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高三核心词汇,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了326个关于“神圣英语单词”大纲词汇表,包括翻译、例句以及 Copies accately 、activate、adation等词汇,一定要记牢。

高三核心词汇,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了326个关于“神圣英语单词”大纲词汇表,包括翻译、例句以及 Copies accately 、activate、adation等词汇,一定要记牢。

1、 Copies accately

中文翻译: 准确

例句:These are copies of copies of copies. 翻译:这是份复印件。。

Sacred versus the pfane. 神圣与亵渎。



例句:it's blank till you activate it. 翻译:It's blank till you activate it.。

Of or worthy of the gods; divine. 神,适用于神;神圣。




例句:has always dloped adation for me. 翻译:has always dloped adation for me.。

TheBible is God's witness to us. The Holy Spit is His witness within us. 圣经是神给我们见证,圣灵是神在我们心里见证。



例句:Yes, i would. in fact, it makes me question yo advocacy for women in general. 翻译:it makes me question yo advocacy for women in general.。

All: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth! 所有:罗马,神圣,神圣,上帝千万军马!

5、 affiliate fee

中文翻译: 联属营销费用 联属营销用度 抵消了联属费 联营费

例句:You paid the registration fee. 翻译:You paid the registration fee.。

He anointed the new high pest. 他在授予圣职仪式上给新高级牧师涂圣油使他神圣化。

6、 falsely allege

中文翻译: 诡称 把不真实或不实际某种事物作为真实或实际事物提出或提供

例句:To aver is to allege in a pleading. 翻译:立证是在辩护中引例证明。 。

Divine resistance: Increases resistance to Holy, Shadow, and Astral damage by XX. XX%. 神圣抗:提高神圣,暗影,奥术抗。



例句:And for the record, i also agree 翻译:I also agree。

The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The nose is holy! 世界神圣,灵魂神圣,皮肤神圣,鼻子神圣!



例句:O ruler of my country, Oedipus, you see o company nd the altar, and i, the pest of Zeus. 翻译:you see o company nd the altar the pest of Zeus.。

Holy Peter holy Allen holy Solomon holy Lucien holy Keuac holy Huncke holy Bughs holy Cassady holy the unknown buggered and suffeng beggar holy the hideous human angels! 神圣彼得神圣艾伦神圣所罗门吕西安凯鲁雅克,神圣汉克神圣宝来神圣凯萨迪神圣未知同恋,受苦乞丐神圣丑恶人类天使!

9、 Select Ancestor

中文翻译: 选择当前物体父物体

例句:Don't talk so much, worship o ancestor! 翻译:worship o ancestor!。

Covenant theolo is so of the essence of Reformed theolo that to revise its covenant theolo is to revise the substance of Reformed theolo. 圣约神学是归正神学质,改变圣约神学就等于改变了归正神学实质。

10、 anomalous maetic moment

中文翻译: 物 反常磁矩 异常磁矩

例句:Nothing anomalous on the exteor. 翻译:外观无异常 Nothing anomalous on the exteor.。

So it is God's presence there that sanctifies, which simply means "makes holy, makes sacred," to sanctify, to make holy, the tabernacle. And to understand this, we need to understand the Pestly conception of holiness. 上帝存在使一切神圣,意思就是使一切圣洁庄严,使整个帐篷神圣、圣洁,为了理解这鞋内容,我们需要知道祭司对于“神圣“理解。


中文翻译: 心之咏叹调

例句:What bngs you out tonight, Aa? 翻译:你为什么而来 Aa。

12、 arork generator

中文翻译: 图形发生器 图形产生器

例句:Same with the well and the generator. 翻译:Same with the well and the generator.。


13、 Ugly ascbes to

中文翻译: 丑女都作怪

例句:Whoa. Big close-up of an eye... bloodshot, ugly. 翻译:ugly.。

14、 cast ashore

中文翻译: 被浪冲上岸 搁岸 抛到岸上 被浪冲搁岸

例句:- You were cast ashore in a far country. - Oh, not yet. 翻译:你被流放到遠方 噢 還沒。

15、 asphalt concrete

中文翻译: 沥青混凝土

例句:Expemental research on the linear contractive quotiety of asphalt concrete 翻译:沥青混凝土低温线收缩系数试验研究。

