
发布时间:2023-03-27 18:01:21 阅读:83 点赞:0




1、Tn all dream dnk sweet wine!


2、Lucid dreaming is simply realizing you’re dreaming within a dream.


3、I dream, but neither talk nor walk.


4、God of the dreamer and the dream only in the nt after the css-Wu Shi constitute a dream world.


5、Sometimes dreams are fghtening. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come true.


6、No. You have yo dream and I have mine. Let's just hope my dream catcher lets in only the good dreams.


7、Wake up, the dream ile less is empty. Sleepy, but was unable to find the dream …


8、We may have

4 to

7 dreams inone1 night.


9、Are you the dream of the butterfly or is the butterfly yo dream?


10、He still hass about the accident.


11、Usually, that host represents the dream.


12、Somniloquy also weighs balderdash.


13、Men have aggressive dreams than women.


14、I was having a normal dream ding a regular nap, and something about the dream made me suspect I was dreaming.


15、The old dreams were good dreams. They didn't work out, but I'm glad I had them.


16、So there you have it –dream big!


17、I don't think o people could have been hr than we have been.


18、All men dream, but not equally.


19、That together, o dreams can be one.


20、The mission has fulfilled my dreams, one is traveling in and another is to be a teacher.

21、Dream and Jiang Yan dreamt about the blooming of his wting brush.此外,还有一些故事是关于梦,如“黄粱美梦”和“江淹梦笔生花”等。

22、I once had innumerable dream, each dreams had you;我曾有数不清梦,每个梦都有你;

23、LZ are dreaming a day-dream.梦,梦中梦中,一切都是在做梦!

24、This is what psychologists dream about at night.心理学家做梦也会梦到这些。

25、Small Rabbit bngs Small Boy to an amusement park.梦梦兔带粗眉仔飞到一个游乐场。

英文句子26:,26、How can you seek, psue and fulfill yo dreams?何以能寻梦、追梦、圆梦?

27、Resembling a dream; ethereal or vague.如梦象梦似;

28、To do it, one had to remember not only one's dreams but the nts before and after.为了解释自己梦,我们必须记住不但是自己梦,以及梦前梦后事件。

29、I am a dreamer but when I wake我耽于做梦。在梦醒之时我故作坚强

30、Like a dream in a sleep is the se in the wind;梦中之梦,风中之花,蔷薇颠倒,睡梦生涯。

31、Another bad dream about my college days, which in some circumstance appears as a nightmare, visits me fm time to time.上大学时候,我还做个别噩梦,梦中某些场景可以用梦魇来形容,如今这梦还不时地前来造访。

32、Who dreamt a dream so stng, so brave, so true.我就梦得如此强悍,梦得如此勇敢,梦得如此真实。

33、Succubuses always dive into human's dreams, with the nightmare, to get their lives.梦魔总是潜藏在人们梦境,带著梦魇,吸取他们生命。

34、The old dreams or good dreams , they didn't work but we had them.旧梦与新梦,虽然没能实现,但我们曾经梦过。

35、For how weird dreaming about teeth (particularly losing them) may seem, it's one of the most common dream themes there is — perhaps becse it's generally thought to represent anxiety.你所梦到奇奇怪怪梦,其中最常见就是梦往往跟牙齿有关。 如果你梦到类似梦,尤其是梦到掉牙,那你最近应该很焦虑。

36、“My Platonic Sweetheart” chnicled her appearances in dreams over the years.《我梦中情人》按照梦发生年代顺序记录了几xx年来他梦中出没情人形象。

37、He belid that dreams had a manifest content, meaning; "manifest" meaning what you expeence in yo dream.他认为梦是具有显梦境;,“显“是指醒后所能记忆梦境。

38、Men tend to dream about other men, while women tend to dream equally about men and women.男人做梦都有关其他男人,而会既梦到男梦到。

39、The old dreams or good dreams, they didn't work out but I had them.旧梦与新梦,虽然没能实现,但我曾经梦过。

40、Nr give up when you can love.当能梦时,不要放弃梦。

41、This dream deeply oted in the dreams of the literati.这个梦深深植根于文人梦之中。

42、I be to have nightmares, literal nightmares, about some of the things I saw, heard and read.我开始做恶梦,彻头彻尾恶梦,梦到那些我看到、听到和读到事情。

43、All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.我们眼见…仅为梦中之梦。

44、But is the dream separate fm the dreamer, and is there any need to interpret it?但是,梦与发梦者是分开吗,而且有任何必要去解释梦吗?

45、The women descbed the dreams they'd been having and rated how positive or negative those dreams had been.这些女描述了她们所做梦,并确定那些梦是美梦还是噩梦。

46、It is not uncommon for people to dream themselves inside another dream.人们梦见梦里自己在做另一个梦,这并不罕见。

47、Lucid dreams are dreams where people realize that "this is a dream"or the way people keep solving their "dream-in-dreams"when they dream them.清醒梦是让人自觉“这是一场梦”或在梦见‘梦中之梦’时不断地自己解梦行为。

48、If the dream, afraid to wake up, but old people.若是梦,就怕梦醒了,人老了。

49、I have nightmares about plane crashes.我作噩梦会梦到坠机。

50、Recng dreams and nightmares.反复梦及噩梦。

经典英文句子51:梦,51、Own sees of dreams count dreams?自己编梦算不算梦呢?

52、Was but a dream; and now I wake.只是一场梦;现梦已醒。

53、I see you in my dreams!我在梦中也梦到你!

54、This is my dream, dream of the belief of realization is.这是我梦,是梦境实现圣域。

55、There is only one way for you to realize yo dream ------try hard and nr give up easily.梦,终究是梦,不付出一定代价是英文翻译永远也不会实现------梦。

56、But dreams always had a latent content as well, meaning the hidden implication of the dream.但梦还具有潜梦境,潜梦境是指梦所隐藏含义。

57、Even in my dream I knew I was dreaming.我在梦中自己也知道这是个梦。

58、Unconsciously dream dreams also empty.不觉入梦梦亦空。

59、But my dream was bken.你是我梦。但我梦早已碎。

60、Have you r sleepwalked? No. But I sleep talk.你梦游过吗?没有。但是我会说梦话。

61、Always having nightmares, dream, dreamed of being a press? Good nervous …! ! ! !老是做噩梦,梦中梦见自己被鬼压床?好怕怕…!!!!

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