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关于”努力奋斗“英子56个,句子主体:Stve hard。以下是关于努力奋斗专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Stve hard


1、Have you seen, that the female students in China are stving for the better fute of human-being, just as you are!


2、History dictates the rules, the ctea, and people don’t get to be called the best player in the sport without earning it the way predecessors did.


3、The Jin Zhenu that is born as the illegitimate child is bught up in orpha as a child, although live hardships, but make arduous efforts for love and ideal howr, stngly life goes down.

你永远无法到达完美境地,但通过不懈努力奋斗和追求,你能看见那无限接近完美渐进曲线。— 保罗·卡拉尼什《当呼吸化为空气》。

4、You can't r reach perfection, but you can beli in an asymptote toward which you are ceaselessly stving. — Pl Kalanithi 《When Breath Becomes Air》


5、The degree of contrast beeen what is actually taking place in o life now, and what we envision achieving, motivates us to close the gap as we move towards that vision.


6、"We all fought for o dreams when we were young, but no one has fought as hard as you, " Gao said at one of the ditions.


7、Wte them down so you can keep yo mind stimulated with fute endeavors.


8、Haoran wood door factory has

10 years history. We have become famous and competitive thugh unremitting endeavors and o stren in the field of wood door.


9、In the past sral years, he has a good achiment for working thugh his arduous efforts, he told me he will get mared next year!


10、The mission of the business is what dves women who start them.


11、2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of China's reform and opening-up policy. After 3o years' efforts and stving, China's integration into the world economy has been increasingly close.


12、Ima hard worker but I wanna work a million times harder after watching.


13、He said, “we are nr cease fm stving, and the end of all of o stving wi11 be to arve where we be and to know the place for the first time.


14、Whilst Kimi's 2007 plans are now announced both Kimi and the Team recoise there is still a job to do this season and will continue to push hard.


15、The determined young man really struggled to make ends meet, working a part-time job in a restaant in his spare time to fund his full-time cose at medical school.


16、We also need to work hard to make o way to success.

乡村中一向 苦战奋斗主要力量是贫农。

17、The poor peasants have always been the main force in the bitter fight in the countryside.


18、We should make greet efforts and stve to accomplish something, we can say we have not wasted o life, and n leave o footmarks on the sandy beach of time.


19、This pgress is the pduct of hard work and ingenuity multiplied acss billions of individual lives.


20、After than ten years' ups and downs, with the efforts of over six dred members, COB now becomes one of the largest oil-less beangs manufacters in ASIA with science, industry and trade.

21、They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.他们应该虚心接受父母和师长提出忠告,并努力奋斗,否则,他们现在一无所成,而且终其一生都会一无所成。 。

22、Having no outside also had its positive side, becse we were forced to exert oselves.没有外援也有好处,迫使我们奋发努力。

23、I try to read, I go to work, I'm lghing with my fends.我读书努力,我工作勤奋,和朋友们谈笑风生。

24、An instantaneous and stng impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate.一股迅疾而强有力冲动促使他要向坎坷命运奋斗。

25、We should work hard to achi greatness. Then we may say that we haven't wasted o time, and we may leave o footpnts on the sand of time.我们应当努力奋斗,有所作为。这样,我们就可以说,我们没有虚度年华,并有可能在时间沙滩上留下我们足迹。

英文句子26:,26、Today we pmise Scobee and his crew that their dream lives on, that the fute they worked so hard to build will become reality.今天,我们向迪克•司各比和他伙伴们保证,他们梦想决没有破灭,他们努力为之奋斗理想一定会成为现实。

27、Remember the key le of inertia, Astotle thought that things have natal desires , stvings that lead them to do certain things like stving to reach the center of universe.还记得惯所扮演重要角么,亚里士多德认为事物有其自然渴求,为了到达宇宙中心,努力进行着自我奋斗。

28、Missou is the Show-Me State, but it is also the Show-You State in leading by example, working hard for its own and giving geneusly to others.密苏里是一个崇尚“眼见为信”州,但这儿也是一个走在前沿“展示给你看”州,为了自己而努力奋斗,同时对他人慷慨奉献。

