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关于”表扬幼儿“英子47个,句子主体:Praise for young children。以下是关于表扬幼儿小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Praise for young children


1、A lack of iodine intake ding preancy and early childhood results in impaired coitive and motor dlopment in young children.


2、What do infants and children really know?


3、Please refer to the newly published "Pfile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres" or the version on the web.


4、A newly weaned child or young animal.


5、Conclusion:CP cardioplegic solution can enhance infants myocardial ptection, which undergoing open heart sgery.


6、The all child in


2 children attending

5, preschoolers attending

6 capable baby activities, are set to



6 seal, to reward exchange at New Year's gift.



7、It has become one of the heated topi of modern preschool education to pmote the pfessional dlopment and impve the pfessional competence of kindergarten teacher.


8、Objective To study childreang attitude of preschoolers reared by their grandparents and its relation with preschoolers' mental health.


9、For Adults and Children, Including Toddlers and Infants: Remove tamper -evident seal fm the neck of bottle.


10、Methods Using Bayley Scales of Infant Dlopment and Self dlopment influential factor questionnaire, we investigated 122 infants aged 2-12 months.

12 2名婴儿采用贝利婴幼儿发展量表进行评估并分析婴幼儿智力发展影响因素。


11、The trees are plump with leafy splendo. The birch is softly rustling gold, which is now flutteng down like an unending stream of confetti.


12、She is willing to care for infants, babies or young children. She also cared for her nieces and nephews when they were infants.


13、Kamii and DeVce beli that the children's real daily life situations is the backgund of their reinventing mathemati.


14、Preschool education is the foundation of the basic education, the dlopment of preschool is related to the quality of preschool teacher.


15、Later I apologized to her dghter formally and complimented her politeness.


16、Relied on social envinment where children gw up, the influence of folk stoes to children has a transping mechani that children in sensitive peod are craving for knowledge.


17、There exist pblems in interaction beeen social withdrawal child and the teacher: little interaction, monotonous subject, rejection on the part of the child, and negative emotion of the teacher.


18、The utility model can prnt the children generating deflective head and plagiocephaly, and the healthy and betiful dlopment of head type of the babies can be oained.


19、The lark seemed to be a litle excited and became a little clrer after the Hare praised her.

至于「 幼儿教育证书课程」,则需递交另一份申请表格。

20、For CE(ECE), you are required to submit another application form.

21、Objective To discuss CT findings of infantile bebe so as to impve the diaostic accacy.目讨论CT在诊断婴幼儿脑型脚气病表现,以提高诊断率。

22、"Toddlers keep their heads up when they are walking barefoot, " she says.她表示:“当幼儿打赤脚时,他们就会把头抬起来。

23、Conclusions Family is the main living enviment for infants, so the family has the most influence on infant dlopment.结论幼儿期儿童主要生活环境是家庭,家庭因素是幼儿心理卫生问题最大影响因素。

24、The number of 随机取深圳市各区幼托机构

1 252 toddlers' mother was investigated by using socio demographic questionnaire and Chinese Evaluation of Social-emotion of infants(CITSEA mease table) with method of random sampling.

1 252名1-xx岁幼儿,采用自拟社会人口学问卷及《城市婴幼儿社会和情绪发展量表》(CITSEA)进行调查。

25、Conclusions The unstable and anxious factors in fosterer's personality have effect on building attachment.结论幼儿带养人个不稳定、焦虑影响与幼儿建立关系。

英文句子26:,26、The results indicate that the kindergarten teachers are lacking in science cculum knowledge.结果表明:幼儿教师科学课程知识比较贫乏;

27、Children such as seedlings, must dlop pperly, can only germinate gw.幼儿比如幼苗,必须培养得宜,方能发芽滋长。

28、How does the cut inside cheeper ear do?幼儿耳内划伤怎么办?

29、Ms Zhao:Hello, Jack, This is my dghter, Yanang.赵太太: 你好,杰克。这是我女儿扬扬。

30、The Global Strate for Infant and Young Child Feeding outlines actions to impve infant and young child feeding in emergencies.《婴幼儿喂养全球战略》概述了改善紧急情况期间婴幼儿喂养行动。

31、Find baby bedding and fnite, including family and child-care family.寻找婴儿床上用品和家具,包括幼儿床和婴儿床。

32、Life of children, the footstone of early childhood education, includes natal life, social life and spitual life.幼儿生命是幼儿教育基石,它包括自然生命、社会生命和精神生命。

33、It could lead to a sees of social-psychological adjustment pblems of aggressors and victims.关系攻击行为会导致攻击幼儿和受攻击幼儿产生一系列社会-心理适应问题。

34、The value oentation of early childhood education, that is a kind of self-conscious choosing to the value of early childhood education.幼儿教育价值取向,就是对幼儿教育价值一种自觉选择。

35、Infants and young children may have a fr with rash.婴儿和幼儿会发热并出疹。

36、Only conceptual rewording has pved to be useful for impving children's performance, especially among younger children and for difficult pblems.只有概念措辞已被证明是有益改善儿童表现,尤其是年幼儿童和困难问题。

37、The deltoid muscle is all in infants and young children.婴儿和幼儿三角肌很小。

38、They have o young dghters.他们有两个年幼女儿。

39、One o three fo five six sn eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指再数一遍)

40、On Sunday, the ministry said 上周,该部表示,婴幼儿12892人住院治疗肾脏有问题。

12,892 infants were hospitalized with kidney pblems.

