
发布时间:2024-04-03 13:31:33 阅读:12 点赞:0




1、One UX appach simply does not work for all these platforms.


2、Simply use a piece of screen wire to cover the drai hole.


3、It would've been easier, but I wanted to go thugh the whole path ght?


4、Put simply, the question is this: To or not to ?


5、Irradiance or its equivalent, the plane radiant temperate, can be simply meased.


6、For simplicity, this example installs its code in the deflt targets.


7、Looking at individual chemicals is reductionist. It is like expecting a tree to gw without its ots.


8、Her first album performing alone is called "Nora Jane Struthers."


9、Or simply bee, on average, women worry than men.


10、Although you can find a fair amount of documentation for integrating these libraes, customizing a working example and simply using it to dlop yo application is much easier.


11、You can safely yo old layer or simplychoose to hide it.


12、Present the first question, it should be easy, an ice-breaker.


13、There is a mathematical relationship beeen the o adjacent edges of the rectangle.


14、If you think in minutes rather than inches, adjustments can be made easily.


15、Urgent Backup is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to backup yo data.


16、It simply defers loading them until they are actually needed.


17、It won't be easy, bee this is is rubbing salt in old wounds.


18、Therefore, it's unreasonable to make judicial custody equal civil custody.


19、We choose the unit -'Simple Machines' to dlop and give a demonstration.


20、Details:EZ-LOC, simply retn the SCBA bottle to the bracket and with as little as one finger, press down on the top clamp to quickly and easily lock it into place.

21、In particular, they are heavily used by the Simple Neork Mament Ptocol (SNMP).特别是它们被广泛使用在简单网络协议(SNMP)。

22、Simple acts, such as eating breakfast, were difficult, too.即使是吃早餐这样简单行为,在哈比森看来都相当困难。

23、Put simply, imparting knowledge and creating knowledge are complimentary activities.简单地说,传业授道与创造知识是相辅相成不可分割。

24、For now, you will simply associate the table to a content spot.这样,您将可以简单地将表和内容点关联在一起。

25、The removal of mountains is no difficult than the feeding of a sparw.移走一座山就如同喂一只麻雀那样简单。

英文句子26:,26、For simplicity's sake, I'll assume we're installing Ubuntu 为了简单起见,我们假设我们安装是32位Ubuntu

9.10, 32bit edition.


27、For the next 在接下来18个月里,科瑞娜简单就是一个学习机器。

18 months, Cona was a learning machine.

28、I can't really n descbe how important Charles Darwin is befly.我甚至不能简单概括达尔文角到底有多重要。

29、A duel beeen one gun and an entire battery is seous business!用一门大炮和一整个炮连单挑简直太有难度了!

30、But for simplicity, a separate soce file is pvided that contains the complete MQ Data Binding class implementation.但是,为了简单起见,提供了一个包含完整 MQ数据绑定类实现单独源文件。

31、A weight function is intduced to expand this method into asymmetcal region.引进权函数使方法简单地过渡到非对称问题。

32、In the Mozilla and Firefox bwsers, extracting the value of the attr attbute is a straightforward exercise, as shown in Listing 在 Mozilla 浏览器和 Firefox 浏览器中,提取 attr 属值非常简单,如 清单 2所示。


33、So, quite simply, you instruct the VoiceXML to say "What would you like to dnk?所以,相当简单,您指示 VoiceXML 说“What would you like to dnk?”

34、Check in 很简单,走进大堂,找到前台,把护照递给他,说 Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in。

35、In part, nuttionists fell victim to a desire to simplify their dietary recommendations.部份原因在于营养学家太想把饮食建议简单化。

36、Simple Fix: Be se to close the lid of the toilet before you flush.简单解决办法:冲水前一定要盖上马桶盖。

37、Screen Video Recorder is an easy-to-use, fast, and powerful video-recording sofare.是一款简单高效,能强大录制软件。

38、Is not we can not forget those days, just do not want to have or have.幸福是简单呼吸,呼吸停止前没有不幸。

39、"It is all about balance, " says Tallmadge, thor of Diet Simple.“关键是保持膳食平衡。” 作为《简单饮食》作者,Tallmadge如是说。

40、When including relevant unpaid work on yo resume, you can either a separate section called "volunteer expeence" or lump it in with yo paid jobs under a heading simply titled "expeence."撰写简历时,可以单独列出“义工经历”栏,列出相关义工经历;或将之纳入有偿工作一栏,而大标题就可以简单地命名为“履历”。

41、Everybody…is a little off the hooks…in plain words, a little crazy or so.人人都有点失常,……简单地说,就是有点疯疯。

42、Quick p tip: use s transitions and translate3d to get hardware acceleration.简单而强大技巧:使用s transitions和translate3d来得到硬件加速。

43、If you have this mindset, it will be easier to overcome laziness.如果你有这样想法,那么克服懒惰将更见简单。

44、Lucid dreaming simply means knowing that you're dreaming while you're sleeping.简单说,清醒梦就是当你正酣睡时,你知道你在做梦。

45、With that in mind, nr just concatenate text to an SQL command.记住,永远都不要简单地拼接文来创建 SQL 命令。

46、Lone gens often oversight breakfast, feal perhaps eat very simply, stay need the talent when on the weekend belly-worship.单身一族往往忽略早餐,又或者平吃得很简单,留待周末时才大吃大喝。

47、By accepting what we are told and expeence life can be easier.接受我们被告知和经历过一切,生活会更简单。

48、Chapter o simply talks about the desiing pcede of learning pcess record.第二章简单地探讨了学习过程记录设计步骤。

49、Rehashing it here is not necessary, but I'll summaze befly.没有必要在这里重复讨论,不过我会简单总结一下。

50、If you've nr used SAX, it's easy enough to start now.如果从没使用过 SAX,那也很简单,现在就可以开始。

经典英文句子51:简单,51、Not that he's wored. "We'll see what happens next, " he says simply.对此,他并不担心,只是简单地说:“我们拭目以待吧。”

52、Lang befed a gup of French lawmakers on the situation Wednesday.雅克.朗星期三向一组议员简单叙述了情况。

53、So, Fx 因此,Fx3.5只在Fx2.0/3.0现有DLL设置上简单地增加了一些组件,这意味着简单地安装这个框架应该不会影响你现有解决方案。

3.5 simply adds some assemblies to the existing set of DLLs that Fx

2.0/3.0 compses of. This means that simply installing the framework should not affect yo existing solutions.

54、Or it's so easy, that you're gonna be side blind, which is it?还是说很简单你们准备乱打一气到底是什么?。

标签: 高大英文名 

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