
发布时间:2023-05-13 14:51:17 阅读:83 点赞:0




1、The recessive cculums is the summary of P. E. expeences got indirectly and hidenly under P. E. envinment. The dlopment of the P.


2、Therefore, universities must establish the human-centred concept and present it in all aspects of moral work: moral idea, moral contents, moral aim, moral pcess, moral method and assesent.


3、PE teachers and sports-based cculum dlopment relationship;


4、To bng students in sports, people pay attention to "physical education", often overlooked, "day-to-day activities.


5、It is se to have a bght pspect of dlopment. What's , its integty with the general one will ingrain new vitality to the whole dlopment of sport.


6、The sports education at regular colleges gives the ght for students to enjoy physical education, to fully dlops of individuality and personality and is the responsibility of sports education.


7、On the backgund of quality education, the reoentation of physical education lies in the establishment of its correct targets and the emphasis of its educational functions.

这些成果包括了“五育”—德育、 智育、体育、群育和美育。

8、These outcomes embrace five different dimensions, namely, the moral, coitive, physical, social and aesthetic.


9、Mega-sports venues are the support and carers for sport career dlopment.


10、The results should that the contents of P. E teaching in higher learning should be the foundation of the mass health - buidling in university.


11、“True love basketball, just to know what is defeated”


12、It trains PE majors for pmary and junior schools of grass ots ll or guiders for community physical education, which is different fm the talent training standards of fo-year universities.


13、The combination of modern physical culte and traditional culte will be the oentation of physical culte education at teachers colleges and normal unversities.


14、College Girls'"Sports and Health" cculum includes sports-based theoes and practice of sports skills.

15、we want a pe teacher to teach soccer,volleyball and basketball 我们想要一个体育老师来教足球,排球和篮球。


16、It is necessary to set up P. E. teaching concept: pleasable sport, long-life sport and creative sport fm mac-ideolo;


17、Sports bker is the output of pfessionalisation and commercialization of sport.


18、Sports Markeing theoes includes Sports Sponsorship and Sports Public Realtions.

体育纪律处罚; 程序公正; 体育法。

19、Sports discipline; due pcess; sports law.


20、RE . major of normal universities is the cradle which cultivate teachers for the middle school , the main difference with other RE college is that they train teaching fugleman .

21、”Life is like playing basketball, there are too many fake action““生活就像打篮球,有太多假动作。

22、Athletic field, sports equipment and facilities are the indispensable mateal basis for the school sports building.体育场地和体育器材、设施是学校体育建设不可缺少物质基。

23、According to pedago, physical training psycholo and the pnciples of physical education, an expemental research into the relative evaluation of college students P.以教育学、体育心理学和体育理论为指导,对高校公体课学生体育成绩采用相对评价进行了实验研究。

24、We usually do P. E. in the m .我们通常在体育馆上体育课。

25、"I don't care how high the starting point is, the most important thing is the ending point."“我不在乎起点有多高,最重要是终点。

英文句子26:,26、Sports-art is an old concept but Art-sports is very new. Sports-art is the general term of the sports performance as well as the related categoes.体育艺术是指以体育为题材表现体育美,是与体育紧密相关艺术门类总称。

27、Mid-aged physical teachers are very important to physical education, so their health have a direct influence on the quality of education.中年体育教师是体育教育骨力量,他们健康状况直接影响着体育教育事业发展。

28、Compared with the natal sports. expeence sports and traditional sports, the content and methods of the scientific sports show clear scientific charactesti and advance.科学体育内容和方式方法较之自然体育、经验体育和传习式体育,表现出明显科学和先进。

29、To a certain extent, University competitive sports is a special concept beeen the range of competitive sports and college sports or it can be said of China's modern soce of competitive sports .高校竞技体育是高校特竞技体育,在某种程度上说是介于高校体育和竞技体育之间体育现象特殊概念,也可以说是我国近代竞技体育策源地之

30、Good physique, ch knowledge, vaeties of sporting skills and abilities, and good psychological quality are components of physical qualities of students in teachers colleges.强健体质、丰富体育知识、多样运动技能、多种体育能力、良好体育心理品质构成了师范生体育素质内容。

31、Sports insance, including social insance and commercial insance in sports, covers areas such as sports, mass sports and physical education.体育保险包括体育社会保险和体育商业保险,覆盖竞技体育、群众体育和学校体育三个领域。

