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关于”输入可以朗读软件“英子60个,句子主体:Enter the sofare you can read aloud。以下是关于输入可以朗读软件四级英子。

英文句子模板1:Enter the sofare you can read aloud


1、Francisco said the sofare allows her doctor to electnically send her prescptions to a pharmacy.


2、You can individually confige each of these 8-bit ports by sofare for input or output.


3、Database mament packages can be used to desi data-entry displays to employees in a department enter data quickly and accately.


4、The pgrammed soft-ware can realize the dynamic input of all structal parameters and kinematic simulation.


5、The utility reads text input, either fm the standard input or fm a filename given as a command line argument.

您还可以更新您计算机上所有 软件,方法是输入 apt-get upgrade 或 apt-get dist-upgrade。

6、You can also upgrade all the sofare on yo comr by typing apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade.


7、Many sofare dlopers enter their most commonly used passwords at nearly their regular typing speeds.


8、When ing a component, you can select substitutable elements as input to a component .

cai 是一个免费矢量绘图软件库,它可以绘制多种输出格式。

9、Cai is a free sofare vector drawing library that can draw to multiple output formats.


10、The patn would enter all of their own information and save staff the time of bong data entry.

在这些上请使用全拼输入法或其他第三方输入软件,如 紫光拼音等。

11、You may try the alternative IME Quanpin or other third-party sofare like Ziguang Pinyin, etc. instead on these platforms.


12、Wting Pad - is text-input technolo that allows you to enter text into touch screen devices by tracing word shapes rather than typing letters.


13、Comr aided engineeng sofare, including inputs, outputs, modeling best practices, and correlation with ing.


14、As i ut and accumulation, listening and reading function aso ervation-based learning.


15、The app can recoize up to

10 simultaneous multi-touch inputs, we’re told.


16、The input being read may not conform to the specifications.


17、Alternately it can simply output a .MO file that you can install on the Kindle manually.


18、Hardware and sofare used for offline pgramme, xiliary meases for inputting pcedes into mainframe.


19、These text files could then be pcessed by sofare that knew how to interpret these instructions and pduce output that was formatted for a specific output device.


20、But new sofare that can take a live video feed of a person talking and make them look and sound like somebody else could change that.

21、The ctea may be entered manually by the user or pgrammatically.标准可以由用户手动输入,也可以以编程方式输入。

22、With this method, wave input can be pcessed directly in different kinds of sofare by means of one numecal model without assistance fm any other pfessional pgram.同时,为简化大型通用软件中波输入,提出了适合于黏边界条件下水平成层地基中垂直入波输入方法。

23、Input ws are read in UTF-8 format.输入行以 UTF-8 格式读取。

24、You can select it, then enter yo filter.可以选择它,输入筛选条件。

25、An activity can execute if it receives all required inputs of at least one input cteon, otherwise it waits for these inputs to arve.当活动收到至少一个输入条件所有必需输入后,便可以执行该活动,否则它将等待这些输入到来。

英文句子26:,26、This scpt could wte the output to a file, and then you could send it to yoself.这个脚可以将输出写入到某个文件中,您可以将该文件发送给自己。

27、A reading offset may be csed by input amplifier overload or DC rectification at the input.读数偏置可能由输入放大器过载或输入端直流整流效应所引起。

28、Inputing the initial conditions and boundary conditions, the sofare can directly output the visualization computing results.输入边界条件与初始条件后,可直接输出可视化计算结果。

29、You just visit yo account pvider, like ail or Yahoo, log into yo account and then read, send or receive messages.你只需要访问你邮件服务提供商,例如ail或者Yahoo,输入你密码,就可以开始收发阅读邮件了。

30、This input can come either fm a file specified as the last command line argument, or fm standard input if no file name argument is given.该输入可以来自作为最后一个命令行参数指定文件,在没有给出文件名参数时也可以来自标准输入。

31、A dialog appears asking for the package name.将显示一个对话框要求输入软件包名称。

32、The input-output characic cve is modeled to realize high precision non-lineaty self-rectification function by sofare method.对传感器输入输出特曲线进行了建模,以软件手段实现高精度非线自校正能。

33、You put in yo name, put in yo address, we ship you a reader, and you’re done.你只要输入你名字,和住址,我们发个读卡器给你,就可以搞定。

