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关于”爱国诗“英子41个,句子主体:patotic poetry。以下是关于爱国诗专业英子。

英文句子模板1:patotic poetry


1、To memoze ancient the patotic poet -Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the ver, people ted to rescue him wing their boats out into the water.


2、I am full of hate and disgust for false words; but I am a lover of yo law. (Psalms 119:163)


3、Conian Poeti in the bamboo slips of Chu collected in Shanghai Museum is the Conian literate of the Warng States Peods which discussed Songs 300 specifically.


4、These theoes have had great influence on modern poetry, and are of great referential value for the constr…

杨炼,诗人,国际笔会理事, 伦敦。

5、Lian Yang, Poet, Board member of the International PEN , London, United Kingdom.


6、The Buddhist poems of BaZhiTouTuo reached the peak in the modern times .


7、As a painter should have a "books, paintings, poetry, literate, "the basic skills.


8、Eupides said: When love is in excess, it bngs a man no honor nor worthiness.


9、On the other hand he had an equal fondness for o older Bengali thors and Vaishnava Poets.


10、I have sought it , finally , becse in the union of love I have seen , in a mystic miniate , the prefigung vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined .


11、Guo Liang's poetry is the article of representative work of this respect in.


12、The festival on that day it is to venerate the patotic poet Qu Yuan and the people feang his lack of food, made the special meal for him. Now the food is made in vaous shapes and sorts.


13、Chinese modern poetry, with the intduction of western modern poetry and its melting into Chinese, is the combination of world culte and traditional culte.


14、Zong not only cght the essence and soul of China's traditional poeti, but also was deeply affected by western poetic to some extent.


15、To memoze the ancient patotic poet Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the ver, people threw food into the ver to keep the fish fm him.


16、In China, in the eighth centy, it entered the realm of poetry as one of the polite amusements.


17、This betiful land not only appeared in the painter's brush, the poet's reciting, photographic lovers camera, n the country's crency will also practice the receive among them.


18、Jonathan Swift is a great English poet as well as a satist in18th centy.


19、In the history of literate of China, pathetic poetry has a long tradition;


20、The poet emphasizes the People Character in the construction pcess and se the numeus people's boundless love and support for the new China.

21、Patck Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Ish nationali and Ish poet and educator.帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰主义领袖,诗人,教育学家。

22、International Conference of Chinese Poetry 2002, Dalian, Liaoning, China.xx年应邀参加(大连)世界华语诗人国际笔会。

23、He displayed his blliant talents in the Btish literary world by depicting "China Town" in London and he was entitled "Limehouse Poet Laeate".托马斯·柏克是二十世纪初期爱德华时代英国作家,他以表现伦敦城故事在英国文坛崭露头角,并获得“莱姆豪斯桂冠诗人”称号。

24、Poem of the Motherland, cantata for 为独唱5,合唱队和管弦乐队而作祖国史诗康塔塔。

5 soloists, chorus & orchestra.

25、Thomas Hardy is a great poet in the 20th centy England.托玛斯。 哈代是英国20世纪一位伟大诗人。

英文句子26:,26、Patoti itself is a necessary link in the golden chains of o affections and virtues.爱国主义身是爱和美德组成金链上必不可少一环。

27、A poem: "Yunnan has been far fm the soul, still in the Water Village."有诗云:“滇国魂已远,水乡依然在。”

28、Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China's earliest poets.屈原是楚国三闾大夫,也是(china)非常早诗人之

29、It studies rything of human being, the poetic tradition in the West and "the poem's learning" theoretical dlopment in China have pved this.文艺学研究是人一切,西方诗学传统和“诗之为学”理论发展都证明了这一点。

30、International Conference of Chinese Poetry 2005, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China.xx年应邀参加(金华)世界华语诗人国际笔会。

31、I have sought it, next,becse it relis loneliness —that terble loneliness in which one shiveng consciousness looks over the m of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.我寻找爱,因为爱使我解除了孤寂,解除了一个颤抖灵魂从人世间到冷漠无底深渊所经历孤寂。 我寻找爱,因为我在爱缩影中看到了圣人和诗人眼里天堂景象。

32、In Chinese cultal history, the poet literate is indispensable.在我国文化史上那些诗人、文学家是不可缺少。

33、I really want to become a butterfly, in the poem Kingdom sleep.真想化身成为蝶,躲进诗国里成眠。

34、And was it just for the sake of employing these rascally chanters of the King of Sicily that he did that?国王搞这名堂,正是为了雇用西西里国王这个该唱诗班!

35、International Conference of Chinese Poetry 2009, Huizhou, Guangdong, China.xx年应邀参加(惠州)世界华语诗人国际笔会。

36、Chinese painting which consists of calligraphy, painting, poem and impression, is the quintessence of China as well as trease of the world.融书画诗印于一炉画,乃是国粹,它也是世界艺术园林一朵奇葩。

37、Yeats the modern Anglo-Ish poet wishes to forget the earthly tubles by living with faies or to enjoy peace of the inner heart by escaping to a tiny island;爱尔兰和英国现代诗人叶芝渴望在仙境中与精灵为伍,忘却人世烦忧,或者在小岛上遁世寡居,享受内心宁静;

38、Satire was a favoed weapon in ancient Ish tbal societies where the satical pen of the poet was feared n by the king and whose position was carefully ptected by law.在古爱尔兰部落社会里,讽刺作品是受欢迎武器讽刺诗人笔即使遭到国王恐吓,依然得到法律密切保护。

