好的英语句子摘抄 优美(51)个

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关于”好 优美“英子51个,句子主体:good and betiful。以下是关于好 优美专八英子。

英文句子模板1:good and betiful


1、Human geography has a good advantage is an elet garden - like school envinments.


2、The wavelike and betiful landform of the park and the landscape with running water and all cottages pvide you an ideal resort to expeence life and holiday.


3、Hunan Pvince is blessed with its ch culte, betiful scenery, unique locative advantage and good economic foundation.


4、"Better pducts, bigger ", we will attract regular and new customers fm home and abad, and a nice fute for oselves and o customers.


5、Tiens Gup is fully devoted to the psuit of high-quality pducts and the fulfillment of its mission "Better Tiens, Better Life".


6、There you can ade letters, pictes and gifts sent by children, and sit down for a moment in Santa's stdy cking chair. In the backgund you can hear lovely Chstmas cals.

确,这表明好莱坞能够 主动从赞美暴力深渊中身退步,同时仍然保留它优势和利润。

7、Sely this shows that Hollywood could voluntaly step back fm the abyss of glofying violence and still retain its edge and its income.


8、Yeah, good. Ladies first.


9、And a quiet villa area and betiful envinment, is a good choice for vacation gathengs, especially for students meeting customers traveling by car.


10、Rely on innovation and excellent quality, first-class pducts and first-class benefits, and you a bght fute!


11、High quality fm good mateals, move freely with excellent flexibility, consummate skills give ladies graceful and perfect appearance. Silky and soft, cotton gusset and comfortable waist band.

罗斯柴尔德家族酿造了此款拉菲传说白葡萄酒,综合了精巧酿造技术和优雅口感。 此款白葡萄酒酒体纯净,清美好,不失为一款优质葡萄酒…

12、The Rothschild family has d Lafite Bordex Blanc Saga wine, combining both finesse and elece Puty of fruit, freshness and great leu constitute the house style year after year.


13、They take advantage of a situation according to the mountain, hugs negative positive, by good ecolo pattern and exquisite Jing Guang effect, with nate unified whole.


14、The company is willing to a good fute with advanced technolo, excellent quality, and top-grade by hand in hand with fends at home and abad.


15、The PSO is a evolutional algothm and a preferable optimize method.


16、More than skin deep, a Chinese bety should also have good manners, temperament, tastes, and style of conversation.


17、I love travelling, reading and of cose pretty dresses:-) Now I am working in a famous Eupen company in Beijing.


18、"St's blliance, passion and stamina were the soce of innumerable innovations that ench and amend all of o lives, " Apple said in a expression.


19、He get the advantage of a bad education.


20、Good cooling performance, excellent lubcating pperties, anti-rust good.

21、In the era of Conius, life, "Zhu Xia" has completely forgotten the name of this betiful and elet symbol of cultal hetage.在孔子生活时代,“诸夏”已经全然忘却了这个美好名字所象征优雅文化传统。

22、Rely on innovation and excellent quality, the first-class pducts, first-class benefits, and you a better tomorw!依创新和优良品质,出一流产品,创一流效益,与您共创美好灿明天!

23、Go get the book and read it, you won’t regret: it’s been a while since I read something so simply betiful and so immediately useful.拥有 这书,并好好阅读它,你决不后悔。 因为只读那么一会儿,我就发现其语言如此简练而优美,而且内容很实用。

24、Although the image has great light and the cves make for a graceful composition, it's not complete without the motorcycle.虽然图像具有极好光和曲线,可以导致优美构图,要是没有这辆摩托车,它就不完整了。

25、Every time you stke, the ball splits out the stng sound that can make you excited exceptionally.网球运动文明、高雅,动作优美,每击一次好球,打出弦音,使人兴奋异常,愉快无比。

英文句子26:,26、Now advocating birth, it is best not to let themselves left with regret.现在提倡优生优育,最好不要让自己留有遗憾。

27、Yes, I know Youyou, thank you care about my sisters, fendship forr, Oh!是,我知道了优优,谢谢关心我好姐妹,永远友谊,呵呵!

