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5 Fute。

英文句子模板1:5 Fute

选择 Time-delayed selection,并将定时器设置为

1、Select Time-delayed selection, and set the timer to

5 seconds.

5 秒。


2、Here the high school is devided all the peod in

5 pfiles.


3、investing than 6-billiondollars over the next five years.


4、The Robinsons have just arved in Beijing for a 5-day conference.


5、In the graph, the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about

5 hos and the efficiency begins to dp as he studies longer than it.

如 清单

6、As you can see in Listing

17, this fetches the next

5 records.

17 所示,这将获取接下来

5 条记录。


7、Break it all down into time frames of a week, a month, a year and then longer -



20, 30 years out.

一个Rinda元组可能看起来是这个样子:t1 = [:add,

8、A Rinda Tuple might look like this: t1 = [:add,

5, 9], which could be interpreted by clients as a task to add up the given numbers.

5, 9],客户端可能会将其解释为一个将两个数相加任务。


9、It is expected that ding next

3 to

5 years timeshare will gw in full swing, so will other vacation and leise toi pducts among city dwellers.


10、In the next 3-5 years, men's underwear brand's rapid dlopment is a big trend, who have seized the opportunity, will be a bdgehead for occupation of this area.


11、The idea is to set yo kitchen timer for

5 minutes. Next, rush to yo dirtiest om and clean it up.



5 years' time it could well be harsh, and justly so.


13、5. Have you given any thought to yo fute?


14、Over the coming months, the few parts of Antarctic that are ice-free will be the stage on which

5 million Adélies will build their nests.

在迁移之前某个时间,确保将您域名记录 TTL 降低到

15、Some time before the migration, make se you lower the TTL of yo domain name records to

5 minutes.

5 分钟。



5 Take time-consuming homework in stages.


17、Travel time by rail beeen China's o major cities will be than halved by 2010, fm

12 hos to under five, as the new trains hit speeds of up to 350 kilometers an ho.


18、After an tomatic stabilizer psed trading for five seconds on the futes exchange, the steadied and then recovered.


19、Likewise, five or individuals in China can't simultaneously send money to an individual offshore account within a peod of a few days.

因此,需要有一个调整会计分录将坏账准备账户从当时水平提高到5美元。 收藏。

20、Thus, an adjusting entry is needed to increase the Allowance for Douful Accounts fm its present ll to $5.

21、Homare Sawa has received the Golden Boot and Golden Ball awards as the top scorer (泽惠希以5个进球成为届比赛最佳手,同时将“金靴奖”和“金球奖”收入囊中。

5 goals).

22、Also for presentation pposes change the cellspacing attbute to be 同时为了便于表达, 将 cellspacing 属更改为



23、Micsoft is cutting 随着PC市场缩水,微软在未来18个月将裁掉5000个职位,相当于职工总数5%。

5,000 jobs over the next

18 months, nearly 5% of its workforce, following a deteoration in the PC .

24、The House of Peoples includes 议院包括15个代表,三分之二来自于联邦(5个克罗地亚人和5个波斯尼亚人)三分之一来自于Republika Srpska(5个塞尔维亚人)。

15 delegates, o-thirds of which come fm the Federation (

5 Cat and

5 Bosniaks) and one-third fm the Republika Srpska (

5 Serbs).

25、Let stand for 4-5 hos and you will have lovely creamy yogt.经过4至5小时发酵,它将成为可爱酸奶。

英文句子26:,26、Its top speed is 95 mph, and charging the 355 volt pack takes beeen 汽车最高时速可达每小时95公里,并且355伏电池组需要花费2到5个小时来充电。

2 and

5 hos.

27、A. industry has entered rapid dlopment, is expected in the next 5-10 years will also continue to maintain high demand.专用车行业已步入快速发展黄金时期,预期在未来5-xx年内还将继续维持高位需求。

28、It took him hos to finish the 5-kilometer run.他用好几个小时跑完5公里。

29、I'll show you how to use AspectJ 我将介绍如何用 AspectJ

5 load-time weaving to monitor multiple applications running in Apache Tomcat, including monitong inside third-party libraes.

