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关于”梦想短句“英子48个,句子主体:Short sentences of dreams。以下是关于梦想短句高一英子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of dreams

1、The only limit to o realization of tomorw will be o dous of today. 实现明天理想唯一障碍是今天疑虑。


2、Living in the limelight made his dream a nightmare.


3、A man with a dream occasionally make mistakes, but he can Zhicuojiugai, continue toward yo dream.


4、The Big Island was a good example of mostly fige

8 dream with some pyramidal dream interspersed .

“这是我梦想。” 梅贝格说。

5、"That's my dream, " Mayberg says.


6、The person you become in the psuit of yo dream is worth far than the achiment of that dream.


7、Put yo dreams into action.


8、Everything is now for the fute of dream weaving wings, soar to great heights to dream in reality.

I hope o dreams come true. 我希望我们梦想成真。



10、If a person lacks a beacon light—ideal, his life will be fuddled.


11、Imagine an insanely ambitious goal for yoself.


12、Q8: What's yo dream (hope) for the fute?


13、Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die, life is a bken-winged bird that cannot fly.


14、i hope o dreams come true.


15、His dream of becoming a superstar ended in bubbles.


16、The centy-old dream has come true.


17、The girls have gwn up, some dreams have faded fm the memory with the wind, some dreams have realized, also has a vivid memory regarding own childhood's dream.


18、Dream cannot be realised till we hold on to it. Aren't we living in o dream!

馈赠 我梦想是池塘梦想生存不仅映照天空让周围垂柳和紫云英把我汲取…

19、My dream is just as the pool's, Svival not only reflects the sky …

可是 30 年前,这种和谐只是一个梦想,充其量只是一个遥远梦想。

20、But 30 years ago, this harmony was just a dream, and a far-away dream at best.

21、on't lose sight of yo dreams.不要忘记自己梦想。

22、And up the mountainsides of dreams.在山腰一样梦想上。

23、Mayfly, have a happy dream.蜉蝣,有一个幸福梦想。

24、Thought, rry, prayer,--these are great and mysteous radiations.思想、梦想、祈祷是神秘之光大辐。

25、To study abad is my dream.出国学习是我梦想。

英文句子26:,26、Dream what you want to dream ; go where you want to go ;做你想做梦去你想去地方;

27、Detective Del Spooner: Human beings have dreams.戴尔•史普纳警探:人类有梦想,甚至狗都有梦想,但你没有,你只是个机器,一个冒充生命赝品。

28、Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a bken-winged bird That cannot fly.紧紧握住梦想不放,梦想一旦消逝,生活象折断翅膀鸟儿,不能飞翔。

29、People nr want to do one thing.想像一个你自己做梦也不敢想目标。

30、How does one recast one's dream?你怎么来重铸你梦想?

31、May all yo dreams come true!祝你所有梦想都成真!

32、Goals determine what you are going to be. 目标决定你将成为为什么样人。

33、" is an animation about a Kiwi - a type of bird that cannot fly, who spends its whole life working towards achieving his dream.是一部关于奇异鸟动画短片--这种鸟不会飞,但他们一辈子都想要实现飞梦。

34、Rose: It's one of my dreams.柔丝: 它是我梦想之

35、This will be a dream come true."将是梦想成真“

36、You can go after yo dreams if you choose to.只要你想,你就可以追寻你梦想。

37、In recoition of his dream, students at the festival had the chance to talk about their dreams.为了表示对他梦想认可,戏剧节上学生们有机会表达他们自己梦想。

38、He thinks in patents, and sometimes he dreams in patents.他每天想着专利,就连做梦也会梦到专利。

39、And yet what are dreams?然而什么是梦想呢?

40、 If a person lacks a beacon light—ideal, his life will be fuddled. 如果一个人缺少一颗指路明灯——理想,就会醉生梦。

41、.Do not give up yo goal that you longed to achi becse of one single faile.不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到目。

42、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。

43、The lucky ones inevitably do not have best of the best. They seek simply the best of what they see on their joney.梦想你想要梦。去你想去地方。寻找你所要。因为生命是唯一看你如何去塑造它。

44、Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field fzen with snow.抓牢你梦想,因为如果失去梦想,生命就成了一块覆盖着冰雪贫瘠冻土。

45、No. You have yo dream and I have mine. Let's just hope my dream catcher lets in only the good dreams.不,你有你梦想,我也有,希望我捕梦网捕都是好梦。

46、This is an excellent quote, becse a lot of people want to wait until things are perfect until they start going after their dreams.这是一条相当有用警句,因为相当多人总是希望等到条件都成熟了才开始去追求梦想。

47、That can nr fly. Hold fast to dreams. For when dreams go.生命就像一只断翼之鸟。 % 它就不能飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想。如果梦想远去。

48、Do you dream of a threesome?梦想过三人行么?

49、Longemont Asia Pacific Centre is creating a new dream for the city.龙之梦亚太中心成就一座城市光荣与梦想。

50、i hope o dreams come true. 我希望我们梦想成真。

经典英文句子51:梦想短句,51、Dreamers who lingers near them.身边徘徊年轻梦想者。


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