32、"Physical Theory and Practice" is the Russian State Sports University's sports comprehensive academic publication, the Russian sports one of the main carer of scientific information.《体育理论与实践》是国立体育大学主办体育综合学术刊物,是体育科技主要载体之

33、Called the "Spng Cocoon, " the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center includes a stadium, a mnasium, a swimming pool and a theme park, along with other sporting facilities.被称为“春茧”深圳湾体育中心包括一个体育场、体育馆、游泳池和一个主题公园,连同其他体育设备。

34、There are different sports apparatus in the m.体育馆里有各种体育器材。

35、Modern sports is a conjunction beeen ancient sports and contemporary Sports, it is an important stage in cose of Chinese sports modernization.近代体育是古代体育与现、当代体育交接点,是体育现代进程重要阶段。

36、The sports nucleus industry includes Pfessional sports industry, Popular sports industry, Sports bker industry, Sports lottery and Sports intangible industry.前者包括职业体育产业、大众体育产业、体育经纪业、体育彩票业与体育无形资产业;

37、Sport is the base of community sport dlopment.体育空间是社区体育活动开展基。

38、我和我朋友比尔喜欢体育运动 my fend bill and i like sports. 我和我朋友比尔喜欢体育运动 my fend bill and i like sports.

39、Hey, that's the economic reality in sports and sports departments today.嗨,今天体育界和媒体体育部经济现状就是如此。

40、We will build and better community-based public sports facilities, vigously pmote mass sports activities, raise the ll of competitive sports and dlop the sports industry.加强基层公共体育设施建设,大力开展群众体育活动,提高竞技体育水平,发展体育产业。

41、Based on new physical coses, we bng up such new concepts that No. I Health, PE for all the students, PE for all the life and so on.基于新体育课程推出,对基教育阶段学校体育,提出了健康第


42、As long as sports arbitration is listed in the regulations of sports orizations, it could be applied for its compulsiveness ;体育仲裁具有强制特征,只要体育组织章程中有体育仲裁规定,即可申请体育仲裁;

43、Then the reason to why modern sports and athleti can be the pncipal part of the reports of sports news has been set forward.提出了现代竞技体育成为体育新闻报道主体主要原因:现代竞技体育竞争特点迎合了体育新闻冲突价值要求;

44、The 21~(st) centy is a time of knowledge economy. The P. E teaching reform faces a challenge. The P. E. teaching reform should not be limited to physical education in schools.21世纪是知识经济时代,体育教学改革面临新,学校体育改革不能仅仅局限于学校体育教育,应从宏观视角关注国民体育教育。

45、Sports and sports science are the basic concepts of sports theory.体育学与体育科学是体育学基概念。

46、School sport is the basis of national sport and it is the strategic point of the whole sport work.学校体育是国民体育基,是整个体育工作战略重点。

47、Internatinal Standard Dance is a mixte of athleti, music and dancing, and also the unity of athleti and aestheti.国际标准舞集体育、音乐、舞蹈于一体,是体育与美育结合。

48、Sport is good with o body, if you play sports rday.体育是与我们身体好,如果你玩体育锁具。

49、I am good at sports, sports-loving at the same time.我擅长体育、同时爱好体育。

50、The svey also rals that the physical health of students and their awareness of sports and sports-related acts are positively correlated.学生体育意识与体育行为呈正相关调查还显示出学生体质健康水平与自身体育意识、体育行为成正相关。

经典英文句子51:体育,51、Secondly, the sports s dloped by FUSC and its sub-commissions include sportperformance , whose structes are sport competition, sport training and sports insance.“大体协”及其分会体育市场主要是体育竞赛表演市场,其市场结构是有体育竞赛表演、体育培训、体育保险三个市场构成。

52、Changxing County Stadium in the town stadium Pheasant Road.长兴县体育馆位于雉城镇体育场路。

53、People are the pncipal part of the society and education is most fundamental to a nation.人是社会主体,教育是立国之,在实现素质教育中,学校体育应重视体育社会化能。

54、TV: Sky Sports 电视直播:天空体育2台,天空体育 高清2台

2, Sky Sports HD2

55、Sports related industry includes Sports advertising industry, Sports apparatus industry, Sports insance industry, Sports toist industry, Sports supporting and Sports badcasting industry, etc.后者主要包括体育器材业、体育服装业、体育赞助业、体育广告业、体育保险业、体育旅游业与体育传媒业等;

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