5 装入时编织来监视运行在 Apache Tomcat 中多个应用程序,包括在第三方库中进行监视。

30、Give a minion +5/+5. At the start of yo next tn, desty it.使一个随从获得+5/+5,在你下一个回合开始时,消灭该随从。 䗐。

31、Simply put, Aqua Ultraviolet stelizers will clear yo water in 简单来说,AU紫外线消毒器将在3-5天时间内清理净您污水,大多数时候会全天保持这种处理状态。

3 to

5 days, sometimes overnight and keep it that way.

32、He as Pnce will have 42 months to rule the whole Earth, for it is wtten in Rlation 牠作为王将会拥有42个月时间去整个地球,因为那是记在启示录



33、Well, if Ted subscbed to 60 hrs work it means he will spend 85 hos and for 如果Ted估算这个迭代任务要花费60个小时,就是说他将会实际花费85个小时,对时长为两周迭代来说,他至少要加班5个小时。

2 weeks iteration it means at least

5 hrs overtime.

34、Set the border to 0 and set spacing within cells to 将边界设置为 0,将每个单元间隔设置为

5 pixels.

5 个像素。

35、Will guys selling apples for $5 apiece (today’s equivalent of 那一天会到来吗? 会有小贩在街角以5美元一个价钱叫卖苹果吗(现在这些钱在大萧条时期只值5美分)?

5 cents in the Depression; or that’s what it feels like, anyway) matealize on the corner?

36、Set Time-based Goals. Look again at first example: reduce yo 5K time by 30 seconds within 设置基于时间目标 (Set Time-based Goals) 再次来看第一个例子: 在3个月内将5公里跑时间缩短30秒, 这就是具体并且基于时间.

6 months.

37、Create a Pfile to include the transaction you just define, and set the Minimum Response Time to 创建一个 Pfile 来包含刚刚定义事务,将 Minimum Response Time 设置为

2 seconds as Fige

5, then distbute the pfile to the WRT agent.

2 秒,如图

5 所示,将 pfile 发布给 WRT 。

38、For example, if the previous target application was enhanced to pcess five requests at the same time, thughput is impved 例如,如果对以前目标应用程序进行了增强,可以同时处理五个事件,则吞吐量将提高

5 times to

5 nts per second.

5 倍,达到

5 个事件/秒。

39、There is a 5-ho flight beeen the o cities.两个地方有着5个小时飞行距离。

40、As a start, the next Budget should increase tobacco duty by 5%.作为开始,下个预算内应该将烟税提高5%。

41、Read on to see o list of the top 现在来看看我们这个5个最牛语义搜索名单,来看看他们将如果提高你搜索体验。

5 semantic search engines and learn how they can impve yo search expeence.

42、Along the top, you will see that MTK has 在顶端,您将看到 MTK 有

5 tabs.

5 个标签页。

43、Rev. 启十二5妇人生了一个男孩子,是将来要用铁杖辖管万国;

12:5 And she bught forth a son, a man-child , who is to shepherd all the nations with an in d;

44、July 月5,xx年上海世博会就将迎来开幕倒计时300天。

5 will mark the 300-day countdown to the 2010 Shanhai World Expo.

45、As you'll see, Listing 您将看到,清单

5 solves both pblems.

5 同时解决了这两个问题。

46、Payment plan: 付款计划:每天3个小时在3个星期。 6或5天一个星期。如果有更多地方在一天花了几个小时,额外时间将被支付。

3 hos a day ding

3 weeks.

6 or

5 days a week. If hos where spent ding a day, the additional hos will be paid.

47、In January, in an attempt to grapple with its pblems, the state raised corporate taxes fm 在xx月份,为了设法解决这个问题,该州将企业税从

7.3% to

9.5% and personal income tax fm 3% to 5%.



