯工业平均指数

例句:The Dow Jones industal Average (DJi), commonly just referred to as "The Dow" , is an average of the pce of 30 stocks. 翻译:道琼斯工业平均指数DJI,一般简称为“道”,是30只股票平均价格。。

26、 Tony Award

中文翻译: 托尼奖 托尼 托尼戏剧奖

例句:Tony, and Emmy award-winning songs, 翻译:他会演唱他一些奥斯卡、葛莱美。

27、 Axis mundi

中文翻译: 世界之轴 宇宙轴 世界轴

例句:Axis Mundi, a path that runs thugh heaven. 翻译:它被称作世界轴心 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}It's called the axis mundi. 是纵贯天堂一条路 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}It's a path that runs thugh heaven.。

28、 bng home the bacon

中文翻译: 成 谋生

例句:Bng home the bacon, baby. 翻译:记得买培根回来,宝贝。



例句:it's a country lying at the tip of the Balkan Peninsula. 翻译:巴尔半岛最边上国家。



例句:it was... it was a battlegund. 翻译:那裡在打仗。

31、 forward biased

中文翻译: 正向偏压 顺向偏压 电子 正向偏置

例句:Forward, forward, forward. 翻译:走 走 走 Forward, forward, forward.。

32、 blue chip

中文翻译: 蓝筹股 绩优股 优质股票

例句:There's a blue chip the same size as the red chip, but there's no red chip. 翻译:只有蓝芯片 和红芯片大小一样 但没有红芯片。




例句:The boar ters are coming thugh this way. 翻译:The boar ters are coming thugh this way.。

34、 don't boast

中文翻译: 不要夸 不要自夸

例句:i don't want to boast, but... 翻译:我不想吹牛,不過...。

35、 hit boaters

中文翻译: 袭击船员

例句:The boaters slowed down and looked nd, n shining a light onthe water to fige out what they had hit. 翻译:船员减慢了速度并向四周查看,他们用灯光向水面照去想看到底撞到了什么。。

36、 Be In Drunken Brawls

中文翻译: 发酒疯

例句:Domestic violence, drunken brawls. 翻译:家庭暴力 酒后滋事。

37、 refractory bck

中文翻译: 耐火砖

例句:in the condition of the same refractory bck performance, national bck should be chosen pory. 翻译:并提出在耐火砖理化指标相同条件下,应优先选用国产耐火砖。。

38、 bghtened silk yarn

中文翻译: 加光染丝

例句:its sizing effects on bght rayon, noil silk yarn and spun silk yarn are to be fther ed. 翻译:对有光人丝、䌷丝和绢丝上浆效果,尚待作进一步试验研究。 。

39、 economic bubble

中文翻译: 经济泡沫

例句:These were the loans that hypenflated the bubble and pduced the economic csis. 翻译:正是这些贷款 使泡沫飞速膨大, 造成了经济危机。 。

40、 top bumper

中文翻译: 鞋头套垫

例句:The park is jammed, bumper to bumper. 翻译:公园? 公园整个塞住了 一辆接着一辆。



例句:The first to arve at the buoy...! 翻译:第一个到达浮标... !。

42、 pickled cabbage

中文翻译: 大白菜泡菜 醋渍甘蓝菜

例句:You know, this tastes a little bit like pickled cabbage, is that ght? 翻译:这道菜味道 有点像酸菜 对吗。




例句:This is the financial capital of the world. 翻译:This is the financial capital of the world.。

44、 car seat

中文翻译: 车辆座椅

例句:it's a she thing and it's all in me i can be anything that i want to be Don't consider me a minoty 翻译:I haven't sat in the fnt seat of a car...。

45、 Activated carbons

中文翻译: 活碳 活炭 制备出活炭

例句:Plant biomass is one of the most pmising mateals of activated carbons. 翻译:植物生物质资源因其自身特是制备活炭最有前景原料之一。。

46、 black carp

中文翻译: 黑鲩 鲫鱼

例句:The methods for calculating fertility rate of eggs of black carp, grass carp? Silver carp and bighead carp 翻译:青鱼、鱼、链、鳙鱼率计算方法。



例句:in addition, the category that we say is the semanteme category instead of the category of the grammar. 翻译:此外,我们所说范畴是语义范畴而不是语法范畴。。



例句:Cedar Rapids, here we come. 翻译:Cedar Rapids 我们来了 Cedar Rapids, here we come.。

49、 health certificate

中文翻译: 健康证明书

例句:- My certificate of health. 翻译:- 我健康证明。



例句:We admit o belief in the presence of the Healer in all the chaata of the Pentecostal chch. 翻译:我们承认属灵医治者在五旬节教会所有属灵恩赐为我们。 。

51、 chaty school

中文翻译: 慈善学校

例句:"Poor Stephen Strange, chaty case." 翻译:chaty case.。

标签: 男宝宝英文名  D开头英文名  我的世界英文名 

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