itself是什么意思 itself的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2023-05-28 18:07:21 阅读:227 点赞:0



1. 它身

例句:So this whole town is just gonna eat, dnk and itself to death?

翻译:this whole town and itself to death?。


2. 它自己

例句:- What do you mean, saline?

翻译:has that door locked itself again?。


3. 它自己

例句:They're unchanging, much like this part of Afca itself. Ancient and ad, it almost nr rains on this land, yet there is water here, hidden away.

翻译:much like this part of Afca itself. hidden away.。





1. They're unchanging, much like this part of Afca itself. Ancient and ad, it almost nr rains on this land, yet there is water here, hidden away.

翻译:much like this part of Afca itself. hidden away.。

2. Drawing ener into itself.

翻译:往自身吸引能量 drawing ener into itself.。

3. it upgrades itself,maintains itself,patches itself.

翻译:它自我更新 自我 自我修复。

4. The temple collapsed on itself.

翻译:寺庙整个了 The temple collapsed on itself.。

5. Earth itself is a giant maet.

翻译:地球身就是一块巨大磁铁 Earth itself is a giant maet.。

6. i beli that nate will choose for itself, fm itself,


7. it wound itself aund o trees, and vanished by itself!

翻译:就这么凭空出现 消失!。

8. Fun with Flags is wting itself.

翻译:题材如泉涌呀 is wting itself.。

9. Should be ashamed of itself.

翻译:那酒自己都该觉得丢脸 Should be ashamed of itself.。

10. The only charade was the deal itself.

翻译:唯一骗局就是协议身 The only charade was the deal itself.。

11. This tech was built to defend itself.

翻译:This tech was built to defend itself.。

12. Sasha demidov's magic typewter tned itself on all by itself.

翻译:萨沙・戴米多夫那神奇打字机自己运转起来了 Sasha Demidov's magic typewter tned itself on all by itself.。

13. The dp itself would be at the... what's that word?

翻译:The dp itself would be at the... 那个字是什么? what's that word?。

14. ikea doesn't assemble itself, you know.

翻译:Ikea doesn't assemble itself, you know.。

15. "My gwing enthusia for the narrative itself,

翻译:我对写作热情逐渐增加 My gwing enthusia for the narrative itself,。

标签: 女士英文名 

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