34、For the examples in this article, you can use any Smart Common Input Method platform (SCIM) sofare to transliterate the English characters to Hindi.例如,在文中,您可以使用任何智能通用输入法平台 (SCIM) 软件将英文字符音译为北印度语。

35、Inputs and outputs can themselves be soces.输入和输出身可以作为源。

36、You can save input or in-out parameter values acss Visual Studio sessions.可以保存 Visual Studio 会话输入或输入输出参数值。

37、The ughly 1700 inputs which define plant hardware and main contl set-points can all be initialized for a plant by simply reading its GT PRO desi file.用来定义电厂设备硬件以及主要控制设定点参数大约 1700 个输入参数可以在读入 GT PRO 文件时被初始化。

38、pntf I have my includes, standard IO's; so I can use pnt F, but then I had this thing called a ptotype.我包含了标准输入输出文件,所以我可以使用,我有这个原型。

39、Read nec-2 input- and output-files and display geometry structe.阅读389 - 2输入和输出文件和显示几何结构。

40、Traditional sofare licensing is thugh the built-in algothm to calculate the input check thozation number to complete the sofare license;传统软件授权方式是通过内置算法对输入授权码进行计算校验,来完成软件授权许可;

41、Sofare s the user to type text as fast as possible by locking mouse nts dung a all peod after any key were pressed.软件可以帮助锁定在一个小鼠标事件期间任何键被按下后尽可能快地输入文字可能用户。

42、Like many other UNIX utilities, tar can wte to and read fm standard output (stdout) and standard input (stdin), respectively.与许多其他 UNIX 实用程序一样,tar 可以分别向标准输出 (stdout) 写入、从标准输入 (stdin) 读取。

43、MindStde Chinese takes only minutes to learn and in less than a day you are typing faster, easier, and accately.无需键盘,翱翔中文软件只需几分钟即可学会,不出一天就可以更快,更简单也更准确地输入。

44、In addition, you can input these models into sofare dlopment tools to dve effective dlopment and integration pjects.除此以外,你可以把这些模型输入到软件工具中去以驱动有效和项目集成。

45、awk can act as a filter in a pipeline or take input fm the keyboard (standard input) if no file or files are specified.awk 可以在管道中作为过滤器,如果没有指定文件,它也可以从键盘(标准输入)中接收输入。

46、You can use an OutputStream or PntWter in yo servlet to take care of the output, or load the static VXML fm disk using a FileInputStream to read in the file in yo servlet.您可以在 servlet 中使用 OutputStream或 PntWter来处理输出,也可使用用于将文件读入 servlet FileInputStream从磁盘载入静态 VXML。

47、Becse manual input is disabled for the Calendar component, you can't n enter an invalid date.由于 Calendar 组件禁止手动输入,所以不可能输入无效期。

48、A component reads streams of data on stream compon output its inputs and pduces streams of data on its outputs, deliveng a complete instance of the result in a standard order.组件从它输入读取流式数据,经处理后结果从读取输出结果输出口传递给下一个组件,结果是按一个固定顺序被传结果顺序出口递。

49、The input, output, and scpts for this application, all of which use free sofare, are available for download.此应用程序输入、输出和脚都使用免费软件,可供 下载。

50、Sed may combine sral lines in the pattern , and it may wte to a file, wte only selected output, or not wte at all.Sed 可以在模式空间中组合多个行,它可能将输出写入到文件中、只写入选择输出,或者根不执行写入。

经典英文句子51:输入可以朗读软件,51、A set of sofare tools to simplify the dlopment and maintenance of application pgrams involving formatted I / O to video terminals.一组软件工具,用以简化涉及对显示终端进行输入输出格式化应用程序和。

52、You can either compare the value of an input contl to another input contl, or to a constant value.既可以将输入控件值与另一个输入控件值进行比较,也可以将其与常数值进行比较。

53、Thus, you can pbably install the sofare by typing yum install anacn, apt-get install anacn, or something similar.因此,通过输入 yum install anacn、apt-get install anacn 或类似内容,就可以安装该软件。

54、If you or yo sofare kit have a way to enter the ESC character directly, as I have, some wonderful things can be done.如果你或者你软件包提供直接输入ESC字符方法,就像我所能做,那么就可以做一些有趣事。

