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关于”鼓励孩子经典“英子33个,句子主体:Encoage children's classi。以下是关于鼓励孩子经典小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Encoage children's classi


1、If you've heard those words fm yo kid, chances are he's been reward with monetary pzes and mateal possessions for behaving, working or just plain breathing.


2、One is the image of the overptective mother who gets too involved in her child's life, n after the child gws up.


3、It unwavengly consolidates and dlops the public sector of the economy and unswervingly encoages, supports and guides the dlopment of the non-public sector.


4、Use old pillow cases or potato bags for sack races and if it's really nice out have a good old fashioned water balloon toss.


5、Mary was always holding up her children as paragons of good behavio.


6、But we were all children once.


7、"S's are a classic boy-scout snack, " explains Muniz.


8、Sarah Gibb's elet arork bngs Gmms' classic tale alive in this exquisite picte book re-telling that no child's library should be without.


9、She frequently baby-sat for the child.


10、No. Clasical music is too complicated for the unborn child.


11、This was encoaged by the lnch this year of their new five-year economic plans, traditionally a time for starting big new pjects.


12、Forget whether fat bonuses or the lack of regulation encoaged undue sk-taking ding the credit-fueled boom. Risk may really run in Wall Street's blood.


13、My son's mother has had him in karate classes now for about

6 months.


14、Any child shall be excused fm such Bible reading, or attending such Bible reading, upon the wtten request of his parent or guardian.

15、he has fathered three children. 他已经三个孩子。


16、Their children are now in the workforce and we are told that young workers cannot last thugh the day without being ppped up by praise, rewards, and recoition.


17、OK Candace is chuckling here, becse you see, she often pats the Creator Son on the back when she sees the met of the choices coming down.


18、I have a woman's body and a child's emotions!


19、Byrd says she ted breast-feeding her first child, who is now

12, and lasted nine weeks before giving up.


20、Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie's panoramic 1981 allegory of the birth of modern India, is heading for the big screen.

21、a typical posting reads: "Trey wtes ry episode and then does the majoty of the voices and most of the music while Matt sits nd and lghs at Trey to encoage him.典型贴子像这样:“崔伊为每一集编剧,完成绝大多数配音和音乐,而马特无所事事到处閒坐,用取笑方式来鼓励崔伊。”

22、Set a good example for yo kids by being creativeand innovative yoself.以身作则为你孩子立下一个又开创,创造典范。

23、Kids will learn some canonical stoes by the famous Chinese Philosopher Zhuangzi. By combining storytelling and performance, the workshop will be a cooperation beeen the kids.孩子通过表演经典哲学著作《庄子》中故事片段,了解庄子思想,把行动和思考有趣地结合起来。

24、Equally important, he pointed out, was a culte that encoaged empically-based challenges to the ideas of those in thoty.他认为,同样主要是要有一种文化,它能够鼓励以经验为基对权威思想。

25、A young woman told of meeting Jia Baoyu, the lover-boy fm the classic novel Dream of The Red Chamber.一名年轻女孩讲述了自己同经典著作《红楼梦》里美男子贾宝玉相会故事。

英文句子26:,26、Kevin Folk already has o.凯文·福克已经有两个孩子了。

27、As one of the pvinces, Peking Opera coses are opened in 我省作为参与试点地区,从学期起在20所试点中小学开设京剧课。于是,更多湖北孩子学起了《穷人孩子早当家》、《都有一颗红亮心》等经典“样板戏”京剧唱段。

20 pmary and middle schools this term. More Hubei children learn the classic"Model Play"Peking Opera aas .

28、Is girl menstruation collywobbles preant omen?女孩肚子疼是怀征兆吗?。

29、"S's are a classic boy-scout snack," explains Muniz.是一个典型男孩童子军点心”穆尼斯解释道。

30、The Virtual Classom makes these s efficient, Rizzo says. In one expement, he gave a gup of kids the classic "A-X" .虚拟教室让这些变得更有效率,Rizzo说,在一项试验中,他给一组孩子们做经典“A-X”。

31、And China has resorted to giving away the technolo to Romania and South Korea to encoage bader use.同时,已经将这项新技术赠送给罗马尼亚与韩国,以鼓励该技术更广泛应用。

32、Swedish dads are tragic with all their nappy-changing and equality.瑞典要给孩子换布,还要支持男女平等,太悲惨了。

33、For parents who have children, often times they'll set out a play date.此外,对于那些有孩子父,他们经常会和孩子有一种“游玩”约会。

34、Mr Mundus, too, once made the centrepiece of a classic “Jaws” scene, harpooning a great white in 75 feet of water off a beach where children played.蒙特斯也曾经上演过《大鲨鱼》里经典镜头,把一条长75英尺大白鲨叉到了孩子们正在游玩海滩上。

35、She often pampers her children.她经常娇惯孩子。

36、She was always holding up her children as paragons of good behavio.她总是标榜自己孩子是品行端正典范。

37、She was always holding up her children as paragons of good behavio.玛丽老是标榜自己孩子是品行端正典范。

38、Thanks my elder sister always s me, and encoages me, and thanks, she sent me lots pictes about her homeland Wu-Fong.感谢我大姐经常帮助鼓励我,也谢谢她提供我许多雾峰和重建相。

39、The rapid dlopment of e-commerce has encoaged greater numbers of youth to start up business on the Internet, which is siificant in boosting domestic demand and creating jobs.电子商务迅速发展鼓励了大量年轻人开始在互联网上经商,这对扩大内需和创造就业机会具有重要意义。

40、Kids who are read to frequently dlop earlier wting and number skills as well.经常导语孩子写作和算术能力比其他孩子发展要早。

41、The child jumped fm the 's chair to reach the oranges.这个孩子从经理椅子上跳起来去拿桔子。

42、A fake TV pmo for a girls' classic like Little Women or Anne of Green Gables done up in the style of The Hills?一个假电视节目,推介女孩子经典读物如《小妇人》或《绿山墙安妮》但却用《好莱坞女孩》风格?

