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关于”保持健康“英子35个,句子主体:keep healthy。以下是关于保持健康专业英子。

英文句子模板1:keep healthy


1、Stylist:It makes yo hair much softer and fuller. Conditioning treatments also keep yo hair healthy.


2、Meat is a good soce of the ptein and fatty acids you need for ener and health.


3、Rather than rush fm one responsibility to another, do whatr is necessary to maintain yo mental health.

如有查询, 请致电保健处健康教育组2609-28。

4、For enquies, please call Health Education Unit, University Health Service at 2609 28.

我马克艾达姆斯, 格雷戈德萨沃和德芙多兰帮忙助我保持健康;

5、My good fends Mark Adams, Greg DeSalvo and Dave Doran ed keep me sane;


6、Or, you are using Pharmanex, you feel better.


7、In the meantime, the hope that carry Cheng and associate maintain collaboration, ense the populazes an activity to lie reasonable the ll with health.


8、Conclusion The oral health care condition of senior citizen in Yanji city is relatively poor, and they lack of self-health care knowledge.


9、Very high deductible on o health insance.


10、As we’ll discuss in the pceeding paragraphs, maintaining a healthy marage requires sacfices, attention and care.


11、WPMI(Shanghai)was formed to pvide istrative s and to share expertise to pmote the dlopment of the health insance industry in China.


12、With the pliferation of ve restaants and cooking classes, it is easier than r to maintain health.


13、Seems the healthy fats fm olive oil keeps bellies flat, which is a mighty good thing.


14、Or is the HPA ght?


15、Just as physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body, challenging one’s brain, keeping it active, engaged, flexible and playful, is not only fun.


16、This noishing body wash contains Green Tea Extract to keep skin looking younger and healthier.


17、You ought to keep fit coming reinforcing the take exercise , strenen oneself resistance , far away contagious soce.


18、The grainy stone retains the health efficacy . It is the natal envinmental hygienical stone. It can be used in the manufacte of hygienical appliances.


19、He and many others agree that maintaining a fit lifestyle is the key to keeping yo brain healthy. That means eating ght, exercising regularly and remaining socially active.


20、NEW YORK (Reuters Health), Jan 22 - Women who breast-feed may need to be careful about getting enough calcium to keep their teeth and gums healthy, new animal research suggests.

21、You name them—work, family, health, fends and spit, and you’re keeping all these balls in the air.你点着它们名字:工作,家庭,健康,朋友,精神,你正保持这些球在空中。

22、I pved I can play in this league, I just gotta stay healthy and that’s what I’m pushing to do.而相应我会证明我还能上场比赛,为此我会努力保持健康。

23、The health condition of desert-grassland soil takes an very important place in pduction of animal, envinment ptection, soil and water conservation act.荒漠原土壤健康状态在牧业生产、环境保护、水土保持等方面地位十分重要。

24、Investigate what kind of recipes the book pvides, and how you can utilise them to sustain yo own health.查什么书提供食谱,你可以利用它们,以及如何保持自己健康。

25、After getting preant, women should switch back to low-fat dairy foods to limit their fat intake and stay healthy.在怀之后,应改食用低脂品以降低脂肪摄入量,保持健康。

英文句子26:,26、Request information on continuance of health and life insance benefits.弄清楚人寿保险和健康保险连续。

27、I worked as a bartender/waitress at a bar inside an upscale health-food gcery store (it's a real thing, I pmise).我曾在一家高档健康食品杂货店里面担任酒吧酒保兼服务生(真是健康食品,我保证)。

28、in a word if you have a good body , you can do anything for you like文章写完了 不知道对你有没有帮助

29、Halvorson is pmoting a new book, "Health Care Reform Now!"Halvorson正在出版一新书,“健康保健改革就在现在!

30、These days I got up early and jog to Qingdao University, planning to do that for a long term at least to keep fit.早起了几个早晨去青大步,打算以后可以长期坚持,最起码保持身体健康。

31、You are ght. Swimming is a good work-out, it keeps me healthy and fit, and gives me fun, too.你说对,游泳是一项很好训练。既保持健康和体形,还有乐趣。

32、They will you maintain a good health without having to stress yoself too much with the hows and what to eat.这些准备工作让你不必再担心吃什么,怎么吃,保持健康身体。

33、Request information on continuance of health and life insance benefits.弄清楚人寿保险和健康保险连续。

34、How does NSI Bone Booster Complex ? support health?如何NSI骨助推器复杂 ?支持健康?

