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关于”中表示倍数常见句型“英子45个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns for multiples in。以下是关于中表示倍数常见句型专升英子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns for multiples in

一位官员表示,有句老话,“眼见为实”。 因此我们邀请了南方这家工厂,以及它质量管控经理。

1、Seeing to beli it is why we were invited to this factory in southern China, with its own quality contl .


2、The patholo types were mainly moderately and well differentiated adenocarcinoma in elder gup, and there were not siificant differences in young gup.


3、Blue represents the most energetic light in this image, which is at a wavelen of

3.6 micns,

5 times the wavelen of the least energetic light that o eyes can detect.



4、Minaceae is a very common gup of mosses, many of them are gall aphis's midst hosts, which are of siificant economic value.

类似文件大小增加在表示 EDI 数据时非常典型,如对于 ebXML 项目。

5、A similar increase in size is typical in representing EDI data, such as for ebXML pjects.


6、A normal fertility of G-cytoplaic "Yz-3" means exist of G-type fertility restorer gene in the E genome of octoploid ttitgia line, "Yz-3".


7、"Again" an adverb is frequently used before a verb or a quantifier and it refers to "once ", such as goodbye and once again.


8、A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually beeen o acoustic or electc sials, equal to ten times the common logathm of the ratio of the o lls.


9、But low doses of oral steids were common among top track athletes, Vobiev said.


2 lists and descbes some of the common dialects used in data mining.

2 列出并描述了数据挖掘中使用一些比较常见方言。


11、Indicates the definition in a definition list. The definition is usually indented in the definition list.

参见 参考资料 中大型站点地图示例。

12、See Resoces for examples of larger site maps.


13、In the compason with the national norm: The P and N scores in EPQ in the acute glcoma gup were higher than the national norm and those in the chnic glcoma gup.


14、This member represents an attenuation constant.


15、The agency said about

16, 000 of usual 28, 000 daily flights were canceled Fday -- ice as many as were canceled a day earlier.


16、Gets the metadata associated with the genec parameter constraint represented by the specified constraint token.



1 illustrates the types of verdicts you might see.

1 展示了您可能见到结果类型。

现在,Tom 将域模型与表示 GSDB 模式物理数据模型中特定列关联起来。

18、Tom now associates the domain models with the specific columns in the physical data model that represent the GSDB schema.


19、The pnoun on is used much often to mean we than nous.


20、In china waving hands means saying goodbye.

21、Infix notation is the conventional notation for athmetic expressions.中缀表示法是算术表达式常规表示法。

22、In the following o diagrams we can see examples of OCAs where data (represented by a green database) is persisted locally on the remote worker's device.在下面2个图表中我们见到OCA 例子,数据(用绿数据库表示)位于外部员工地设备上。

23、Widgets for displaying common elements such as edit boxes, lists, and dp-down lists用于显示一些常见组件(例如编辑框、列表和下拉列表)小部件

24、In sample 在示例

2, the XML document ( input_cust_cnt.xml) represents a typical scenao that contains data distbuted into only o tables, one referencing the other.

2 中,XML 文档( input_cust_cnt.xml)代表这样一个典型场景:其中包含只分发到两个表数据,且其中一个表引用另一个表。

25、The Stoxx 600 is trading at about 根据彭博社采集数据显示,斯托克600指数中企业估值倍数为11倍,接近xx年xx月以来最低水平。

11 times the estimated pfits of its companies, near the cheapest valuation since Apl 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

英文句子26:,26、Floats can also be expressed using exponents, as shown Listing 还可以使用指数表示浮点数,参见 清单



27、For example manufacting companies often receive order with files of wire-frame representing desi of pgressive stpe without any geometc and topologic descption.例如,工业制造商经常收到线框模型表示三维实体文数据,其中不附带任何几何与拓扑描述。

28、A common example includes "like-dislike" polls, in which numerals have been assied to attbutes (常见示例包括“好恶”测验,其中将数字分配给各个属(从

1 = Stngly dislike to

5 = Stngly like).

