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关于”常生活常用句子“英子2个,句子主体:Common sentences in daily life。以下是关于常生活常用句子八级英子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentences in daily life

1、The pof is in the pudding这个道理可以用在常生活各个方面。

2、Daily Life in A Perfumer Company. 在香水公司常生活。

3、Parents should always talk to their child, let his life fulfill with stoes, songs and rhymes. 父母应该经常和孩子说话,让故事、 歌谣和童诗充满在常生活中。

4、Learn how to use Chinese punctuation marks, use of Chinese radicals, learn Chinese words fm the daily life dialogues and understanding sentence pnciples. 瞭解中文标点符号、部首使用、从常生活对话了解中文造词、造句原则。

5、He wants to know something about yo life in China. 他想了解一下中学生常生活。

6、"Zhe NP"is a kind of common structe in o life, it can exist as the form of sentence element , sentence and so on. “这NP”是常生活中一种常见结构,它可以以句子成分、句子等多种形式存在。

7、Parents should always make time to talk to their child, and fill his life with stoes, songs and rhymes. 父母应该经常和孩子说话,让故事、歌谣和童诗充满在常生活中。

8、You'll hear them all the time and you should be using them all the time as well. 你会总是听见人们在使用这个句型,你也可以经常使用到生活中。

9、And this, of cose, is common enough in ryday life. 习惯化在我们常生活中随处可见。

10、Comrs have become element of o ryday life. 电子计算机正垂垂成为我们常生活一部分。

11、Pig is a common animal which can be seen anywhere in daily life. 猪是常生活中常见动物,但在远古时期,却包含有丰富文化现象。

12、Hard water is fine for many uses nd a home. 在常生活中,硬水用途很广泛。

13、so as to get familiar with the ryday life there.作家每天去那村子,为是想了解那儿常生活。

14、Mr. Mo said such cases were common in Japan. Mo先生说这样例子在很常见。

15、Although shocking expeences deviating fm utines do occ to the characters, they are nrtheless transient and finally subdue to the ordinary lifestyle. 那些人物也曾有过逸出常生活常规震惊体验,但这只是生活中短暂曲,他们最终都回归到惯十足常生活轨道之中。

16、In ordinary life, we tend to equate focus with concentration. 在常生活,我们常把焦点等同于专心。

17、The Barthel Index () and Stoke Rehabilitation Assesent of Movement (STREAM) were used as standard meases for ADL and motor function. 以巴氏常生活量表和中风复健动作评估量表作为评估患者常生活活动和动作能测量工具。

18、Du Fu often wtes daily life which little appears in other peoples poems, d many daily life images. 杜甫常常把前人诗中很少出现常生活题材入诗,塑造了许多常生活意象。

19、Also another day to day difference: 还有一个常生活中不同点。

20、Duck and ist dung yo daily utine. 常生活中练习扭身和躲闪运动。

21、Aegel is also being used for ryday applications. 气凝胶也正在常生活中得到应用。

22、I hope to have another some daily life terminologies. 我希望多一些常生活用语。

23、I think you'll enjoy using "I like" in yo daily life. 在常生活中,你一定会喜欢上使 “I like” 句型。

24、Do you use table lamps in daily life? 你在常生活中会否使用到桌灯?

25、The ability to use English in daily life. 运用英语文于常生活中之能力。


26、So this oft repeated phrase makes the dairy people happy 看来这句经常被重复小语真能让人们常生活变得幸福

27、Music can release stress in o daily life. 音乐可以纾解常生活中压力。

28、 They waste a lot of water in their daily life. 常生活中他们浪费很多水。

29、Digital clock in their daily lives the most common, the most extensive applications. 数字钟在常生活中最常见,利用也最广泛。

30、All these humors are daily talks, which mean they happen in o daily lives. 所有这些幽默都是常对话,也就是说他们发生在常生活中。

31、Handholds are needed also dung the cose of ryday life. 在常生活中,支撑点也是非常重要。

32、As a case of "daily life" narrative in the Hundred years of history, Wang Zengqi pays close attention to pondeng of their own regional "daily life" , and give "daily life" a poetic. 作为百年“常生活”叙事发展中个案,汪曾祺偏安于自己地域“常生活”玩味,赋予“常生活”一种诗意。

33、And this is obviously a toy example but you could see the use of recsion in ryday life and in ryday use of language. 这只是个小例子,但在常生活和常用语中,递归应用极为广泛

34、Everyday life is full of opportunities to establish loving connections with o kids. 常生活中和孩子们建立爱联系机会俯拾皆是。

35、On the other hand, fstbite, an injy csed by freezing, is common in ryday scenaos. 另一方面,冻疮——由严寒引起损伤——在常生活中更常见。

