
发布时间:2023-06-05 11:37:37 阅读:88 点赞:0

关于”国庆节“英子29个,句子主体:National Day。以下是关于国庆节xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:National Day


1、Today, I happened to be the National Day peod of time can be used again for understanding some of the Manchukuo Palace.

同一时期,首届中原 动漫 嘉年华在河南郑州揭幕,第三届西部 动漫节则在重庆开展。

2、Dung the same peod, the first carnival in Zhengzhou, Henan Zhonuan opening animation, animation festival is the third in western China in Chongqing.


3、Trump fther wished the Chinese people 'a happy Lantern Festival and pspeus Year of the Rooster' as they celebrate Lunar New Year.


4、Gongs, firecrackers exploded rywhere permeated with festive holiday!


5、Many Norwegians will don bunads, formal dress with traditional local ogins, on May 17th, Norways national day, and for weddings and festive occasions.


6、It is usually celebrated in September or Ocotber.


7、in 2008, he was intergated (and beaten of cose) after he ted to orize a celebration of International Women's Day.

years.After the dark and defficult time, we become much stnger,cher.The quality o people's life has impved a lot.已du经建立了xx年。

8、The People's Republic of China has been set up for

小朋友们爱不释手。 皮蒂娜园长表示,希望每年都能和使馆一起庆祝儿童节。

9、She hoped that the children in the kindergarten would become a fendship bdge beeen China and Bulgaa when they grew up.


10、Both of these nts ed kick off the six-month China in London season, which runs until the Olympic Games begin in Beijing.

愿这梅雨节带给你永远幸运!Full Ying Guo, Woods Hone dance tumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng rything. This grand festival will bng you rlasting lucky!


12、Beang(忍受) in mind could not but make facial(表面) feates(特征) for each bent(弯曲),


13、Users of Google in the UK, France and Canada were greeted with the gry blue character's familiar 'googly eyes' in hono of the pgramme's fo decades on air.


14、They entered into the spit of the occasion (=be to enjoy and feel part of it)


15、This — the of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Manes, and Coast Guarden — makes o annual celebration of this day possible.


16、The annual bull-taming festival is celebrated as part of south India's harvest festival of Pongal. (REUTERS/Babu)


17、If it is passed dung the crent sittings the legislation could commence as early as Australia Day 2007, 26 January.


18、Chinese -boat race is a non-traditional water sports and entertainment pjects, has been than o thousand years, mostly in festivals held.


19、My whole family went to a restaant and celebrates for this holiday.


20、Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy.

21、Today it's celebrated all acss the country, though its largest gatheng takes place in Punxsutawney, Pa., also the location of the 1993 Bill Mray classic, “Gundhog Day.”今天,全国都在庆祝这个节,但最庆祝活动在宾夕法尼亚普克托尼克,这里也是xx年比尔•默里经典作品诞生地,“土拨鼠”。

22、This is the season to celebrate dreams, angels and visitations fm God!这是庆祝异梦、天使、和神造访季节!

23、Ukrainians bathe in the Dnieper ver in Kiev on January xx年xx月19,乌克兰人沐浴在基辅(乌克兰国首都)段德涅伯河中,来庆祝显现节。

19, 2011 dung Epiphany celebrations.

24、Next day Henry went to Wye, a manor near Ashford, where he celebrated Easter “with his earls and bans”.而后,亨利国王去了怀伊(Wye)——阿什福德(Ashford)附近领地,与当地贵族一起庆祝复活节。

25、Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy.因为宽扎节是一个感悟和喜庆时刻。

英文句子26:,26、They come to celebrate Oktoberfest, pbably the largest public festival in the world.他们来庆祝“啤酒节”──可能是世界上最公众节。

27、Therefore, Lammas is the first of three harvesting celebrations.因此,收获节是第一个三个收获庆典。

28、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hone dance tumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng rything. This grand festival will bng you rlasting lucky!万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这梅雨节带给你永远幸运!

29、January 26, the date of the first Eopean settlement of the continent in 1788, is Australia's national day.xx年xx月26,第一批欧洲移民在这里定居,这一天也就是澳大利亚国庆节。

30、In Germany, the rgreen tree was used in worship and celebration of the Yule god, also in observance of the resrected sun god.在德国,常绿树用于礼拜和庆祝圣诞节之神,也是在纪念复活太阳神。

31、In fact, the only holiday that seems to be celebrated by the whole wizarding community is Hallowe'en.实际上,唯一整个巫师社会全民庆祝节是万圣节前夜。

32、The major parades occ on Mardi Gras Day and the weekend before, and feate elaborate and colorful costumes and decorated floats.大巡游出现狂欢节国庆和周末之前,并具有详细和五颜六服装和装饰彩车。

33、He's in Australia for World Youth Day celebrations.他在澳大利亚参加世界青年节庆典。

34、Holiday workers is the fute of the summer, and light and fertility.朔“ - ”凯尔特人节和庆祝活动。五朔节是未来光,夏季和生育能力。

