
发布时间:2023-05-11 12:20:11 阅读:1384 点赞:0

关于”努力学习“英子25个,句子主体:study hard。以下是关于努力学习高三英子。

英文句子模板1:study hard


1、If you don't work you will fail past yo exam.


2、Knowing this, they’ll study harder and harder.

I regret not studying harder. (我后悔没有更努力学习。

3、I wish I had studied harder.


4、Finally, you must study hard and insist on learning continuously for a year or o.


5、Only you study hard can you get good results.


6、He is working bard so that he may pass the exam.


7、Every one of us works hard at o lessons in Senior



8、And now, to work on the second line.


9、While college students have to make efforts to earn credits, and tn out to be unfledged, they had betterconcentrate on studies.


10、So we must do o best to study.


11、His students responded by studying harder and performing better.


12、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try。

现在我要比以前更努力地学习英语,每星期 现在我要比以前更努力地学习英语, 要比学生们超前一章。 要比学生们超前一章。

13、Now I shall have to study the English language in earnest, keeping one chapter ahead of the students each week.


14、Huh! We must study hard to be a high academic students!

15、I wish I had studied harder. I regret not studying harder. (我后悔没有更努力学习。


16、Two heads are better than one。


17、The students in my cla study harder than those in yos.


18、In contrast with Tom, Mao seldom studies harder.


19、We must study hard before we can overcome o shortcomings.


20、 All things are difficult before they are easy。

21、One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays。 百闻不如一见。

22、只有努力学习,才能取得更大进步 Bigger impvement can only be achid thugh hard work.

23、Li Gang is studying hard enough to catch up with other students.李钢学习很努力可以追上其他同学了。

24、I always try my best to learn the new things, I hope my kids can also try their best to learn the new things.学无止境,我总是尽我最大努力学习新知识,我也希望我学生能够尽他们最大努力学习新知识。

25、There is no yal ad to learning。 学习没有捷径 While the pspects are bght, the ad has ists and tns。

英文句子26:,26、As long as the heart still beating, must study hard.只要心还在跳,就要努力学习。——张海迪。

27、Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?你是在努力学习还是在尽情玩乐呢?

28、The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working.好是我数学老师说我学习努力。

29、I’m working on-it.我正在努力。我正在学习。我正在处理。我正在改进。

30、You can do very well in high school by studying hard and memozing a lot of facts.在高中,学习好可以通过努力学习、记忆很多事实得以实现。

31、Keep moving on yo English study and nr stop!在学习英语上要不断地努力,永不停步!

32、I plan to study hard bacse I want to go to a school overseas.我打算努力学习,因为我想去国外上学。

33、Talented as he is, he doesn't work hard.尽管他才华出众,可就是不努力学习。

34、She studies very hard though still rather weak.她尽管体弱,但学习仍十分努力。

35、I study hard at school. I really like my math teacher.我在学校学习很努力。我很喜欢我数学老师。

36、Too much knowledge makes the head bald。 学问太多催人老。

37、 Tn over a new leaf。 洗心革面,改过自新。

38、I'm afraid that you are sleeping, continue working hard.我担心你睡着了,要继续努力学习哦!

39、Two of a trade seldom agree。 同行是冤家。

40、Mary studies hard. Now she can't (couldn't) be sleeping. She must be studying.昀鲅?习努力,现在不可能睡觉,她肯定在学习。

41、Unpleasant advice is a good medicine。 忠言逆耳利于行。

42、I need to study hard. I have to practice English and Chinese .我需要努力学习。我必须多多练习英语和汉语。

43、毫无疑问,我们必须努力学习 It is out of question that we must study hard。

44、She studies very hard though(she is) still rather weak.她尽管体弱,但学习仍十分努力。

45、What is learned in the cradle is cared to the grave。儿时所学,终生难忘。

46、渴望得到知识人学习比别人努力 Those who want to gain knowledge study harder than others。

47、学习没有捷径 While the pspects are bght, the ad has ists and tns。

48、努力学习,找个好工作 I shall study hard in order to t for an ideal job

49、I think I should work harder than before.我想我要比以前更加努力学习。

50、To save time is to lenen life。 节约时间就是延长生命。

经典英文句子51:努力学习,51、Work hard when (you are) young , or you'll regret.趁年轻要努力学习,要不然你会后悔。

52、Molly studies harder than her best fend.莫莉比她更好朋友学习更努力。

53、They work so hard, they embrace, they are challenged.他们学习努力,接受一切。

54、Beeen now and next year I need to learn mineralo…从现在到明年,我得努力学习矿物学方面知识……


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