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关于”基五种句型例句“英子59个,句子主体:Basic five sentence patterns Example sentences。以下是关于基五种句型例句中考英子。

英文句子模板1:Basic five sentence patterns Example sentences


1、This fundamental difference results in a less-than-ideal combination of the o paradis, but then, a few hitches are to be expected.


2、ActionScpt also requires a reference to other packages (libraes) in order to use them; hence the "import" statement at the top of the Scpt block.

换句话说,每个 DB2 实例都可以有自己象限

3、In other words, each DB2 instance can have its own quadrant

3 memory .

3 内存空间。


4、This semester-long will be due in five parts;


5、Example: The truss is too large and heavy, therefore the pre-camber will be required in order to prnt down warping.


6、Examples are given for the hybd orbitals of tetragonal plane, pentagonal bipyramid and D_4 symmetry using the present method.


7、She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday fck. …


8、Article 105 Where the obligee released the obligor fm performance in part or in whole, the ghts and obligations under the contract are discharged in part or in whole.

举一个例子:移植 UML 模型中五个图表并不需要花费太多资源用于一种工具。

9、One example: it does not pay off to invest resoces into dloping a tool for migrating five state-charts in a UML model.


10、In my clinical study, I choose patients with defect of dentition whose bone mass in edentulous dge is insufficient and picked five representative cases, then treated them by different sgees.


11、The study researched the inbred population which

3 genotypes of each pair hetezygous gene with different fitness. Change law by generations of genotype ratio was reflected by difference equations.


12、Additional alleles were detected fm 37 samples, new alleles were detected fm

3 samples.

14 samples were found loss of hetezygosity, and 83 samples were found part loss of hetezygosity.


13、It is unfair that histoans always attbute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Ty.

在全部84例移植病人及家系成员标中,有82 /84例( 97.6 %)标可明确判定结果,其中有33/84例( 39%)可直接指定等位基因型别;

14、Among the 84 samples, 82/84(97.6%) cases could be desiated definitely, and 33/84 (39%) cases could be typed to allelic ll.


15、So this means that you look at the main verb and then translate the infinitive accordingly. Please refer to yo text for vaous examples of these time sequence translations.

其种类很多,但基理念是在变量名开始添加一个标记以表示其类型(例如,所有无符号长型变量都以 ul 开头)。

16、There are lots of flavors of this, but the basic idea is that you put a tag at the beginning of a vaable name saying what type it is. (So all unsied long vaables begin with ul, etc.)

除了一条 CALL ,这个范例应用程序中将不存在任何 SQL。

17、The paradi is to not have any SQL in the application other than a CALL statement. The perceived benefit of this paradi is ofold


18、This model is a special case of the three-stage form.


19、As an example let us compare o phrases: one ends on the thumb, the other on the fifth finger .


20、The example begins by connecting to the queue and opening a queue handle for output.

21、Pduction of electcal tools, such as electc dlls impact, angle angle der…曲线锯例句生产各类电动工具,如冲击电钻,角向磨光机、电钻和曲线锯等。

22、It is the precedents relating to article V. of German Fundamental Law that tell us how the judges can resolve tubles and keep the arguments rational.德国基法第五条项下判例向法律人展示了:法官究竟用何种方法既能达到“定分止争”效果,又保持法律言说理。

23、The fifth parameter -- to which we pass null in this example -- accepts an image instance.第五个参数(在例中我们将 null 传递给它)接受一个图像实例。

24、EC2 is a great example of a basic platform.EC2 是基平台好例子。

25、But I heard that he is already seeing somebody。不过, 如果例句中"...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody." 改成 "...But I heard that he is already is a seous relationship with somebody." 就惨了。

英文句子26:,26、The King's College London Business Club, to which Ella belongs, has 以艾拉所在伦敦国王学院商务会所为例,已有2700个成员为该协会“商业,众人基因所在”这句格言而聚首。

2,700 members who gather under the motto: "Business.It's in ryone's genes".

27、I: “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?”比例他/她会象接待来访客人一样轻松地来一句:“It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” “Yo T-shirt looks betiful!”