16、 average pce

中文翻译: 平均价格

例句:Now, the average mder victims 翻译:the average mder victims。

17、 bail bond

中文翻译: 法 保释保证书 法 保释担保书 保释金保函 保释保证金

例句:- This isn't a bail bond, Max. 翻译:这不是保释金。

18、 mateal balance

中文翻译: 物料平衡 物料衡算

例句:Everything is connected, rything is balance. 翻译:rything is balance.。

19、 balancing weight

中文翻译: 配重 平衡块 平衡重量 平衡锤 重

例句:-The balancing of the scales-- 翻译:-我喜欢这个 -The balancing of the scales -。



例句:it's a country lying at the tip of the Balkan Peninsula. 翻译:巴尔半岛最边上国家。

21、 Do not be barbac

中文翻译: 不要变得残暴

例句:is it barbac to be the best? 翻译:成为第一强者是野蛮吗?。

22、 Paddington Bear

中文翻译: 帕丁顿熊 巴丁顿熊熊家族 柏灵顿宝宝熊 柏灵顿熊

例句:Then i'm gonna put this here, next to Paddington bear. 翻译:那我得把蜡烛放这儿 挨着帕丁顿熊。


23、 Beige Book

中文翻译: 褐皮书 黄皮书 经济褐皮书 褐皮书报告

例句:- Hatchback, grey or beige. 翻译:grey or beige.。

24、 what you beli in

中文翻译: 你相信什么

例句:? But i can 't touch what you beli ? 翻译:But I can't touch what you beli。

25、 Cultal bias

中文翻译: 文化偏见 先入之见

例句:Then they said, "Let's see if there's any cultal bias here. 翻译:于是他们说 “让我们试试是否有什么文化差距 。



例句:Wars, bigotry, televangeli. 翻译:战争,排挤,电视布道。



例句:Happy, happy birthday Happy, happy birthday 翻译:happy birthday。

28、 bolsters mate aa

中文翻译: 烘托成熟气质

例句:- Aa needs moving the coolers. 翻译:- Aa需要帮忙搬冷却器 - 不要太累! - Aa needs moving the coolers.。

29、 Michelle Bohell McGee

中文翻译: 米歇尔

例句:i can ell it on 'em. And McGee? 翻译:至于McGee?。



例句:"Can't talk." Well, it's overrated. 翻译:is a couple of dps of brandy.。

31、 commercial bbees

中文翻译: 商业贿赂

例句:The song fm the gum commercial? 翻译:The song fm the gum commercial?。

32、 nerve bstle

中文翻译: 神经针

例句:its bstle is softer and pointed 翻译:它刷毛尖一点软一点。


33、 bken off

中文翻译: 中断 破掉 破裂后跌落

例句:Part of the tall, neal spine of the bone was bken off. 翻译:neal spine of the bone was bken off.。

34、 yenyuan mountain-boked salamander

中文翻译: 盐原山溪鲵

例句:Neck i know, but what is boked? 翻译:脖子我知道,可什么是弯弯呢? 。

35、 bunk bed

中文翻译: 双层床

例句:You going for the bunk bed tonight? 翻译:今晚想睡床铺上吗?。

36、 tethered buoyant platform

中文翻译: 浮拉式平台 绳系浮动平台 系缆浮动平台

例句:Didn't this line used to leave fm... um, platform... uh, platform one? 翻译:platform one?。



例句:# Calculate the maitude # 翻译:# Calculate the maitude #。



例句:i'll let you get back to yo work. 翻译:- Cam...。

39、 man catholici n.

中文翻译: 罗马公教

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

40、 ctious of

中文翻译: 小心 谨慎

例句:"Fm now on, you'll be traveling the ad... 翻译:"but the ctious do not live at all.。



例句:Mr. and Mrs. Chamber's granddghter. 翻译:是Chamber夫妇孙女。



例句:And within 6 hos of his arval, the Chancellor was dead. 翻译:the Chancellor was dead.。


43、 Charactestic Impedance

中文翻译: 电子 特阻抗 特征阻抗 特件阻抗 特砧抗

例句:The input impedance is matched conjugately to the soce impedance according to the maximization gain. 翻译:对于输入电路,则按照最大增益原则使源阻抗与输入阻抗共扼匹配; 。

44、 UK Singles chart

中文翻译: 英国单曲榜 英国单曲销量排行榜 英国单曲长幼秩序序榜

例句:MARiAH is one of only a singer three consecutive singles in first week of its release are posted Champion of the people (singles chart). 翻译:MARIAH是仅有一位歌手连续三张单曲均首周发行即登冠军宝座人(单曲榜)。。

45、 Let My Chffe Answer It

中文翻译: 让我司机来回答 让我司机回答

例句:Look, if i stay here and she goes home, no one's going to answer my questions. 翻译:no one's going to answer my questions.。

46、 dirt cheap

中文翻译: 非常便宜 特别便宜 相当便宜

例句:Audience: ♪ done dirt cheap! 翻译:{\fnaal black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Done dirt cheap!。



例句:Yeah, she-she's a chemist, too. 翻译:Yeah, she -she's a chemist, too.。

48、 a clap of tder

中文翻译: 一声霹雳

例句:Water below clap of tder 翻译:Τ筽。

49、 Clipboard format

中文翻译: 剪贴簿档案格式 剪贴板文件格式 剪辑板格式

例句:Why do you need a clipboard? 翻译:Why do you need a clipboard?。

50、 Fibn Clot

中文翻译: 纤维蛋白凝块 当纤维蛋白凝结块

例句:Fibn and platelets combine to form a clot. Hemophilia is csed by a hereditary lack of one of the clotting factors. 翻译:血纤维蛋白和血小板一起形成血栓。血友病就是因为遗传上缺乏一种凝血胶原引起。。



例句:The country is trying to codify the rules on outsocing . 翻译:这个国家正在努力把外包规则编成法典。。

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