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关于”网上很火“英子56个,句子主体:Online is very hot。以下是关于网上很火小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Online is very hot


1、Yes , very easy . It's on Qianmen Street .


2、When you add in gas money and the time you might spend standing in line on Fday morning, online sales are n better.


3、This document descbes a ptocol for the application-layer traversal of IP neork firewalls.


4、Guilty-conscience type: Last time I was on the internet, a web page suddenly popped-up; it was very etic, very violent, so I quickly closed the door.


5、Perhaps the ash fall fm an eruption pulled her fm her web and othered her.

比如,很多家庭用户都是通过带NAT(Neork Address Translation)能路由器/防火墙上网。

6、For example, many home users have a badband uter/firewall that performs Neork Address Translation.


7、The Host Firewall can defend the Intranet against the attacks fm the internal neork in a large extent , but the related techniques need to be studied.


8、The grass on the grave is very long, fire it…


9、Students attend cyber school for many reasons.


10、I was very happy last weekend.


11、Scientists unveiled a meteote fm Mars in which they said there were micscopic fossils.


12、Gong's nickname, "Xiao Long Nu" or "Little Dragon Maiden", is well known becse domestic and forei media have covered her story.


13、The train was still bning on Tuesday morning and it was feared that the bning oil tanks could explode.


14、Much of the value pvided by additional firewalls can be achid with less complexity by using virtual pvate neorks or placing all the components on the same subnet.


15、Sometimes the content of a Web site becomes much famous than the people behind it.


16、Although sleep is always fitful on trains, I dozed off quickly than usual.


17、He is cuous about the world of the Internet, so he sfs the net ry day.


18、Chinese Internet plays are also hot.


19、All households have internet access.


20、We have seen Ethernet, bus neork, wireless neork, but few Internet cafes take over 232 gups, sent a reference pgram.

21、He told me he was a good tennis-player.他跟我说过他网球打患上很好。

22、A circle of fire sunded the ship.船被火网包围了。

23、Web publishing is a brand new publishing form which breaks thugh the traditional publishing in a great extent.网络出版非一类齐旧出版业态,它反在很大火平上突立了传统出版观念。

24、There are many websites selling DC motors.网上有很多地方都卖直流电动机。

25、with a BARRAGE of leaping fire which FLASHES down and伴随着跳跃火焰,织成了火力网

英文句子26:,26、Skyfire fires up fast and web pages load quickly.天火大火迎头赶上和网页加载迅速。

27、If you want to close the Firewall, please blank the check box of "Internet Connection Firewall".如欲关闭防火墙,请漏空「网际网路连线防火墙」中之空格;

28、Sfing the Internet is fun, but it's also a time waster.上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。

29、Soon after, putting the high guard before the blazing fire, he stole down-stairs.过了一会,他在烧得很旺火炉前面放上高隔火屏就悄悄下楼来。

30、It was difficult to give credence to the report.把厨炊烟火气从衣服上去掉是很难。

31、Many web-related cmes ase.很多网上罪行出现。

32、Dont plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though.但千万别计划很快在火星上建造家园。

33、Young Internet users are 'vulnerable' to goming and stalkers becse they aren't being ptected online.年轻互联网用户们在网络上很容易被伪装坏人坑骗,因为他们在网络上并没有被很好保护。

34、Many corporate neork firewalls block connections via unrecoised ports and ptocols;很多公司网络防火墙,因为无法识别端口和协议会阻止连接。

35、He tells me he's a good tennis-player.他跟我说他网球打患上很好。

36、In the ning he built a fire and slept like a dead man.到了晚上,他生了堆火,睡得很。

37、Only about 只有12%印度人能上网,比上网人数少很多。

12 percent of Indians have connection to the Internet -- much less than in countes like China.