48、If u don't repost this within 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿着刀站在你床前。

5 minutes the clown will be standing next to yo bed at

3:00 am with a knife in his hand.

49、View fm the om…… whilst we are still waiting for sials. mad to sleep for nd 晨光也来了,我们还是在等待。雁好好睡了约5个小时。

5 hos.

50、There will be a very visible count-down clock which will start 将有一个非常明显倒计时时钟,会开始前9,第10和下午11时ETZ 5分钟,最终所有时间,我将在未来加入。

5 minutes before the


10 and

11 PM ETZ and ntually to all hos I will add in the fute.

经典英文句子51:5个将来时,51、You can define a table column with GRAPHIC(可以用 GRAPHIC(

5) to store these five Chinese characters.

5) 定义一个表列来存储这

5 个中文字符。

52、She will bear her first child about 同时女怀第一胎年龄将提前5个月,进入更年期时间则将推迟10个月。

5 months earlier and enter menopse

10 months later (Pceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI:


53、Order will arve within 4-5 business days fm placement.订购将在4-5个工作内到达位置。

54、At the time, Micsoft said it would cut 当时微软宣布将在18个月内裁员5000人。

5, 000 jobs over an 18-month-peod.

55、Overall, fewer than 5% of all patients are still alive 总体来说,初诊之后不到5%病人可以生存超过xx年,总体中位生存时间为4-6个月。

5 years after initial diaosis. The collective median svival time of all patients is 4-6 months.

56、These pjects are not just being built for the China of today but the one 要知道只是花了xx年时间来建设高铁,他们还将在将来xx年xx年来继续他们事业。


10, and 50 years fm now.

57、Listing 清单

5 is the code I used to canonicalize Listing

3 to Listing


5 是用来将 清单

3 规范化成 清单

4 代码。

58、Usually takes 5-10 high ll mobs until it spawns one. Seldom .通常需要5~10个高级别怪才能把他招出来,有时更多。

59、So lqd $5, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp) will read the value that you saved on the stack earlier into register 因此 lqd $5, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp) 会将之前堆栈中保存那个值读取到寄存器


5 内。

60、A 5-ho marathoner?一个5小时马拉松选手呢?

61、If the package is sealized to XML, it will contain the optional elements that were recorded on load, as shown in Fige 如果这个包被序列化为 XML,它将包含在加载时记录可选元素,如图


5 所示。

62、Key contl module has 键控制模块设置5个能键和3个时间选择键,键值读入采用一片74LS165来完成;

5 function key and

3 time selection key. A chip 74LS165 completes the key value input.

63、The meeting lenened to 会议延长到5个小时。

5 hos.

、Finish with a 5-minute cool-down and you have a quick, effective, fat bning interval session.以5分钟放松来结束整个运动你就可以拥有一个快速有效燃烧脂肪休息时间。

65、Then at midnight, we switch for 等到午夜时分,我和妻子再来一个5小时转换。

5 hos.

66、When used, adds 使用时给目标加2点连击点。与目标战斗必须在接下来5秒内开始,否则这2个连击点将丢失。

2 combo points to yo target. The target must become engaged in combat within

5 sec or the combo points are lost.

67、Any termination of the Plan shall take effect after 终止计划将于

5 trading days of SEHK.

5 个聯交所交易后生效。

68、The adoption dve nt is a 5-ho nt that will focus on finding adoptable shelter dogs loving homes.通过驱动器事件是一个5小时事件,将重点放在寻找收养住房狗爱好家园。

69、You will see a maze that leads fm 你将会看到一个迷宫,这个迷宫引导左手边5幅图片至右手边另外5幅图片。

5 picteson the left-hand side to another

5 pictes on the ght-hand side.

70、A 9-to-5 work schedule pvides enough time to relax.一个9-to-5工作时间表提供足够时间休息。

71、The landlord was sceptical and decided to try to tck the man with five-year Scotch.店主有些将信将疑,决定用

5 年陈酿苏格兰酒来耍耍这个家伙。


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