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关于”学习方法“英子35个,句子主体:learning method。以下是关于学习方法小学英子。

英文句子模板1:learning method


1、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.


2、At the same time, but also tght me a way to learn so that I self-study.


3、Conclusion: PBL has been pved to be an effective method in general sgery teaching.


4、Based on ugh sets , sral important concepts in machine learning are discussed, and a new inductive studying and algothm of machine learning are pposed.


5、Traditional methods of learning a forei language die hard.


6、Due to a crash Chinese cose for Chinese beginners, it is recommended that students will make a step-by-step schedule in accordance with their own time and stren.


7、The above summary centralized oersted of number learning method, we hope to be able to yo math learning .


8、We will invent much impved methods to harne the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capte and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted fm o power plants.


9、The methods of cultivating students' independent study are self-choice method, situational method, dio-visual method and nts selecting method.


10、Illustrating ideas as pictes and using colored pens to highlight important points in reading mateal are both ways of learning that work well for visual learners.


11、Thugh the study we find: the pcessive learning assesent is especially useful in leading and facilitating students to grasp learning method;


12、Sral appaches to machine learning are used to solve pblems.


13、I am ready to learn and have a careful mind. Moreover, I possess the method and the ability to study.


14、The cose presents instructional methods, educational philosophy, teaching mateals, steps, instructional content and methods of Orff-Schulwerk music education.


15、Give out a explanation based machine learning method and how to apply it into extracting comr Go life-death knowledge.


16、Students who have this learning style take a hands-on appach to education and enjoy doing expements or sveys.

17、the way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. 学习一门语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。


18、At the same time , cooperating the students to form a habit of conception learning , it also put forward the specific methods for guilding and training the students" conception learning ability ."


19、Conclusion:PBL conforms to the practice of nuclear medicine and is effective and feasible.

学习一门。语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。 建材。

20、The way to learn a language is . to practice speaking it as. often as possi. ble…

21、But I think one of the best ways to learn is thugh interactive learning,但是我想最好学习方法之一,就是互动教学,

22、Thus, many machine learning algothms will hardly resemble how you yoself might appach a learning task.因此,在接到一个学习任务时,很多机器学习算法很难像用你那种方式去工作。

23、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. (学习一门语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

24、Fther, presented a new framework exploiting active learning and semi-supervised learning to attack the disadvantage…针对现有方法不足,给出了应用主动学习和半学习新思路。

25、I ma to search the best way of teaching shot-put thugh the Shot put by Slide Step Backward expement which compares the"Mastery learning theory"and tradition pedago.试图通过“掌握学习”教学方法与传统教学方法在背向滑步投铅球技术教学中对比实验研究,寻求推铅球教学方法最优化。

英文句子26:,26、Bee learning is needs-based, we put the emphasis on a hands-on, praatic and inter -…因为学习需要为基,我们把重点放在一动手,务实和跨学科学习方法。

27、Wang Binhui will teach you the best English learning techniques!王斌辉老师将教授给你最好学习方法!

28、Pblem - based learning is a contextualized and students - centered teaching method, which anchored learning to special pblems.基于问题学习是将学习“抛锚”于具体问题之中一种情境化了、以学生为中心教学方法。

29、To add n vaety, each person has different learning styles and preferences.学习方法和偏好也是因人而异。

30、I rejiggered my appach to learning and am doing better.我改变了学习方法,现在成绩好多了。

31、Once the students learning and teachers teaching methods do not coincide with each other will be out of teaching and learning of English.一旦学生学习方法与老师教学方法不吻合,英语教与学就会相互脱离。

32、In order to raise the efficiency in teaching, much attention should be devoted to training students to fm a good reading habit.要提高现代文阅读教学效率,应重视培养学生良好阅读习惯和科学学习方法。

33、But the rectification of wng mathemati pblems in high school students' learning is just the important way to cultivate the students' tonomous learning ability.而高中生数学学习中错题矫正,便是培养学生自主学习能力重要方法。

34、Then post-method condition, post-method pedago and the framework of post-method mic-strategies are sorted out thugh literate review.通过文献复习,梳理了后方法条件、后方法教育理论和后方法宏观策略框架等后方法语言教学方法观。

35、The appach detecting the faces can be devided into o kinds: knowledge-based methods and statistical learning-based methods.人脸检测方法主要划分为基于知识人脸验证方法和基于统计学习方法。

36、On the basis of the extensive dlopment of mathematical exercises, the article puts forward special methods compiling middle school mathematical exercises.依据数学习题广泛能,论文专门提出了中学数学习题特殊编制方法。

37、This is the way that the Academy can learn of the middle way.这是(密学)研究院可以学习中道方法。

38、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. (学习一门语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

39、Methods:To bng beforehand pbation into the stage of clinic noviciate of pediatc and to evaluate the effectivity thugh questionnaire.方法:在部分临床见习中实施预见习教学方式,并通过问卷调查了解教学效果。

40、There are many diffferent methods of learning English, what's yo choice?学习英语有多种方法,你选择哪种。

41、The pduct-oented appach to assesent is generally cteon-referenced, on the contrary, assesent in the pcess-oented appach is concerned with the learning pcess.产品法采用标准参照考核方法,过程法考核方法着重考查学生学习过程。

42、The appaches adopted by inductive learning of complex structe can be classified into logic-based ones and graph-based ones according to knowledge representation.复杂结构归纳学习方法按照知识表示方式不同分为基于逻辑方法与基于数学图方法。

