
发布时间:2023-02-14 06:26:16 阅读:79 点赞:0




1、Initially Ruohe pretends to be aloof, but later, he rushes to the forest to find Shengxue as he still loves her.


2、Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear.


3、The car got stuck in a snowdft, please me shovel the snow.


4、If the skis are angled to the snow when you start to accelerate, you will expeence that the skis tn almost by themselves.


5、Heavy snows fell.


6、Ski boot shells;


7、Glaciers form when snow falls than melts over a number of years.


8、Snow, was so big!

9、let's make a snowman together 让我们一起堆个雪人吧 make the snowman with me 跟我一起堆那雪人呗


10、In winter, hit Australia's highest ski slopes at Charlotte Pass or carve up the snow at Thredbo and Pesher Blue.


11、A storm dumped a record amount of snow on the region on Thsday.


12、Night of first snow.


13、Are you crazy? You've got a ski fr!


14、What do you do for fun in winter? We make snowmen and go skiing.


15、All of them are equipped with snow cannons and some runs have lighting.


16、Plus, you can ski all day on Chstmas Day at Taos Ski Resort.


17、They built cable railways, ski-lifts and ads to the top of ry huge mountain.


18、Bill and Jane were coasting on a hill. Down the hill went the sled. Bill steered. Jane held on tightly.


19、Over 140000 cubic meters of ice and 100000 cubic meters of snow were used to than 2000 snow and ice sculptes.


20、Snow melts into water.

21、This is similar to crent ATV, snowmobile, jet ski, and ultralight use.这类似于目前亚视,雪橇,气滑雪,和超轻使用。

22、I wasn`t a good skier, but I liked to ski and was fast and kept up with the good ones.我滑雪滑不好,但我喜欢滑雪,而且滑得还很快,可以与那些擅长滑雪人并驾齐驱。

23、Special play DE law WenXue eat, WenXue wind please rebuffed bee ling jie, was in the side effects, WenXue allow the special.特殊打德律风请温雪吃饭,温雪正要回绝,由于凌桀在一旁影响,温雪容许了特殊。

24、Nowadays the once unknown snowy hill is well-known for snowstorm.如今那座曾经不出名多雪小山因暴风雪而出名.

25、What is Snowshoeing?什么是雪鞋?。

英文句子26:,26、Yao is not snow.遥知不雪。

27、Feeling like Spte!心情似雪碧!

28、I like Spte.我喜欢雪碧。

29、With gleaming eyes and scarlet lips, it sits on the snowy gund.雪罗汉目光灼灼地嘴唇通红地坐在雪地里。

30、Without hesitation, she strapped on a pair of snowshoes and headed out into the snow.她没有半点迟疑,就绑紧雪鞋走进雪里。

31、I prefer sherry.我要雪利酒。

32、Learn fm an expert snowboarder the importance of starting all and being patient when starting out in snowboarding in this free snowboarding video lesson.专家学习滑雪板首发小重要,并耐心开始在滑雪时,在这自由滑雪课程。

33、The snow had given up.雪停了。

34、Here the winter skiing in addition to pviding s to tousts, it also built a snow trap, child play snow park and other pjects.这里冬季除了向游客提供滑雪服务以外,还建有雪上飞碟道、儿童戏雪乐园等项目。

35、Thank you, Shirley.谢谢你,雪莉。

36、Spng snow soon melts.春雪易融。

37、Shirley: Follow me.雪莉:跟我来。

38、And its also used as a freezpof agent and anti-freezing agent.作为防冻剂和融雪剂广泛用于融雪化冰。

39、The snow, like a giant elm, standing in snow, pudly stand.大雪纷飞了,榆树象一位巨人,站在风雪中,傲然挺立。

40、Find discount part Chevlet HHR, Chevn replacement parts bee the HHR.搜寻折扣雪佛兰 HHR部分,雪佛兰 HHR更换零件。

41、Snow after the snow piling up rywhere, this cola bad for me and my hometown fends, we decided to play a ski pole.下雪后,到处都堆满了积雪,这可乐坏了我和老家朋友们,我们决定打一次雪杖。

42、Couples tickets include double entrance tickets, insance, high-grade ski outfit, ski suit and locker, whole day skiing. to add 30 yuan on holidays.情侣套票包含双人门票、保险、高档雪具、雪服衣柜、全天不限时滑雪,节假使用加30元;

43、Snow Leopard desktop.雪豹桌面。

44、Snow, like the aloe;雪,像芦花;

45、Love may last forr except in a snowslide , but n snowslide cannot ense Eternity.除非有雪崩,但雪崩也不能保证永恒。

46、It was sleeting hard.雨雪霏霏。

47、A snowslide may make an rlasting love story, but n the snowslide cannot ense Eternity.除非有雪崩,但雪崩也不能保证永恒。

48、Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.在许多地方冬天意味着滑冰,使用雪橇和打雪仗。

49、Campfires and snowdfts.篝火,雪堆。

50、Winter in many places means iceskating skating, sliding sledding and snowball fights.在许多地方,冬天意味着滑冰、 滑雪撬和打雪仗。

经典英文句子51:雪,51、I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday.我希望有一天我能在北京玩雪和堆雪人。

52、Suetgu with ears!雪咕有耳仔!

53、It was snow just now, there are lots of snow in the sky. The vers are stopping flowing. The gund is covered with a layer of snow.刚刚就在下雪,天空中飘着大量雪。河流停止了流动。地面上覆盖这一层雪。

54、I also made a snowball snow when the shuttlecock kicking, but play a snowball scatter, happy lghter echoed in the campus.我还用雪做了一个雪球当毽子,可是一下雪球就散开了,欢乐笑声在校园里回荡着。

55、Wu Menglin took a fan to collect snow, Li Yafei snow, o hands had no tools, with both hands in the snow.吴萌霖拿着簸箕收雪,李亚飞扫雪,我们手中没有工具,只好用双手捧雪。

56、Ski-boots, s-country ski fooear and snowboard boots, with outer soles of rubber, plasti, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather.滑雪靴、越野滑雪鞋靴及雪板靴,外底以橡胶、塑料、皮或组合皮制,而鞋面以皮制者。

57、In counting to take in snow gund a be speedily bued by snow of plum flower.除了雪地里拿一枝快被雪梅花。

58、Sea kayaking under and nd glaciers, ice climbing high in the mountains, and land on fresh snow in a ski plane.我们驾着皮划艇在冰川间乘风破浪,驾着雪橇冲上山峦,乘着雪上飞机降落在新雪上。

59、What`s cool: This resort is a place sunded by rgreen virgin forests and has plenty of Alpine and s-country trails.推荐理由:阿尔山滑雪场坐落在常青原始森林之中,拥有大量高山雪道及越野雪道。

60、Ice snow clr.冰雪聪明。


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