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关于”运用比喻“英子28个,句子主体:use of metaphor。以下是关于运用比喻xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:use of metaphor


1、Speaking in simile is a special way of the application of tpe in news comments, being a excellent way of reasoning in news comments.


2、The interpretation of nominal ttolo requires metonymic reasoning.


3、This idiom means to comfort oneself with fantasy.


4、In rhetoc teaching, not enough emphasis has been laid so far upon the extensive application of metaphor and simile and their consequent stking effects.


5、The wter uses imagi and other fige of speech like simile etc.


6、The Bible often compares tals to a metal refiner's fire that bns away the imputies.


7、Western views towards metaphors can be generally classified into fo categoes: Rheto regards 'metaphor' as a fige of speech by modes of replacement and compason.


8、This is o most basic performance of a point, is also often used metaphocally.


9、If you're going to use a congestion metaphor, I'd suggest defining what that means.


10、As mentioned above, many metaphors used to descbe emotions involve bodily states. Most of those metaphors make refernce to pepheral physiological pcesses in particular.


11、That's why the term "flower and calyx" has come to be used to refer to btherly affection.


12、Mencius used figation to make the reader or the listener to happen association or coizing, ase his consent.


13、This idiom excoates those who show off their slight accomplishments in fnt of experts.


14、The Torah uses familiar terms to allegocally to express God's relation to His creation.


15、Cohan's “Money and Power,” which invokes the “vampire squid” line ice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own.

约十六25 这些事,我用比喻对你们说了;


16:25 These things I have spoken to you in parables;


17、Later, people use it to praise the man who keeps his pmise.


18、What parable is used by Ezekiel to descbe the covenant relationship beeen Jehovah and Juda?


19、The placenames of the Zhuang ethnic gup are often named with the rhetoc repaches such as metaphor, borw, personifications, hyperbole, which make them vivid and imaginative.


20、The log is compared with Khandhas or human being.

21、Balazs likens the miccapsules' action to that of blood cells in the human body.Balazs 把微聚体作用比喻成体内血细胞。

22、The the 'resistance ll' can be likened to the line of scmmage in sports.是'阻力'可以比喻为在运动混战线。

23、And the satical advising was persuasive bee of wide use of metaphor, iny and so on.比喻、反语等修辞方法运用大大增强了滑稽人物讽谏说服力。

24、I will tn my ear to a pverb; with the harp I will expound my ddle我要侧耳听比喻,用琴解谜语。

25、Using a gardening metaphor, he says o expeence of life depends on which seeds we choose to water.他运用园艺比喻说,我们生活经验取决于我们选择哪些种子为其浇水。

英文句子26:,26、This concept can be demonstrated with The Iceberg Metaphor...以上关于人格结构概念可以用右图冰山形象比喻

27、They are often compared to dirty snowballs.它们经常被比喻为“脏雪球”。

28、Later, this idiom came to be used to mean :comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical pblems.后来人们就用“ 画饼充饥”这个成语比喻:比喻用空想安自己,不能解决真正问题。

29、She d a hybd way of artistic expression, too, to deal with the subject.张爱玲擅用比喻,其艺术处理也是一种混杂手法。

30、Poets are weaving for you a wed with thread of golden imagery;诗人用比喻金丝线为你织网;

31、Again, it’s a metaphor for how you might live yo life, and these pnciples can be applied to anything you do.在强调一下,这只是对你向往生活一种比喻,其中禅意可以运用于生活中任意方面。

32、Later, people use it to descbe someone who is at his wit's end.后来,人们用这个成语来比喻仅有一点技俩也用完了。

33、He also tght us the example of the Father in the Pdigal Son.他亦利用浪子回头比喻中榜样来训导我们。

34、So I like this tree metaphor here.所以我比较喜欢这样树比喻。

35、Using the metaphor of train lines, Tom Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate thugh the myofascial 'webbing', contbuting to postal compensation and movement stability.使用比喻火车线路,汤姆迈尔斯解释如何应变沟通模式通过肌筋膜'网' ,促进姿势补偿和运动稳定。

36、Today, "High Mountain and Running Water" is a fige of speech about the bosom fends.今天,人们用“高山流水”来比喻知心朋友。

37、Includes alliteration, harmoni, onomatopoetic, paralleli, symmetry and parables, etc.包括头韵,谐音,拟声,排比,对称和比喻等。

38、The thesis also utilizes many vivid examples to illustrate that Huang Weiliang psues the grace of the…文章还用生动、丰富例子论证黄维梁运用意象语和比喻方法达到其对文论文评文采追求。

39、Later, "The elet music" as a metaphor bosom fend or confidant.后用“高山流水”比喻知音或知己。

40、These o metaphors are miatched.这两个比喻放在一起很不相配。

41、A common metaphor used in this regard is that of mountains and molehills.这里常用一个比喻是树木和森林。

42、Later, people use it to descbe the ones who have a very narw view.后来,人们就用“坐井观天”来比喻一个人思想狭隘。

43、Consequently memeti can be applied to the phenomenon and mechani of metaphor.因此,我们可以运用模因学理论来理解隐喻现象及其机制。

44、As a fige of speech, metaphor is widely used in New English Cose Reading.作为一种修辞格,隐喻广泛运用于《新英语教程阅读》课文中。

45、In this circumstance, what was his intention to tell the parable of the tenants?在这种情况下,祂说出园户比喻有甚麽用意呢?

46、He is the living image of his father.比喻义,不用alive)他活像他。

47、All ght. In addition to the use of the relationship beeen plot and story, we also find Boks using terms that are now, having read Jakobson and de Man, very familiar to us: the terms "metaphor" and "metonymy."好,除了运用主题和故事之间关系,布鲁克斯还会用到很多别词,等我们读完雅各布森和德曼作品后会觉得很熟悉:,比如,“比喻“,和,“转喻“

48、Although perhaps not a household name yet, GetJar offers nd 65, 000 applications (compared to Apple's 225, 000, for example).尽管或许还算不上是一个家喻户晓名字,GetJar提供了大约65,000个应用程序(比如跟苹果225,000个比起来确不那么家喻户晓)。

49、Extratextual repetitions can be studied in the use of metaphors, literary allusions, and idioms.文外重复主要表现在比喻、文学典故、习语使用上。

50、Howr, Bhikkhus, this is just a simile.然而诸比丘,这只是一个比喻。

经典英文句子51:运用比喻,51、He held up for o imitation the shepherd in the Parable of the Lost Sheep.他用牧者与亡羊比喻来教导我们效法他。

52、I think this thread has now run its cose. Time to knock it on the head.这是比喻句 直译是: 我想这根线已经穿过它运行路线了,到时候敲他头了。

53、Secondly, the works has applied the skill of satical humor , metaphor and comment that is direct art skill which chance ugly into bety .其次,作品中杰出讽刺幽默、比喻、议论运用,是化丑为美直接艺术手段。

54、It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well- trained sporten for untrained sporten.不言而喻,用训练有素运动员代替没有受过训练运动员是明智。

55、The only thing this ter-gatherer technique had going for it was that it worked, and worked pretty reliably in that context.之所以采用这种“狩猎-采集”技术(译注:比喻其古老),唯一原因就是它行之有效,而且在此种环境中运行很可。


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