affirmed是什么意思 affirmed的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2023-06-19 14:59:30 阅读:146 点赞:0



1. 肯定

例句:The threat of nuclear confntation in South Afca escalated today... when the military government of that besieged city-state unveiled a French-made neutn bomb and affirmed that it would use it as the city's last line of defense.

翻译:今天南非反对运动升级 被围困军人 公开了一枚法制中子弹。





1. " by jingo ! i think so mineself , " hans affirmed


2. But still i should like to know, Meletus, in what i am affirmed to corrupt the young.

翻译:但是,迈雷托士,告诉我们,你说我是如何蛊惑青年? 。

3. The Affirmed take care of the Chantry and are in tn afforded a life of quiet contemplation, no questions asked.


4. Alastair Campbell, Mr Blair's former spinner, affirmed that Mr Bwn was part of Mr Blair's "pvate circle of consultations" over iraq.


5. At last, siificance and value of Chinese postmodern films should be affirmed, and it would be a lucifeus fute.


6. – That is affirmed, we are in a uncontlled des-

翻译:..及俯仰控制这是 肯定 我们装置处在无法控制。

7. Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire.

翻译:双方均申明答应停火。 。

8. Nicole had affirmed herself as a girl as early as age three.

翻译:妮可认定自己是女孩, 是早在她xx岁时候。 。

9. What Leigh Thompson, Hoon-Seok Choi and i were able to do is, we found that people who had affirmed themselves first were able to take advice fm people who would otherwise be threatening to them.

翻译:雷恩·汤普森 崔洪熙和我发现 那些能够先肯定自我人们 可以接受来自他人建议 而不是把他们当做威胁 。

10. Yes, that is affirmed. We are in a dive. We are in a dive!

翻译:是 这是肯定 我们正在急速下降!。

11. in Russia, the episode affirmed that power still counts for than the law.

翻译:在,这段曲肯定了,权利仍然比法律重要得多。 。

12. And it was these same families that worked so hard to make se that we had safe miccommunities -- we, as immigrant children, to feel affirmed and loved in o identities.

翻译:同样是这些家庭, 他们非常努力地工作以确保我们—— 移民下一代可以有安全小社区, 可以对自己身份确信并热爱。 。

13. You appealed to the cot for this case, but the doctor affirmed that yo or might have deteorated long ago.


14. i was a lusus natae, she affirmed.

翻译:她肯定地说,我是一个天才。 。

15. The cot affirmed that the information can be made public under the Freedom of information Act.

翻译:公开肯定了此能依据《自由法案》公之于众。 。

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