
发布时间:2023-06-15 17:55:33 阅读:67 点赞:0




1、I heard the voices of fends vanished and gone.


2、He couldn't lghing when he heard the goodnews.

安顿。费迪南德(安东费迪南)做得好, 我听说你今表现妙极。 非常好!

3、Well done anton_ferdinand I heard u were immense today. Like it!


4、Listen to Nagging Dous - Start When You're Ready.


5、Salesclerk :Good morning, can I you?


6、He spoke it very well, with hardly a trace of accent.

a week ago. 'Victory' sound better. -Alght.哦,不,他们大约在一周前改了名字。“胜利”听起来更好。 - 好。

7、Oh, no, they changed that 'bout a…


8、I would nr have known what it meant to build a sandcastle or ell a flower or listen to great music or have a good fend.

但是,高志凯传达出友好决非毫无意义。 所以,让我们来听听他最后说话。

9、But his fendly message was sely not without siificance, so let's give him the last word.

听到这个好, 我精神马上振奋起来。

10、I cheered up at the good news.


11、"Let's stand still and listen for a bit, " suggested Digory.


12、Let's go to the megastar's singing performance, shall we?

好老师确保班里每个学 生都能听懂。

13、Good teachers make se that ryone in the class understands.

嵌套 CA 一般会得到好听音乐,可以听到在音乐中反映出来直观规律。

14、Nested CAs tend to yield pleasing music; you can hear the visual regulaty reflected in the music.

马卡斯: 听着,乔,老板叫你最好合作一点。

15、Marcus : Listen Joe, the boss says you'd better play ball.


16、I am a wine enthusiast (oh my, that sounds dorky).


17、Yo request is understandable. Well, l'II get in touch with the inspection be and see what they have to say.


18、Meet the dience at their ll of understanding.


19、On the contrary, few listeners seems precious. So I think it feels good to be an enjoyable listener.


20、BF : Ok, but you have dabbled with special tunings , weird stuff…

21、He hesitated for a moment after listening to me: OK!佢听咗后迟疑咗片刻后对我讲:好啩!

22、It sounds like no sweet-and-so chicken for dinner.它听起来好像晚餐没有糖醋可吃。

23、They would ask Him to dinner, and hear what He had to say, and make fun of it.人们将会请他参加 晚宴,听听他有什么好讲,拿他寻寻 开心吧。

24、Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.听了这个好,她脸上乐开了花。

25、At nine years old, I was the perfect student.xx岁我是模范学生,好学,听话,负责任。

英文句子26:,26、Bll the boys lghed to hear the good news.听见这个好动静,所有男孩都笑了。

27、Plant category, name orphean dot, to sral meat plants.植物类中,名字好听点,要数肉植物了。

28、Yo request is understandable. Well, I'll get in touch with the Inspection Be and see what they have to say.李:您要求是可以理解,好吧,我和商检局联系一下,听听他们意见。

29、Jn. 约六60 他门徒中有好些人听见了,就说,这话甚难,谁能听呢?

6:60 Many therefore of His disciples, when they heard this, said, This word is hard; who can hear it?

30、Oh, Dudu is a nice name. I like this name!嘟嘟这个名字很好听。我喜欢这个名字!

31、Guess what?Quan-shi and Coke-huang are fends.听说了没有,泉石和黄可乐是!

32、They have lots of fancy names for that napalm.他们有凝固汽油弹好听名字,该地段。

33、When you are in tuble, don't complain, don't cry, just sit down and listen to the song, all pig.小猪,什么时候你遇到麻烦了,别抱怨,别哭泣,坐下来听听这首歌就好。

34、B: I’ve heard they’re very (ful/ reputable/ well-connected).我听说(很有用/声誉很好/社会联系广泛)。

35、The girls were all iles on heang the good news.姑们听到这个好都满脸堆笑。

36、Again, I suggest that instead of listening to three different pgrammes, you listen to one pgramme three times over!同样地,我建议你在忙着多听几个节目之前,最好每个先听上三个回合。

37、It's a tough dience I hear -- Right now I'd rather be anywhere else, n at the dentist!听说这次听众不好对付。 只要不让我去会场,我去哪儿都行,哪怕是牙医诊所。

38、Ulan ! have you hear that ? " doesn ' t taste good like usual".伍伦!你听到了吗? “没那么好吃了。

39、Seems to hear yo voice callin, its all ght.仿佛听到你声音在呼唤:放心好了。

40、Yo company is very red in this city; I heard much praise for yo company.贵公司在这个城市名声极好,我听了很多对贵公司好评。

41、As my grandmother can't hear very well, I have to say it over and over again.由于我奶奶听力不大好,我不可不反复说好几遍。

42、I will go to see the West Lake with my good sisters. 如果你当我是好姐妹,就听我话。

43、Yo company is very red in this city, I heard much praise for yo company.贵公司在这个城市名声很好,我听了很多对贵公司好评。

44、I just have to be ready to listen and speak".我只要准备好倾听和谈话就是了。

45、Those who are ditory learn best by heang, and "talk" to themselves in their minds.而那些“听觉系”人最好学习手段是听,他们更经常在脑袋里和自己说话。

46、After heang this, King Hui of Liang said: "What you said is wonderful!"梁惠王听后说:“你说得好极了!

