
发布时间:2023-06-24 16:44:06 阅读:70 点赞:0




1、China's online travel has emerged with the impulse of bsk domestic demand of business travel and self- travel as well as the fast spreading of Internet.


2、In order to build Xianyang into a toist city, the core competition should be integrated regarding its toist resoces so that a quality toist area can be formed.


3、Folklore Toi today is an emerging international toi in Harbin Donglai Police Substation.


4、The exploit machination is in backward status in toi research usually.


5、Mount Malin is aboundt in both nate and human resoces of toi and has toist culte with its own charactesti. The exploitation and utilization of toist resoces has great value.


6、"I compared a toi zone with a non-toi zone and I was studying this for fo years and the benefits of toi were enormous, " she noted.


7、Spatial charactesti of toi flow is one of the most important contents in toi geography.


8、Toist Complaints: 0837-927, 6224276


9、Along with the unceasing dlopment of toi, the traveling is demanding diversity and subdivision, which requests diversified traveling pducts.


10、The arval of the expeence economy tide and the existence of the toi pduct life cycle and fashion cycle have claimed the toi pducts innovation.


11、But at Boutique Travel Travel Boutique, she got than she bargained for ...


12、As the renowned to zone of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Canus has a wealth of value.


13、The guiding model of toist dlopment is decided by the toist resoce and traveler resoce mar-ket.


14、Therefore, health-cultivation toi differs a lot fm 'medical toi 'or 'health care toi ', which is translated by the western countes, and it owns distinct characters.


15、Ice-snow toi is the most stking northern feate of toist pducts, encompassing to, entertainment and fitness. It is increasingly popular in recent years.


16、East China charter flight, vehicles, mane toi, toi chartered boat concessions and booking s ;

为游客设计和安排国际国内旅游线路, 提供旅游包价和小包价服务。

17、Desi and arrange the domestic and international to itinerary. Both full package and mini-package tos are welcome.


18、Travel China Beijing- The Forb…


19、The velocity of increase of inbound toi beyond expectation, and the domestic toi increased slowly.


20、Image es the toists have one feeling of psuing, then actuates to go.

21、Toist Complaints: 0830-927旅游投诉:0830-927

22、HYFCO Travel, Silvermine Beach Hotel and Harbo Cruise-Bhinia are under travel and hotel operations of the Gup.旅游及酒店业务公司主要包括油蔴地旅游、银鑛湾酒店及洋紫荆维港游。

23、The China Toi Academy predicted that the nation's toi income would top 100b ding the National Day Golden Week, a year-on-year gwth of 25%.据旅游研究院,今年"十一"黄金周国内旅游旅游收入将超过1000亿元币,同比增长25%。

24、Travoler: We'II take the ute No. 游客:我们选择第10号旅游路线。


25、The official site of Toi Authoty of Thailand. Amazing Thailand, Travel information, Travel guide, maps, hotels, accommodation, attractions, nts festivals, food …泰国旅游网是泰国旅游第一中文门户,主要介绍泰国旅游景点、泰国酒店、泰国机票、泰国人妖等等。

英文句子26:,26、Huizhou cultal hetage was the important toi resoces which the Southern Anhui toist area depended on.徽州文化遗产是皖南旅游区依托重要旅游资源。

27、The airport blockades particularly ht the toi industry, a cornerstone of the Thai economy.封锁机场尤其损害旅游业,而旅游业是泰国经济支柱。

28、The construction theory of toi sociolo, which is an important domain of theory, paying attention to the construction relationship beeen daily life and toi life.建构论旅游社会学研究关注常生活与旅游生活之间建构关系,是旅游研究一个重要论域。

29、And to contract has its peculiaty and we need to establish the blemish assed responsibility in the to contract to ptect the toist's interests.同时旅游合同还有其特殊,为了更好地保护旅游者利益,我国很需要建立旅游合同瑕疵担保责任。

30、As the base of toi dlopment, toi resoces have been generally applied in toi studying, toi planning, toi resoce ptection and investigation.旅游资源是构成旅游业发展基,在旅游研究、区域、资源保护和资源等方面受到广泛应用。

31、Abstract: In recent years, Hangzhou enjoys the rapid dlopment of inbound toi, the increasing number of inbound toists and the diversified target s.摘要: 近年来杭州入境旅游市场发展迅猛,入境旅游人数增加,旅游客源地呈现多元化发展。

32、Of cose, a personalized to is costly than a package, or gup to, and caters to the needs of those who can afford them.当然,个化旅游比包价旅游或团队旅游花费要贵一些,但他满足了那些负担得起消费者需要。

33、Arved the joney plans stage, this scale ses to 54% , it is travel directory next (44% ) with travel expert (38% ) .到了旅行计划阶段,此比例上升到54%,其次是旅游指南(44%)和旅游专家(38%)。

34、The toists will tarry at an inn.旅游者们将在一个旅店里逗留。

35、In the 21st centy, China's toi is expeencing the transition fm the new economic gwth point to pole industry and fm the big country to stng country in toi.21世纪,旅游业己经从新经济增长点迈向新支柱产业,从旅游大国迈向旅游强国。

