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关于”改为否定句方法“英子58个,句子主体:Method of changing to negative sentence。以下是关于改为否定句方法专八英子。

英文句子模板1:Method of changing to negative sentence


1、METHODS: The operative pcede was impved continuously to explore the effective treatment of ptosis sgery.


2、Results The impved fixing method was siificantly supeor to the traditional way. And the incidence rate of blooding in the puncte points was notably decreased.


3、The impvement of traditional alginate immobilization method by use of bm chlode instead of part of calcium chlode as fixative, and the immobilized beads coated by chitosan were studied.


4、The contents of cytochme C were meased according to Zhangjuntian's impved methods.


5、OBJECTIVE To impve the method of content determination of citrates mixtes.


6、Do we have the pcedes and the pcesses to ense achiment of o objectives?

为了决定是否对项目基准按建议修改进行更改,以下何项应安排到位?[ ]。

7、To determined if pposed modifications to the pject baseline should be made, what should be put in place?

请注意 Zope 采用一种奇怪约定来确定哪些方法可以通过 Web 访问 ― 如果一个方法包含有一个 doc 字符串,那么该方法可通过 Web 访问;否则,就被认为是私有。

8、Note that Zope uses an odd convention to determine which methods are accessible via the Web -- if a method has a doc stng, it is Web accessible; otherwise, it's considered pvate.


9、Judging fm Adorno's negative dialecti, many scholars beli that Adorno's negation is an absolute negation that refuses any unity and harmony.


10、If you're unse whether the person you are communicating with will understand yo message, rephrase it, using "plain English."


11、Way to determine if a charset is multibyte?


12、In Listing

8, I've used the ObjectClass.setCascadeOnUpdate() method to change db4o's deflt update behavior for a particular type.

8 中,使用 ObjectClass.setCascadeOnUpdate() 方法为一特定类型改变 db4o 默认更新动作。


13、Does being fends with this person re-define the term?


14、OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of Ribavin granules.


15、To impve determination method of vitamin A soft capsules.

更改方式经证实相对容易些,但必须先利用 GraphiDevice isDisplayChangeSupported() 方法询问所涉及图形设备是否支持更改。

16、Changing modes pves relatively easy, but you must first ask if the involved graphi device supports changing with the GraphiDevice's isDisplayChangeSupported() method.


17、Is there something that can be impved?


18、Conclusion The modified ACOM is a feasible method for quantifying eccentc MR.


19、On Judges Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of istrative Judicate;


20、Method: Using methods of metage and electmaeti flux-contl to amend quantitive set.

21、If the collision incident keeps simmeng, is it possible that China may change the policy to unilaterally dlop relevant resoces?如果撞船事件持续发酵升级,中方是否可能改变此项政策而改为单方面有关资源?

22、There is no way to specify whether subgups are evaluated reively or not.不存在指定是否要递归地计算子组方法。

23、Now there are and methods for the pretreatments, and also studies on the impvement of the existed methods.目前有越来越多方法应用于测定方法前处理上,学者对现有方法也进行了多种改良。

24、An impved forward-backward time integration scheme is pposed for keeping the computational stability.为了保持计算稳定,提出了一种改进向前向后时间积分方法。

25、There are many ways to judge whether a relation transitive or not.对于某个关系来说,判定它是否可传递方法有许多。

英文句子26:,26、The forth chapter based on Markov appach's research. Modified algothm is pposed based on MCL .第四章在对马尔可夫定位方法研究分析基上,提出了对MCL 方法改进。

27、They both have rejected Fayed's conspiracy theoes.两国警方都否定了法耶德阴谋论。

28、Objective:To impve the content determination of metnidazole cream.目:改进甲硝唑膏含量测定方法。

29、The methods(pvided by the expement rule or impved)used to determine the amount of lime in lime-fly ash bound aggregate with specific grading influence remarkably the results of determination.测定二灰级配集料中石灰剂量方法(试验规程上方法和改进方法)对测定结果有显著影响。

30、Objective:To study the possibility of UV instead of HPLC in the determination of Ginkgo Flavone.目:考察在银杏黄酮含量测定中能否用络合显方法代替高效液相方法来进行。

31、The question of negative conviction syllogi can be solved by means of either definition substitution or inference conversion.否定式定罪三段论问题可以通过定义置换方法或推理变换方法予以解决。

