
发布时间:2023-07-03 04:50:56 阅读:63 点赞:0




1、He abides by his fends.

2、 麻烦是朋友 Tuble is a fend

3、——约瑟夫.康拉德 be slow in choosing a fend; slower in changer. ——benjamin franklin 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。


4、What about my fends?


5、If you're unhitched, pmpt yo pals to invite eligible singles to this shindig.

比如在社交网络中,使用图数据结构表示朋友关系,或者做类似”给我我朋友朋友所有朋友(get me all the fends of my fends fends)“遍历和查询,都要较以前容易很多。

6、For example in social neorks it's easier to use a graph data structe to represents fend relations and do traversals and quees like "get me all the fends of my fends fends".


7、We also know that if you do not like o boyfend/girlfend, set of fends or art pject we also hear about it.


8、Common fend let you howl, true fend to let you know that howl.


9、Ann nis my fend.

10、——约瑟夫.康拉 Be slow in choosing a fend; slower in changer. ——Benjamin Franklin 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。


11、When picking fends, 'men don't want someone who is too needy, ' he says.


12、Easily find fends.


13、So who are yo real fends and whose real fends are you?

你有很多 朋友 吗我有许多 朋友 ,也是我最喜欢 朋友 是个阳光和快乐女孩她是一米高她有一个黑 …

14、Do you have many fends. I have many fends, too. My favoute fend is a sun and happy girl.


15、There was me and my fend Marv, Lola and her fend Lotta, and Sizzles.

16、Maybe you have already get it,yes,Lily is my dog,my best fend,I love her. 我有许多朋友,莉莉就是我最要之


17、You can watch these videos to learn Teochew, Mandan or both, these videos have suitle in all

3 languages (incl.


18、You may pay the fend back by inviting the fend to a restaant some other time.


19、You're a goodfend.


20、Fend! Why rything alone, in that you have many fends!

21、A her may not be a fend, but a fend will always be a her. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟 希望能帮到你

22、a forr fend 永远朋友 "a fend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开时候,朋友仍与你在一起。

23、A her may not be a fend, but a fend will always be a her. 兄弟不一定是朋友, 而朋友一定是兄弟。

24、One should nr blame his fends n his fends committed some careless mistakes.当朋友犯了疏忽小错时不要老指责朋友过失。

25、A fine fend you are!你真够朋友!

英文句子26:,26、His fend told me that he doesn't have a girlfend, but I'm not se.他朋友跟我说他没有女朋友。可我还是不清楚。

27、My happiness means that I still have a large circle of fends, though among which there are true fends as well as fair-weather fends.幸福就是朋友还不少,校内校外,真朋还是假友,都不少。里面既有真正,也有暂时建立在利益关系上友情。

28、I got to know my boyfend at the birthday bash of one of my buds.我是在一个朋友生舞会上认识我男朋友。

29、When an acquaintance into a fend, I might ask him. If he says: don't beli.当一个朋友成为,我忍不住会这样问他。

30、Barack said, 'Hi guys, ' and Michelle n touched my fend on her shoulder!巴拉克说,‘嗨,朋友们’,米歇尔甚至拍了拍我朋友肩膀。

31、Let's say you've heard about a fend of a fend for a really long time.假设你早就听说过一个你朋友朋友。

32、My Manchu fend doesn't really get treated any differently fm her Han fends.我满族朋友没有被她汉族朋友区别对待。

33、If you're discussing this colleague with another fend, you can tell yo fend,你正和另一个朋友讨论这个同事,你可以跟你朋友说,

34、——约瑟夫.康拉德 Be slow in choosing a fend; slower in changer. ——Benjamin Franklin 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。


2)A her may not be a fend,but a fend will always be a her.(兄弟不一定是朋友,而朋友一定是兄弟.)

36、A her may not be a fend, but a fend will always be a her.兄弟不一定是朋友, 而朋友一定是兄弟。

37、你会认识许多新朋友 You will meet a lot of new fends. 你会认识许多新朋友 You will meet a lot of new fends.