39、(英国诗人 弥尔顿 J) Gef is itself a medicine. (William Cowper, Btish poet) 悲哀自身也是一种药。

40、John Dryden was appointed the first Poet Laeate.约翰·德赖登被封为英国第一个桂冠诗人。

41、I have sought it, finally, becse in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniate, the prefigung vision of the heaven the saints and poets have imagined.我追求爱,因为经由爱结合,我看见了天堂奇妙缩影--恰如圣人和诗人所思所想。

42、And yes, Harry Reid, that means no money for yo beloved Cowboy Poetry Festival, too.当然,对于哈里·雷德(占国会多数席位党领袖)先生来说,也意味着没有钱为您钟爱牛仔诗节支付费用了。

43、The E-C translation of advertisements also influences the advertising poeti in China.英汉广告翻译也影响了广告诗学。

44、The Kessles perfume which has been passed the technique fm the perfume city of the world, Grasse and inosculates the elements of fashion of Pas, France spreads love to ry corner of the world.传承与世界香水之都“格拉斯”工艺,融合巴黎时尚元素,凯思莱诗香水将爱洒播到世界每一个角落。

45、For evil news des fast, while good news baits later. (John Milton, Btsh poet)好事不出门,坏事传千里。(英国诗人。

46、Poetry is a traditional Chinese literati painting Tnity identification codes, and poetry painting Ruin has become the standard assesent of literati painting.诗书画三位一体是传统文人身份识别符码,诗书画三绝也就成为评定文人画标准。

47、To memoze ancient the patotic poet -Qu NTD. When he jumped in the ver, people ted to rescue him wing their boats out into the water.是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原,屈原投江时候,人们争先恐后地划著船去救他。

48、While the unnamed lovers' mance is painfully bef, the book was based on Canadian wter Smart's affair with the English poet George Barker, which lasted 虽然无名情人罗曼史恼人地短暂,但这书是基于加拿大作家斯马特与英国诗人乔治 · 巴克恋爱事件——历时xx年,生了4个孩子。

18 years and pduced fo children.

49、Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung said the decision was a fair one made without any interference.律政司司长梁爱诗认为,不起诉梁锦松决定是公正,没有受到任何涉。

50、Raytheon remains dedicated to continuously impving Patot hardware and sofare to ense that Patots can defeat all known and potential threats.雷声公司一直专注于改进“”软硬件,从而确保“”能够应对所有已知和潜在威胁。

经典英文句子51:爱国诗,51、Wenxuan selected by Xiao Tong is the earliest existing set of poems.萧统《文选》是我国现存最早一部诗文总集。

52、Liquid Story Binder XE is a uniquely desied wordpcessor for pfessional and asping thors, poets, and novelists.专为专业和业馀爱好作家、诗人和编剧设计独特文字处理工具。

53、This poem fully expresses the thor's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者对普通爱和对阶级恨。

54、Western cultes have exerted much impact upon modern Chinese free verse.现代自由体诗是在现代西方文化影响下产生。

55、Chapter Fo discusses the attitude held towards China by poets and missionaes, and the Eupean misinterpretations of the Chinese image.第四章评述诗人和教士对态度以及欧洲对形象“误读”;

56、Psalms103:11-14 For as the heaven is high over the earth, so great is his mercy to his worshippers.诗103:11-14 天离地何等高、他慈爱向敬畏他人、也是何等大。

57、Therefore, to translate her poetry will spread Chinese culte.薛涛诗英译能促进文化快速广泛传播。

58、It was the great national epic of the city of Babel or Babylon.这是巴比伦或者Babel王国伟大史诗。

59、I have sough it , finally , becse in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniate, the prefigung vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined .我曾追寻过爱,还因为在爱结合、在这神秘缩影中,我看到了圣人和诗人们曾幻想天堂美景。

60、The young English lute player Peter Claire arves dung the dying days of the king's marage to his second wife and falls in love with one of the queen's women.年轻英国诗琴演奏家Peter Claire在国王与他第二任妻子婚姻消逝期间到来并爱上了皇后一个女侍。

61、To memoze ancient the patotic poet -Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the ver, people ted to rescue him by wing their boats out into the water.是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原.屈原投江时候.人们争先恐后地划着船去救他.

62、So tell early poetry tile you want to retn to Thailand.于是告诉诗瓦自己想早点回到泰国。

63、His works have been widely read in China with influence on many Chinese poets.他作品在广为传颂,影响了许多诗人。

、Poem, music, and dance were connected firmly in Chinese traditional literary ideas.“诗”、“乐”、“舞”三位一体是文学传统。

65、Zhang Xiaoxiang was a famous patotic poetry person at the beginning of the South Song Dynasty, and his patotic poetry is important and unique in the history of poetry.张孝祥是南宋初著名爱国词人,他爱国词在词史上具有独特重要地位。

66、He who would search for pearls must dive below---John Dryden, English poet.欲采珍珠须潜深水---约翰·德莱顿,英国诗人。

67、On Monday he'll hdio-videoe expeenced Btain for three years.到星期一,相比看怀念过去诗。他在英国就满xx年了。

68、"Ayat Ayat Cinta," which ughly translates into "Verses of Love," is one of the biggest selling movies to hit Indonesia in recent years.影片《爱诗篇》是印尼近年来最受欢迎之

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