43、Encoaging the dlopment of all businesses makes good sense becse of the employment opportunities d and the stimulation of local economies.鼓励小型事业发展十分合理,因为将能够创造就业机会并剌激地方经济。

44、Since that election, cti have alleged that MTV's youth voter outreach initiatives have since become ineffective and/or obsolete.那次选举之后,评论家们宣称MTV鼓励青年投票首创节目已经无效和过时了。

45、The sound of the Tyrannosas Rex ang as it enters the arena will forr be etched into their memory – and their parents will nr forget the iles the baby T Rex bngs to their kids' faces.试想,当暴龙踏上舞台傲然咆哮刹那,这经典一幕将永远深深印在孩子记忆中,父母亦不会忘记,他们孩子面上所流露笑容。

46、The older children were always ging up on the little ones.年龄大孩子经常结伙欺负小孩子。

47、although few of them remember it.所有人都曾经是个孩子

48、A parent relinquishes contl over his gwn children.不再管教已经长大孩子。

49、Bng the classic look of the Double Breasted Trenchcoat to yo little girl's wardbe.把小女孩衣橱里双排扣风衣经典外观。

50、In general, s who do not actively encoage new ideas and innovations in their orizations do so becse of indifference.通常,经理们之所以不积极鼓励组织内新思想和创新是因为不感兴趣。

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子经典,51、A typical 4-year-old stretches the truth once ry o hos, while 6-year-olds will tell a whopper ry 90 minutes [soce: Bnson].一个典型xx岁孩子每两小时就会说一次谎,而xx岁孩子每九十分钟就会撒一个弥天大谎[资料:Bnson]。

52、The parent should be basked in frequently to the child change clothes quilt , frequently , want to notice to often clean the child ' s toy.家长要给孩子勤晒被子、勤换衣服,并要注重经常清洗孩子玩具。

53、Moms sending their youngest to college now are less likely to expeence the classic empty nest syndme.看着最小孩子去上大学了,们开始有典型“空巢综合症”经历。

54、"Hush, child, hush!" said her mother earnestly.“轻点,孩子,轻点!” 她正正经经地说。

55、Where did you find the cheese in the rat-trap, sir, replied the boy.你在哪里找到经典笑话故事大全?在捕鼠夹上,先生。那小男孩说。

56、The basic rule to sending a kid to any camp is: “ Be se the kid is ready .”送孩子上露营基准则是“确保孩子已经准备好了”。

57、Bken down fther, about 经过进一步分类发现,大约15%孩子父母已经离婚或分居,14%孩子父母从未结过婚。

15 per cent have parents who are divorced or separated and

14 per cent who were nr mared.

58、One of the best things you can do for yo kids is take them on ad tps. I'm not a parent, but I was a kid once.你能为你孩子做最好事之一就是带他们出行,虽然我还没有孩子,但我也曾经是个孩子。

59、But you say you have babies.可是你说你已经生育过孩子?

60、A typical diameter for snare drums is 一个典型军鼓直径为14英寸。

14 inches.

61、Plans include a diversification of the economy, encoagement of toi, and efficient use of scarce water resoces.这些计划包括经济多元化,鼓励发展旅游业和对紧缺水资源更有效利用。

62、It's also true that "most boys exhibited behavior typical of other same-aged boys, and most girls exhibited behavior typical of other same-aged girls."并且“大多数男孩行为无异于典型同年龄男孩;大多数女孩行为无异于典型同年龄女孩。”

63、Maathai is svived by three children.玛塔依三个孩子已经全部过世了。

、The child-fendly divorce has arved“为孩子而友好离婚”时代已经来临

65、The girls had taken shelter inside, but the boys stayed in the storm.女孩子已经躲进屋里,男孩子却呆在风雪里头。

66、Most 4-year-olds in Sweden are transported this way.在瑞典,绝大多数xx岁孩子都是这样乘车。

67、She 70 71 up five children.她已经养育了五个孩子。

68、I have nr done any nsing but I love children.I haven't had any expeence as a baby-sitter,either.我没有照顾过病人。 我喜欢孩子,但我也没有看孩子经验。

69、A child who is cosseted is always unruly .一个被溺爱孩子经常是任。

70、High school senior Samantha Kingston is a typical mean girl.即将高中毕业萨曼莎.经斯顿是个典型刻薄女孩。

71、Hitherto you have not been encoaged to dlop psychically, and indeed there has been outght opposition to it.迄今为止,你们还没有被鼓励去发展灵方面,而且实际上已经有彻底地反对它。

72、Oneway of fosteng innovation is to encoage employees to question the waythings are done or decisions that have been made.扶持创新方式之一是鼓励员工大胆质疑做事方式以及已经做出决定。

73、I have no expeence in dating girls.我没有和女孩子约会经验。


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