36、Encyclopedia of daily use went deeply into people's daily life, and became one guide to people's life. 用类书则深入到民众常生活中如老黄历一般成为民众生活指南。

37、Capsicum is usually used for seasoning of foods in people's life, and it has sanitaan effect. 辣椒是人们常生活中常用调味品,具有保健效。

38、Egg is one of noushing foods in o daily life. 蛋是人们常生活中一种非常有营养副食品。

39、Howr, in daily life, mother is usually considered the pmary care giver, while father is much less involved in fosteng the children. 但在常生活中,常常被认为是子女教育主导,而则被描述成养儿育女局外人。

40、It be as just one of those niggling ryday frustrations. 灵感源于常生活中常见那些让人头疼琐事。

41、Give some uses of expansion and contraction in o daily lives. 举一些我们常生活中热胀冷缩用处例子。

42、Recent research indicates that ydreing is part of ily life. 白做梦是常生活一部分。

43、Synchnically, schematization of expeences, typification of ryday communication, and enhancing non-ryday thinking as common sense, are three practical generative ways of ryday thinking. 从共时态来看,经验活动图式化,常交往活动类型化,非常思维常识化,分别构成常思维三条现实生成途径。

44、In daily life, a wide range of festive activities, festive activities common marage, have children, birthday, celebration, opening up a business. 在常生活中,喜庆活动范围很广,常见喜庆活动有结婚、生子、寿诞、乔迁、开业等。

45、Someother use sentences that sound extremely old-fashioned or way too formal for daily life. 其他一些常生活中使用句子听起来要么极其老式要么又太正式。

46、It is often used suits, is the most basic clothing men's daily life. 它通常与西服搭配使用,是男士们常生活中最基服饰品。

47、 They waste a lot of water in their daily life. 常生活中他们浪费很多水。

48、Electmaets are very useful in o daily lives. 电磁铁在常生活中用处非常大。

49、Image enhancement ranges over numeus subjects. The most common application is digital photos taken in o daily life. 影像增强是一个非常广泛领域,最常见应用就是我们常生活中数位相片。

50、Based on information theory, some examples which reflect the pnciple of mutual information in daily life are given. 基于论,例举出了常生活中一些实例,体现出互原理在常生活中应用。


51、Korean "za" inducement sentences and Chinese Imperative sentences as the communicative style are frequently used in daily life. 韩国语“(?)”类共动句和汉语请求句作为交际语体,在人们常生活中使用得非常频繁。

52、The Barthel Index () and Stke Rehabilitation Assesent of Movement (STREAM) were used as standard meases for ADL and motor function. 以巴氏常生活量表和中风复健动作评估量表作为评估患者常生活活动和动作能测量工具。

53、One way he does so is by using vernacular motifs familiar fm daily life in China or its recent past. 刘治治定义当代视觉语言方法之一就是利用常生活中很常见或者曾经很常见味图案。

54、Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people's ryday life. 显然,这长短常便利胶袋可用于在人们常生活中。

55、It also clafies the relationship of mutual penetration and influence beeen daily campus life and non-daily one. 阐明了学校常生活与非常生活相互渗透、相互影响关系;

56、In short, the aesthetic activity of tou realizes human's aesthetic existence, perfect and sublimates human's free life by "stepping out" and "stepping into" human daily life. 一句话,旅游审美活动在“走出”和“走进”常生活中,实现了人审美化生存,完善、提升了人自由生命。

57、The o formula could evidently impve the instrumental activities of daily living scale of ADL( P< 0.05). 二方对ADL分类因子中工具常生活活动量表均有明显改善作用(P<0 .0 5)。

58、With a accelerated pace of life in these days, gastininal diseases become common and recng gradually, seously impacting people's health and daily life. 在人们生活节奏加快今天,胃肠道疾病趋成为常见病和多发病,严重影响着人们健康和常生活。

59、Experts say getting children back into a utine - n an unusual one - is key. 专家认为,让孩子们回到常生活,甚至是不平常常生活,是十分关键。

60、The traditional education concerns only the non-daily life overlooking the learners' present life, especially their ryday life. 传统教育目观关注是非常生活,忽视了学习者当下生活,尤其是常生活。

61、Comrs hdio-videoe be a compenent of o ryday life. 电子计算机正垂垂成为我们常生活一局部。

62、I used to practice Joycean sentences and punctuation. 我过去常常练习乔伊斯式句子和断句方式。

63、Here are some clr uses for ordinary stuff. 这里介绍一些巧用常生活小常识。

、Stress is a normal part of life and usually comes fm ryday occrences. (英译汉)压力是生活中正常一部分,来源于常发生事情。

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