41、Reform of Preschool teacher education is the fundamental appach to impve their inclusive education literacy.幼儿教师教育改革是提升幼儿教师全纳教育素养根路径。

42、Therefore, the quality of early childhood education literate, first of all kindergarten teachers have to rely on the quality of their own literate.因此,幼儿文学教育质量,首先要仰仗幼儿教师自身文学素质。

43、Sternglass had expressed concern that any radiation released fm Three Mile Island would pose a threat to unborn babies and infants.斯特恩格拉斯对三哩岛释放出辐可能会威胁未出生婴儿和幼儿表示担忧。

44、Babies and all children require an inordinate amount of clobber.携带婴儿和幼儿需备有非常大量衣物。

45、Studies show that childhood is the important stage of one's sense and capacity of cooperation.研究表明,幼儿期是个体合作意识、合作能力发展关键期。

46、Infants: Add 5mL to baby bath water;婴幼儿:将5毫升浴油倒入婴儿澡盆中。

47、Objective To observe the results of infantile skin pliferative hemangioma treated with CO2 laser.目:观察CO2激光治疗婴幼儿体表增殖血管瘤疗效。

48、Children who had previously received rewards ed the expementer siificantly less often than either the gup that received only praise or the gup that received no praise.可以看出,之前获得奖励儿童,与获得表扬或没有获得表扬组相比较,愿意帮助实验者比例都要远远地低。

49、No, no, no . This is a fox and this is a fg. 幼儿在念儿歌时加上手指表演(左手食指表示狐狸;

50、How should cheeper vomiting diarrhoea do?幼儿呕吐腹泻该怎么办?

经典英文句子51:表扬幼儿,51、The results show that the lead ll of infant in ceramic family(66.09%) was siificantly higher that(结果表明,陶瓷业家庭婴幼儿铅中毒发生率为66.09%,明显高于非陶瓷业家庭婴幼儿(

15.%) in non-ceramic family, and the incidence rate of lead poisoning was increasing with age.


52、The imbalance of the post-seiic gwing envinment is the essential cse of post-trmatic response.震后幼儿成长环境失衡是导致幼儿心理创伤反应主要原因。

53、Cot fire Hayneedle shop.店Hayneedle幼儿床消防车。

54、Contversy exists in psychological circle as for whether praise stimulates healthy dlopment of children s Psycholo.对于表扬能否促进幼儿心理健康发展,心理学界长期存在着争论。

55、Infants and young children with unrepaired tetralo of Fallot are often blue (cyanotic).患有法洛四联症婴幼儿经常表现为颜面、口唇青紫(发绀)。

56、Conclusion SSSS usually oc in neonates, infants and young children.结论SSSS好发于新生儿及婴幼儿。

57、Play is an important way to children to express themselves. The play therapy has the function of ing children to coordinate the internal and external gwing envinment.游戏是帮助幼儿自我表达重要途径,游戏治疗具有帮助幼儿协调内外生长环境能。

58、What is the Orpha 511!什麽是511幼儿之家?

59、Persistent hypensulinemic hypoglycemia in infants is one of the most common cses of persistent hypoglycemia in infants.婴幼儿持续高胰岛素血症低血糖症是婴幼儿持续低血糖症最常见病因之

60、shake yo shoulders,shua shua shua (上下抖动肩膀)

61、Ptect babies and young children: always keep babies in the shade.保护婴儿和幼儿。 婴儿应始终留在阴凉处。

62、They play a pmotive le in gwth of babies, especially those receiving insufficient breast milk.对婴幼儿生长,尤其是缺少母婴幼儿起到重要补充作用。

63、Objective To impve the understanding of CT feates of saccoccygeal hemangiopecyte sarcoma in infants.目提高对婴幼儿骶尾部血管外皮肉瘤CT表现认识。

、The result shows that the physique of children in Liupanshui is better than that of children fm ral areas.结果表明:六盘水地区城市幼儿身体形态明显好于农村幼儿;

65、Entetoxigenic Eschechia coli (ETEC) is the most important cse of diarrhea in children under age 肠毒素大扬杆菌(ETEC)是幼儿腹泻和旅游者腹泻重要致病菌。

5 years and in travelers.

66、one finger ,one finger ,tn tn tn ,tn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua(两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷样子,在嘴边上下刷动)

67、Methods: 81 Normal infants at one year old were randomly sampled, there were 76 left when children were o years old and a half.方法:取年龄为xx岁婴儿81例为研究对象,至两岁半时为76例,分别采用贝利婴幼儿发展量表、幼儿气质问卷进行评估。

68、Fm this information, neonatal, infant and early child mortality rates were estimated.通过这些估测出新生儿、婴儿和幼儿亡率。

69、Samnang, what's wng, my son?萨扬怎么了,儿子?

70、Many pseudosciences oginated fm these myths of early childhood education have bught about pels to physiological and psychological health of children.它不仅严重危害婴幼儿身心健康,而且为婴幼儿健康成长埋下了隐患。

71、The socialization policy is key to the dlopment of preschool education in China.“幼儿教育社会化”是我国发展幼教事业重要国策。

72、The bad companion relation cses the bad behavior habit of the infant easily, also csing infant become fm the bad personality of vulgar, apathetic, apathetic and overbeangly rude etc.同伴关系不良容易引发幼儿不良行为 习惯,也导致幼儿形成自卑、孤僻、冷漠、骄横等不良格; 幼儿 教师和 家长都要努力帮助幼儿建立起良好同伴关系。

73、All things are difficult before they are easy 万事开头难

74、The results also showed that there was a great mateal effect on young children's performance on both appearance-reality distinction tasks and false belief understanding tasks.结果表明:幼儿表现仍存在任务特异,并且实验材料对儿童外表-事实区分和错误信念认识具有重要影响。


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