
发布时间:2023-11-03 06:16:38 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”家庭诗“英子59个,句子主体:Family Poetry。以下是关于家庭诗初三英子。

英文句子模板1:Family Poetry


1、The difficulties of spinsters uncover the falsity and vulnerability of the patarchy family arrangement, which is the main obstacle in the marage and pfession of spinsters.


2、All of these artistic charactesti distinguishes him fm his contemporary poets.


3、Get on with yo homework!


4、But this arrangement was considered a bken home becse the ideal family was the nuclear family, and there was an emotional cost of not being able to supervise one's own children.


5、1/3 of the homes lack basic clean water and sewage while 40% lack electcty.


6、Desier Nicolas Stone has come up with a new family car. The Hyundai 2020 is aimed at a family of fo.


7、It's really family-oented.


8、To forgive is the harmony in the family of the lubcating oil, can let the family of ry nt live optical chmophore.


9、Its family-sized bottle and practical-to-use pump make it a popular "must" for all the family.


10、Shanley. "Transracial and Open Adoption: New Forms of Family Relationships. " in Skolnick and Skolnick, pp. 255-262.


11、My father keens on researching o family history.


12、Second, we must co-ordinate family moral stren into full play the fundamental le of the family moral education.

健康家庭家长在一起要互相支持 。 许多年前,我女儿,安诗莉,曾有一段时间喜欢摔门。

13、Parents in healthy families stick together A number of years ago, my dghter, Ashley, went thugh a time where she loved to slam doors.

14、Please wte down yo home address 请写下你家庭住址

15、We are a happy family. 我们是一个幸福家庭。


16、Team up with yo family doctor.


17、It seems that my deflt setting is to be part of a family, any family.


18、First, the family in the novels about ral cooperative reform is different fm the traditional concept of family.


19、All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (deo Tolstoy)


20、Have you dishonored my family?

21、Three come fm abusive households.三个来自破碎家庭。

22、What a happy family the Clarksons were!克拉克森家是一个多么快乐家庭!

23、That could be the family we ’ relooking for .可能这家就是我们要找家庭。

24、The outbreak of war upoted many families.战争爆发使很多家庭无家可归。

25、Three years ago a svey of xx年前针对2000个家庭一项调查发现,20%家庭从来没吃过商务正餐,而其余75%家庭则边看电视边吃饭。

2,000 families found that

20 per cent nr have a sit-down meal, while 75 per cent of the rest eat while watching television。

英文句子26:,26、Here’s yo homework for today. 这是今天家庭作业。

27、In family life, the chest of then were extravat and owned a lot of domestic servants.在家庭生活方面,商人中富商大贾奢豪气派,并拥有大量家庭奴。

28、All of the above picte of patio fnite to o customers for DIY recovery.您户外,地,庭院,或池索家具可完全康复…为您庭院家具维修需要。

29、The family om has a bar and sliding door leading to the large backyard.家庭房内设有一个小酒吧,通过家庭房移动滑门可到大后院;

30、" FEHBP. and the Federal Employees " Health " Benefits Pgram if Family Liaison Office and " Forei " Minister. family.FEHBP - 。家庭。

1、联邦雇员健康福利计划FLO - 家庭联络办公室调频 - 。

31、I have a happy family.我有一个幸福家庭。

32、Every Sunday is Family Day for my family, and one of o favote activities is playing soccer in o fnt yard as a family.在我们家,每周是家庭,我最喜欢家庭活动之一是在我们家前院足球。

33、Many families have a skeleton in the closet.许多家庭都有不可外扬家丑。

34、Thus, unpleasant home remedies were my earliest expeences of healthcare, and I cannot say that they were exactly prepossessing.因而讨厌家庭治疗就变成我最早家庭保健卫生体验。

35、All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. -Leo Tolstoy.所有幸福家庭都相似,而每个不幸家庭各不同。—— 托尔斯泰。

36、Feng Xin: Many people say domestic violence is obviously something that happens within the family.冯欣:很多人说家庭暴力,顾名思义, 那是发生在家庭里面事情。

37、You might think a CEO could talk over their pblems with their family, but it tns out that family life, or lack of it, can be another pblem.你可以认为一个CEO能与他们家庭搞定问题,但是它表明有家庭生活或者没有家庭生活都是另一个问题。

38、I was born of poor parents.我出身于贫苦家庭…

39、Depending on yo own circumstances, this might include reorizing household responsibilities and duties beeen other families.根据你自己实际情况,这也许包括重组和其他家庭间家庭职责。

40、What we are required to do are: 而我们需要做是

1. To strenen the educational functions of families.


41、My family is very harmonious我家庭很和谐 there are

42、Homework: Consitutes 40% of grade.家庭作业: 占总成绩40%。

43、It is usually best if treatments outside the home are complimentary to the at home treatments.如果家庭之外治疗和家庭里治疗能够保持一致,那将是最好。

44、●Happy families are all alike, ry unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.——Leo Tolstoy【列夫·托尔斯泰:幸福家庭都彼此相似,不幸家庭各有各不幸。

45、The aging tendency and the evolvement of family structe cse the boom of empty nest family.人口老龄化趋势与家庭结构演变使城市空巢家庭大量增加。

46、At first they seem to have been a cse, as much as a reflection, of family diss.起先这些纠纷好像是家庭争端起因,又好像是家庭争端反映。

47、Those earning up to $180,000 can expect to pay no than about 家庭年收入达18万美元学生会超过其家庭总收入10%。

10 percent of their income, she said.

