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关于”中打招呼“英子41个,句子主体:Say hello.。以下是关于中打招呼专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Say hello.


1、Palmer moves on and gets intduced to who he thinks is photographer Martin Belkin.


2、Ashore supergup and cheng tang sugar when met, cheng supeor or anger didnt say hello went away in the past.


3、Incalculable infants wave their fifty-dollar ivory rattles in an inarticulate greeting to one another.


4、Nathan and the waitresses happily greet Jim ry time he walks thugh the door.


5、I ted not to intrude on his pvacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, "Did you r say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forr?"


6、We sialled him to pull over.


7、The flesh merchant Pockface Liu enters leading Sixth-Born Kang. Pockface Liu first greets Second Elder Song and Foth Elder Chang.


8、Shippea Hill is a request stop, so passengers must flag down the dver if they want to board.


9、Guo Shenang came to air commando bgade, first to Jiang Hai harshly cticized this greeting not dozen ways.


10、Song o cute girls stood in the center of the stage to the fans say hello, won the dience enthusiastic response.


11、Sherry leaves to greet a campai supporter, and Palmer appaches Patty.He tells her that she looks betiful, and asks about upcoming nts.


12、One fruit seller, standing behind piles of fresh fruit, greeted me Warmly, trying to persuade me to buy some.

他脱下帽子, 正想和她打招呼, 但她却视若无睹, 扬长而去。

13、He raised his hat and was about to speak to her, but she gave him the go-by and kept on walking.


14、The taxi stop is ght over there.


15、As a freshman , it is my first time to say hello and do some self-intduction to rybody here.


16、If the long time outgo wants with phase the familiar neighbohood say hi and give its to on to take a look;


17、I saw a boy who say-hello to me. In the noisy street, I saw his face clearly.


18、Sral gups of people were having barbecues in the fields.

打招呼:信头写完空两行,即使你已经见过招聘员工, 也要写上“Dear Mr.”或者“Ms.”加上他或她姓和一个冒号向他致意。

19、Say Hello: Two lines below the header, greet the recruiter with "Dear Mr." or "Ms.", followed by his/her last name and a colon.


20、You deep take a at spit, beli oneself contl breath always very good, walk thugh to say "hello" with fend.

21、When I first started college, the Dean came in and said "Good Morning" to all of us.我刚上大学那会,第一次上课时候,主任走进来和我们打招呼说,“早上好啊。”

22、I'm busy prepang my exam these day这几天我正忙于考试呢

23、It sounds good.Have a good tp then.(不错,祝你们旅途愉快)

24、Nice to meet you Glad to meet you Pleased to meet you. 祝楼主更上一层楼

25、This is how you greet guests?你都这样招呼客人吗?

英文句子26:,26、Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didn't have that familiar musical quality about her voice when she greeted someone.苏茜注意到史密斯太太语调不如以前她和人打招呼时那么娓婉动听了。

27、A pffered hand or cheek is treated as though the pfferer has plague.以往亲暱握手寒暄和碰脸颊打招呼,现在想握手碰脸人都好像变成了瘟神。

28、This is how you greet guests at a party?你都这样招呼客人吗?

29、It wag of branches, please the bird to be a guest, a shake the branches, with voice "hello."它一会儿摆摆树枝,请小鸟来做客,一会儿摇摇枝条,跟春姑打招呼。

30、A mother gzzly bear greets her cub.灰熊正招呼自己孩子。

31、Suggestions include saying hello to a stranger, tning off the television and spoiling themselves with a treat ry day.他们建议年轻和陌生人打招呼、关掉电视机、每天来点美味犒劳一下自己。

32、我们招呼他把车开过来。We sialled him to pull over.

33、It is my great honor wting to you.视情况而定,如果是刚刚见过面,礼貌联系或总结,邮件可以从刚刚结束聚会谈起:

34、Where is the bus stop / taxi stand?公车站/ 出租车招呼站在哪里?。

35、There are white the light yellow of … … Colorful chrysanthemums floush in light wind as if greeting them with people!有雪白、浅紫、淡黄……


36、At 1200hrs, the queen and her family were standing at the balcony of her palace and greeted the cwds in the square below.中午12时正,女王与家人出现在爱玛莲堡宫阳台上个大家打招呼。

37、The man saw the farmer on his tractor working in the field,and he sialed to the farmer.这个人看到农夫正驾驶着拖拉机在田地理工作,于是他对这个农夫打招呼。

38、Salean: Are you boing served. sir?售货员:有人招呼您了吗,先生?

39、Zhang Yeju, a law student at China University of Political Science and Law was greeted by another student on his way to class.xx岁张宇杰(音译)就读于政法大学法律专业,在去上课路上,有位同学跟他打招呼。

40、Finally stopped, some people sial to Daddy, asking Daddy go quickly to fnt, do Daddy know this person?好不容易停下来时,就有人给爹地打招呼,要我赶快往前面走去,认识吗?

41、Excuse me, where's the taxi stand?请问一下,计程车招呼站在哪里?

