
发布时间:2024-01-15 05:33:14 阅读:160 点赞:0




1、To reiterate how important point No.

1 is, let us put it this way: Market size is important than you.


2、Student: yes Pf.: okay and yet the truth value of that is true and the truth value of that is true and that is true as well.


3、Wort boiling is one of the most important pcesses in brewhouse. It effects colloidal and flavo stability of beer.


4、The major ap-plications of ultrasonic in medicine are diaosis and therapy, and its main character is timeliness, continuousness and repeating.


5、Becouse none can negative the importance of money.


6、With Chengchao In Mine as the engineeng backgund, the necessity and importance of investigating the seous collapse of mine pass are discussed.


7、Constantly refactong the IT envinment into composable and dynamic building blocks is extremely important.


8、Objective To explore the importance and necessity of keeping pace with times in medical record mament.


9、Hotel soft loading desi and planning!


10、We attempt to bng into attention the importance of stochastic forcings.


11、Base electde is often used in important structe.


12、A bias toward functional ing also underemphasizes configation ing.

最重要是,她选择 排场十足,足以突出国宴重要。

13、Most of all, her choice had a just enough pomp to sial the importance of this state dinner.


14、Re-use attbutes whenr possible by guping elements instead of declang the styles again.


15、The method determines a relative importance of the content information; and stores the backup under contl of the relative importance determined.


16、The animality of man is important factor of placing premium on cme, the civilization of man is important factor of contlling cme.


17、The water coning csed by the imbalance beeen gravity and viscous forces is the most important reason for water pduction in different fracted reservoirs.


18、Don't tvialize the seousness of the issue!


19、Confidentiality may be particularly stngentin this case.


20、Re-evaluate the importance of each key customer seent and feeder in the ing mix.

21、And a detail descption of effectivity and siificance of maetic flux gatheng technique was given.重点说明了聚磁技术在励磁器设计中重要和有效。

22、Consideng the importance of embankment, the dability of the stp in reinforced earth has always been a crucial subject.由于路堤重要,加筋材料耐久问题一直为加筋土技术研究重要课题。

23、English summary:Operators fm the mouth of the importance and necessity of Mukhtar , how to cultivate and impve their ability to count mouth becomes a very gent and important.中文摘要:从口算重要和必要中看,怎样培养和提高学生口算能力就显得十分迫切和重要。

24、The importance of antistatic pperties of macmolecular mateals was summazed.综述了高分子材料抗静电能重要;

25、Accountants are required to judge the mateality in accounting practice.会计师需要在实践中来判断重要。

英文句子26:,26、Let me explain why this is so important (and necessary) for this transaction strate.让我解释一下它对事务策略重要(和必要)。

27、There is no science student here who do not know the importance of learning english.这里理科学生都知道学英语重要。(这里理科学生没有一个不知道学英语重要。)

28、She has a stng Glaswegian accent .他在强调军事准备重要。

29、Explain the importance and necessary of the standard color applied to gas pipeline desi.阐明了站场工程设计采用标准号重要和必要。

30、Hardware Acceleration Key to Flash Performance硬件加速对Flash能至关重要

31、Its importance cannot be overemphasized.其重要无论怎么强调都不过分。

32、Dominance gene effect of spike len was higher than that of additive.长 为超显,显基因效应比加基因效应更重要。

33、If such feates are important to you, the QEMU documentation will pve invaluable.如果这些特对您很重要,那么这些 QEMU 文档将会非常重要。

34、But its importance goes beyond that.而且它重要远不止于此。

35、People argued about the importance of that.人们争论着这一点重要。

36、IT compliance pcesses are an important part of the business, and moving to cloud computing does not eliminate its importance.IT 合规流程是企业一个重要组成部分,迁移到云并不会降低其重要。

37、The importance of talents has been no dou.人才重要已经无庸赘言。

38、It reconsiders the meanings of homework, correcting homework and None-Correcting homework for teachers in high school.详尽阐述了中学教师实施“零作业批改”重要、必要和可行;

39、And the existing together, the floishing together, and the Yin-yang are its important feates.共生、共荣及阴阳是其重要特征。

40、The stealth performance of submane is an important secity for increasing fighting power and vitality of submane.隐身是提高潜艇战斗力和生命力重要保障,低噪声和大潜深是潜艇隐身重要指标。

41、The sees focuses on communication function, different-ll learning and moderately intensive teaching.套教材主要特点是注重交际和层级,并注重适度强化,集中教学。

42、The importance of stressing students'basic wting knowledge;强调学生写作知识重要;

43、The bottom line is that the evidence for the importance of breakfast is something of a mess.最重要是,与早餐重要有关证据基是一团乱麻。

44、The other siificant feates are nd offline storage.另一个重要特主要是围绕离线存储。

45、Business etiquette is based on position not gender.在商务礼仪中,职位头衔要比别更为重要。

46、Women nare playing an increasingly important le today.现在,女作用越来越重要。

47、Objective: To investigate the sre acute pancreatitis in the early treatment, enteral nuttion and the importance of effectiveness.目:探讨在急重症胰腺炎早期治疗中,肠内营养重要及有效。

48、We may be too focused on increasing self-esteem.” —Karen Hopkin我们也许过于看重提升自尊重要了。

49、Even a dp of water in the largest ocean has siificant presence in the backdp of that ocean than a human being has in the universe.即使是最广阔海洋中一滴水在海洋中重要都要超越人类在宇宙中重要。

50、To achi conceptual integty, deemphasize contl mechanis in favor of要获得概念上完整,请降低控制机制重要,这有利于

经典英文句子51:重要,51、Subjectiveness was the important pposition of the human modernity realizing.主体是人现代实现重要命题。

52、It is mainly embodied in the importance, class(party) consciousness, thenticity and people consciousness of the press.这些思想主要体现在关于报刊重要、阶级(党)、真实和等多个方面。

53、Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks.强调限期内完成工作重要。

54、As Pfessor Sheffer remarked an ho ago, the importance of logic to philosophy is simply the importance of basic expeence.正如谢弗教授一小时前所评论那样,逻辑对哲学重要就是基经验重要。

55、Conclusion The aging of menisci needs active treatment and should be concerned highly.结论半月板退变需要积极治疗,由于其广泛和严重,值得重视。

56、Domestic silkworm is an importantly economic insect, most economic traits of which show quantitative heredity, and cocoon quality is one of them.家蚕是重要经济昆虫,大多数重要经济状都呈数量状遗传,家蚕茧质状就属于其中之

57、Recoize the importance of gie and take.认识到给予和获得重要。

58、The importance , gency and difficulty of the pduction site Comprehensive impvement are illustrated .说明了现场综合改善重要、紧迫与艰巨。

59、The crack sensibility is one important content in steel weldability.裂纹敏感是钢焊接重要内容之

60、Two important performance of tomobile is power and fuel economy.汽车动力和燃油经济是汽车两个重要能。

61、Most importantly, shrug off any ‘shoulds’.最重要是,摆脱任何可能。

62、Becse the ocular and importance of the data information, people pay attention to research data information .由于数据直观和重要,人们多重视报表数据研究。

63、Histoci stresses the importance of change .历史相对论强调变化重要。

、In chapter three, discuss the importance, gency and essentiality on carrying out Subjective teaching in history education.第三章从三方面论述了中师历史教育实施主体教学重要、迫切和必要。


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