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关于”主语加谓语“英子33个,句子主体:subject plus predicate。以下是关于主语加谓语专业英子。

英文句子模板1:subject plus predicate


1、I read English language and literate, which doesn’t prepare you for any career whatsor.


2、O major coses are Chinese, Maths and English.


3、Pduction and comprehension of utterances are o main subjects of praati.


4、The so-called homophone pblem actually stems fm the fact that the English language has very irregular spelling, perhaps so than any other language.


5、How's it different? Just mainly the sounds and how fast somebody speaks

但同时, 这位xx岁黑龙江外国语学院英语专业女生,正面临着她所谓“财政危机”。

6、But meanwhile, this 23-year-old English major at Heilongjiang International University was faced with what she called a "financial csis".


7、University degree and above in English or normal English.


8、With regard to the study of euphemi, it is limited to the range in related to taboo in English, while in Chinese euphemi is treated as a kind of rhetocal device.


9、until my BEC English corner be and he attended the oral English practice I held, he stared at me stunningly.


10、The article used the theory of social linguisti and praati, fm the synchnic angle, we focus the discussion on the absence phenomenon of social address forms.


11、A few words have been added into contemporary mainstream Amecan English.


12、The languages touched upon in the article refer to: the host's term, caption, instant interview , the advertising language and neork language.


13、Self-assesent marker is the pduct of grammaticalization and its meaning is charactezed by subjectivization.


14、I missed you the moment I left yo side. I am hrying back to be with you.


15、Chinese language teachers is the main implementation of the new cculum, students are the main language education.


16、Lastly, discuss the generalization pblem of Chinese and koren kinship terms.


17、This includes the use of swear-words, bad language and offensive nicknames.


18、English for Science and Technolo is a major sub-division of English for Specific Pposes (ESP), and it is a functional varying style.

( 发生于谓语动作之后)里德先生应邀在会议上发言。

19、Mr. Rieder was invited to make a speech at the meeting.


20、In the part of contents, it expounds that the education of language mainly includes pnunciation, character, vocabulary, grammar, spoken language training, reading, and wting etc.

21、The traditional collectivi in Chinese socialist context has separated itself fm the present living context by reason of its non-histocal discose.语境中传统集体主义,其非历史话语已脱离了时代语境。

22、Contextualists hold that attbution of knowledge depends on the context of attbutor, and epistemic standard varys along with context.语境主义者主张,知识归因依赖于归因者语境,知识标准随着语境不同而不同。

23、Preached in Mandan with simultaneous Cantonese translation held in the main sanctuary.主崇拜于上午十一点半到十二点半在主堂举行,国语证道,粤语。

24、It'll also be ful for us to use Modern Chinese Spouse Appellations pperly, and for s-language translation and Teaching Chinese as a Forei Language, etc.文研究为词汇学、社会语言学、语用学等领域提供基研究资源,为人们对配偶称谓语得体使用、跨语言翻译、对外汉语教学等提供参考与帮助。

25、Terminological lettered-words use in jonali is closely related with one of the three major language elements, language domain, which refers to the content that the text relates to.新闻语体中术语字母词使用主要和语言三要素之一语场即语篇所谈及内容有关。

英文句子26:,26、Woodworking machines. disc sanding machines with spindle in fixed position. nomenclate.木材加工机械。主轴定位圆盘式磨光机。专用术语。

27、But while India takes the initiative to speak their language, the Chinese are quickly polishing their English and also picking up Hindi.就在印度主动学习中文时候,在加紧提高英语水平并学习印地语。

28、Translation consists in repducing in the receptor language the closest natal equivalent of the soce language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近自然对等语再现原语,首先是意义,其次是文体。

29、Address forms, as a special part of language, are closely related to culte, and in a sense, it is a dominant cultal morpholo.作为语言一个特殊组成部分,称谓语与文化密切相关,是一种显文化形态。

30、Thughout the Latin quarter, Spanish is a predominant language.在拉丁区西班牙语是主要语言。

31、It's very hard to see how you explain that in physicalist terms.都很难运用物理主义术语加以解释

