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关于”高冷霸气“英子52个,句子主体:High cold domineeng。以下是关于高冷霸气xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:High cold domineeng

冷却通常方法电极包括空气冷却, 使冷却和水冷却。

1、Common methods of cooling the electdes include air cooling, refgerating and water cooling.


2、The ascending motion in cle air mass enlarges the intensity of cold air incessantly.


3、Those parameters included pull down speed and power consumption of the refgerator, temperate of cold storage chamber, freezing chamber, condenser, suction and discharge pipes of compressor, etc.


4、Cold fnt moving southward and south wind dloping is one of fire circumfluences at the south of Gansu.


5、There, cooler air condenses the refgerant and becomes heated dung the pcess.


6、Hot gas defsting applied in cold storage was presented and defsting pcess investigated by expement was studied under different cold storage temperates.


7、Thirty tons of air is a considerable amount.


8、The weather is biting cold.


9、It was freezing last night.


10、The fnace unit is consisted of a hydgen supply soce, a high temperate pit fnace, a fnace pot, a slow-cooling fnace, and a quench tank.


11、Osamu: climate be to cold.


12、There is a nip in the air.


13、Heat flow bypass valve thugh the heat and cold coolant of coolant mixed to make the air-freeze agent in the heat exchanger coolant temperate constant.


14、Apart fm③ the cold, thin air and low oxygen lls can e mountain sickness④, which can kill.


15、Pcess gas cooler at gas compressor station in gas pipeline, which has the function of ensung gas pipeline safety and impving gas tranission efficiency, is one of important equipment.


16、Active maetic beangs are important parts of helium tbines in the high temperate gas-cooled reactor(HTGR) power conversion unit.


17、The theatre is airconditioned.

cold weather 寒冷天气 the cold weather fze the lake 。



19、Warmer air ses, while cooler air falls.


20、Pre-fabcated cold stores and CA cold stores are o dominant pducts.

21、Gas occrence boiler nasty cold typal pcess: this pcess less investment, high efficiency.煤气发生炉急冷型工艺 : 此工艺投资少,效率较高。

22、It is high altitude, cold and much permafst area along Xin-Zang highway (219 national highway).新藏公路(国道219线)沿线海拔高、气候冷,存在大量冻土区。

23、Cold air is actively bwing under warm air .冷空气快速地潜入到暖空气下面。

24、Cold air is heavier than air, easy to sink;冷气流比空气重,易下沉;

25、The gas passing thugh the gas tbine is cooled and compressed into liquid refgerant to realize the circulatory utilization of the refgerant.并将通过气机后气 体进行冷却压缩为液体制冷剂以实现制冷剂循环利用。

英文句子26:,26、Global cooling?全球气候变冷了么?

27、After the water quenching of the dll pipe steel grade, the cooling method of dll pipe welds is changed to the quick water cooling instead of the previous high-presse air cooling.钻杆钢种水淬化后,焊缝热处理冷却方式由以前高压空气冷却转变为快速水冷却。

28、Beijing's climate is typical continental monsoon climate charactezed by hot and rainy summers, cold and dry winters.北京气候类型是典型温带季风气候。其特征为:夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷燥。

29、The high presse dge partially collapsed to the southeast leads to mid- die-high latitudinal stng cold air tning to southeast on a large scale, and stng cold wave weather is formed.由于高压脊部分东南垮,导致中高纬度强冷空气大举东南下,造成强寒潮天气过程;

30、The weather has tned cold.天气已 经变冷了。

31、High: You can supplement or replace yo heating or cooling with a range of efficient pducts, such as efficient heaters or evaporative coolers in certain climates.高:你可以补充或更换加热或以更有效率产品,如高效电暖炉或在某些气候条件下蒸发冷却器,冷却范围。

32、Bef: Refined by superlative cold pressing method, bwn and with overpoweng odor.概述:经由最高级冷压方式精制而成,呈棕,有强烈气味。

33、Air presse type cooling device are optional parts by customers.可依客户需求增设气冷式冷却设备。

34、The air was cut by the Southwest and Southeast warm moist air flow fm low latitude in the vicinity of South of the Yangtze River, and formed a high PV center of cold air.南下冷空气在江南一带被来自低纬西南暖湿气流和东南暖湿气流所切断,形成一高位涡冷空气中心。

35、Tin II, high- gas - cooled reactor demonstration power plant in stepping up preparations for the pject, and so on.田湾二期、高气冷堆示范电厂等项目在加紧筹备。

36、Gas Engine-dven Heat Pump (GEHP) is a high performance and ener saving heating and cooling equipment dven by the gas engine.燃气机热泵是指由燃气驱动燃气发动机,带动制冷压缩机一种高效节能空调热泵装置。

37、The weather is cold, but this is no snow! Tomorw is back to dim. Very happy!天气真冷,可惜这边没有雪!明天就回暧了。很高兴!