35、The People's Republic of China has been set up foryears.After the dark and defficult time, we become much stnger,cher.The quality o people's life has impved a lot.已经建立了xx年。

36、Or maybe they wee feeling solemn — for National Day is a respectable and seous occasion, unlike, say, New Year's Eve.他们也许感到庄严肃穆,因为国庆毕竟是个可敬而严肃时刻,与除夕之类节不同。

37、The B has today lnched a year long sees of pgrammes and activities celebrating science that coincides with the Royal Society’s 350th anniversary.在庆祝英国皇家学会350周年之际,B 在今天展开了为期xx年节目和活动。

38、Pattern Sunflower participated in the exhibition ?Fantasy" in Eastlink Gallery in Shanghai and the 1st Huangjiaoping International Arts Festival in Chongqing."作品“纹”参加上海东廊展览:范特西和重庆第一届黄桷坪国际艺术节主题艺术展。

39、And he ordered the seasons, and holidays of them, and in them they celebrated festivals at an ho.他规定了不同时令和季节,以便在那些时节内,依时庆祝一些节。

40、In the bottom(底部) of my heart deeply grateful to the ancestors(祖先) of the feat(壮举),

41、It's that time of year again -- time for holiday cheer, gift-giving, and bonus checks.又到了xx年中这个时节——人们欢庆节、互赠礼物、奖金。

42、Every year, as part of the Plum Village tradition we celebrate both the Ullambana and the Rose Ceremony together.在梅村传承,我们每年将「盂兰节」及「玫瑰节」一同庆祝。

43、These pgrams usually focus on the Waldorf story cculum, the arts, and festival celebrations .这些节目通常集中在华德福故事课、艺术和节庆典上。

44、People watch fighting buffalos dung the Donian Festival for the Dong ethnic minoty gup in Rongjiang county, Guizhou pvince, January xx月10,在贵州省榕江县侗族少数族群,观赏斗水牛以庆祝侗年节。

10, 2008.

45、Good ning, Gen. Xiao, it's a great honor and please to be celebrating yo army anniversary together with so many Chinese fends.晚上好,肖将军,我很高兴以及非常荣幸能和这么多朋友们一起庆祝你们建军节。

46、For the festival, over 70 of the city's most popular restaants set up booths in the park.为了庆祝这个节庆,芝加哥市内超过70家最受好评餐馆会在公园内设摊位。

47、The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Floda and had a happy time. Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo. Pan Yi and I went there by car.国庆节那个周末,我和季红、刘振国、潘毅几个朋友乘小汽车到达佛罗里达州,在那里玩得很痛快。

48、The sacfice of a ship to a god. This traditional ceremony hold ry three years in the south of …居住地xx年一次民俗节庆-南州迎王庆典(王船祭),家家户户张灯结彩,�…

49、To a deep toust culte atmosphere for holiday Zhuhai, Xiangzhou Distct will hold the 2nd Leise & Toust Culte Festival dung the National Day Holidays.国庆黄金周期间,香洲区将举办第二届休闲旅游文化节,为节珠海营造浓厚旅游文化氛围。

50、Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people belid that witches gathered together and s amed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer beli in s and witches. But these supernatal beings are still a part of Halloween. 万圣节前夜是在xx月31庆祝一个节,根据传统,万圣节前夜庆祝活动从太阳落山开始。

经典英文句子51:国庆节,51、Suspended fm a cliff by sling wires, 4对泰国情侣由钢丝索在悬崖上,在这个庆祝情人节“飞行婚礼”中说出了“我愿意”。

4 Thai couples are saying, ‘I do’ in a ‘flying wedding’ ceremony to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

52、Chstmas is a Western festival. Visit fireworks to celebrate the arval of the new year!圣诞节是西方节。回访礼花来庆祝新xx年到来!

53、Bill: Yes, of cose. One of my Chinese fends also asked me to go to his home in the celebration of the nt some day next week.比尔:当然。我一个朋友也邀请我下周某天去他家庆祝这个节呢。

54、"We will try o best to a festive envinment at an economical cost," said the spokesperson.国庆60周年北京筹委会新闻发言人表示:“我们将尽最大努力,以最少花费营造节气氛。”

55、The annual bull-taming festival is celebrated as part of south India's harvest festival of Pongal.xx年一度驯牛节是庆祝当地Pongal丰收节一部分。

56、He also extended congratulations to the Moldovan guests on the National Day of Moldova, and asked Ostapciuk to pass on his cordial regards to President Vonin.今天是贵国国庆,在此谨向各位朋友致以节祝贺。 他请奥斯塔普丘克转达他对沃罗宁总统亲切问候。

57、French influence continued to dominate the city, howr, especially in the Vieux Carré and in the celebration of Mardi Gras.然而,影响支配着这个城市,特别是在教学法事和狂欢节庆祝活动中。

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