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关于”中时间地点先后位置“英子52个,句子主体:The poty position of the time and place in。以下是关于中时间地点先后位置xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:The poty position of the time and place in


1、Its first setup was soon after the foth year of Yuanshou in Wudi peod(B. C. 119), and the places were scattered in the belt fm Shuofang to Lingju.


2、The gundwater monitong neork desi involves the determination of the sampling locations and sampling frequencies to characteze the contaminant plume in an aquifer over and time.

上述专用饵,浓 香味甜,入水后香味特浓,可在最短时间内把鱼大量诱聚到所事先设置好 方位中。

3、The special bait is thick fishy and sweet, is fishy after enteng water and can lead huge fishes to be led into a preset place within shor time.


4、A hair collection element is pivotally mounted within the suction nozzle for movement beeen a forward position and a rearward position.


5、In position-based uting algothms, forwarding decisions were made based on the geographical position of a packet's destination.


6、Ascertain the first bolt of the M/E aft end and the position of the intermedial shaft beang.


7、Time past by, Anthony’s status got higher and higher, he was pmoted fm a servant to a supervisor, and then a .


8、If it's morning, you'll find south about halfway beeen the ho hand and elve o'clock, clockwise.


9、Then he changed places with Jeana for short peods.


10、If you cast another hoscope for the exact time and place of this final nt and check out the position of the moon you will get the answer.


11、The Polygon tool pmpts for number of sides, first corner position, and adjacent corner position. The Semicircle tool pmpts for start and end points.


12、Translocal Geographies: Spaces, Places, Connections.


13、Machine vision makes this possible by letting the dispensing head see where the head needs to go, and then moving it to the exact position to dispense the fluid.


14、A pre-determined meeting at a specific time and place.


15、Methods: After choosing subjects based on Neork Disposition Questionnaire, time memory characters were explored on the o lls of second and minute by expement.


16、A meeting at a prearranged time and place.

位置开关(120 度间距)。可指定触点位置。

17、Three-position switch (120 deg. step). Contact positions can be specified.


18、Of its 21,000 residents,

7,500 have scattered acss Japan.Another

13,500 live in temporary housing in the Fukushima region.




19、In the Physical viewpoint, we localities to represent the places in which functionality is distbuted.


20、You can set the order of the fields either by selecting the first field that you want displayed in the list, and then the next, and so on, or by setting the position as you drag and place the fields.

21、After this the user can see his set of photos putted on the map with the speed vectors shown beeen photos and time spent in the location.在此之后,用户可以看到他照片和之间时间中位置矢量地图显示速度推杆照片集。

22、The well-placed and timed pse will ense that the dience hears the punchline.正确位置和正确时间停顿帮助观众捕捉到笑点。

23、The outage occred in one of S3's three geographical sites and lasted a little over o hos.最近S3经历了一次严重故障。 故障发生在S3分处不同地理位置三个据点中一个,持续时间超过两小时。

24、A slugline tells you where we are – inteor or exteor, location, and appximate time.说明文字标明了你所处位置——室内还是室外,地点,以及大概时间。

25、You shoot something, you should know when it will land, where it will land, with what speed it will land, how high it will go.抛出一个物体,我们要知道落地时间,落地位置,还有落地速度,最高点高度

英文句子26:,26、Riders jockey for position. They try to make their opponents take the lead then they attack fm the rear.运动员要巧妙占据有利位置。他可以先叫对手们领先,从尾随位置上冲上去。

27、Fther, after the separation point appears, the temperate of the very point in oxygenated atmosphere ses steeply in a short time.并在分离点出现后,有氧气氨中该位置温度在短时间内急剧上升;

28、You edit a specific keyframe of a node by moving the time marker to the time of the keyframe and selecting the node.如果你要编辑一个关键帧,你要先选中节点,把时间标记移动到关键帧时间点上。

29、First, calculate the vector beeen the vertex in it's world position and the light position .首先,计算顶点在世界位置及光源位置之间矢量。

30、You need to know their location when configung the registry later.稍后在配置注册中心时,您需要知道它们位置。

31、Sailing's schedule is open to all time and all locations.地点待定, 先确定时间和人员再定吧。

32、Hozon Line- Place the positioning of the hozon line above or below the center of yo subjects.地平线- 将地平线放置高于或者低于你拍摄题材中间位置。

33、The first quake was recorded nd 第一次是在当地时间上周六凌晨六点,震中在哥打巴托市西南部100公里位置。

6 a. m. on Satday, local time with its epicenter 100 kilometers southwest of the country's city of Cotabato.