47、听到这个好,我们兴奋不已( than) We felt than happy when we heard the news。

48、I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time.我已经有好长时间听不到狼嗥叫了。

49、At last, some good news for women whose waistlines wobble.腰粗女终于能听到点儿好了。

50、Ready and awaiting orders. I see we have extra .准备好了 听候吩咐 - 我们还有个帮手?。

经典英文句子51:好听,51、You do the reading before class, you come to class, and you do the homework.在上课前预习,在上课时认真听讲,课后好好做作业

52、They bubbled over with joy at the good news.他们一听到这个好就非常高兴。

53、I will go to see the West Lake with my good sisters. 如果你当我是好姐妹,就听我话。

54、Sounds like the Chinese tlls are very busy today.听起来好像这帮巨魔现在挺忙啊。

55、Is it better to view the appalling or merely hear of it?是亲眼目睹那种骇然场面好呢还是仅仅听别人讲一下好呢?

56、Kyo: Oh, yes I have. It's so nice to hear fm you!乔:我也很好,听到你声音很开心!

57、All the boys lghed to hear the good news.听到这个好之后,所有男孩都笑了。

58、” But no matter how he said it, it sounded like pleasant fiction, and they needed to sleep.”但不管他怎么说,听起来倒像是好听故事,可他们更需要却是睡觉。

59、Don't give me any lip . I want to see some action!别对我说好听,我要见你行动。

60、She sighed with relief when she heard the good news.听到这个好时, 她宽地舒了口气。

61、We can't ce the disease; it must take its cose.我们无法治愈这种病,只好听其自然了。

62、Listen, this is beeen you, me and the lamppost .听好,这件事只有你知、我知和路灯柱知。

63、Yeah. Okay. Ban, o tech guy, has.好,布莱恩,我们技术支持人员,他听说过

、Sounds so familiar. Is that fm Desperate Housewives?听着好熟悉啊,是绝望主妇里台词吗?

65、Does that sound like a win-win-win all aund?这听起来好像是一直赢利-赢利-赢利?

66、A good listener has the ability to make people feel good, and is as valuable at a party as a good talker. But just listening isn't enough.一个好听众要有让人感觉舒服领,好听众在参加派对时与一个优秀说话者同等重要。

67、Want to go out and listen to some good jazz, daddy-o ?想出去听点好爵士乐吗,帅哥?

68、Mom says next time dont let the heard speak, well has held nan ning.说下次不要在让帕莱听见说话,要好好把楠宁牵住。

69、Luan: It's not a very nice term, but yes, it's true.这样称呼并不太好听,但是,确实如此。

70、It'sounded like he was in tuble.丹托: 那听起来像是泰山。 好像他遇到麻烦了。

71、PROF. : That sounds like a sub-species of the Rebel Atheist.那听上去好像仅次于反叛无神论。

72、Woody: Listen. Light Snack, you stay away fm Andy.胡迪:听着,泡泡头,你最好离安弟远一点。

73、Okay, I'm going to shout now, Can people still hear me?好吧,我大声点,大家现在都听到吗

74、That's true. Listen carefully. Today's question is as follows.没错儿。您可听好了。 今天问题是这样。

75、Right, let’s hear fm Pfessor Tom Kirkwood fm the Institute of Ageing and Health.好,让我们来听听来自老年与健康研究所汤姆·柯克伍德教授是怎么说。

英文句子模板76:nice,76、Rebecca: Great. Ermm, when can I expect to hear fm you?好,我什么时候能听到你?

77、Congenital cholesteatomas and Prussak cholesteatomas had better outcomes with respect to heang preservation and recidivi.就听力保存和复发率来说,先天胆脂瘤和普鲁士间隙胆脂瘤听力结果更好。

78、A good company listens to what its customers say they want.一个好公司,善于倾听用户想法。

79、Daniel: Hello, is it necessary to do warm-up exercise?听看学 丹尼尔: 你好,必须做热身运动吗?


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