
发布时间:2023-06-20 08:27:57 阅读:59 点赞:0




1、Please give a synonym and antonym for this word.


2、The history of English lexical expansion is one that is charactezed with heavy borwing and word formation.


3、Seentation, tagging, and function descption of glossary of Operation Document pcessing were implemented.


4、The mechani in such pcess is 'interrelating', which embodies the relationship of metonymy beeen o components in this framework.


5、Walking in this wonderful place, carefully observe the calligraphy poetry on both sides, watching the elet off-white, mind seems to be a wash.


6、in the ning in December in winter


7、Liu Yong is the first pfessional poet for Ci poetry, the first poet wtten Man Ci Chang Diao, and the pioneer of the school of the vulgar Ci poetry.


8、Do not be put off by this scrap of jargon; an ion cannon is a fictional weapon used in fictional epi.


9、They are the pnouns.


10、And in his short story " The Vane Sisters, " an atic rals an unexpected ist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and stng them together to find the secret message.)


11、Weiqi contains the essence and wonderfulness of the traditional Chinese culte, and the poems about weiqi present their specific charm due to the ch cultal connotation of weiqi.


12、The word "swale" is interesting. You hear in it the s and the w, the o key sounds of this poem, which are the sounds of the whispeng scythe.


13、Vaant word refers to a word which has different spellings whereas synonyms are words which have same meaning.


14、Many English words are dd fm Latin and Greek words.


15、Words fall off by disuse .


16、The English linguists Halliday and Hasan classify reiteration into fo parts: repetition, synonym, hyponymy and general word.


17、The old style poems composed in the 20~th centy showed a pminent tendency towards modernity and hence stood on its own feet as a new tradition.


18、In terms of word-formation, they can be borwed by means of affixation, compounding and blending.


19、Mrs. Wei Poetry, secondary overall ll take a look on that, the talent having very much spassing place of stding, her although being unable to compare with Liyian, loses to Li Qingzhao neither.

汉语同义词分为等义词 (或完全同义词 )和近义词。

20、Chinese synonyms can also be divided into o kinds: equal synonyms (or complete synonyms) and appximate synonyms.

21、The word is compounded of a preposition and a verb.这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成。

22、The family is not only the literary gup with the amplest stren in the poetic world of that time but also have a lot of academic attainments in creation of Ci and Qu.宋氏家族不仅是 此际诗坛上实力最雄厚创作群体,而且词曲创作亦造诣极深。

23、Give the synonym and antonym of this word.给出这个词同义词和反义词。

24、A remarkable feate of the language in Shi Jing(Classic of Poetry) is the abundant use of reduplicative vague words, which has long been iored as a distinct language phenomenon.大量使用叠音模糊词是《诗经》语言显著特点,这一奇特语言现象却一直被人们所忽视。

25、Liu Yuxi's pminent influence on Songci comes fm his o pieces of poetry on chanting peach blossom which is associated closely by his demotion life.至于刘禹锡对宋词影响,则与其贬谪生涯更为密切,最显著是表现在他两首赏桃花诗上。

英文句子26:,26、A thess is a book of synonyms and antonyms.同类语词典是一拥有同义词和反义词书。

27、A poem should be tght fm the emotional standpoint; inveigling it into as grammar-cum-dictionary is not calculated to ppitiate the divine Saraswati.一首诗应该基于感情来教;把它诓来权作“语法兼词典”,是不打算跟知识女神萨拉斯瓦蒂和解。

28、An appach to fuzzy query expansion based on synonymy thess;文提出了利用同义词词林来计算词汇褒贬方法。

29、Shen Zufen; Wading As the River; female history; modernity; scholar verse;沈祖棻; 《涉江词》; 女词史; 现代; 学人词;

30、I like to expand my own vocabulary by finding new words that mean the same thing as words I already know.我一般扩大词汇量方法是:在一个已知词基上,找出跟该词意思相近生词,就是近义词。

31、New word refers to those pduced recently or be absorbed by Mandan, mainly fm loanwords, dialect, specialty, newly-d words and those oginal words with new meanings.新词是指近年来产生或被吸收到普通话中当中词汇,主要来自于一些外来词、方言词、专业词、新构词以及原有词新增添义项。