38、I also miss my fends and study buddies .也想念我朋友和学友们。

39、Good-bye old fend.再见吧!朋友。

40、Inn pspety o fends know us; in adversity we know o fends.在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。 。

41、朋友们喜欢在我家聚会 My fends love in my home 朋友们喜欢在我家聚会 My fends love in my home

42、Admonish yo fends pvately, but praise them openly. -Publius Syrus.要私下告诫朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。——叙利亚作家西拉丁。

43、Adios my fend.再会,我朋友。

44、You are among fends.你是朋友之

45、Selling old people: fends?卖报老人:朋友?

46、we can still appreciate each other without being boyfend and girlfend. 我理解为"虽不是男女朋友了,我们仍然可以做朋友"!

47、Meet my fend.来见见我朋友。

48、My fends in Nederland.我荷兰朋友。

49、Go with a fend.跟朋友一起去。

50、My dear fends, do you beli post-80s and post-90s have generation gap?朋友,你认为“80后”和“90后”交朋友,会有“代沟”吗?

经典英文句子51:朋友,51、You’re a real pal.你真够朋友。

52、Gather all yo fends and lgh to tears when the poor guy starts farting.召集你朋友一起嘲笑那个被整朋友。

53、你会认识许多新朋友 you will meet a lot of new fends. 你会认识许多新朋友 you will meet a lot of new fends.

54、Some fend you are.你真够朋友。

55、My fend in Linhai is very hospitable, three fends accompanied me the whole day, and in the middle we distbed o fends fm Xianju.临海朋友很好客,三位朋友整整陪了我一整天,中间还惊动了仙居两位朋友。

56、See Mutual Convert fend posted so blessed to convey to each loving fends!请看贴朋友互转,让祝福传达给每位有爱心朋友中!

57、Dr. McDermott is responsible for research, a fend of divorce domino effect, as the disease as "infectious" to family, fends and colleagues, n fends of fends will easily "cght.负责研究麦克德莫特博士指出,朋友离婚产生骨牌效应,就像疾病一样 “传染”给家人、朋友和同事,连朋友朋友也会容易“中招”。

58、A fend is a sanctuary. A fend is a ile.朋友是你心灵庇护所, 朋友是一个向你笑容满面人。

59、To some extent, being a ‘girlfend’ is like being a fend, a consoler, a sharer.在某种程度上,‘女朋友’就像个朋友,安者,分享者。

60、I hate Heather.我讨厌朋友。

61、Today, one of my boyfend's fends ranted on about how I am such a crappy girlfend and how all of his fends don't like me.今天男朋友一个朋友大吵说我是个多么混帐所有朋友们都讨厌我。

62、How's it going, amigo?进展如何,朋友?

63、Rachel became fends with the others on her team and n found a boyfend.瑞秋跟队上其他人成了朋友,甚至还交了男朋友。

、012 A her may not be a fend,but a fend will always be a her. 兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友总是兄弟。

65、She has a boyfend.她有男朋友了。

66、I discreetly orized get-togethers involving my closest fends and my new boyfend.我小心翼翼安排只包括我和男朋友聚会。

67、Cheers, my fend.杯,朋友们。

68、他朋友每天都嘲笑他 His fends lgh at him ry day. 他朋友每天都嘲笑他 His fends lgh at him ry day.

69、A her may not be a fend, but a fend will always be a her.兄弟不一定是朋32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333366303135友, 而朋友一定是兄弟。

70、for my best fend, and they didnt't invite me.我朋友正给我最计划生宴会,他们没有邀请我参加。

71、In pspety o fends know us, in adversity we know o fends.在顺境中,朋友结识了我们,在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。

72、She betrayed her fends.她背叛了朋友。

73、【a fend who betray you in the end, is nr yo fend fm the beginning——最终背叛你朋友,其实一开始就不是你朋友。

74、Only then discovered my side Germany fends all are some fair-weather fends.才发现我身边德朋友只不过都是一些酒肉朋友罢了…

75、He often treated his fends badly; butt t hey remained loyal tot he last.他经常不善待朋友,但朋友们却始终对他忠心耿耿。

英文句子模板76:Fend,76、Simba has fends.辛巴有一些朋友。


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