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关于”衣服词汇“英子47个,句子主体:vocabulary of clothes。以下是关于衣服词汇高中英子。

英文句子模板1:vocabulary of clothes

1、application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit 出口押汇申请书

WSDL:Web 服务描述语言 (Web Services Descption Language) 是个提供描述服务 IDL 标准方法 XML 词汇。

2、WSDL: The Web Services Descption Language is an XML vocabulary that pvides a standard way of descbing IDLs.

3、application for letter of credit 信用证申请书


4、Under the key word "Yi Fu" (clothing) is a picte of the pants and jacket known the world over as a Mao suit.


5、The pportion of lexicons of different part-of-speech should be in accordance with that of modern Chinese. The len of lexicons should also be reasonably distbuted.


6、Reduplication is a type of word formation. The increase of form results in that of meaning.


7、Please leave yo clothes in the lndry bag, the lndry man will collect it at nine.


8、Note that these are all words in a standard vocabulary.


9、I go to a middle school.


10、My clothes are on the clothes line.


11、For example, men and women blouses, jackets, coats, cotton-padded clothes, down jackets, ski suits, Emergency clothes and raincoats.


12、A Weight, terms with a lower weight will appear before those with a higher weight

TemaTres 是一款开源词汇表程序,支持以 SKOS 文件形式来输出词汇表数据。

13、TemaTres is an open soce vocabulary that can output vocabulary data as SKOS files.


14、He then indicated which words she found acceptable—words that have long been considered inapppate.


15、The history value of sacficial words in ZhouLi .


16、A business glossary eliminates misinterpretations by establishing a common vocabulary which contls the definition of terms.


17、We would do the lndry whenr the clothes got dirty.


18、You can look up this word in the vocabulary.


19、Fold lndry - Plop the basket beside you and fold while you watch.


20、Put the glossary into the glossaes folder used for a pject and open the pject.

21、Wheeled devices will facilitate transporting dirty (and clean) lndry to and fm the desiated areas.用带子设备将脏衣服(净衣服)运到或者是运往指定衣服堆放地。

22、Joey:You hide my clothes, I'm weang rything you own.你藏我衣服,我就把你所有衣服穿到身上。

23、One of the best ways to expand yo vocabulary is to read, since English-speaking people have a much wider vocabulary on the page than we do when we talk.扩大词汇量最好办法之一就是阅读,这是因为英语使用者在口语中所用到词汇量远远低于书面词汇量。

24、advance srender of export exchange 预交出口外汇

25、In learning English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives.积极词汇需要经常练习,有用词汇必须牢记,而在常情况下不常出现词只需见到时认识即可。 你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用词上是扩大词汇量最有效途径。

英文句子26:,26、Based on word frequency, RANGE, a pgram for vocabulary statisti, pvides an effective way of tomatically assessing pductive vocabulary.以词频为基设计出词汇统计软件程序—RANGE为产出词汇自动评估提供了一个有效手段。

27、He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children.他衣服没脱就跳入水中,把孩子救了上来。(副词)

28、You can look up this word in vocabulary.你可以遮词汇表里查这个词。

29、First, Compang Linying dialect and the Mandan vocabulary words fm the voice, meaning, word form and Motivation fo aspects.首先从语音、意义、词形和造词理据四个方面对临颍方言词汇和普通话词汇进行差异比较。

30、What's , learners with large vocabulary size tended to have better incidental vocabulary acquisition and retention.词汇量大学习者更容易伴随习得词汇并且记忆保持长久。

31、For s, who are little if not companies, the word "" must have rankled.对于那些没有掌管公司工作者来说,“服务”这个词汇实在是太怨念了。

32、He went to change his clothes and came back in doctor's garb.他去换衣服,回来时穿着医生白衣服。

33、This section allows the announcement to be assied to one or terms fm the I vocabulary.这个部分允许为分派一个或多个来自 I 词汇表词汇。

34、Especibest fend clothes. Three quhvacityers of my wardbe are hand-me-downs.特殊是衣服。我衣柜里四分之三衣服都是传过去。其实朋友凶猛。

35、“Change into Es’s clothes.” She said as I pulled them over my shirts.我刚要换衣服,说:“换上以扫衣服。”

36、Interestingly, "yes" didn't n appear in the study's top 有趣是,“是”在说服词汇研究中连前20都没有进。

20 most persuasive words.

37、Women Clothing, Lingee, Swimwear, Women Shoes, Door and Windows, Gold Plated Jewelry, Activewear Undergarments.采购产品衣服,,游泳衣裤,鞋子,门和窗口,金镀金珠宝,运动服。

38、I often say after washing the clothes I batch "waiting"…我常在洗衣服后说“等我批一下衣服”…

39、This study is a textbook-based empical study aiming to ral to what extent input frequency exerts effects on second language vocabulary acquisition.文以“牛津高中英语”模块九至十一词汇为输入源,是一项关于词汇输入频率与词汇习得关系实证研究。

40、Up Badway he tned, and halted at a glitteng café, where are gathered together nightly the choicest pducts of the gs, the silkworm and the ptopla.他拐到百老汇路上,在一家灯火饭店前停下来,那里每晚汇集上好美酒、华丽衣服和有地位人物。

41、On the one hand, students can not remember the vocabulary they have learned and their vocabulary is quite limited;一方面,输入不够,尤其是词汇量非常有限,学过词汇记不住;

42、all sorts of goods in stock 各种货物齐备

43、Lndryman: Excuse me, have you got any lndry? Housekeeping is here to collect it.洗衣工:打扰一下,您有衣服要洗吗?我是客房清洁服务部,来收取要洗衣服。

