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托福必背单词表,是英语考察一部分,这里搜集了419个关于“食品英语词汇”新课标词汇,包括翻译、例句以及 seizes and absences 、 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 、 activist investor 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

托福必背单词表,是英语考察一部分,这里搜集了419个关于“食品英语词汇”新课标词汇,包括翻译、例句以及 seizes and absences 、 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 、 activist investor 等词汇,希望帮助需要同学。

1、 seizes and absences

中文翻译: 惊厥与失神发作

例句:-Fm Customs' seizes, sir! 翻译:-What is this filth? -Fm Customs' seizes, sir!。

The cose compse the physiological function and pcess of nuttional supplements, functional foods, desiers foods and pharmacy foods. 此课程包含特殊营养食品、机能食品、计划食物及药剂营养食品之加工、生理能介绍。

2、 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt

中文翻译: 收到舱单回执

例句:# Not a map, or a receipt # 翻译:# Not a map, or a receipt #。

Food Pcessing Industry : focus on pducing green food as beers and ce crackers. 食品加工产业: 以生产绿保健食品,食品配料,米果等产品为主。


3、 activist investor

中文翻译: 行动派投资人 激进投资者

例句:Nelson Peltz, an Amecan activist investor, is waging a campai for influence over the mament of the Btish company. 翻译:一位活跃投资者Nelson Peltz正在发起攻势以扩大对该英国公司层影响。 。

Low-acid eating rebalances the diet: fewer high-acid foods and high-alkaline ones. 低酸进食就再次平衡了饮食:高酸食品减少了,高碱食品增加了。

4、 additional premium

中文翻译: 附加保险费 追加 额外保险费 追加保费

例句:Standby premium [MiGA] Additional premium charged for standby coverage. 翻译:后备保险费[多边投资担保机构]对备用承保额另外收取保险费。。

Buy: Heath Food, Honey Pducts, Pet Foods, Snack Food, Confectionery , Spices & Seasonings, Food Paciking, Food Pcessing, Peocessing Machinery. 采购:保健食品,蜂蜜,猫食,点心,糖果,香料,调味品,食品包装,食品加工机械。

5、 The Adoration of the Magi

中文翻译: 贤士来朝 东方三博士崇拜 阿尔布雷希特

例句:One religious painting he nr finished was called "Adoration of the Magi" . 翻译:他从来没有完成一个画被称为“贤士来朝”。。

Whether you like Indian food, western food, or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore! 无论你喜欢印度食品,西方食品,还是食品,你都能在新加坡找到!

6、 Supersonic Ae International

中文翻译: 超音速航空国际公司 超音速宇航国际公司

例句:Crupps international Ae. 翻译:Crupps lnternational Ae (克拉普斯国际宇航公司)。

Chinese charactestic food, pducts of old and famous Chinese brands, casual food, new and special food; 特食品、老字号、休闲食品和其他名优新特食品;



例句:O ruler of my country, Oedipus, you see o company nd the altar, and i, the pest of Zeus. 翻译:you see o company nd the altar the pest of Zeus.。

B. like snack foods as saltiness is their pmary flavor. 快餐食品是他们最主要食品。

8、 ancestor node

中文翻译: 先辈节点 原始节点 计 祖先节点

例句:Don't talk so much, worship o ancestor! 翻译:worship o ancestor!。

Food additive can impve the quality of food, extend the storage time and increase the food nutents. 食品添加剂可以改善食品品质,延长食品保存期,增加食品营养成分。



例句:This is the Chen ancestral home 翻译:这里呢 就是我们陈家祖宅了。

On each fair, than 1000 enterpses nd China take part in the exhibitions and all kinds of famous, special and new pducts, such as food, wines, brages, and specialties are on display. 有来自全国各地名特优新食品、绿食品、粮油食品、速冻食品、调味品、酒类、饮料、土特产品等一千多家企业参展。

10、 Anglo-Saxon

中文翻译: 盎格鲁 盎格鲁撒克逊

例句:... isa contraction of the Anglo-Saxon word "wer" ... 翻译:是由 古盎格鲁 -撒克逊语里"人"。

How often do you take health or nuttion supplements? 请问您多常食用营养食品或健康食品(如维他命等)呢?

11、 soft answer

中文翻译: 温和回答 轻轻回答 委婉回答

例句:The whole barracks is unmilitary. 翻译:Soft Shoes. Soft Shoes.。



例句:"Rather, as war and antagoni are the natal states of man, 翻译:与战争和对抗一样, 是人之。




例句:Tell her to take the antibiotic. 翻译:告诉她,拿着抗生素 Tell her to take the antibiotic.。



例句:That's the thing about greed, Arch. 翻译:这就是贪婪, Arch。

15、 arsenal ship

中文翻译: 武库舰

例句:On the street of the Arsenal. 翻译:It's General Pais. On the street of the Arsenal.。

16、 Quality Asses

中文翻译: 品质保证

例句:it is familiar, but with the quality of spse! 翻译:but with the quality of spse!。

17、 The most thotative

中文翻译: 最权威

例句:Which ones are the most thotative? 翻译:哪些网页最有权威呢? 。



例句:Anyway, i'll send Wendy as with that thozation. 翻译:I'll send Wendy as with that thozation.。