32、Wiktionary is now not only a dictionary but also a thess and also includes etymologies, pnunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations.维基词典现在不仅是一个词典,还是一个词库,也包括语源、发音、引文、同义词、反义词和翻译。

33、In this issue, Ceng Jingxiang's knowledge is pfound, in poetic ly had made a seous study and research, and has considerable skill.在这个问题上,曾景祥先生认识是深刻,在诗文词曲上作过认真学习与研究,且具有相当力。

34、Moreover, these words are low-frequency and open-class words.这些独有词汇都属于低频词、开放词类。

35、The lofty, boundless and pfound realm of Du Fu's poems are the result of their semantic connotation, the styles of construction including: "polysemant" by means of the geneus meanings of a word;杜诗“高、大、深”艺术境界由语义蕴涵造成,其构建语义蕴涵方式有:利用词语多义,形成“复义”;

36、In the works, the wter depicts to the nicety the complicated personality of ry individual thugh diverse artistic means such as dialogues, solos and poetry.作者运用对话、独白、诗词曲赋等多样化艺术手段,把每个人物复杂多样格特征描绘得分寸适宜。

37、A joney in pictes and verse fm an unexplored beach to a busy music-filled family om and into a tranquil, moonlit night.最后一则是在图画和诗词中描述一个从一个人迹罕至沙滩到充满音乐之家之旅,最后进入恬静月光之夜。

38、The dictionary includes 书收虚词和固定格式等1030条,是目前收词最多现代汉语虚词词典。

1,030 entes of function words and set patterns, listing the top of its kind.

39、Look up the word in the dictionary.这个词查一查词典吧。

40、"When a man is tired of London he is tired of life, " said the great English poet, ctic and lexicographer DR Samuel Johnson in 1777“如果有谁厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,”xx年英国伟大诗人、批评家、词典编辑家塞缪尔·约翰逊博士如是说。

41、Thugh the teaching method of chanting and appreciating emotionally, the poetry teaching has been made outstanding, demonstrating the meaningful culte inhetance of subject selecting.通过文教学“声情吟赏”,使得诗词教学更具有特,也体现了选题研究文化传承意义。

42、Learning an antonym for each new word can you increase yo vocabulary.学习新词反义词也可以扩展你词汇量。

43、Based on imagination, figes of speech have the key function in the extension of the artistic mood of poems.以想象为基示现辞格作为语言艺术瑰宝,在诗词意境创造拓展方面有着画龙点睛作用。

44、In the world of pet bereavement, this is often referred to as "Rainbow Bdge", based on a pse poem wtten by an anonymous thor in the 1980s.宠物地方常常提到“彩虹桥”这个词,它出自于二十世纪xx年代一位匿名作家散文诗。

45、For thousands of years, many popular poems were wtten in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower made the Tower so renowned that becomes a combination of wine culte and tou.千百年来,黄鹤楼上历代名家饮酒泼墨诗词题刻使它成为了酒文化与旅游结晶。

46、The theme can be divided into five major categoes, namely answeng poems, odes of longevity, odes of objects, odes of scenery and odes of the past time.南宋徽州词坛从创作题材上说有五大类,分别是赠答词、寿词、咏物词、纪景词和咏怀词;

47、Wiktionary is now not only a dictionary but also a thess and also includes etymologies , pnunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations.维基词典现在不仅是一个词典,还是一个词库,也包括语源、发音、引文、同义词、反义词和翻译。

48、And compared with the novel, ingenious, "clr" works, they thought the works with "gas gd" had meanings and were better in the spit.而相对于新颖、巧妙“小慧”作品,他们认为有“气格”女诗词更具内涵,在精神特征上更胜一筹。

49、He puts forward his oginal opinions and explanations of the poems to counter some annotators and appreciators' mistakes and misunderstanding of the poems since they have been published.针对这些诗词发表以来很多注释家,鉴赏家著作、文章中所出现岐义、误解提出了自己看法。

50、Zhu geliang afterwards of poetry spread in the folk, whether children, people, gup, or play or sing folk artists are widely flow.事后李密作诗词流传于民间各处,无论是小孩,还是戏民班子,或是民间艺人都在广为流唱。