38、Sage type: Last time I was on the internet, a web page suddenly popped-up; it was very etic, very violent, so I quickly closed my eyes.圣人型:上次我上网查资料,突然弹出来一个网页,,我立即闭上了眼睛。

39、He got up very early so that he could catch the train.他起得很早以便他能赶上那列火车。

40、There're vaous resoces online.网上也有很多资源,我之所以提这个。

41、It's cold and windy outside, time to sit by the fire and internet until next year.外面又冷还刮风,是时候坐在火堆旁上上网了,一直上网到明年吧。

42、Becse of this, the volcano on north-west Kai is old and extinct, while the volcanos on Hawaii's south-east edge are the most active in the world.因此,西北端考艾岛上火山都是很老火山,然而,位于夏威夷东南边火山却是世界上活动最频繁活火山。

43、There were many people traveling to Xiamen, so there were many people on the train.有很多人到厦门旅游,所以火车上有很多人。

44、The whispeng in class aggravates o teacher.课堂上窃窃私语使我们老师很恼火。

45、The word-wide-web is swarmed with much detmental information.互联网上充斥着很多有害。

46、Only a all amount of university jonals have pvided the internet accessibility so far and much of them appear via web pages of the Academic Peodical Jonals' Website.高校学报上网总数很少,且大都经过学术期刊等网上网,内容单一,不能很好地实现与作者、读者之间联系。

47、Thecontents of this "death blog" were quickly posted online.她博客在网上很快被流传开来。

48、It is much easier and reliable to keep their diaes on line---both waterpof and firepof.把记保存在网上比记在记上可省事多了——不怕水淹,不怕火烧。

49、Compared with regular Internet users, the study found, kids who were heavy users or non-users were likely to be depressed or very depressed。研究发现,跟“正常上网者”相比,过度上网和不上网孩子更容易感到“抑郁”或“很抑郁”。

50、行星和卫星上有很多火山。----------------------------------------------------------------------- moon:可数。There are many volcanoes on planets and moons.

经典英文句子51:网上很火,51、Tom got up early so as to catch the train yesterday morning.昨天上午,为赶火车汤姆起得很早。

52、Neork sale is to be cared very in recent years ieous concept, a lot of enterpses be to trying.网络营销是近年来提得很火概念,许多企业都开始在尝试了。

53、Cummings fastened a large wheel set-piece on a stake in the gund by way of a grand finale.卡明斯在地面树桩上拴上了一个很大火烟花,好让这次焰火在中收尾。

54、Suwon atmosphec presse in the water (or presse)thugh the pipe neork under presse within the inlet.火水正在小大气压力力(或者火压)作用上通管网压到了入水管外。

55、You might be able to gw asparagus in it really well.你也许能在火星上把芦笋种得很好。

56、There are many homeward-bound ral laborers and students.趟火车上,有很多返乡民工和学生。

57、The moment she did board the train, she posted her story on her school’s mic-blog, where it spread like wildfire acss the Chinese Internet.她上了火车之后就把这次经历贴到了学校微博上。 于是这故事像野火一样传遍了整个互联网。

58、Where can I watch Flash Gordons Tp to Mars movie online free full stream?我在哪里可以看闪存戈登火星之旅网上完全流?

59、Netbooks have screens which are wide, but shallow.上网屏幕比较宽,但是很窄。

60、Painful chitchat on a train is a miserable expeence.火车上与人话不投机是个很痛苦经历。

61、It wasn’t long before Yoani Sanchez’s blog had cght fire on the Internet and was being downloaded onto comr flash dves and passed fm person to person.雅尼·桑切斯(Yoani Sanchez)博客很快就在互联网上火起来,很快就被下载到电脑闪速存储器上并被人们相互传阅。

62、The possible existence of andesites on Mars is intguing.火星上可能有安山岩存在,这很值得玩味。

63、My mother had an open sore on her bosom due to inflammation.因为上火她前胸生了个很大疮。

、A new T-shirt with the image of the recent fire on its fnt has gone on sale over the Internet (see photo).央视新址北配楼发生大火后不久,"央视大火"T恤开始在网上热卖(见图)。

65、D: some of my fends play cards on the internet. Have you r ted that?我很多朋友都上网打牌.你试过在网上玩吗?

66、Me too. Recently, I'm fascinated with net-chat. I've made many fends on the net.我也是。最近,我迷上了网聊。我在网上交了很多朋友。


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