29、Miss Velazquez has now wtten a second book about her struggle to be accepted and hopes it will others in a similar position.现在贝拉斯克斯已经完成了她第二部书, 希望通过这书讲述她如何努力让人接受自己 奋斗史,来帮助那些相似处境中人。

30、AMMS, with unity and confidence toward the 21st centy, will keep forging ahead and stve for the modernization of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.展望二十一世纪,我们满怀信心,全院同志将团结一致、开拓进取,为建设具有国际先进水平现代化军事医学科学院而努力奋斗!

31、I'm going to keep fighting though, that's for se – it's one of my targets and I won't stop going for it becse I really want to represent my country.但我仍旧会继续努力奋斗,这是一定--这是我目标,我不会停下自己脚步,因为我真很想报效自己祖国!

32、As the pfessional saina manufacter , " YiJiaLu" company is stct to its quality , with its pnciple of "Bety and Health for life", We do o best to make yo life better and better.公司完全拥有“依佳露”自主品牌,以其严格质量,着“一生美丽,健康一生”经营理念,力争成为行业典范,为创造更多社会价值而努力奋斗。

33、He said, “we are nr cease fm stving, and the end of all of o stving will be to arve where we be and to know the place for the first time.他说:"我们将永不放弃奋斗,经过全力以赴奋斗后,我们将到达出发之地,并重新认识这个地方。"

34、I have a dream that one day on the long boulevard, the retired financier and the struggling youth walk together at the table of btherhood.我梦想有一天,在一条长长、绿树冠盖林荫大道上,退休金融家和努力奋斗年轻人缓步同行,亲密无间。

35、Students should raise up yo gid spine, study hard, and work hard persngly , using yo own hands to build up yo homeland splendid. We must have such confidence and coage.同学们要挺起不屈脊梁,努力学习,艰苦奋斗,用自己双手把家园建得更加美好,我们要有这样信心和勇气。

36、I am a committed and assiduous worker, good at orizing people and always capable of meeting deadlines.我为人忠于职守,勤奋努力,善于组织人力,并且总能按期完成任务。

37、The dlopment of forestry and increasing the percentage of forest cover are very important to the ppose of coordinately dloping envinment and economy.人类正在为谋求环境与经济协调发展努力奋斗,而林业发展,森林覆盖率提高,正是服务于人类这一伟大目标。

38、Paraguay can take heart fm their battling display, though they had no reward for their efforts.巴拉圭队鼓起勇气奋力拼争,可惜他们努力没有收到回报。

39、Must be a hard working and dedicated their time to this work.必须勤奋努力和奉献出自己时间对这项工作。

40、We will shape o fute based on the unity and down-to-earth spits, and we will dlop Shilin with o best confidence and hard-working.以百倍信心和努力,继续发扬“团结自强,务实创新”世林精神,踏实苦,携手并进,奋斗今天,创造未来。

41、The crent party leadership the pme of life, forging ahead in unity and full of fighting.届党政班子年富力强,团结奋进,富有战斗力。

42、The CUC will continue to work hard to realize its target of stepping into the rank of world famous university in media and communication.努力将学校建设成为传媒与文化事业发展人才库、科技库、思想库和资源库,力争早实现世界知名高水平传媒大学奋斗目标。

43、Second, some students are not hard-working and they don't work hard at their lessons.其次,有些学生不勤奋,他们不努力学习课。

44、The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to stve is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.每个人心中都存有继续往前使命感。努力奋斗是每个人责任,我对这样责任怀有一份舍我其谁信念。

45、We work hard to hold the sate lead in the same trade.并以软硬兼施办法,奋发努力,确保同行业中领先地位。

46、Howard's constant hustle and effort belie his physical giftedness as an athlete.霍华德始终如一勤奋和努力似乎掩盖了他运动天赋。