42、"That was a mistake. " He walked steadily down the street, greeting a night watchman whom he knew who was trying doors.他照直沿着街走下去,碰到一个认识查夜人在门户,还打了声招呼。

43、Yet for millions of other couples out there, snong is a e not just of health wores but also of matal woes.然而对于成千上万对夫妇,打呼不仅是健康问题,还会招致婚姻不幸。

44、"Jambo, my father, " he said, looking somewhat uncomfortable, as usual, in the close confines of the unded walls.“您好,我。”他向我打招呼。


45、When you go into a fend’s home, it is polite to greet other people (relatives/ommates) in the house.来到朋友家中,向其他在场人(比如朋友亲戚或室友)打招呼是有礼貌体现。

46、This is how you greet guests ?你都这样招呼客人吗?。

47、Serenity of floating, like, and uncle, bthers greet, like overlooking the praie, like the wind bther hug.安祥飘着,喜欢和大叔、们打招呼,喜欢俯视原,喜欢和风弟弟拥抱。

48、To my spse, there was old Mr. Kirby sitting in his porch swing. He waved at me. “That you? ” he yelled.令我惊讶是老科比还坐在门廊秋千上,他向我打招呼喊道:“是你吗?

49、Sally is my best fend but she walked ght past me today, and didn''t n say hello.这个人说:莎莉是我最好朋友,可是,她今天在我身旁走过,连招呼都没有跟我打。

50、No one fm the staff comes for n a greeting. The irtated mother explodes n at Kohane's trying to dnk water.没有一个职员理会她们,就连打招呼也没有,那位烦躁在小羽打算喝杯水时终于爆发。

经典英文句子51:中打招呼,51、He is unfailingly polite, greeting all the staff and many of the customers by name.弗里曼礼貌令人印象深刻,他记得所有员工和许多顾客名字,一一向他们打招呼。

52、This monter comes in o gender options, so you have a choice of a lady or a macho voice to react to you in all the typical bping, singing, wining sounds这个怪物还分公母两款,你可以选择男声或女声,它们都会用打嗝、唱歌和胜利欢呼来招呼你。

53、Is it the water spte who lives there, and occasionally thws a bubble, greeting the pedestans nd the lake nghtily?是水中精灵吧,住在里面,偶尔吐出个泡泡,调皮跟湖畔行人打着招呼。

54、They're folding their blankets when another local homeless man, Jacob, walks up and says good morning.正当他们卷起毯子这空当,又有一个流浪汉走过来跟我们打招呼,他叫雅各布。

55、Posada cut the gap in half with his homer, and then Damon , a former Royal, greeted Andrew Sisco with a tying, o-run single.厚黑全垒打把四分差距追到只剩一半,紧接著前皇家队员大门则用一支两分安打向他前队友打招呼。

56、I would not accost him yet.但时机未到,我还不想招呼他呢。

57、"Sally is my best fend but she walked ght past me today, and didn"t n say hello.这个人说:“沙莉是我最好朋友,可是,她今天在我身旁走过,连招呼都没有跟我打。

58、A second opponent charges immediately following the first opponent's defeat, and Korra continues to use earth-based forms to counter his attacks.第一名对手被打飞后,第二名对手迅速而至,柯菈继续用御土术招呼他。

59、'I go slow, ng my little bell and stop sometimes to say 'hi' to pedestans, ' she says.“我骑得很慢,经常按车铃,有时停下来跟行走路人打招呼。” 罗德里格兹说道。

60、Traditionally in China, when we greet someone, we put the ght hand over the left and bow slightly.与人打招呼时,人传统方式是右手放在左手上,拱手,稍稍躬身而行礼。

61、Nice to meet you How do you do.这些是比较正式 How are you doing Hello,Hi,Hey这些都相当随便

62、Think this, the far dream hedly runs over there and iles to say "hi" with cousin:"Cousin, wait long?"想着这个,田梦赶紧跑过去,笑着和表哥打招呼:“表哥,等久了吧?”

63、They were indeed tousts, as he had guessed. He greeted them with a ile, "Are you going to Yumu Village?"外面来果然是游客,谭宇笑嘻嘻地去打招呼:“你们是去鱼木寨么?

、This is how you greet guests at party?东西?你都这样招呼客人吗?。

65、Then, one afternoon when we were 后来,xx岁那年一天下午,克丽丝汀没与我一起回家,她甚至没给我打声招呼。

12, Kstin didn't walk home with me, and she didn't call.

66、I hope we’ll meet again some time.希望不久后能再见到你。

67、You have to be comfy on camera but this is yo first chance to say hello to mom and dad on camera.在镜头前表现得自然点儿,因为这是你第一次在电视上跟爸打招呼。

68、The door bell ngs and Parslow greets his fend Chs whom he invited over.门铃响了起来,帕司若与他朋友克里斯(Chs)打招呼,克里斯是被他邀请过来保护泰瑞。

69、We've been all the way to the moon and back. but have tuble sing the street to meet the new neighbo.我们登陆月球又回到地球 , 却有困难走过马路跟新邻居打招呼 ;

70、这个人看到农夫正驾驶着拖拉机在田地理工作,于是他对这个农夫打招呼。The man saw the farmer on his tractor working in the field,and he sialed to the farmer.

71、When my fend, Samantha and I was watching the model show, Barkley came to say hello to me.正当我和我朋友萨曼塔在观看模特们走秀时候,巴克利过来跟我打招呼。

72、Waiters address their customers with honofi;侍者们用敬语招呼顾客;

73、The book highlights a key strate for ingratiating yoself with yo conversation partner while greeting them.这书强调了一个关键策略,可以令你在和交谈对象打招呼时,赢得对方好感。

74、And he still runs his dry cleaning business, where he greets his customers by name.他还在开着他清洁服务公司,现在跟客户打招呼时候他能叫出他们名字了。


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