
发布时间:2023-04-05 08:49:43 阅读:102 点赞:0

关于”很酷短句“英子26个,句子主体:Very cool short sentences.。以下是关于很酷短句专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Very cool short sentences.


1、But I'm still not se I can take you nd my cool fends.


2、This cool PC case is actually a mini version of a real motorcycle.


3、Jiang Liwei's hair looks cool. His hair goes well with his tusers. (His hair matches his tusers)


4、People who are convinced this style of desi is “cool” have continuously imitated Tokyo.


5、There are few places on earth where life is as short and brutal as in Bundelkhand, the

6)desolate region straddling the southern tip of Uttar Pradesh where Banda lies.


6、Just get a cool tool and we're set".


7、Even my always "cool" daddy was almost bst into tears and he gave me a very warm hug.


8、One was a so-called "adorned condition" where the participants were tned out clothed and styled.


9、Jack the Lad is conscious of his image and will dnk a bottled beer, or cider.


10、Bobby: What if I offered to show you some cool moves for the boards?


11、Basically, founders who are unprepared for the gors of a startup are less likely to make it.


12、I am ding① a bike②. I am good at cycling! Do I look cool③?


13、"My name is Kudou Shinichi, I'm a detective ! " the cool boy always says .


14、Becse I thought it was cool, since I am into technolo and other geeky things.


15、It used to be cool to have a credit card and be all high-flying.


16、Sasaki intergation Li Erqin, but Li Erqin all dont say a word, a torte to Li Erqin sasaki is.


17、For example, there's an amusement park in my dream world with some pretty cool des.


18、Despite the avalanche of competition it’ll face, it still looks pretty cool.


19、Speaking of MAN, a lot of people will think that, cool, personality, and so words…

“对于外空生物学,在火星上事情看起来是很严酷”,Chstopher F。

20、"Things looked so gm for exobiolo on Mars, " said Chstopher F.

21、And seously, don’t pull a “King Otto”. That would not be cool.同时真诚希望你不要成为国王奥托,这并不很酷。

22、When he was asked what was the most cruel Chinese saying, he quoted this pverb: ‘Howr grand the feast, it always has to end’.当有人问他人最残酷一句话是什么时,他说: 天下没有不散筵席。

23、I would look so cool that Sylvia’s red lowlights would be out of fashion.这会使我看起来很酷,西尔维娅暗红头发要过时了。

24、This cool timepiece was inspired by Salvador Dalí's creative art.这款很酷计时器受到萨尔瓦多·达利(著名画家)创作画启发而设计。

25、This all might seem very cruel but fm a genetic standpoint it makes sense.这可能看起来很残酷,但从基因角度行得通。

英文句子26:,26、One of the cool coconut water is the day most eat 1-2, eat easily apparent.一个很酷椰子汁是最一天吃

1 - 2,多吃容易明显。

27、Usually well-camouflaged cold, was deep into his eyes, suddenly collapsed.平时伪装得很好冷酷,对着他那深邃眼睛,一下子崩溃了。

28、I wasted a lot of ener when I was younger worrying about being cool.在我年轻时候花了很多精力来成为一个酷哥。

29、Sound like one of those cool-but-too-crazy-to-work kind of transit schemes?这种新颖交通设计听起来很酷,但可以真正实现吗?

30、Bob Basset fm Ukraine has d a cool looking bag out of leather.来自乌克兰Bob Basset用皮革制作了一个外形很酷龙背包。

31、All the UI enhancements, especially multi-touch and jump lists, are cool.所有关于UI优化,尤其是多点触摸和跳跃列表(Jump List)都很酷。

32、“He was brutal,” said Mark Ratner, a mateals chemist at Northwestern University.“他很冷酷,”一位西北大学材料化学家马克.拉特纳说道。

33、Chloramine resistance – for long life under the harshest water conditions.抗氯胺腐蚀-在最严酷水环境下能够维持很长使用寿命。

34、Of cose, it's not easy for those pfessional motions such as jumping, tnover and maintaining balance at the petty edge.当然了,想玩儿到很酷很专业腾越、翻转或边缘平衡肯定是不容易。

35、Many people might think this is cruel, but there are a few mitigating circumstances.许多人或许认为这很残酷,而实际上有一些缓和环境。

36、so you have few cool undergund gallees and clubs and all that.有几个很酷地下美术馆、俱乐部和诸如此类地方。

37、Year passed, the king got mared again, the people didn't love the new queen, becse she was cruel.许多年过去了,国王又迎娶了一位新皇后,新皇后很美丽可是很残酷。

38、If you wanna be the best,you gotta beat the best!:如果你想成为最强,那你就得击败最强!

39、No dou you will think that it’s cruel, but it saves the life of my sheep.是,如你们所猜想,那很残酷,但那挽救了我羊生命。

40、Okay, so maybe it's of a tickle, but still...好啦,可能其实这更像是在挠痒痒,但还是很酷对不对

41、We thought it’d be really cool to do it so the neighbors could see.我们觉得这么做很酷,这样邻居就能看到这菜园。

42、The unique location-based application presents some very cool opportunities for non-pfits.它独特地图应用,为非营利组织提供了一些很酷机会。

43、It looks pretty cool sitting next to the snorkel in the sail cap.看起来很酷坐在旁边向液压升降台在船帆上限。

44、Not at all. I think the tattoos are so cool and chic. I have nr seen those in my entire life. Have you?没有啊。我觉得这些纹身很酷也很时髦。我这辈子没见过这样东西。

45、Maybe dvers feel they are okay and dving fast seems very cool.也许司机们认为自己能开吧,而且开快车似乎很酷。

46、A cool pair can make a man look quite handsome, cerebral, a bit of a thinker.一款酷炫眼镜可以让人看起来很漂亮、理、有思想。

47、是,如你们所猜想,那很残酷,但那挽救了我羊生命。No dou you will think that it’s cruel, but it saves the life of my sheep.

48、Youku and Ku6 were both founded by former Sohu s.优酷和酷六都是由前高管创立。

49、Basically, it is just a plywood box with a cool Oental name (Fo).通常,它仅是用胶合板制造而成,有一个很酷东方名字(澡盆)。

50、I saw all these cool crews in thepilation videos. I want to start my own crew too!我在集锦中看到了很多很酷组织,我也想组织我自己组织,怎么样呢?

经典英文句子51:很酷短句,51、White people think theyre so cool, but in reality, white people .白人觉得他们很酷,但是实际上,白种人糟糕透顶。

52、Well, of cose, but what makes someone cool and interesting to you?当然,这很不错。 可是什么样人对你来说是“酷、有意思”呢?

53、That's cool. The Robert must be very clr. I would like to have one.真酷。这个机器人一定很智能。我想要一个。

54、Hello? Can someone open this door so I can get to the cool gadgets?哈喽?有人能开下门吗,我想用下那个看起来很酷机器。

55、It will be one or many things that form an impression that Ancient Ept is cool.可能是让他们觉得古埃及人很酷什么事。

56、Finally, once electcity fm the wall could be counted on, we be to get cool things like radios and tvs.终于,当墙上电源很可时,我们开始拥有很酷东西,比如说收音机和电视。

57、A harsh mountain winter ends the short planting season abruptly. The margin beeen starvation and svival is slender.严酷山区寒冬使得作物短暂生长季节戛然而止,人们常年在饥饿中苟延生存。

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