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关于”表示鼓励“英子27个,句子主体:Show encoagement。以下是关于表示鼓励专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Show encoagement

一些议员还对由鼓励推进"混合式"组织所可能产生潜在资表示感兴趣, 这样"混合式"组织融合盈利和非盈利两者特.

1、Some lawmakers have also shown interest in the potential capital that could be generated by encoaging the gwth of “hybd” orizations that blend attbutes of for-pfits and nonpfits.


2、Some lawyers said it took time to study whether the move bke a fair trade law, while some said it was good for customers and should be encoaged.


3、Lead researcher Pfessor Roger Hart said: “Women should be encoaged to see their dentist to have any gum disease treated before trying for a baby.


4、Applse: appval expressed especially by the clapping of hands.

据报道,拼贴创造实际华硕设计师- 首席执行官施崇棠表示,该公司鼓励它设计者,以促进“任何一种疯狂想法。”

5、The collage was reportedly d by actual Asus desiers--CEO Jonney Shih said the company encoages its desiers to foster "any kind of crazy ideas.


6、Similarly, BT toxin expression is desied to counteract the pblem of pest contl in vast monocultes, which encoage infestations.


7、"We would like to encoage the Chinese side to take a restrained and calm position so as not to fther escalate the situation, " Mr Matsunaga said.


8、Goodness knows Coteney supported Jen ding her break-up with Brad.Now it's Jen's tn to be supportive.After all, isn't that what a fend is for.


9、It is also a day to thank existing blood donors for the remarkable gift they make to those whose lives they have impved or saved, and to encoage new donors to commit.

当地修建专家表示,如果项目取得成,更名后费尔蒙和平饭店(Fairmont Peace Hotel)具备商业可行,可能会鼓励人们进一步保护旧上海风貌。

10、If the pject succeeds, and the renamed Fairmont Peace Hotel becomes a commercially viable pperty, it could encoage preservation of old Shanghai, according to local restoration experts.


11、But the Rossone faithful are ging him to reconsider, especially after his display at the Meazza in Week



12、Speaking to the Guardian, Swinson said must be done to encoage men to take up their ghts and questioned a culte in which men who take their family responsibilities seously are "bbed".


13、Can the wing of the ostch be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

作为进一步鼓励,当鼠标悬停在画布中某个节点上时,将显示其“Short descption”字段。

14、As a fther encoagement, the contents of the short descption field are now displayed when the mouse hovers over a node on the canvas.


15、Spreads may need to dp to 200 basis points to encoage lenders to resume new lending, NewOak's Lieberman said.


16、Tang said that the Chinese science community is obsessed with rewards and pzes at all lls.


17、Sue dare to take out a bouquet said it will start after ZhaoZong, fat flower they are encoaged, but Amy mind give up.


18、Bazinet of the University of Tonto said perhaps encoaging people to switch to oric meats and milk would be "a way to kind of get at them with the foods they're already eating."


19、Keep this list near yo comr and encoage gup members, fends, and kinship members to use these emotes on you as much as possible.


20、Chizu Inoue, a spokean for Maeda Corp, told the Daily Telegraph: 'O company is very keen on ptecting the envinment and we encoage o staff to adopt many envinment-fendly actions.

21、Planning, said the tomobile industry, encoaging the FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC, Chang'an Automobile and other large enterpses in the nationwide implementation of mergers and reorizations .汽车产业规划中表示,鼓励一汽、东风、上汽、长安等大型汽车企业在全国范围内实施兼并重组。

22、And he's looking to encoage the immediacy-minded attitude that prevails at YouTube, according to the San Jose Mercy News.他注重并鼓励员工使用流行于Youtube直接思想表达法,据 圣何塞水星报 报道。

23、City article wide be expresses, encoage a citizen to get online to the Internet bar with sofare these hardware, excellent facilities.市文广局表示,鼓励市民到这些硬件、软件设施都出网吧上网。

24、Conclusion This study emphasizes the importance of pviding training on lepsy to the doctors in dermatologic clini while continuously encoaging their involvement in lepsy contl.结论研究提示在鼓励皮肤科医生参与麻风防治同时对其进行麻风知识培训重要。