32、This method is a modified model of Statistical Jump Regression Analysis, and also modifies the ener function fm L2 to L1.该方法是基于统计跳变回归方法改进型,并将能量函数由L2改为L1。

33、We could add validation code to the register() method to determine whether the first-name field is blank or null.我们可以在 register()方法中添加验证代码,以确定名字字段是否为 null。

34、Police said that decision hadn't yet been made and lay with the cot.警方说,尚未决定是否举行公开聆讯,这由来决定。

35、A reasonable and feasible method for drying shnkage of mortar called impved method was first determined fm sral aspects in compason with crent standard JC/T method.论文以砂浆为研究对象,首先从几个方面以现行标准JC/T法作对比研究并确定了合理、方便水泥砂浆缩改进试验方法(以下均称为改进法)。

36、Objective:To impve the method of determination of Nargin in Fructus Aantii.前言: 目:改进枳壳中柚皮苷含量测定方法。

37、So much of modern life can be summazed in that suggestive phrase of Thore: "Impved means to an unimpved end."现代生活在诸多方面都可援用梭罗那句启发警言来作结论:“改善了方法,却未能改善目标。”

38、In order to pve the reliability of the modified method for COD measement, o methods are used to get the COD values of KHP standard solutions.用两种方法测定了邻苯二甲酸氢钾标准溶液COD值,以验证改进COD测定方法可,比较了两种COD测定方法优缺点和适用范围。

39、Layered Sodium Silicate was modified using oleic acid as modifier with Orthogonal Desi and the optimal modifying condition was found.用油酸作为改剂,运用正交试验设计方法对层状硅酸钠进行改,确定了最佳改条件。

40、The means of deciding whether code should be refactored is often subjective.决定代码是否需要重构方法,通常是主观。

41、Methods The EL confirmation was taken by double disc confirmatory .方法用双纸片确定法测定是否产EL;

42、Objective Impvement of determination on the Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid.目改进藿香正气水含量测定方法。

43、Do not use "Contractor" as a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor.除非一方当事人在法定上就是承包人,否则不要将"承包人"作为其别称。

44、But there are reasons to dou whether the should be the sole cteon for determining the patentability of inventions in the Information Age.但是,我们有理由怀疑,该检验方法是否应作为认定时代发明创造之可专利唯一方法。

45、Results of impved determination method were compared with that of pmary method with maximum deviation of 0.1%.改进前、后方法测定结果比较,相对偏差最大值为0.1%。

46、This essentially denies both the need for any sanctifying of the saints, and the means of ministeng that sanctification or perfection.这就根上否定了圣徒有任何关于成圣需要,并且否定了为使人得以成圣与完全所做服事方法。

47、I think the best way to convince others is to put XP on display, warts and all, and then let people decide for themselves whether the XP appach is better than the one they're using.我认为让其他人信服 XP 最佳方法是据实演示 XP,让他们自己决定 XP 方法是否比他们正使用方法更好。

48、To impve the determination method Ag in water with flame AAS.对火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定饮用水中银方法作了改进。

49、It then calls the following to determine if synchnization is required.调用下面方法决定是否需要同步。

50、Determination of glutac dialdehyde was impved, in which acidity measer instead of indicator indicated titration end point.对戊二醛测定方法进行改进,采用酸度计判定终点方法代替用肉眼观察指示剂变来判定终点。

经典英文句子51:改为否定句方法,51、We only redefine the methods whose behavior we need to modify.我们仅仅重新定义需要修改其行为方法。

52、Glucose interferes with gluconate measement using the hydxamate colometc method.对异羟肟酸比法测定葡萄糖酸含量方法进行了改进。

53、Objective To revive the ctea for neostiine , and pve a scientific, accate, applicable method to diaosis of myasthenia gravis(MG).目改良原有新斯明结果判定方法,为临床提供科学、准确、适用评定方法以更好辅助重症肌无力(MG)临床诊断。

54、This method is the modified study of the water-soluble chitosan the point method and enlarge the pspect of practice.此方法为壳聚糖水溶改研究。指出了羟丙基壳聚糖制备方法和鉴定结果,扩大了壳聚糖实际应用前景。

55、Unless a customized aggregation framework changes the behavior, only the standard portlet modes act as expected and specified by the JSR 168 Portlet Specification (PLT.A).除非某个自定义聚合框架更改了行为,否则只有标准 Portlet 模式按 JSR 168 Portlet 规范 (PLT.A) 所预期和指定方式执行。

56、Objective To impve method of treating internal fixation for clavicular fractes.目改进锁骨骨折内固定治疗方法。

57、To impving the gasohol's stability, dispersant was added.通过加入分散剂方法改善乙醇汽油稳定。

58、The acid is to ask the question: will this feate actually change a decision or result?检验表述是否正确方法是提出这个问题:这项特果真会改变决定或结果吗?