19、 infarct-avid myocardial imaging

中文翻译: 急心肌梗灶显像

例句:Myocardial infarct due to athesclesis. 翻译:动脉硬化导致心肌梗塞。



例句:♪ As obsolete as warships in the Baltic ♪ 翻译:过时得就像对波罗海文尊崇。

21、 bare land

中文翻译: 地 白地

例句:With swords and clubs and bare fists, we will say, "leave this land", or you will leave this earth in a shud of blood!" 翻译:用 With swords 用棍棒 用自己拳头 and clubs and bare fists, 我们要告诉他们"出这片土地 we will say, "leave this land,。


中文翻译: 巴洛克人物

例句:The mantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exteor of trets and gabled baques. 翻译:梦幻般角楼和巴罗克风格山形墙让城堡那异想天开浪漫魅力呼之欲出。 。




例句:Listen, o monkeys in a bath... 翻译:o monkeys in a bath...。



例句:it was... it was a battlegund. 翻译:那裡在打仗。

25、 berth term

中文翻译: 停泊期 码头交收条款 班船条款 班条款

例句:Did they chisel you out of a berth? 翻译:Did they chisel you out of a berth?。

26、 get better

中文翻译: 变得更好 康复

例句:Yeah? Well, you better get to dving. 翻译:you better get to dvin'.。



例句:- , fine, what is it? - Biceps! 翻译:-,算了,到底是什麼?。



例句:There's a load of gold sending to Swiss today at 2pm, worth 30 billion 翻译:worth 30 billion。



例句:♪ Billow and breeze, islands and seas, ♪ 翻译:旅行木讷 250.455)}时间轴: 薛定谔猫。



例句:Why'd you ditch? Well, do you blame him? 翻译:do you blame him?。

31、 antagonist blo

中文翻译: 敌对集团

例句:And his antagonist is Death. 翻译:它最怕。

32、 to boast

中文翻译: 瞎吹 夸口 说嘴

例句:To boast and flatter in rything. 翻译:正所谓吹牛吹上天。


33、 botanists are such geeks

中文翻译: 植物学家都神经悉悉

例句:All the geeks are Nixon appointees. 翻译:All the geeks are Nixon appointees.。

34、 elastic braid

中文翻译: 松紧带

例句:it appears to be a contract for the sale of Bubble Elastic. 翻译:显示是Bubble Elastic收购合同。

35、 brandishes a weapon to attack

中文翻译: 展示武器攻击 每每津津乐道武器 挥舞武器

例句:Battlecry: : Gain Attack equal to the Attack of yo weapon. 翻译:战斗呐喊:获得英雄所持武器攻击力攻击力。 。

36、 secity breach

中文翻译: 安全漏洞

例句:No secity he cannot breach. 翻译:No secity he cannot breach.。



例句:Mono-bw! King wants a mono-bw! 翻译:国王要一个眉毛。

38、 Bulky Waste

中文翻译: 大件垃圾

例句:The plane is a little bulky 翻译:这架飞机是有点笨重。



例句:Well, there's no need to capitalize "Truth", nor is there any need to capitalize "Betiful." 翻译:哦, 没有必要用"真相"这个词 也不该用"美丽"。

40、 pbable e

中文翻译: 可能原因 合理根据

例句:We call that pbable e. 翻译:我们称之为疑似案例 We call that pbable e.。

41、 cellular manufacting

中文翻译: 单元式制造

例句:Eopean manufacting concern. 翻译:Eopean manufacting concern.。

42、 live chat

中文翻译: 在线聊天 即时聊天

例句:So, did you come here just to, um, chat? 翻译:chat?。


43、 Pork Chop Hill

中文翻译: 猪排山 百战忠魂 猪排山争夺战

例句:[Speaking Latin incantation] 翻译:The tck with pork ... is to chop it very fine.。

44、 Chnicle of a Blood Merchant

中文翻译: 许三观卖血记

例句:By means of descbing elve tuals of selling blood, Chnicle of a Blood Merchant abstracts the whole life of an idiot Xu Sanguan. 翻译:《许三观卖血记》以十二次卖血仪式,象出许三观一生。。

45、 circular knitting machine

中文翻译: 针织大圆机 圆形针织机 圆编织机

例句:Preliminary Research on Pducing Technolo of Knag Fab on General Large Circular Knitting Machine 翻译:普通大圆机生产凹凸织物工艺初探。

46、 they clattered geste

中文翻译: 摇曳姿态

例句:The children clattered downstairs. 翻译:孩子们登登地跑下楼。。

47、 Clipboard format

中文翻译: 剪贴簿档案格式 剪贴板文件格式 剪辑板格式

例句:Why do you need a clipboard? 翻译:Why do you need a clipboard?。



例句:And this is random, ght? 翻译:And this is random, ght? - A coaster?。



例句:], the religious institutions, the workers, whatr, ry orization. And as they weaken and start to collapse, the government will collapse when those pillars are bken. 翻译:the government will collapse。



例句:- is it fm a comic book? 翻译:- Where have I seen that? - Is it fm a comic book?。

51、 complicate life

中文翻译: 让生活更复杂

例句:And i decided to complicate my life. 翻译:我决定将生活复杂化。

标签: 欧洲英文名 

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