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关于”简单实用“英子59个,句子主体: and practical。以下是关于简单实用初三英子。

英文句子模板1: and practical


1、There you'll find the complete soce code for the Grails application, a sample JEE application that uses these entity beans, and other useful artifacts.


2、The definition, applications of memstors and its realization are intduced befly.


3、This method does not require the measement of swing angel of the grab, and is easy to be implemented in the miccomr.


4、On the basis of the intduced expemental information, the pcess of calculating the effective multiplication factor of MOX fuel expemental reactors using MP is intduced.

实验结果表明,该方法应用在 纤维横 截 面二值图像处理中有简单、快速、实用效果。

5、The algothm is applied to the fiber binary image and its efficiency and availability are pved.

您还看到了使用 DWR Rrse Ajax 技术实现事件驱动 Ajax 应用程序是多么简单。

6、You've also seen how easy it is to implement an nt-dven Ajax application using DWR's Rrse Ajax technolo.

结构新 颖独特,简单实用,设计巧妙合理,动作稳定可,使用寿命长,成 低。

7、The utility model has the advantages of novel structe, simplicity, practicality, reasonable and artful desi, stable and reliable operation, long life and low cost.


8、The expemental results pve that the strain gge technique for thermal expansion measement is a reliable and economic alternate method.

对病态窦房结综合征患者AAI 起搏器为实用、经济、简单生理起搏。

9、To SSS patients, AAI pacemaker is a cheap, easy to use and effective physiological pacing.

现场实际应用表明方法简单, 并克服了油套环空泡沫段影响, 精度能满足现场应用要求。

10、This presse measing method is not restcted by field condition and easy to be applied in oil fields.


11、Due to facility and practicability, spatial carer phase-shifting method is used in dual-pulse addition digital speckle pattern interfemetry.


12、The results of simulation expements and applications demonstrate that the undness err can be quickly evaluated with prevision by using the pposed algothm.


13、Resistance of PT100 is used as temperate sensor assisted by operation maifier with high input resistance , it can be used for high accate temperate measing.


14、It is pved that the algothm can realize seentation simply and bustly, the effect is evident.

但是实际上,可以用很简单包装器函数轻松地实现基于继承 MRO。

15、In point of fact, you can perfectly easily implement inhetance-based MROs with a minimal wrapper functions.

结论: 所制备桑黄多糖分散片制备工艺简单,崩解快,质稳定,具有实用价值。

16、Conclusion: The Phellinus linteus polysacchades dispersible tablets with the high dissolution rate were achievable.


17、The ejection mechani used pin ejector to pull the plastic parts out with move slanting slide simultaneously leaving circular arc concave position.


18、This expement indicated the solution-combusting method could be used to prepared tnary and complicated oxide.


19、Micstructed polymer optical fibres (MPOFs) are attention greatly by researcher due to simply fabcation technique.


20、A convenient and low-cost pervaporation installation using nitgen sweeping was also(set up).

21、Now, it gets complicated becse there are some cases where we do allow stereotypes to play a le.但实际情况没有这么简单,因为有时候我们确实允许,把刻板印象应用到生活中。

22、This text befly intduces the application of the technolo on long-distance education and it's implement.文简单介绍了直播技术在远程教育上应用以及直播实现方法。

23、This descbed method was quick and useful to the detection of reconstituted milk content in pe milk.实验表明,方法具有快速、简单特点,在鉴定牛中复原成分方面提供了一个实用方法。

24、The frequency and phase detection module is very easy to realize by pgrammable digital devices.同时,其鉴频鉴相算法表达式简单,易于用可编程数字器件实现。

25、Results: The mathematical model of equal distance release method accorded with that of…结论:等距浸出法简单实用,是一种较好长效制剂体外释放新方法。

英文句子26:,26、Sincety should not degenerate into simplicity nor city into cunng.诚实不该是退化为简单,而睿智也不该退化为狡诈。

27、Rather than use keystkes, you use key sequences, or sral keystkes made in rapid succession.那么我们就不能简单地使用一次击键来实现了,而是需要使用 击键序列 ,或者快速连续输入多个键。

28、It is very important for the farmers and breeders to build a fast and dependable method of cultivars identification.该法具有分析简单、直观、实用特点,适合于评价区域试验中品种表现。

29、For this, simply use the Zorba XQuery pcessor online live demo, so you don't have to install anything.为此,简单地使用 Zorba XQuery 处理器在线实况演示,所以您无需安装任何东西。

30、Simple expemental method can deepen students' understanding of crent economic issues so as to impve students' practical skills.三是要采用简单实验方法加深学生对现实经济问题理解和消化,从而提高他们动脑、动手能力。

31、The first o are focused on structal colors and the third one on the structal color change.第二章主要就在结构研究中用到实验方法和理论方法作了简单介绍。

32、Using that bning desire to gw yo business, howr, is a far different task fm simply lighting it.利用那种燃烧渴望来推动商业成长,但是,简单说说和实践可就差远了。

33、You'll end up with the screen shown in Fige 您最终将得到如图

5, which can chatably be descbed as plain but functional.

