
发布时间:2023-12-25 06:37:26 阅读:25 点赞:0




1、There was to him than that, which makes his story n sadder.


2、The that comes up, the that can be healed and released.

不要将黄油涂抹于烧伤部位,因为黄油会使组织聚热,从而有可能导致更多损伤并且加大了引发感染几率 。

3、Do not apply butter to the bn. Butter will trap heat in the damaged tissues, which can potentially cse damage and increase yo chance of dloping an infection.


4、Today I come to realize that I'm but setimental. I can feel the cut bleeding with claty, but unaware of how to stanch.

打官司既劳民伤财,又伤感情。 人们应当通过德高望重长者调解来解决矛盾。

5、They are encoaged to solve pblems thugh mediation by old people of high prestige, since filing a lawsuit could be costly and harm people's feelings.


6、You ht my feelings by betraying me when I'm in tuble.


7、Objective To study degeneration of free nerve endings and sensory corpuscles after nerve injies.


8、Strain in a relationship could also be linked to poor emotional well-being becse it threatens young men's sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.


9、Infection was aggravated by forcing wood shavings and gund glass into the wounds.


10、The E2EH sensor offers increased sensing range (up to 12mm) that also s avoid collision damage with passing objects.

抑郁自救播客- 如果你感到抑郁,感觉悲伤或有其他负面情绪,你必须听这个播客。

11、Depression Self-Help Podcast – You must listen to this podcast if you are depressed or feel really upset or negative.


12、Symptoms of bovine TB in humans are different fm those of common TB, which srely compmises lung function.


13、The dlopment and posis of the infection were related with bn area, shock, vaous degrees of inhalation injy, istration of antibiotic and so on.


14、‘I want you to understand, doctor, you are hting my innermost feelings.’


15、But if it is messy and occasionally mawkish, “The First Grader” is rarely dull.


16、Do you worry that yo reaction may ht the feelings of the Roteiler?


17、And that’s why there was some ill feeling there or some sadnesses that were not there at the beginning at all.


18、We should not "offend the feelings of another, n though he be an evil-doer".


19、Always put yoself in others' shies . If you feel that it hts you, it pbably hts others, too.


20、Acupuncte-related adverse nts were classified into three categoes: trmatic, infectious and “other”.

21、I would have ced and lghed less while watching television - and while watching life.我会更多关注生活,而不去对着电视感伤。

22、Gwth has permitted the social stratification which n the Daily Mail now laments.经济增长使社会分层,甚至《每邮报》都为此感伤。

23、Graduation, we wake up at midnight, touch and the infinite sad words.毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤虚词。 。

24、Sensors in o clothes will leap into action if we are ht.当我们时,衣服上感应器会马上采取行动。

25、One day the ter came by---and stepped on her. ---She was going to die---and she felt so sad.某一天,一个猎人走过她身边踩过了她身体,她将要了,她感到很伤感。

英文句子26:,26、"He is the one who will feel presse and discomfort, is likely to feel ht and want to escape," he said.陈说:“皮特会因压力过大而感到不适,他很可能会有感觉,并想逃离一切。”

27、I think I rationalized that I was trying to spare his feelings.我想我是在为我“尽量不伤害他感情”找借口。

28、Conclusion SLPI can inhibit LPS-induced inflammation in lung of newborn rats.结论SLPI对LPS致新生大鼠急肺损伤有抗感染作用。

29、The major infectious soce was the dogs, and the main ute of tranission was bitting(97.25%).传染源主要是犬,感染方式以咬伤(97.25%)为主;

30、Sometimes feel to learn not to shed blood, with tears, very sentimental and des the soul like a shadow, presse really cutting heavy, sorw will inadvertently rendeng, diffuse in the heart!有时感到自己学习不洒热血,浸透泪泉,无比感伤又会攀附灵魂如影随行,压力真很伐重,忧伤总会在不经意中渲染开,弥漫于心胸!

31、People should not make movies like "Blood Freak, " becse it hts my feelings.人们不应该像“血奇人” ,因为它伤害了我感情。

32、I don't want to ht his feelings, but I don't want it!!我不想伤害他感情,但同样,我也不想得到这把风琴!!

33、We feel ht, angry, pitiable, defeated when we expeence real suffeng.当我们经验真实痛苦时,我们感觉、愤怒、可怜,与挫败。

34、HuXiaoYue hamstng beginning infection, king minister r's disease is also becoming increasingly heavier.胡晓月腿伤开端感染,王部长病也越来越重。

35、She loves soppy love stoes, old films, that sort of thing.她喜欢伤感爱情故事、老以及诸如此类东西。

36、We parted at cbside , without too much soppy stuff and no tears.我们在路边分手,没有太多感伤情节也没有流泪。

37、Cheng Fan saw e always has a kind of sad mood, flash.程帆看出了丽君总有那么一丝,一闪伤感情绪。

38、In addition, long-term oking, eye trma, infection, inflammation and other factors, would harm the delicate macular orizations, impede vision center.此外,长期吸菸、眼部外伤、感染、炎症等因素,也会伤害黄斑部精致组织,妨碍中心视力。

39、Strangely, the new H1N1 strain of virus does not stke the elderly anything like as much as seasonal flu does.奇怪是,这种新型H1N1流感病毒并不像季节流感那样对老年人有什么伤害。

40、And we also like rybody , at this time we have to say goodbye , feel be deeply attached to say and sadness .我们也与大家一样,在这个即将要挥手告别子里,感到恋恋不舍和伤感。

41、Results All patients could take semi soft diets or soft diets after the operations, 结果术后均能张口进半流质或软食,

20 patients' incisions healed well, and

1 patient infected.