1 = 非常厌恶到

5 = 非常喜欢)。

29、A binary number, as you've seen, can be used to represent a rule, and an integer can be used to represent the state of a CA cell at a given step.如您所见,可以用一个二进制数表示一个规则,可以用一个整数表示 CA 细胞在给定步数时状态。

30、The attack was correlated with a 30-fold increase in the B update messages at a monitong point.结果显示,攻击期间,监测点B更新数是正常情况下30倍。

31、"If you put in a box all the ways that dark ener might differ fm the coological constant, that box would now be three times aller, "says Riess.亚当·瑞斯说:“如果你一直用盒子来表示暗能量与宇宙学常数区别,那么现在盒子已经缩小了3倍。

32、Results showed that the cardiac enlargement in X-ray films was 78.8%, .3%of them were slight enlargements . 83.7%of cardiac enlargements were categozed as mitral type.结果表明,X线上心脏增大占78.8%,多数为轻度增大,占.3%,心脏增大形态中以二尖瓣型多见,占83.7%,少数表现为普大―二尖瓣型、普大型及主动脉型。

33、There are many types of tbogenerators vibrating flt that add up to tens, but the common flts account for 95 percent of those.振动 故障有很多类型, 总计有数十种之多,但其中数种常见 故障发生率占了总数95%以上。

34、O model of rational readers seeking information shows that, indeed, consistent with economists' pors, media reporting is unbiased.寻求数据我们理读者模型表示,确, 一致与经济学者,居先,媒体报告是没有偏见。

35、The marginal density of hyperbolic model can fit the marginal density oained by nonparametc estimation very well, outperforming some popular interest rate models, such as CIR, CKLS and AG model;双曲模型边际密度和非参数估计得到边际密度函数拟合较好,其表现远远优于几个常见利率模型(CIR、CKLS和AG模型)。

36、What is clear is that consumers' move to low-cost laptops--including netbooks--is keeping PC shipments fm slipping fther. Netbooks shipments remain on track to double in 2009, IDC said.显而易见是,消费者转向包括netbook在内低价笔记型电脑,令PC出货免于进一步滑落.IDC表示,笔记型电脑出货有望在xx年成长一倍.

37、Howr, the vagaes of representing non-integral numbers do occasionally sneak into otherwise integer-centc pgrams.然而,在以整数为主程序中有时确实会出人意料地需要表示非整型数据。

38、They represent the aggregate state of a set of database objects, one of which is normal and all others are considered non-normal.它们代表一组数据库对象合计状态,其中一个状态表示正常,其他所有状态表示非正常。

39、RDF is often used to represent semi-structed data.RDF 经常被用来表示半结构化 数据。

40、Parenthetical text indicates the parameter name.中括号中文字表示参数名称。

41、In traditional intertemporal-decision pblems, individual's time preference is often formed as a constant discounting rate.在传统跨期决策模型中,人们时间偏好通常被表达为常数贴现率。

42、It's three different second devatives in terms of the three different parameters.它是用三个不同常数表示,三个不同二阶导数。

43、Although this would be common for the EPC appach, nts are represented quite differently in the other appaches.虽然这在 EPC 方法中十分常见,但在其他方法中,事件表示形式则大相径庭。

44、Otherwise, both must be plain integers and no conversion is necessary (in the upcoming diagram, this descbes the ghtmost arw).否则,两者必然都是普通整数,无须类型转换。(参见下文中示意图)

45、Objective To study the relationship beeen some T syndmes and some blood serum adhesion molecule expressions, especially for sputum stasis syndme.目探讨老年人常见中医证候分型中黏附分子表达,比较痰浊阻遏证与正常对照组之间差异。

46、Even the o rarest (thulium and lutetium) are nd 200 times common than gold.即使最罕见两种(铥和镥)也比金常见200倍。

47、Data collected locally shows that average visibility in 1950 stood at 30 kilometres ― ice that of today.当地收集数据表明,xx年当地平均可见度是30公里,是现在两倍。

48、The Bulman-Lagrange sees is befly intduced and the asymptotic expressions of sral common transcendental equations are deved.简要介绍了布尔曼-拉格朗级数,并推出了几个常见超越方程解渐近表示。

49、In this example, I excluded common backup files.在这个示例中,排除了常见备份文件。

50、And the treatment of practical used anisotpic 3D image data is also discussed. Some expemental results about real medical image database(CT, MRI) show that t…提出和实现了实际中常见各向异分辨率数据显示方法,对实际医学图象数据(CT,MRI)实验结果表明,该方法具有许多优点。

经典英文句子51:中表示倍数常见句型,51、You can wte one of them as a constant times the other one, and that constant usually one uses the Greek letter lambda. I don't know if you have seen it before.你可以把其中一个,写成另外一个乘以某个常数,而这个常数,通常就表示为希腊字母λ,我不知道你们见过没有。

52、There are some things to cover in a comprehensive lesson on Erlang, but let's finish off with the workhorse data type list在全面 Erlang 课程中还要讨论很多东西,但这里最终只提供了一个常用数据类型列表示例


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