25、Or if you want to highlight and encoage the use of the gup blog, you can place it high on the overview page.或者,如果希望突出显示并鼓励使用群组博客,可以将其放到概览页面突出位置。

英文句子26:,26、But, avoid expressing resiation regret, as that might give yo employer ammunition to presse you to stay.但是,不要对辞职表示遗憾或者懊悔,这样反而会鼓励目前层进一步软硬兼施地让你留下。

27、I encoage you to download it, it, and report yo findings on the ananas-discussion mailing list (see Resoces).我鼓励您下载它,它,并向 ananas 讨论邮件列表(请参阅参考资料)报告您发现。

28、Appval expressed especially by the clapping of hands.鼓掌,喝彩, 叫好尤指以鼓掌来表示赞许。

29、Reinvigorating and encoaging translation and dissemination of basic manuscpts and books and studies representing different cultes and civilizations;加大力度并鼓励翻译和传播代表不同文化和文明基论述、著作和研究;

30、The fixing represented a "fair and objective" pce at which to trade he said which would "make life easier for clients" and encoage the dlopment of renminbi forwards s.表示, 定盘价将推动该新生市场上定价变得更透明,从而鼓励更多公司使用币。

31、The dlopment of the algae technolo trails the others, but Zhu says the results fm the 该公司藻类技术发展落后于其他一些技术,但朱真启(音译)表示,

10, 000 litre algae greenhouse have been sufficiently encoaging to move ahead.

10 000公升容积藻类玻璃暖房运行成果足以鼓励继续发展这一技术。

32、Panos London says its svey, published last week (帕诺斯研究所在上周(xx月1)发表一份报告中说,这个调查显示了媒体、决策者和科学家必须鼓励公众就这些“极其迫切”问题进行讨论。

1 March), shows that the media, policymakers and scientists must encoage an "gently needed" public discussion of the issues.

33、The Parties shall encoage co-operation beeen pfessional ensembles as well as directors, singers and other performing artists in the field of theatcal creation.双方将鼓励专业剧团以及导演、歌唱家及其他表演艺术家在戏剧创作领域里合作。

34、Encoage the sponsor to appve deliverables informally (with nods, iles, and verbal praise); nr force sponsors to stand behind their appvals with a formal si-off.鼓励发起人用非正式方式批准可交付成果(点头,微笑,和口头表扬);

35、If emoji encoage visual puns and whimsical juxtapositions, GIFs inspire a sharp catoal sensibility.如果说表情符号鼓励是视觉上双关俏皮和异想天开并置,那么GIF激发是锐利策划能力。

36、I plumped out my cheeks in an expression of indiation.我鼓起腮帮子以表示愤慨。

37、Still, for the tens of millions of mared couples who just need a little cheerleading--or a detailed diagram--their books may literally be a godsend.人们仍然发现,对数以万计只需要一点鼓励或一张详细示意图已婚夫妻来说,他们书可能从表面字义来理解是天赐之物。

38、The expansionists belid that any show of weakness by the Japanese would only encoage Chinese resistance.可否译成主战派和反战派?)扩张主义者坚信方面任何示弱表现都只会鼓励抵抗。

39、Although his father and agent played down rumos linking Gudjohsen with Old Trafford on Fday, the stker appears keen to encoage United's alleged interest.在星期五尽管他和经纪人对于关于古德约翰森和老特拉福德之间传闻很低调,手却强烈表示鼓励曼联声称对他有兴趣。

40、Li Yundi also expressed his honor to be a model for young people and encoaged conants to present their best performances on stage.李云地在记者招待会上表示,他很荣幸成为《超级男生》形象大使,并鼓励参赛选手在这个舞台上表演成。

41、The outsocing industry says it does not “encoage or discoage” office mances but tolerates them when they dlop.外包行业表示,“不鼓励也不阻止”办公室恋情,但一旦发生办公室恋情,会采取容忍态度。

42、The collage was reportedly d by actual Asus desiers--CEO Jonney Shih said the company encoages its desiers to foster "any kind of crazy ideas."据报道,拼贴创造实际华硕设计师 - 首席执行官施崇棠表示,该公司鼓励它设计者,以促进“任何一种疯狂想法。”