28、This example shows a few fundamentals of DHTML.例展示了一些 DHTML 基原理。

29、Part 系列第

1 of this sees lays out the picte of the model-dven and pattern-based dlopment paradi.

1 部分描绘出模型驱动和基于模式范例全景。

30、The desi of reinforced concrete short corbel was taken as example, with the basic pnciple on strut-and-tie model stated and descbed. An example of desi demonstrates the establishment of…文以钢筋混凝土短牛腿为例,阐述拉-压杆模型基原理,同时通过一个设计实例说明拉-压杆模型建立、设计准则、设计步骤等。

31、This thesis study on the reconstruction based on the slice date by section scan, take the artificial tooth as example.文以人工牙为例,研究了基于切片数据三维模型重建方法。

32、An example of this would be the contbution of FGFR2 point mutations in a vaety of cancer types.其中一个例子是FGFR2基因点突变所导致多种类型癌症。

33、The pduction of dileptons in the intermediate mass region in Q has been studied on the basis of a relativistic hyddynamic model.推导了一种自旋固体火箭流体动力学模型,并通过实例对模型进行了验证计算,计算结果与实际情况基吻合。

34、Hengjiang is a classic externality.横江就是一个典型外部成例子。

35、The example ends by closing the queue handle and disconnecting fm the queue .示例最后关闭队列句柄并从队列器断开,从而结束。

36、Charge balancing resistors are a must when stacking see-parallel high voltage capac…充电电阻例句当堆放一系列并联高压存储电容时,充电平衡电阻是必需。

37、In this example, I add my local mylib directory to the include path so I can require PHP files fm that directory without adding the path to the require statement.在例中,我将我地 mylib 目录添加到了 include 路径中,所以能够从该目录中 require PHP 文件,而不需要将该路径添加到 require 中。

38、Case model based fuzzy reasoning appach is studied.研究基于实例模型模糊推理方法。

39、Like this one on the fundamentals of copywting, for example.(例如像基知识答案这样例子)。

40、We present o expeences in treating five patients and we also reviewed the relative literate.文报告五例风湿关节炎造成各种肌腱断裂重建经验及文献回顾。

41、For example, pgrammers soon learned to avoid the dreaded "goto" statement for just this reason.举例来说,程序设计人员不久了解到,出于此原因,要避免令人畏惧“goto”。

42、My bther will buy, when it falls to a lower pce, a new camera for me.以上各例句义都是:照相机跌价时,我要买一个新给我。

43、Fther , some cases fm workshops and research labs are discussed, and the "communities of practice" is orized to applications of the Q-SECI model.在此理论基上,文通过对知识实证案例探讨,尝试提出一种基于“实践社群”应用方案来检验Q-SECI模型合理。

44、Geography consisted of a map of the main vers of Malaya and five questions to be answered in three or fo sentences each.地理试题包括画一张马来亚主要河流地图,五条问题,每题用三四句去答。

45、The utility model is suitable for vaous all vehicles, such as motorcycle and beach vehicle.实用新 型可应用于各种小型车辆,例如摩托车、沙滩车等。

46、Here you'll a basic PHP encoder object that represents an Activity Streams feed when you convert it to a stng (for example, by using the PHP echo statement with it).这里您将创建一个基 PHP 编码器对象,当您将它转换成一个字符串时(例如,通过使用 PHP echo 进行处理),它会表示一个 Activity Streams 订阅源。

47、The statement TEMP=`getopt hs $*` is used to get the input arguments when the scpt is invoked (such as the -h for and -s for silent mode).调用脚时, TEMP=`getopt hs $*` 用于得到输入变量(例如 -h 代表帮助,-s 代表安静模式)。

48、The pathogenetic character in o cases accord basically with polygenic inhetance.组病例发病特点基符合多基因遗传规律。

49、Two kind of DDGS under three different pportion have same influence to sheep rumen paramerers.两种玉米酒精糟在三种替代比例条件下对绵羊瘤胃内环境影响基相同。