44、It's sort of like the clothes you want the person giving a eulo to wear.这就像是你要给颂词人选参谋衣服一样。

45、A RED & a white tee for the toney.比赛是一件黑衣服, 一件白衣服。

46、The ret function can pull the existing translation fm another glossary or the glossary database itself.检索能可以从其他词汇表或词汇表数据库身提取已有翻译。

47、The "ecological" is one of the wools that using most frequently recently, and it is also one of the misusing words.“生态”一词是目前使用频率较高词汇之一,但也是很容易使用混淆词汇之

48、Remember weang of clothes method and wear what clothes important.记得衣服穿法和穿什么衣服一样重要。

49、Let all this relate to creativity重点词汇释义

50、The English language is charactezed by its abundant and colorful synonyms, and therefore synonyms teaching is one of the important and unavoidable tasks of English vocabulary teaching in schools.同义词丰富多彩是英语词汇一大特,所以同义词教学是高中英语词汇教学重要部分。

经典英文句子51:衣服词汇,51、When choosing yo clothes, leave bght colors, crazy patterns, and hozontal stpes in the closet. Neutral colors look best.在选衣服时,将那些彩艳丽,款式奇怪和横条纹衣服留在衣柜里。中调衣服会让你看起来最美。

52、MR Bwn wants to wear something to work, but there's…布郎先生想穿一些衣服去工作,但杂他衣柜里没有任何衣服…

53、application for importation of contlled commodities 管制货物进口申请书

54、application for ouard remittance for application for 舱位申请书

55、Though not evident in the fige, this content might have glossary or index terms identified, and you can elements to enclose those words.尽管在图中并没有明显表示,但是,这些内容还可以识别词汇表或索引词汇,而且您可以创建元素来封装这些词汇。

56、The washing machine agitates the clothes.洗衣机搅动衣服。

57、We want to buy Readymade Garments, Leather Garment, Athletic Wear, Leather Apparel, Leather Goods, Sportswear.我们要采购成衣,皮革衣服,运动衣,皮革衣服,皮具商品,运动装。

58、Lexical fossilization is a hard-to-crash phenomenon in forei language learning.词汇僵化是外语学习中难以克服语言错误现象。

59、Good recoizers are able to guess the pnunciation of many words not in the vocabulary.一个好识别器可以通过一些词汇猜测出一些没有在词汇表里发音。

60、Learning an antonym for each new word can you increase yo vocabulary.学习新词反义词也可以扩展你词汇量。

61、Man lndry is when you thw the darks in with the lights and let the whole mess tn pple.男人洗衣服就是把深和浅衣服扔在一块,使所有衣服变成了紫。

62、The man se fm the gund, beating the dust off his clothes.那个男子从地上站了起来,拍掉衣服上尘土。(分词动作后于谓语动作)

63、The study has some weaknesses. It chooses to investigate the obvious charactesti reflected in the subjects' oral pduction and iores the rest of the charactesti.文不足在于探讨口语词汇知识时,只探讨了语料中较为显现口语词汇特征,没有涉及到其他口语词汇特点。

、CLOTHING: Money simply isn’t being spent on clothing.衣服方面 :钱可没有被花在衣服上。

65、We beli that different ways of vocabulary presentation pduce different results in vocabulary gains and retentions .我们认为不同词汇呈现方式将会对词汇记忆和保持产生影响。

66、Moreover, these words are low-frequency and open-class words.这些独有词汇都属于低频词、开放词类。

67、application for import of forei goods 外货进口报单

68、You may also want to check out Barn's Essential Words for the GRE to brush up on yo vocabulary.你或许还想通过巴朗《GRE必备词汇表》将你词汇量刷上去。

69、A popular word to descbe the internet, bulletin board s, and online s and other s that enable people to oain information fm telecommunication neorks.一个描述因特网、电子牌服务、在线服务和其它能使人们通过电讯网络获取服务流行词汇。

70、ng mention of the clothing, you should think of coat, tuserses, underwear, shirt, skirt, jacket, and so on natally.留学解答资讯网:说到服装这个单词,你就应该想到包括:外套,裤子,,衬衫,裙子,上衣,等等。

71、Tibetan has no diplomatic vocabulary, and it had not been easy to translate the term to Lhalu.藏语中没有外交词汇。 为拉鲁翻译这个词汇已经相当不易。

72、The name "Coco Chanel" conjes up elet and expensive clothing, jewelry and bags.香奈儿这个名词让人想起高雅又高价衣服,珠宝和背包。

73、We beli that different ways of vocabulary presentation pduce different results in vocabulary gams and retentions.我们认为不同词汇呈现方式将会对词汇记忆和保持产生影响。

74、In English, antonym is a word that is contrary in meaning to another.英语反义词是一种词汇意义相对、相反词。

75、My clothes were worn to rags.我衣服都穿破衣衫。

英文句子模板76:vocabulary of clothes,76、NSS Physi Cculum's term.新高中物理科词汇。

77、The ultimate aim is to build a reasonable and effective mental lexicon which can facilitate lexical picking and pduction.词汇教学最终目标是帮助学生建立合理有效心理词库,促进词汇提取和产出。

78、The study of neologis is one of the important aspects in lexicolo.新词是词汇学研究重要方面。

79、Clicking on the term will display a page with all nodes that are categozed with that term.点击词汇就将显示一个页面,其中显示用这个词汇分类所有节点。


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