32、Address forms are a kind of linguistic and social phenomenon which only human owns. It is closely related with power, solidaty and polite pnciple.称谓语是人类特有一种语言现象和社会现象,它与权势、同等语义及礼貌原则息息相关。

33、After the discussion about the interrelatedness beeen praati and coitive linguisti, p…还讨论了语用学与认知语言学、心理语言学、认知心理学之间主要联系;

34、She mainly explores praati and applied linguisti.主要研究方向为语用学与应用语言学。

35、The pblems in college English wting lie in the aspects of diction, grammar, coherence and the thesis.目前,我国学生在大学英语写作中问题主要在于措词、语法知识、语篇衔接以及文章主题方面;

36、Some things, again, are present in a subject, but are nr predicable of a subject.有些事物存在于主语中,但是不能表述主语。

37、So wte the so called soce code which is in a specific language.用指定编程语言,写出所谓源代码。

38、Nominalization is the main soce of grammatical metaphor in news discose as it is in scientific discose.与科技语篇一样名词化是新闻语篇中语法隐喻主要来源。

39、Two years later they bought Warsaw-based Uda toiletes.两年后,他们又并购了谓语华沙乌诺达化妆品公司。

40、In address term, the appellation is deeply influenced by traditional culte, which cares ch and pfound cultal connotation.称谓语中,对人称谓深受传统文化影响,它承载着丰富、深厚文化内涵。

41、As a semantic language, Chinese is topic pminent with lower degree of grammaticalization, and its cohesion depends largely on non-linguistic presuppositions instead of linguistic ones.汉语是一种主题突出语义型语言,语法化程度较低,其衔接在很大程度上依赖于非语言线索。

42、Speech pathologists, officially called speech-language pathologists and sometimes called speech therapists, work with people who have a vaety of speech-related disorders.言语病理学家,正式名称为语言语音病理学家,有时也叫做言语治疗师,他们主要同有语言障碍人打交道。

43、One guy ted to pick me up using something he called “the muffle voice.一个哥们用他所谓“腹语”,想跟我搭讪。

44、Mostly borwed fm English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers.这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说族语人们理解形式。 。

45、Both Coitive Semanti and Conceptual Semanti take psychologist linguistic view which stresses the study on mental pcesses and coitive strategies.作为颇有影响力认知语言学科,认知语义学与概念语义学从心理主义语言观出发,主张研究人思维过程和认知策略。

46、So-called rest, I mean you forget all those absorbed language mateals and thw th into yo subconscious mind.所谓休息,我是指,完全把所吸收语言材料统统忘掉,把它们抛入潜意识得到加工处理。

47、None of them spoke English except Tallit.除了塔利特,他们中没有人会说英语。(主语)

48、The mixte of the Chinese language and Western languages means that in the wtten Chinese communications, some words of Western languages (mainly English words) are occasionally used.汉语书面语中中文夹杂外文,就是汉语书面语中杂用西洋文字(主要是英文)书写词语。

49、It can you with yo pnunciation and let you hae the sense you need when you speak English.而无须再做更多无谓投资。你可以借助它来攻克发音和培养英语语感。

50、In s language conditions, o hemispheres can offer gain effect.对于跨语言语义加工,双脑有增益效应;

经典英文句子51:主语加谓语,51、Fang Ning : Master in English Linguisti and Literafe, Shandong Vniversity. Major and Research interests:English Listening.方宁:山东大学英语语言文学硕士。主授《英语听力》课程。

52、In conclusion, semantically, vague expressions in MEE increase the fuzziness, but praatically, some of them serve to decrease the fuzziness.总之,机英语中模糊语在语义上增加了模糊,而在语用上,部分模糊语却具有减轻模糊作用。

53、One day the king went to see the artist himself.一天,国王亲自去看那位画家。(主语同位语)

54、That and the Cacate florae acicularae -- that's the one he put on my old owner.咒语pes petrat和咒语Cacate florae acicularae,后者是他用在我旧主人身上咒语。

55、This study was desied to investigate the facilitative effects of csal coherence of a text on constructing the theme of a narrative text by Chinese EFL learners.研究旨在考察语篇因果连贯对英语学习者叙事语篇实时主题推理加工过程影响。

56、It s the preparedness of non-native English speakers for university-ll studies in English.该英语考试主要考察英语非母语者进入大学学习准备情况。