47、Haret Tubman, the oldest member present, was the embodiment of their stren and their struggle.Haret Tubman是当时在场最老成员,也是她们力量和奋斗化身。

48、Additionally, shows like MTV's “ng the Band” exemplify the reality that n if you “make it” in the show biz world, you must work, and you must work hard to pduce a quality high demand outcome.另外,像MTV“打造乐团”(ng the Band)这样选秀节目便举出了即使身处演艺世界你也必须努力工作真实例证,并且你必须为高品质产出而努力奋斗。

49、Laziness pays off now. Hard work pays off in the fute.好吃懒做只是眼前享受, 勤奋努力才有长期回报。

50、Although the Department when the choice is pfessional in o class performance is not optimistic, but thugh o efforts finally changed the oginal situation, achid good results.虽然在系部选择专业时我们班成绩不容乐观,但是经过我们努力奋斗最终改变原有现状,取得了好成绩。

经典英文句子51:努力奋斗,51、So I want to make a push fm now on, fnt of the ad is still very long, take wing, summon up coage, rush before going toward hard!所以我要从现在开始奋发努力,前面路还很长,带上翅膀,鼓起勇气,努力往前闯!

52、I'm talking about hope as the spit inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contray, that something better is waiting for us if we're willing to work for it and fight for it .我讲希望是那种寄托于我们内心精神; 坚信在逆境中只要愿意为之努力奋斗,情况就会变得好起来。

53、This spit is not only with us in meeting challenges fm nate, it is also with us in meeting challenges posed by the Asian financial tmoil.这种拼力奋斗精神,并非单单表现在我们对抗大自然害努力上。面对目前金融风暴所带来时,我们也发挥了这不屈不挠精神。

54、Planning and ideas must have support fm hard work to succeed.惟有通过发奋努力工作,精心计划和创意才能获得成。

55、Faced with setbacks in life, people all want to change the setbacks for the easy win gloous life, but to overcome setbacks, the key lies in their unremitting efforts to struggle.面对人生挫折,人们无不希望变挫折为坦途、赢得人生,但要战胜挫折,关键在于自身发愤图强,努力奋斗。

56、He said, “We shall nr cease fm stving, and the end of all of o stving will be to arve where we be and to know the place for the first time.”他说;我们将永不放弃奋斗,经过全力以赴奋斗后,我们将到达出发之地,并重新认识这个地方。

57、I always dreamed of working hard to put a ile on the faces of my family, especially my mother, who has sacficed her whole life for my sisters and I.我时常梦想通过努力奋斗来让家里人开心一点,特别是我,她为了我和我四姐妹们受了很多苦。

58、I'm talking about hope as the spit inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contray, that something better is waiting for us if we're willing to work for it and fight for it .我讲期望是那种依于咱们心田精神;深信在困境中只要乐意为之努力奋斗,情形就会变得好起来。

59、50-74 = You’re trying to be a good listener, but it’s time to brush up.50-74 =你正努力成为一个好倾听者,是时间奋起了。

60、Let us re-double o exertion and stke with united stren while life and power remain.趁此生命不息、力量尚存之际,让我们加倍努力,合力奋战吧!

61、Betiful military met chapter behind them are sweat, o efforts have been fighting a real war. It all remain in o hearts, let the water spray Dangqi Huange dance!美丽军章身后都是汗水,我们努力过奋斗过实战过。一切一切都留在我们心底,让水荡起浪花起舞欢歌!

62、No fast track success and happiness is not the success of all high-speed ad, all fm the tireless efforts; all happiness, all fm the extraordinary struggle and persrance!成没有快车道,幸福没有高速路。 所有成,都来自不倦努力和奔跑;所有幸福,都来自平凡奋斗和坚持。

63、Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成滋味。

、But people do not understand what vanity the ego hei is under the influence of the death and terr, and the struggle and effort is just only a temporary makeshift.然而人们在亡恐惧影响下,并不了解自己“英雄主义”行为虚幻,人们奋斗、努力似乎只能是短暂权宜之计。


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