59、The success of non-tradable share reform depends on fulfillment of plans by the companies concerned and the result of the plan.上市公司股改方案中承诺能否得到履行及履行效果直接决定股权分置改革成败。

60、Change the doGet method to redirect to a JSP called Employee.jsp, as in Listing 将 doGet 方法更改为重定向到一个名为 Employee.jsp JSP,如 清单


7 所示。

61、Makes the impvement to the GB code happy element determination method;对国标甜蜜素测定方法进行改进;

62、You don't define a member vaable and then pvide accessor and mutator methods.定义数据成员后不需要分别定义访问和修改方法。

63、Nrtheless, the Untitled d by the "sc" method sought to achi the positive effect of Hey!同样使用“剔”方法创作《无题》则以否定方式达到《嘿!

、Without the of practice, the aim and the standards of judicial pof will become indefinite.否定实践标准在检验司法证明真理方面作用,将使司法证明目和标准不具有确定。

65、It pvides a quick and easy way of vefying that a transaction exists when you invoke a particular method.它提供了一种简单方法,用于验证当您调用特定方法时某个事务是否存在。

66、Combining this impved compason method with impved AHP index scale method, the consistency of judent matx in pcess of confirming weight of each elements is impved.在权向量确定方式上,对确定各评价因素重要因子两两比对法进行了改进,结合改进AHP指数标度方法,较好解决了定权过程一致问题。

67、METHODS Using a "impved nonaqueous titration" as the method of content determination of total citrates and "Sodium tetraphenylboon titrations" for potassium citrate, separately.方法:用改进非水滴定法测定总枸橼酸盐含量,用四苯硼钠法测定枸橼酸钾含量。

68、At the same time, de-noising threshold value is determined by the impved method.同时,采用改进方法来确定降噪阈值。

69、The major content of Hegel's dialectic can be summazed as follows: (黑格尔辩证法主要内容可概括为:(

1) The three dloping stages of Absolute spit of affirmation, negation, negation of the negation.


70、We ough to indentify the istrative act by pcede and result.界定行政行为良否应当从程序与结果两方面进行认定。

71、Objective To impve on the method for the determination of lincomycin hydchlode and lidocaine hydchlode gel.目改进林可霉素利多卡因凝胶含量测定方法。 方法采用高效液相谱法。

72、These techniques fall ino o distinct classes, depending upon whether or not the shaft is also balanced as a gid body.这些方法可以分为明显两类,决定于是否把轴作为刚体进行平衡。

73、Methods Vanadate oxidation of serum total bilirubin, and dichloaniline law and the law of JG impved results.方法用钒酸氧化法测定血清总胆红素,并与二氯苯胺法和改良J-G法测定结果比较。

74、Huawei is 'conducting dits of its pducts to determine if any compmise has occred. ' If so, it will dlop and communicate apppate fixes, said Mr. Plummer.普卢默称,华为正在对其产品进行评审,以确定是否被植入后门。如果确有此事,公司将研究出修改方法并告知客户。

75、Flt diaosis methods are classified into three general categoes—quantitative model-based methods, qualitative model-based methods, and pcess data-based methods.文章将故障诊断方法分为基于定量模型方法、基于定模型方法和基于数据方法。

英文句子模板76:Method of changing to negative sentence,76、The influence of xiliary mateals may be eliminated when main ingredients are determined after tablets dissolved in alcohol and filtered.将原方法改为全用乙醇溶解、定容并滤过后进行测定,可排除辅料糊精对主药测定扰。

77、The mechani of the effects and the evaluation of vaous pifying pcesses are discussed.评定了各种纯化方法。从而认为,擦洗处理是值得推广一种改造原砂工艺;

78、Facts have refuted his views.事实否定了他看法。

79、Methods To dlop rat's muscle tremor models by Arecoline Hydbmide, observed the changes in rat's muscle tremor behavior by ZhenChan-Ting capsule;方法应用氢溴酸槟榔碱诱发小鼠肌肉震颤,观察震颤停胶囊能否改善其肌肉震颤行为;


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