57、The square Yao characters consist of Han characters with Han-imitating Yao characters as a supplement.方块瑶文由汉字和仿汉瑶字组成,记录语言是以汉语为主、瑶语为辅汉瑶混合语。

58、A: In science, English happens to be the pmary language.答:在科学领域,英语碰巧是主要语言。

59、A tple's subject and predicate must be expressed as Is to make them completely unambiguous, and standard schemas and best practices for doing this with popular domains are gaining matity.三元组主语和谓语必须表达为 I,以便彻底明确,并且利用流行领域做这件事情标准模式和最佳实践变得越来越成熟。

60、Language translation is mainly to deal with Language factors and non-language factors pperly.语言翻译主要是对语言因素和非语言因素恰如其分处理。

61、Basic English is one of the main coses in English specialized coses.基英语是英语专业主课程。

62、Ding the teaching, teachers should attach importance to students'basic skills of oral English, and to the establishment of the context for students to impve their oral English.师范院校英语教学要通过加强英语口语基训练、重视课堂口语教学,创设英语口语环境等方式来大力提高师范生英语口语能力。

63、There are mainly o kinds of linguistic barers in learning college English listening.大学英语听力学习中主要存在语言障碍和非语言因素障碍两大类。

、The subjectivity le of the translators should be played in the translation of law terms and should thus manifest itself in the form of term-absence, semantic non-equivalents and the choice of terms.法律术语翻译中译者主体主要体现在语词空缺、语意不对以及语词选择等方面。

65、Pfound food culte has a great influence of Chinese Vocabulary. There are many diet-related vocabulary. I found in the teaching pcess that students interested in them.博大精深饮食文化对汉语言语汇影响可谓巨大,与饮食有关语汇处处可见,笔者在教学过程中发现,留学生对此类语汇很感兴趣。

66、Utterance pduction and utterance comprehension are o main themes in praati. Utterance comprehension is an extremely complicated pblem.话语产生与话语理解是语用学研究两大主题,话语理解是一个极其复杂问题。

67、Self-assesent mateal is a branch of self-access learning mateals.语言自主评估材料是语言自主学习材料中一种。

68、Therefore, full awareness as well as good understanding of the social and cultal ots behind them will contbute to pper translation of personal appellations on the ll of praatic equival…因此,了解汉英称谓差异以及差异背后社会文化根源有助于我们从语用对等层面正确地翻译称谓语。

69、The premodern study on the tone of Japanese made great contbution to the recovery of the dominant le of language, and laid emphasis on the research on subjective meaning.语语气前现代研究,主要绩在于恢复语言主体,提倡对主观意义研究。

70、I don't want to get mared. 英文和中文不一样,中文可以不加主语,但是英文一定要。

71、He has conducted research and published in the fields of Sociolinguisti, SFL, Applied Linguisti and the English Language Teaching.目前主要研究领域:社会语言学,能语言学,应用语言学,英语教学。

72、As a special part of the language, the appellation, which is a dominant formation, is closely related with the culte.作为语言一个特殊组成部分,称谓语与文化密切相关,是一种显文化形态。

73、My major subjects are Chinese, English and maths.我主修科目是语文,英语和数学。

74、Chinese and Uygh addressing terms have many differences in classification of kinship terms. There are some differences different in language use.汉、维称谓语不仅分类标准不同,语用方面也存在一些差异。

75、Tongxiang language is Tongxiang national minoty's mother tongue, also the children first language and the major language used among the minoty citizens.东乡语是东乡族语、儿童第一语言和社区交际主要用语。

英文句子模板76:subject plus predicate,76、How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles yo own language.连它语音体系也比汉语更接近西班牙语。 一种语言是否难学,主要看它在多大程度上同自己语言相近。

77、Ellipsis in Chinese usually refers to the omission of subject.汉语省略主要是主语。在英译汉时需要重复原词。

78、He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.他感到习语是语言主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动短语,他想法是很有道理。

79、In this way the Baima kinship terms are differentiated with different combinations and different numbers of semantic feates.这样就通过不同数量语义特征不同组合区分出了各个白马语亲属称谓词汇。


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