5 所示屏幕,大体上来说,它简单而又实用。

34、You simply reimplement the method and leave the rest up to the framework.你简单重新实现该方法,把剩下部分留给框架实现。

35、Expemental results show that search-coding method is an efficient appach to impve the generalization …实验结果表明,采用搜索编码法能够有效提高简单贝叶斯分类器泛化能力。

36、Expements on different video seentations pve the simplicity, high-accacy, and bustness of this method.选用不同截图实验,结果表明该方法简单,具有较高正确率、精度和鲁棒。

37、This method is pved that it is accate and convenient enough for use when tall buildings are desied in earthquake zone ding the preliminary desi.方法简单实用,可用于区高层建筑结构初步设计。

38、Free upgrade by U-disk easily and conveniently, and also pvide free-upgrade at whole lifetime.盘升级方式,方便简单、实用,并提供终身免费升级服务。

39、May joy and health be with you always. 祝您永远健康快乐.

40、There is no way nd the fact that containers, shelters, and supports must be functional.根据工艺品实用,我们可以把手工艺品简单分为:容器,遮蔽物,支撑物。

41、Warmest thoughts and best wishes fm yo fend. 寄上无限思念和最美好祝愿,你们朋友

42、One simplistic but eminently practical way of measing pgress is with a "percentage complete" metc.度量进展一个过分简单但特别实际方法是利用“完成百分比”作为量度。

43、You can't simply call element.getTextValue() -- in fact, you must work acss three methods!不能简单地调用 element.getTextValue() -- 事实上,必须用到三个方法!

44、As a result, ry Ajax framework worthy of the name has some kind of simplification wrapper nd the creation, calling, and mament of RP.结果,每个名副其实 Ajax 框架都有某种简单包装器用于创建、调用和 RPC。

45、Deploying and running the sample with an in-pcess gd is the easiest way to see these concepts in action.使用一个进程内网格来部署和运行这个样例是查看这些概念实际应用最简单方法。

46、The pduction practice shows that this kind of fusible sheet has the feates of easy operation and low cost.实际生产证明该易熔片具有使用方法简单、成低等特点、易于推广。

47、This method was convenient for prepang anthraquinone becse of its simplicity and mild conditions and thereby was pspective in industal application.该法条件温和,步骤简单,实为一种简便制备蒽醌方法,而且具有一定工业应用前景。

48、If you owned a real-life bcks-and-mortar store, this would be easy: You’d hear their objections.如果你拥有一个实时用户跟踪和分析,这一切都将变得简单。

49、Makes maximum use of the cabinet and keep all the articles in position by using economic and reliable ball beang slides.采用经济可钢珠滑轨,简单实用。柜内空间最大利用,物品放置井井有条。

50、The expemental results pve that the strain gge techniqueforthermal measement is a reliable and economic alternate method.试验结果表明,用应变片法测量材料线膨胀系数是一种简单可且经济实用替代方法。

经典英文句子51:简单实用,51、Reviews the book A Cose of Applied Libraanship, points out that it is a good reference book both for library theory and practical library work.简单评述《应用图书馆学教程》实用,指出它是我国应用图书馆学理论和实践工作中不多见指导参考书。

52、Adaptive fuzzy contl is studied and used to contl constrained milling pcess for constant cutting force. The expement shows that the contl method pposed useful.讨论了自适应模糊控制实现方法,并研究了其在有约束恒力铣削加工过程中应用。加工实验表明这种方法简单实用。

53、Efficient power flow is calculated by means of tree technique and recsion, which do not need resistance or admittance matx.运用树遍历技术进行实用潮流计算,递归方程使用使得编程简单,并且不需要形成阻抗阵或导纳阵。

54、This feate gives you a succinct way to express a set of examples to be used in running individual cases.该特提供了一个简洁方法,用之表述一组实例,以在运行中单个用例中使用。

55、Simple half-tone illustrations are screen-pnted on stdy corrugated cardboard referencing the utility and charm of hardware shop packaging.简单半调子图引用五金商店包装实用和魅力上坚固瓦楞纸纸板丝网印刷。

56、In short, by imitating the real world, such a work in fact, falsifies the real world.简单地说,由于模仿真实世界,这样一部作品事实上失去了真实世界。

57、It is straightforward, easy to use, and POJOs are much easier to comprehend than the notion of an "entity."它很简单且易使用,而且 POJO 比“实体”概念更易于理解。


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