36、Toist Complaints: 0816-927旅游投诉:0816-927

37、Thermal spng toi has become a hot topic in the field of toi research in recent years.近年来,温泉旅游成为旅游研究热点问题之

38、These resident offices can only take up toi consulting, liaison , and pmotion work. They shall not engage in toi businesses.外国旅行社常驻机构只能从事旅游咨询、联络、宣传活动,不得经营旅游业务。

39、Now Guangxi pvince is under the transition fm a large toi one to a toi enhanced one.广西正致力于从旅游大省向旅游强省转变。

40、Toi of folk custom is out of toi forms while have great potential nowadays, and its exploitation patterns have aused great concern fm the toi industry.民俗旅游是新世纪里最具发展潜力旅游形式之一,其模式也成为旅游界关注焦点。

41、Toi benefits not only the sector, but also manufacte of toist commodities.旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品制造业有利。

42、The Word lo Orization predicts that by 2020 China will become the first big country of the toist target and the foth big country of the toist export.据世界旅游组织,到xx年将成为世界第一大旅游目国和第四大旅游客源输出国。

43、At last it bngs forwards colligation mament, senior education and modernized monitor techonolo for the envinmental ptection in Kaihua.提出通过建立综合化体系、旅游人才高级化培养和现代化旅游监测手段来进行旅游地生态环境保护。

44、At the same time, set the theme of Jinyuan cultal toi image and toist utes.同时确定金源文化旅游区主题形象和旅游线路。

45、Travel deep into the Guyanese rain forest by canoe, as part of a tp with Wilderness Explorers.随着荒野探险旅行社,乘独木舟旅游深入到圭亚那热带雨林作为旅游一部分。

46、Appeang along with the traveling demand's diversification, the geological traveling heat is emerging quietly, the geological park imperceptibly had already become the new toi brand.随着旅游需求多样化出现,地质旅游热正在悄然兴起,地质公园已经无形中形成了新旅游品牌。

47、Agcultal toi, a newly-emerged form of Chinese toi, has been ausing and interest in many cities with its unparalleled advantages compared with conventional toi.农业旅游是我国新兴专项旅游形式,因其具有诸多优越,越来越受到旅游者青睐。

48、Guilin Pingle downstream travel, ancient city of three vers confluence Zhao state, welcome you to come Guilin Ping Lok County Toi.桂林下游平乐旅游、昭州古城三江交汇,欢迎您到来桂林平乐县旅游。

49、The folk sports as a css-industry of toi and sports have become a hot topic and a bght spot.民俗体育旅游作为旅游业和体育产业交叉行业,成为当前旅游业一个热点,同时也是体育产业一个亮点。

50、Study on the Pblems of Toist Envinmental Capacity of Jiuhua Mountain;在可持续发展研究热潮中,旅游容量是旅游研究热点和难点。

经典英文句子51:旅游,51、Leise toi is dved by dlopment of leise economic, and bee of its many benefits, hot spng toi is noticeable among leise toi.休闲经济带动了休闲度假旅游发展,而温泉旅游因为自身诸多优势走上了休闲度假旅游前台。

52、Chinese wine culte has a ch to connotation, it has deposited into human toi resoce thughout a long history.酒文化具有丰富旅游内涵,纵观源远流长历史,酒文化早已沉淀为旅游资源中人文旅游资源。

53、Toist Complaints: 0812-3355632, 927旅游投诉:0812-3355632,927

54、There are not only the six types of to resoces defined in To Resoces Svey in China, but plentiful to of ethnic community cultes.曲靖市不仅具有《旅游资源普查规范》确定六大类旅游资源,而且拥有丰富文化旅游资源。

55、As one of the six world toi areas, Asia Pacific toi occupies the important position in the world toi pattern.亚太旅游市场作为世界六大旅游区之一,在世界旅游格局中处于重要地位,同时也是客源市场主体。

56、This is a stng tendency that constructs the sports travel circle in some areas that has plentiful of sports travel resoces in order to dlop sports travels.当前在体育旅游资源密集区,构建体育旅游圈,从而发展区域体育旅游是当前一大趋势。

57、Quite well-dloped toi industry.旅游业颇发达。

58、The ancient water streets of Suzhou are a unique traveling resoce, and their toist image is one of the most important parts of Suzhou as a toist city.苏州古城水街巷是一种独特旅游资源,其旅游形象是苏州城市旅游形象主要组成部分。

59、As chinese traveling well-known about Wuhu City travel meeting, bee of demonstrated the newest Chinese traveling achiment, in the domestic it had the extremely influence.作为旅游知名品牌芜湖旅博会,由于集中展示了旅游最新成果,在国内旅游业同类会展中极具影响力。

60、Toist Complaints: 0838-927旅游投诉:0830-927

61、FSE toi that reflects the needs of toists have being a great dlopment.节事旅游充分反映了旅游者这种需求,获得了极大发展。

62、Have you travelled a lot?你经常旅游吗?

63、Now culte-oented toi is trending aund the world, be paid attention to carry forward the folklore toi and show national geographic style.当前国际旅游逐渐向文化旅游发展,弘扬民间文化、展现地域风采民俗旅游越来越受重视。


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