48、But a single fund can't hep all the families so some are waiting in the tation pcess.但单一赞助不能帮助所有家庭,因而一些家庭在排队等待资助。

49、It's a family scene.画是一幕家庭场景

50、With matal breakdown and single parenthood increasing, step-families are becoming and common.随着现代社会婚姻动荡和单亲家庭增多,重组家庭变得越来越普遍。

经典英文句子51:家庭诗,51、Don't disgrace the family name.不要玷辱家庭名声。

52、Famly finances: Shift yo focus家庭理财:转移你焦点

53、Each family is different and these figes may very well change fm one family to the next.每个家庭情况不一,这些数字很可能在不同家庭有所改变。

54、True character begins at home.真正品德始于家庭。

55、Entrepreneuali runs in the family.企业化经营家庭。

56、The number of support gups, magazines and other resoces for home-schooling families is also on the se.支持团体数量,为家庭教育家庭杂志和其他资源也在上升。

57、Dung a marage, o families become in-laws.在婚姻中,双方家庭结为“亲家”。

58、This bngs up the useful "home-based jobs" but also things like home health care or home repair.这样输入搜索结果中有以家庭为主工作,但是也有家庭健康保险以及家居维修等。

59、All happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Tolstoy) P. 41幸福家庭都是相似,不幸家庭却各有各不幸。托尔斯泰。

60、All happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Tolstoy) P. 41幸福家庭都是类似,不幸家庭却各有各不幸。托尔斯泰。

61、Wolowitz: I don't have homework.我没什么家庭作业。

62、Thank you to all of the donor families, recipient families, and volunteers who attended this gatheng.感谢所有来和我们一起聚餐慈心家庭,受助家庭和志愿者们。

63、She said Ftzl was able to separate his o lives - the family he kept downstairs, and his official upstairs family.她说Ftzl能够分离他两种生活——楼下家庭,以及楼上合法家庭。

、Three years ago a svey of 2000 families found that xx年前针对2000个家庭一项调查发现,20%家庭从来没吃过商务正餐,而其余75%家庭则边看电视边吃饭。

20 per cent nr have a sit-down meal while 75 per cent of the rest eat while watching television.

65、Happy families are all alike; ry unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. ----Leo Tolstoy.所有幸福家庭都相似;不幸家庭却各有各不幸。 ----托尔斯泰。

66、He belis that a good deal of cang and love are the basis of relations within the family, is a manifestation of family harmony and good fortune, pspety of the family can not.他认为孝敬和友爱是处理好家庭内部关系基,是家庭和睦祥瑞体现,是家庭能兴旺发达根。

67、FAO also pmotes home gardens as a means to impve household and maternal nuttion.粮农组织还促进家庭菜园以作为改善家庭和产妇营养一个手段。

68、Firepof yo patio fnite.注意你庭院里家具防火。

69、The Bongs also made public their home address on cot documents.在法庭档案上,他们家庭住址也同样会公开。

70、Uranus is the natal ruler of yo foth house of home, so its switch to retgrade orbit may cse you to change yo mind about a home or family-related question.天王星是天然者第四家家庭,因此,其切换到逆行轨道可能会导致您改变了主意关于家庭或与家庭有关问题。

71、For many immigrants, family comes first over rything; for many of them family is all they have.对许多移民而言,家庭重于一切,家庭就是他们拥有全部。

72、The third chapter "The changes of kazak family customs" includes three sections:The changes of family celebration, the changes of family customs and sral marage celebration pblems.第三章“哈萨克族家庭习俗变迁”,共分为“家庭庆典变迁”、“家庭习俗变迁”及“哈萨克族婚庆习俗中存在几个问题”三个部分。

73、Traditional families can't accept a DINK family consideng responsibility, obligation and things like that.传统家庭考虑到责任或义务等类似事情而不能接受丁克家庭。

74、The adoptive and oginal families have blood ties so the adoptee's self-identity shows the charactesti of family identity.由于收养家庭与原生家庭之间有血缘关系,使被收养者自我认同有家族认同特点。

75、The family language is what makes them very human; they embody this very specific family language.家庭语言让他们更人化;,他们体现着这个特殊家庭语言。

英文句子模板76:Family Poetry,76、The Research on Family Changes is one of the core braches in Family Sociolo.家庭变迁研究是家庭社会学研究中最为重要研究领域之

77、The family of China and the UK: different, yet alike. Although both family life styles were differ in many areas such as family orization structe and the relationship beeen family members.尽管中英两国之间家庭在许多方面有差异,比如在家庭结构与家庭成员关系上,但是它们异中有同。

78、Composed by couples total family number of families by 55% to scale also corresponding 52 percent.而由夫妇组成家庭占全部家庭数比例也相应由55%降到52%。

79、The inequalities of the family hierarchy, gender, and thoty are the main reasons for family conflict.在家庭中,不平等辈份、别、权威等造成了家庭冲突主要原因。

80、Once family backgund is taken into account, single-mother families are not siificantly different fm o-parent families on the outcome vaables.但在控制家庭社经背景之后,单身家庭小孩和双亲家庭小孩在大专就读率与教育支出两方面,并没有显著差异。


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