35、The invalid needs all kinds of health insance.残障者需要各种健康保险。

36、I always tell people if Yao was in the playoffs and Rafer (Alston) was healthy they win in the first und.我经常跟人说,如果上赛季姚明坚持到最后,阿尔斯通在第一保持健康,情况就会不一样。

37、Beer is also ch in phytoestgens, plant versions of oestgen, which keep bones healthy.啤酒中还富含植物雌激素,这类植物型雌激素有助于保持骨骼健康。

38、We anr se it will be an ideal place for you to make fends and to keep fit.我们确信这将是一个很好地方让你交更多朋友并且保持健康。

39、Skin Eternal contains five key ingredients that together ptect the skin and support healthy skin tissue.恒美之源包含一起保护皮肤和支持健康皮肤组织五种关键成份。

40、Poly-unsatated fat is healthier than satated fat and is charactezed by being semi-solid at om temperate.多不饱和脂肪酸比不饱和脂肪酸要健康一些,在室温下保持半固态。

41、Maintaining a positive attitude and taking time for intspection will increase yo odds of long-term health.保持对于生活正面态度,并花一些时间自省,会提高健康长寿概率。

42、Super Multiple-Nutent Supplement in Easy-To-Swallow Soft Gels to Help Keep You Feeling Young and Healthy.一款超级综合营养补充品,方便吞服软胶囊,让你保持年轻和健康。

43、Fruit &Veg. Fruit and vegetables pvide you with vitamins, minerals and fibre to keep yo body healthy.水果和蔬菜为你提供维生素、矿物质和纤维素,帮助你保持身体健康。

44、And that enables us to forestall diseases of aging so we can stay healthier, longer, and perhaps to actually live longer.它可以防止衰老,因此我们可以保持更健康、更持久状态,或者可以说可以活得更久。

45、It is o job to tip the balance in favo of continuing the unprecedented momentum for better health, especially for the poor, that marked the start of this centy.何去何从,尚不明朗。 我们任务是要发挥重要作用,争取保持世纪初前所未有增进健康尤其是增进穷人健康势头。

46、Getting arter involves a combination of learning new information, retaining that information, and maintaing the health of yo brain.更加聪明工作包括学习新,并且记住它,保持脑部健康。

47、In the chapter on health I will show you that you can be radiantly well—without drugs, without tedious exercises. It matters not if you are cppled or beddden or infirm.在关注健康那一章中我将告诉你,你能保持非常健康,不用吃药、不用乏味康复训练,不论你是身体虚弱人、还是个行动不便、卧床不起人。

48、Anti-virus condom can guarantee people's health?防病毒安全套能否保证人们健康?

49、I work out and one of the reasons I do so -- outside of staying healthy -- is so women can see that I'm a man who takes care of himself.我健身原因之一(除了保持健康)是让女看到我是一个懂得照顾自己男人。

50、Like eating well and being physically active, getting a good night's sleep is vital to yo well-being. Here are 和健康饮食与保持运动一样,拥有良好睡眠对您健康同样至关重要,以下是能够帮你获得良好睡眠质量13条小贴士。

13 tips to you.

经典英文句子51:保持健康,51、Besides it being a contract year, there's little reason to think Kaman will be healthy for any siificant stretch.除了明年是合同年之外,卡曼为了获得大合同没有理由不保持健康。

52、This new type lipstick is desied to release water slowly on lips and keep lips in healthy condition …这一新型唇膏能缓慢释放水于唇部,使唇部长时间地保持健康滋润。

53、So what is the liver’s le in keeping us healthy? Basically, it keeps o body clean.那么肝脏在健康中起到什么作用呢? 最基,他保持我们体内清洁。

54、Many of us jog or swim or hit the m in an attempt to keep fit, and to ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes.很多人都选择通过慢跑、游泳或是到健身房健身来保持健康,不受诸如心脏病啊,糖病啊之类疾病困扰。

55、This medicine will ense you a quick recovery.吃了这药,保你很快恢复健康。

56、To keep yo skin looking its best, avoid foods with lots of satated fat and/or refined sugar.保持皮肤健康,最好不要吃含有较多饱和脂肪酸及精制糖食物。

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