55、Data streamed out to memory can be recirculated back into the pipeline as input data or read-back fm the CPU.输出到显存流数据可以作为流水线输入数据循环使用,或者读回到CPU。

56、The sofare needs to coordinate user input, storage input/output and UI presentation.软件需要等待用户输入,存储输入输出和UI展现。

57、On an actual work, Splus key input access of HD7279A is applied magically to general input access of a single-chip miccomr by a peculiar circuit and pgram.在实际工作中,通过硬件设计及软件编程,巧妙地将HD7279A多余按键输入口用作了单片机通用输入口。

58、For example: sort < this-dir reads the contents of a file named this-dir and pvides it as input to the sort command.例如:sort < this-dir 可以从名为 this-dir 文件中读取内容,并将其作为 sort 命令输入。

59、Thugh ing, a sofare defect has been identified and entered as an incident in ClearQuest.通过,一个软件缺陷已经被确定,并作为一个 ClearQuest 事件进行输入。

60、Executable pcesses are sofare artifacts that serve as input for Business Pcess Mament s (BPMS).可执行过程是作为业务过程(BPMS)输入软件部件。

61、Many Micsoft pducts make users enter an activation code to register the sofare and have it work pperly.许多微软产品让用户输入激活码来注册软件并让其正常工作。

62、Alternatively, you can yo own input nts.或者,您可以创建自己输入事件。

63、For example, if yo search bar has advanced filters, put them away in a special dp-down menu at the end.例如,你搜索输入框有高级过滤控件,那么可以在输入框尾部以特殊下拉菜单方式将其隐藏。

、As input and accumulation, listening and reading function as observation-based learning.听和读,是输入和积累,也可以说是基于观察学习。

65、You can enter the specifications directly into the plugin.xml file, though, if you prefer.您可以将说明直接输入到 plugin.xml 文件中(如果愿意话)。

66、The use of these devices' multi-touch capabilities is the key to all of this. The app can recoize up to 这些设备触屏能是这一切根。我们得知这个软件可以识别多达10个同时触屏输入。

10 simultaneous multi-touch inputs, we're told.

67、Many text pcessing commands (filters) can take input either fm the standard input stream or fm a file.许多文处理命令(过滤器)可以从标准输入流或从文件中获取输入。

68、The input of the generator could also be something to extend, and maybe an XMI file could be used to enter a model.还可能扩展生成器输入类型,可能使用 XML 文件输入模型。

69、PasswdFileInboundApp reads the passwd.txt file fm the input directory and output the file's contents into a new file d in the archive directory.PasswdFileInboundApp 将从输入目录读取 passwd.txt 文件,并将该文件内容输出到在归档目录中创建新文件中。

70、STL model file format has become the standard input and output module for most CAD sofare.STL格式模型已成为众多CAD软件标准数据输入和输出模块。

71、sed takes a scpt of any number of commands followed by an optional input filespec; by deflt, it reads standard input.sed 接受包含任何数量命令脚,后面跟着可选指定输入文件选项;缺省情况下,它读取标准输入。

72、Unlike Google's sofare, it covers both electcity and gas use, and you can enter yo usage manually.与Google软件不同,它涵盖了电力和天然气使用,并且可以手动输入有关用量数据。

73、Rising said Micsoft also bears responsibility for the vulnerability, noting that sofare released by other companies could re the same vulnerability.瑞星说微软也应为此漏洞负责,看来由其它厂商发布输入法软件也可能导致同一漏洞。

74、According to the desi structe of circuit CAD sofare, data are putted into the uting pgram by text file and are stored in data chain.根据电路CAD软件设计结构要求,对自动布线输入数据采用文文件输入方式和链表存储格式。

75、To read back the information fm the file, use the -i command-line option to specify the input soce要从文件中读取这些,可以使用 -i 命令行选项,以指定输入源文件

英文句子模板76:Enter the sofare you can read aloud,76、A special piece of sofare called an input method converts each key sequence into a single character or a sees of characters.有一种特别软件叫 输入法,它可以将每个键盘序列转换成一个字符或一系列字符。

77、Eckhart questioned why some of the sofare's functions were n there at all, 'Why does SNotify get called, and shown to be dispatching messages to Carer IQ?'Echhart 质疑为什么软件可以有这些监控能,为什么短信提醒源码被读取,并显示正在向Carer IQ 输出?

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