43、What better way to learn than a hands-on expeence?没有比动手实践更好学习方法了。

44、My perspective is the old way. These students are learning the new way.我观点已经落伍了,而学生们正在学习新方法。

45、Methods:Pfessor LiuZaiPeng was followed, finishing the copy cases.方法:跟随刘再朋教授学习,整理其临床经验。

46、The way to leam a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.学习一门语言方法就是要尽量地多练习说。

47、The method pvides a method for pcessing the unnormalized language by using the minimized monitong study.该方法提出运用最小化学习方法来处理非规范语言。

48、Studies on it have pven that it is an effective way to build vocabulary as a necessary supplementary implement of direct instruction.关于附带词汇学习方法众多研究证明这种方法是对直接词汇教学方法一种有效且必需补充。

49、This method, called co-operative learning puts the bden of learning and the emphasis on the students own initiative.这种合作学习方法把学习重担转移到了学生主动上来。

50、A number of other learning methods for training Multilayer Perceptn.用于训练多层感知器其它学习方法;

经典英文句子51:学习方法,51、Ma Donghan recalled that she explained her schedule ding the oral exam to demonstrate her learning method.马冬晗回忆说,答辩时她展示了自己学习计划表,说明了自己学习方法,。

52、Specifying what pposes the research findings are going to be used and knowing the nate of the phenomena would researchers to choose the ght research method.对于了解学习意是非常重要,质化或量化学习方法都有可能增强及消弱学习者意愿。

53、Support vector machine(SVM) is a new machine learning technique.支持向量机(SVM)是一种新型机器学习方法。

54、After he retned to China, Chen psued "Seminer" method in university teaching.陈氏归国后又在大学教学中实行了“习明纳尔”这种教学方法。

55、Helen and Anne worked hard using the tapping, and a form of Braille to communicate and to learn.安努力地教海伦用轻敲手背方法学习,并使用盲人点字法进行交流和学习。

56、Scott has taken the pcess of learning and has hit upon the methods that most quick learners use, breaking it down into easily understandable and practical steps that any of us can implement.斯科特通过学习过程,并发现了最快速学习者使用方法,将学习方法分解成易理解和实用步骤,使得我们任何人都可以运用。

57、Each method will build on the others and reinforce what you’re learning.每种方法都会建立在其他方法之上来不断强化你学习。

58、The article compares English language with French language in grammar in the hope of ing those bilingual learners.文将从语法方面来比较英法两语言,希望对同时学习这两种语言学习者有所帮助。

59、Many teaching method reforms have been performed in classom teaching and clinic noviciate .在大课教学和见习教学中进行了多种教学方法改革。

60、MALLOY: There was only one way that I truly learn.马洛依:我只有一种方法去学习。

61、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.(学习一门语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

62、The connotation of "study guide based teaching method"is that the students study for themselves with the guidance of the teachers.“学导式”教学法是一种在教师指导下学生自主学习教学方法。

63、It pvides the theoretical guidance for students of different personalities styles to use learning strategies while they are in the pcess of learning.因此,应针对不同气质类型学生学习方法提供相应学习策略导向。

、The tonomous study is a main studying method in the modern distance education. Howr, this method for the practicing coses of the engineeng is rather difficult.自主学习是现代远程开放教育主要学习方法,但工科类课程实践环节自主学习比较困难。

65、We might as well have a try with the teaching method of Learner-Centered.我们不妨试试“以学习者为中心”教学方法。

66、To impve the learning efficiency and global convergence we present the monotone homotopy method, which has the same convergence as the Newton's method, to train the weights of the neork.为改进网络学习效率及大范围收敛,提出了网络权值学习单调同伦方法,该方法具有与法相同二阶收敛。

67、Come to an end, and ryone I have been on a general appach to learning - will us to learn all subjects in the study habits.到此为止,我一直在和大家对学习方法进行一般探讨——有助于我们学好一切科目学习习惯。

68、ku nang jia nun sang kio ki su shi ha mi da所以说要学习微笑方法

69、The Linyi normal university students'capability of web-based tonomous learning is remarkable lower than Shanghai normal university students.上海师范大学学生自我效能、学习控制、一般方法和自主学习总体水平均强于临沂师院学生;

70、Collaborative, integrated and most advanced learning s and teaching methodologies.合作与集成型先进学习空间以及教学方法。

71、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. 学习一门语言方法就是要尽量多地练习说。

72、One should not mechanically copy other students' study methods.对别人学习方法不能生搬硬套。

73、Word-formation is one of the important methods of English learning.英语构词法是英语学习中重要方法之

74、Li Ming and Wang Ying are o students of Senior Three.你班李明和王英同学在高三阶段有不同学习方法。

75、Language is learned with its culte. College English teaching should follow certain pnciples and methods when culte is intduced.学习语言,必须辅以学习其文化,而文化导入需要遵循原则和讲究方法。

英文句子模板76:learning method,76、Some aspects of this appach are pblem- and learner-specific.这种方法是特定问题、特定学习者。

77、Suzuki teaching is one of the world-renowned teaching methods, which draws on the mother-tongue learning method.铃木教学法系国际著名音乐教学法之一,该教学法是一种以借鉴母语学习为方法原理音乐教学。

78、So don't try just one method to learn morse code.因此不只是试一个方法学习摩尔斯电码。


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