经典英文句子51:诗词,51、The numerals in Zunyi dialect can be divided into cardinal number, und number and ordinal number.遵义方言数词可分为基数词、概数词和序数词。

52、The sense of the word isn't clear.这个词词意不清。

53、In English, antonym is a word that is contrary in meaning to another.英语反义词是一种词汇意义相对、相反词。

54、Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms.同义词,反义词,同形同音异义词专业词典。

55、An inverted comorpheme Chinese phrase is one that shares the same or similar Chinese morphemes with the other phrase but has the inverted morpheme order.同素反序词是词素相同或相近而词素排列次序相反一对词,它是一种词汇现象。

56、Since then, "My father is Li Gang" has become the most popular phrase and blossomed into the themes of many songs and ly in China.自此,“我爸是李刚”成了最流行网络语,并在民间衍生出许多据此填词打油诗。

57、A preposition together with its object is termed " prepositional phrase".一个介词与它其后受词一并被称为“介词片语”。

58、Half of XTN Qi-ji' s works that exist now are related with alcohol, which reflects the inherent alcohol- poem complex of ancient intellectuals of China.辛弃疾词作中一半以上与酒有关,在他身上体现了传统知识分子固有诗酒情结。

59、A stem is the existing form to which a devational affix can be added.派生词缀可加在已存在形式词上形成一个新词,原来存在形式词被称为词。

60、This is the third film that has been shown in o school this term.先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时。

61、Mainly the misuses are found in three fields, i. e. , morphological, semantic and syntactic.学习者词汇误用可分为:词形失误、词义失误和词法失误。

62、The photographer, who is also interested in nate and eastern Philosophy, said he wanted to ral the world anew as children saw it.这位同样对大自然和东方哲学感兴趣摄影师,说他希望能像孩子般再次认识这个诗词。

63、The word is compounded of a preposition and a verb .这个词是由一个介词和一个动词合成。

、Any dictionay will give you the meaning of these words.只要是词典,就会给出这些词词义。

65、Re-explong the fundament of binome in view of word base, we could find that Binome has its intnsic pnciples as it comes into being, especially in time of forming a pmal word.从词位出发,重新对联绵词进行探源,就会发现联绵词也有其造词理据,特别是原生造词阶段联绵词。

66、This word isn't given in the dictionary.词典里查不到这个词。

67、And of the compound dissyllabic words, modifier-main-word phrases and joint phrases are the o most basic patterns, the parts of speech coveng nouns, verbs and adjectives.合成复音词中,偏正与联合是两种最基方式,其词类涵盖了名词、动词和形容词。

68、Participles , as I mentioned earlier are verbs used as adjectives.如同先前提过,分词是作为形容词使用动词;

69、There are a number of terms and poems of Quanzhen Jiao disseminated in The Pilage towards the West, displaying in a sense the function of some metaphors;《记》文中散布着大量全真教术语、诗词等,并产生了一定程度象喻能;

70、A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occ attached to a base, stem, or ot.词缀词素,如前辍或后辍,其只能通过附加于词基、词或词根而出现。

71、Morpholo compses notional words and function words.词法部分包括实词和虚词。

72、Mimetic word has its special glamo in Chinese vocabulary.象声词是汉语词库中独具魅力一类词。

73、SCHNEEKOPPE, it's the most distinctive trademark, synonymous with healthy nuttion for than 80 years now, which offers a wide range of pducts and premium-quality recipes.诗尼坎普,一个有xx年历史几乎是健康营养代名词商标,提供范围非常广泛产品以及精美食谱。

74、Chapter three is compound words made of prepositions and other words.第三章由介词与其它词结合构成复式虚词;

75、Binhai has a sound governance, good social law and order as well as pspeus culte, is the home of Chinese poetry, traditional couplets and the sole calligraphy county in Jiangsu.滨海社会文明、政通人和、文化昌盛,是“诗词之乡”、“楹联之乡”、江苏惟一“书法之县”。

英文句子模板76:poetry,76、When you are in dou about the meaning of a word, consult yo dictionary.对一个词词义有疑问时,一定要查词典。

77、In the third chapter, identical words have been divided into synonymy and homograph fm semanteme.第三章从词义角度出发,将同形词分为同形同义词和同形异义词。


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