38、Air-cooled chillers are usually outside and consist of condenser coils cooled by fan -dven …风冷冷凝器通常在室外并且包括冷凝管通过风机驱动空气来冷却。

39、Thus, air ordinaly moves fm cooler places to warmer places, and winds blow fm high presse areas to low presse areas.于是,空气总是从冷地方流向热地方,而风则从高气压地区吹向低气压区。

40、It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold.天气时冷时热。

41、Graphite is the only mateal used for HTGR core structal and renector.石墨是唯一可用作高温气冷堆堆芯结构和反层材料。

42、The results show that all kinds of inlet air cooling technolo for gas-tbine may impve its output and efficiency, but it is necessary to combine with the concrete conditions to select the…结果表明,不论采用何种进气冷却技术都可以有效地提高燃气机出力和效率,但对于不同地区、不同运行条件燃气机,应根据实际条件选择进气冷却方式。

43、The boot after the refgerant compressed by the compressor fm low temperate to high temperate and high presse steam.开机后冷媒经压缩机压缩由原来低温低压状态变成高温高压蒸气。

44、Qinghai-Tibet Plate dry and cold climatic change has the charactesti that advance fm east to west.青藏高原冷气候变化具有由东向西推进特点。

45、The e of cold fnt snowstorm is confluence of the north cold air and the southwest warm moist air flow, and if warm sector snowstorm occ, the colder north cold air southward is the e.冷锋暴雪是由北方冷空气与西南暖湿气流汇合造成, 而暖区暴雪是北方南下冷空气相对更冷而形成冷暖汇合造成;

46、Yin Qi comes to it's extreme, Yang Qi buds, waether is cold, internal Yin sing, keep warm and supplement high calie food in time.阴气至极,阳气始生。冷空气活动频繁,人体阴气较重,防寒保暖,及时补充高热量食物。

47、It really is very cold.天气确是很冷呢。

48、The climate backgunds ed the chilling injy were mainly flooding dung the rainy season and dog days, the cold summer and the cold air nitration.产生冷害天气气候背景主要是涝梅、伏涝、凉夏和冷空气入侵。

49、And quenching pcessing is needed to stop acetylene fm dissociating .为了防止乙炔再分解,必须对高温气体产物进行急冷。

50、Air conditioners make me sneeze.我吹冷气会打嚏。

经典英文句子51:高冷霸气,51、Charge air cooler uses cooling air to cool the compressed air fm diesel engine tbo charger.空空中冷器以空气为冷却介质,主要用于车用发动机增压空气冷却。

52、It's like cold and rainy.天气寒冷、阴湿。

53、Orchards are usually on elevated gund so that excess water and cold air can drain off.果树园通常在高地面,以便过量水和冷空气可能排去。

54、The weather is cold and snowy.天气冷并且有雪。

55、Influenced by cold air arving at Jinan recently, the relatively high temperate of the spng pduced betiful scene of steamy vapos as the steam se against cold air.近,受冷 空气影响济南气温骤降,泉水温度大大高于气温,蒸发水汽上升遇冷形成“云雾”,再现“云雾润蒸”景观。

56、Less cooling water side becomes gas-cooled ice water host;少了冷却水侧就变成气冷式冰水主机;

57、As a result, the compressed air supply is saved greatly, its jet speed of airflow increased and the cooling rate raised.既大大地节约供气量,又增加气流速,提高冷却速率。

58、Methods Epidemiologic investigation. Results Rangtang county is a cold and high sea ll area.结果壤塘县地形复杂,海拔高,气候寒冷。

59、Creates such as the Tyrannoss Rex were warm blooded creates with athletic high metabolis that could suvive in all kinds of cold and harsh conditions.像霸王龙这样恐龙其实是温血动物,它们擅长运动,具有高代谢率,因此能在各种寒冷而严酷环境下生存。

60、Air-cooling chiller should be deposited in a place with good ventilation and less dust.气冷式冷冻机须放置在空气流通、粉尘少地方。

61、Refgerating technologies fast refgerating inert gas packing refgerating transportation non-agglomerated cold ding. dry ice refgerating;快速冷冻、惰气体包装、冷冻运输、不结块冷磨、冰冷冻;

标签: 女孩英文名 

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