50、It's a fute in which the only apps that will need to be native will be those that work with device APIs that aren't part of existing web standards -- in other words, the edge cases.将来只有那些不支持现有网络标准API设备需要用到地应用程序——换句话说,只是边缘案例。

经典英文句子51:基五种句型例句,51、Don't take what he says so seously. He's always going gaga.例句:对他话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯癫癫。

52、It requires addressing larger, society-based issues.它当以大型基于社会案例解决。

53、Ken read fm the age composition of the people, basically a young society, and the male to female ratio higher than the national.从垦民年龄构成看,基属于年轻型社会,且男女比例高于全国。

54、For this example, you want five partitions.对于例,您希望有五个分区。

55、Evaluate basic conditions such as “a

56、The first six types are largely self-descptive (see the Lua novelties section above for the exceptions); the last o need some explanation.前 最后两个需要一点解释。

6 种类型基上是自描述(例外情况请参见上面 Lua 特 一节);

57、Conversely, there is also a utine that converts the stng representation of the binding into a binding handle.还有一个作用相反例程,它把绑定字符串表示转换为绑定句柄。

58、The ght lung as contl was normal.同例对照右肺基正常。

59、This condition is a vaant of esive lichen planus.例属糜型扁平苔藓变型。

60、The ot lays the foundation for the contents by pviding vaous graphical layers, such as connection layers, handle layers, etc., and possibly zoom or other functionality at the viewer ll.根通过提供各种图形层(例如连接层和句柄层等)以及可能会在查看器级别提供视图缩放或其它能,为内容打下基。

61、For the ppose of this article, a JPA_EE_SAMPLE.ear file, included for you to download, is used as an example to walk you thugh the steps needed to collect statements and packages.就文而言,包括在 下载中 JPA_EE_SAMPLE.ear 文件将用作示例,以指导您完成收集和创建包所需步骤。

62、An instance of each object with tomatic storage dation (每个具有自动存储类(

3.7.2) is associated with each entry into its block.


63、He is so stupid that he dpped his cell phone ice, once in the swimming pool and…例句与用法他太槑了,上次把手机掉到游泳池,这次又掉到厕所里了。

、Shuowenjiezizhu adopted a unique explanatory form called "three-character sentences"to explain the composing characi of the annotations in Shuowen.《说文解字注》在注释《说文》时针对一些释语构成特点,采取了“三字句”这种独特训释体例。

65、The results show that the new state- aeelastic model is one which has higher accacy and lower order.算例表明:文提出新状态空间气动弹模型是一种精度较高而阶数较低模型。

66、This statement es the pperties and methods of the newly instantiated JFrame object to be shared with yo MainFrame object.该将导致与 MainFrame对象共享新实例化 JFrame对象属和方法。

67、The Exchange Fund was established by the Crency Ordinance of 1935 (later renamed the Exchange Fund Ordinance).外汇基金根据xx年《货币条例》(已易名为《 外汇基金条例》)设立。

68、For example, a mailbox mechani is a basic communication method beeen the SPE and the PPE.例如,邮箱机制就是 SPE 和 PPE 之间常用一种基通信方法。

69、E. g:The sisters each have her stng points. One sings well and the other plays piano well.例句:她们姐妹俩各有所长,一个会唱歌,一个会弹钢琴。

70、A word about grades-- you may in fact take this cose pass-fail.关于分数我有两句话要说,这门课只分及格和不及格两种。

71、They all look good. They all look so delicious, don't they? They both look great. 以上两个例句是就3个以上东西或饭菜所说。

72、For example, the STATEMENTS nt monitor collects statements data and stores them in tables: CONNHEADER, STMT, SUBSECTION, and CONTROL.举例来说,STATEMENTS 事件监视器收集数据并将其存储在表中:CONNHEADER、STMT、SUBSECTION 和 CONTROL。

73、Sometimes, howr, it's desirable to place multiple pgram statements on a single line -- when you're initializing vaables, for example.然而,有时候需要在一行放多个程序,例如初始化变量时。

74、When the escape tower is activated, the wings will unfold, ing the escape craft to fly stably.例句逃逸塔启动时候能够使飞船双翼打开并且平稳飞行。


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