43、Glancing down I see all the lights are glang at me bght red. Solid encoagement if I've r seen some.我用眼角余光扫视了一下中控台上都闪着红光显示灯,似乎是在鼓励我放开胆量。

44、Quanzhou Leething Garment & Knitting, a Chinese men's underwear factory, said it had started encoaging clients to pay in eos instead of dollars in November.泉州力兴服装织造有限公司(Quanzhou Leething Garment & Knitting)是一家生产男士企业。 该公司表示,它从去年xx月起,就开始鼓励客户用欧元结账。

45、To encoage non-governmental exchanges beeen the o countes, both sides welcome the establishment of the "Association on the Fendship beeen China and Brunei".为鼓励两国民间交往,双方对“与文莱友好协会”成立表示欢迎。

46、In the same hall three years before, he pledged that “in budget after budget I want us to do n to encoage the sk takers”(xx年前,在同一大厅里,他曾表示“在一笔又一笔预算后,我希望我们能采取更多措施以鼓励风险投资者”(



47、One Sydney-based LME trader said MF Global's faile could encoage players to use cleang houses bee they offered greater ptection than over-the-counter (OTC) trading.一名驻悉尼(雪梨)LME交易商表示,MF Global倒闭可能鼓励更多市场人士来利用结算所交易,因结算所交易所提供保障多于店头交易(OTC).

48、Given a choice of o colored tokens, one which guaranteed a banana treat for o and the other which gave a reward for the chooser only, the chimps tended to pick the social option.他们让黑猩猩从两个有标牌中任选其一,其中一个表示将会有双份香蕉奖励,另一个表示只给选择方奖励,黑猩猩倾向于挑选带社会选项。

49、She met Css and Andrews for the first time when they arved on Oct. 克罗斯和安德鲁斯于xx月1到达,程与他们第一次见面,她轻松地开着玩笑并表示鼓励。

1, trading jokes and encoagement with the men in Css's om.

50、' [They said,] 'Well, we want to congratulate you bee you've won.那么,我们想向您表示祝贺,因为您已经赢得了该奖励。

经典英文句子51:表示鼓励,51、SEC's executive director, Howard Shaw, said the label will encoage businesses to take steps to reduce the carbon content of their pducts and s.新加坡环境理事会执行理事霍华德·肖表示,该标签能鼓励相关企业进一步降低他们产品或者服务碳含量。

52、The voluntary Pperty Assessed Clean Ener pgram encoages homeowners to install solar panels, upgrade insulation and take other steps to impve ener efficiency, Bwn said.表示,房屋清洁能源计划鼓励房屋业主安装太阳能面板,升级隔热,采取其他措施来提高能源效率。

53、Every night he listens to my tubles, cooing his understanding or praising me with an encoaging fart.每个晚上他都聆听我烦恼,或是咕嘟着表示他懂,或是放一个响屁来以表鼓励。

54、Voice mail and e-mail can be effective tools for daily communication with employees—especially for thanks and encoagement.语音留言与电邮能够在常工作中方便你与员工交流,是很有效工具——尤其是在表示感谢于进行鼓励时候。

55、You deserve a hug, pat on the back, or at least one of those 80’s freeze-frame jumping high fives.你应该得到一个热烈拥抱,或者轻拍你肩膀以示鼓励,或者,至少来个xx年代流行跳跃击掌吧!

56、At o encoagement, Cheng models her collection of samfu, the traditional shirt and tusers that was histocally worn by southern Chinese women.在我们鼓励下,婆婆示范了几套珍藏衫裤,这种衣服过去主要是南方女穿。

57、But the company also argues that it is seeking to give its bosses stng incentives to deliver long-term value to shareholders, pointing out that 92% of Mr Hammergren's pay is performance-related.但该公司也表示将继续为高管提供强力激励,以鼓励他们为股东带来长期回报,并指出哈姆格伦薪酬中有92%是与业绩钩。

58、Xiaojing Li, Bank of China's general for the US, says: “O Beijing head office is encoaging overseas branches to get into the local lending business as long as we contl the sk.”中行纽约分行总经理黎晓静表示:“我们北京总部正鼓励各海外分行参与当地放贷业务,只要我们能够控制风险。”


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