2 0例软组织伤口I期愈合,1例伤口继发感染。

42、NEXT time a sentimental movie makes you cry, blame yo setonin lls.下次伤感让你哭时候,去怪你血清素水平吧。

43、Dreary feelings like confusion, frustration, tension, and sadness are some of the feelings we expeence when we are out of balance.忧郁感觉比如困惑、受挫、紧张和伤心,这些感觉是我们失去平衡时所经历。

44、I would like to be a single-cell oris, heartless create alive.我想做个单细胞生物,没心没肺活着。 伤感志。

45、Has anyone else r found a better pretext for a sloppy snog?对于这个庸俗伤感吻,还有谁能找到更好借口吗?

46、Scientolo preaches that, if you touch the wound to the object that csed the injy and silently concentrate, the pain lessens and a sense of trma fades.山达基鼓吹,如果你对着伤到你对象触摸自己伤口,并且默默地全神贯注,那么疼痛就会减轻,感觉就会渐渐消失。

47、To using for common cold headache, rheumatic arthralgia, rubella ptus, tetanus and so on.用于感冒头痛,风湿痹痛,风疹瘙痒,破伤风等症。

48、For bruises, bruising, swelling and pain and vaous skin diseases.用于治疗跌打损伤、淤血肿痛,以及各种皮肤感染疾病。

49、“Now ...” His voice trailed off sadly.“在恐怖袭击以前,这儿大堂里到处是人,可现在……,”他话音不无伤感。

50、At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted create's contller, Festeng Wound deals X damage to that player, where X is the number of infection counters on Festeng Wound.在受此结界生物之控制者维持开始时,溃脓创伤对该玩家造成X点伤害,X等同于溃脓创伤上面感染指示物数量。

经典英文句子51:伤感,51、By this time, I felt sad and all and now my own tears had begun to fall.此时,我感到悲伤、渺小;此时,我已潸然泪下。

52、Yeah. Like when you get a sprain, you have a feeling of tenderness.好比,当你扭伤了手或脚关节,你会感到碰触了就痛。

53、Objective:To study the effect of nasal mucosa damage on re-infection of rubella virus.目研究鼻粘膜损伤对风疹病毒再感染影响。

54、' Spalletti talked about the condition of Baptista: "He got a knock above his knee, he's feeling pain, we'll see tomorw."斯帕莱蒂还谈了巴普蒂斯塔伤势,“他膝盖了,他还感觉到疼痛,明天还需要观察下。”

55、Frequency sensitivities oained fm a defect-free finite element model are applied to calculate the theoretical frequency changes.基于频率敏感度和振型,在损伤定位准则基上,提出一种确定圆柱壳中损伤位置和程度方法。

56、The joy for the win, the adation for the eternal Pippo Inzaghi, but also the disappointment for Chstian Abbiati's injy and the trust in Dida and Kalac.为酣畅大胜感到喜悦,对永恒皮波感到景仰,为阿比感到遗憾,对迪达卡拉奇表示信任。

57、Sucre seems to be hting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.苏克雷看上去伤还没好,而迈克似乎感到十分晕眩。

58、Circulatory pblems can manifest themselves as numbness and tingling in the feet; so can pepheral neopathy, or damage to the nerves that often begins at the extremities.脚部感和刺痛感可能预示着循环题目、外部神经题目或者神经损伤,神经损伤通常都是从神经末梢开始。

59、The structal damage alarming indices based on wavelet packet ener spectrum were sensitive to damage and bust to noise and they could be used in actual structes.基于小波包能量谱结构损伤预警指标对结构损伤具有敏感、对噪声具有鲁棒,可以用于实际结构损伤预警。

60、And the movie is so sad that you can't stop fm crying really loudly这部太令人感伤了,你控制不住地哭出声来。

61、The tussis that this models after to snifters early phase tn up is especially efficacious.此法对伤风感冒早期出现咳嗽尤其灵验。

62、If you nr felt sadness, how would you know that I'm a Comforter?如果你从未感受哀伤,你怎能知道我是安者?

63、Hammers physio George Cooper descbed the injy as a 'major shock' becse Fbert had no history of Achilles tuble.西汉姆队医乔治“库说这次伤病让人感到震惊,因为法特跟腱以前从来没有受过伤。

、Hyperbac chambers are sometimes used to literally bombard the wound area with pe oxygen, boosting blood flow and encoaging healing.高压氧舱有时被用来利用纯氧来精确轰击伤口感染区域,进而加强血流和促进伤口愈合。

65、Howr, I think, really moved, really sad, but it make up mind, and tned into confidence and coage to move on.然而我想,真正感动,确伤感,可是它补心,并且化作继续前行信心与勇气。

66、He showed that physical sicknesses and disabilities sometimes were csed by emotional conflicts.他证明,躯体疾病或伤残有时是由情感冲突引起。

67、No-one in my team would lgh at an opponent being injed.我队伍没有任何人对对手而感到开心。

68、Can not but to sigh: who will Duoqing injy, candle-Ju discoaged Bnout!忍不住要感叹:人若多情必伤情,烛炬成灰心燃尽!

69、River of exceeding lofty or great has inspirational king block to break the joney, harm life;通天河有灵感大王阻断行程,伤害命;

70、Cover the bn with clean, non-fluffy mateal to ptect fm infection.用净没有绒毛材料包扎伤口来防止感染。

71、I am going to be sad when they finally get a name for it.我会感到很伤心,如果他们最后给它起名话。

72、AIM To observe the long-term cerebptective effects of Buyang Huanwu decoction BYHWD on the sensomotor function and brain damage after focal cerebral ischemia in rats.目:观察补阳还五汤对大鼠脑缺血损伤后感觉运动能和脑损伤长期影响。

73、If you nr felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?如果你从未感到悲伤,那么你怎么知道他是安者?


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