34、In the Hai ver basin in China, for example, deep-gundwater tables have dpped by up to 90 metres.比如在海河盆地,地下水已经退到了距离原先水位90米位置。

35、The deflt Linux poty is in the middle of the range of the 40 SCHED_OTHER poties.默认 Linux 优先级处于 40 个 SCHED_OTHER 优先级中间位置。

36、Move the csor to the location in the file where you want to set a breakpoint, and press F9.将光标移到文件中要设置断点位置,按 F9 键。

37、And this, you will recoize is the first devative of velocity versus time which is also the second devative of position versus time.这点想必诸位已经了然于胸,它就是速度对,时间一阶导数,也是位置对,时间二阶导。

38、But contller sensors are allowed to be remote fm the location of the actuator.设置点被固定,在一个时间步长内,但控制传感器允许从激发器位置移开。

39、Stand as close to the object as possible, positioning it beeen yo knees as you squat.先站到尽量近物品位置,在你蹲下时物品要在两膝中间。

40、A position of advantage over others, as in a race or an endeavor; a lead.占先地位在比赛中或相对别人有利位置;

41、Typically, RTLS pviders report location data for each tag on a predetermined time interval.通常,RTLS 提供者按照一个事先确定时间间隔报告每个标记位置数据。

42、It was the first of a sees of voyages that would, for a bef peod, establish China as the leading power of the age.这次远航揭开了其后一连串海上航行序幕,并在短暂时间内为确立了大国领先地位。

43、Different drag correction coefficients at different time points are intduced, and then both speed cve and ballistic cve fitting are finished.采用在不同时间点增加阻力系数修正系数方法拟合速度-时间曲线和位置-时间曲线。

44、The time required for the shock to travel to its final position is known as the lag time.冲波移动到最后位置所需时间称为滞后时间。

45、The check-out time is 先生,退房时间是中午

12 noon, sir.

12 点。

46、If you do not have the time, yo poties are out of whack.如果您没有时间,那是你把不该放在优先位置上东西放错了地方。

47、Identify possible placements before leaving the gund. Keep vital ptection for the crux.离开地面前先辨认可能固定点,关键时刻放置重要固定点。

48、If it's afternoon, south lies about halfway beeen the ho hand and elve o'clock, counterclockwise.如果是下午,那就按逆时针方向转,时针和12点位置中间。

49、Initial results show the centst Nepal Congress leading in about half of the distcts in the capital.初步点票结果显示,持中间立场尼泊尔大会党在加德满都将近一半地区处于领先地位。

50、At its closest, the moon is said to be at pegee.相反,当它运行到最近位置时,那就叫近地点。

经典英文句子51:中时间地点先后位置,51、To move the chair position, should first be put on the chair, then Zaizuo.要移动椅子位置时,应先把椅子放在应放地方,再坐。

52、Stable position tracking ze err is realized in constant-speed-running and after positioning states to complete feedforward compensation.位置前馈工作在完全补偿状态时,实现了恒速运行时间段内和定位结束后稳态位置跟踪零误差。

53、At a distance in place, position, or time.在地点,方位或时间上成距离。

54、The placement of Brady's pass forced Rix to attack the ball and swing in a first-time css.布莱迪传球位置迫使里克斯在接到球后第一时间作出传中。

55、Another example is switching beeen pviders located in diffeng geographical or neork locations, depending on a time schedule.另一个例子是根据时间表在位于不同地理位置或网络位置提供者之间切换。

56、And you can see that in this code here.它首先是显示出开始点和尾点位置。

57、Many quality practices take a little time up-fnt in the pcess, but reduce time siificantly later on.在过程中许多预先质量检验会多占用一点点时间,但是会在以后节约大量时间。

58、A time and place for ction must first be agreed with the vendors.拍卖时间、地点要先同卖方达成一致。

59、Today, the sun reaches its noontime position at 今天,太阳在上午

11:52 a. m. local standard time.


60、Place an 8-ounce cup of water in the back of the micwave with the bowl of dough in the center, and set the power as low as possible (首先,把生面团放到一个大碗里,盖上保鲜膜,放到微波炉里中间位置; ,用碗装8盎司水,放到里面后位置,把火尽量调低(10%火力就足够啦);

10 percent power).

61、To cse to change fm one place or position to another; displace.打鱼要时常变换地点,游击队也要时常变换位置。


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