28、Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith.知识是一回事,美德是另一回事。好意并非良心,优雅并非谦让,广博与公正观点也并非。

29、Even better, the best high-altitude wind-power resoces match up with highly populated areas including North Ameca’s Eastern Seaboard and China’s coastline.更好是,最优高空风力发电源匹配正好是人口密集地区,包括北美东海岸和海岸线。

30、It will ral the best in you; this boot camp will pvide you the opportunity to have an “amazing marage, ” if you pass its .它会显示你最优秀一面;如果你通过了考验,这个训练营会给你提供拥有“美好婚姻”机会。

31、Fantasizes all too is happy…Is my met also is my shortcoming, such my really good hope has yo understanding and the loving care accompanies in mine side until forr…把一切都幻想太美好…


32、Good color and luster, Very high gloss, Good flow, Film chubbiness, Good mechanical pperties, Perfect anti-yellowing, Good storage stability.泽透明度好,非常高光泽,较好流平涂膜丰满度高,优异机械,优异抗泛黄,储存稳定好。

33、"St's blliance, passion and ener were the soce of countless innovations that ench and impve all of o lives, " Apple said in a statement.史蒂夫优秀才能,他热情以及活力是无数使我们生活更美好发明之源。

34、The landscape architect has a real genius for balancing bold mateals that relate to the home and pviding good contrast with betiful plants and nate.景观设计师具有处理好住屋与周边野生植物关系天赋,将其充分利用而与优美自然风光形成良好对比。

35、PUA has good wear resistance and flexibility advantages.聚氨酯丙烯酸酯具有耐磨好,柔韧好优点。

36、There is also an open-air platform, you can glance invincible Riverview and betiful scenery, you will sely got great mood.此外,还有一个露天平台,您可以一目了然无敌江景,风景优美,让你有个好心情。

37、Every type of locks of machines and cupboards has lots of qualities such as fine craft, pretty shape , nice performance, a long life and good in ptecting secret.生产多款机柜锁:作工精细、造型美、能优、使用寿命长、保密能好;

38、We are sincerely booking forward to you cooperation on o mutual benefit. We will supply you with best-quality pduct on o credit.我们愿以诚实、守信和优质产品与各位新老朋友携手合作,共创美好未来。

39、This pulse pcess parameters is the same with these three mateals hereinbefore with good stability, and betiful appearance, excellent pperties for use.这种脉冲电镀工艺适用于以上三种材料,稳定好,得到镀层外表美观,能优异。

40、Play a stng lineup, a collection of the outstanding opera forces, will give the dience a better feel.该剧演出阵容强大,汇集了国内优秀歌剧力量,定会给观众带来美好感受。

41、Ps: Great ankle support. Light.优点: 脚腂支持好, 轻。

42、At the same time it is good host for Dactylopius coccus and good species for landscape.同时,也是胭脂虫优良寄主植物以及居室、办公室净化,街道、公园、单位绿化美化好树种。

43、With its style attractive, blliant color, wnkle-resistant and stng, soft and ooth, taking good advantage of winning the majoty of young love.以其风格美观、泽绚丽、抗皱强、柔软滑、服用好等优势博得广大青年厚爱。

44、The brand especially those with good reputation is a stng weapon for enterpse to oain the advantage of competition, and to occupy the goal .品牌尤其是具有良好美誉度品牌是企业获取竞争优势、进占目标市场有力武器。

45、be elet and with nice personality. 举止优雅、个人格好。

46、A dance enthusiasts, dance is also reflected in the betiful qualities and his own spit, so that each dancer can jump and hope that their good.一个舞蹈爱好者,舞姿是否优美也反映了他身素质和精神面貌,因此,每个跳舞人都希望自己能跳好。

47、Actively dlop new s, strenen mament, excellent quality, high-quality , good reputation, has won praise and trust of users.积极开拓市场,强化,以优良品质,优质服务,良好信誉赢得了用户好评和信任。

48、The results showed that the yield and quality pperties of Xianglianou 68 and Zhulianou 819 in early ce and Fenou 299, Peiliang 288 and Jinyou 207 in late ce were better.试验中发现早稻“湘两优68”和株两优819产量和品质状表现均较好,晚稻“丰优299”、“培两优288”和“金优207”产量和品质状表现均较好。

49、Botou a long history, and the people Puhou, betiful envinment, warm Botou people sincerely welcome fends at home and abad to come to work together to a better tomorw.泊头,历史悠久、民风朴厚、环境优美,热情泊头真诚欢迎国内外朋友前来携手合作,共创美好明天。

50、There are o ways to change direction to a better, fuller, cher life: incremental change and radical change.为了创造一种更加美好,丰富,优裕生活,两种改变方式可选:递增变化和激进变化。

经典英文句子51:好 优美,51、Looking better as a competitive advantage personally?长得好是一种个人竞争优势?

52、O hotel has set up a music Bar in an elet style and Betiful sundings. It is a good place for rest and recreation.宾馆附设音乐酒吧,环境优美,格调高雅,是您休息和娱乐好地方。

53、The pducts are fashionable and stylish, we choose the finest mateals, exquisite workmanship, and mateal characi of excellent low-cost, and won recoition and praise.产品以其款式新颖时尚、选料上等、做工精美、物优价廉特,赢得广大客户认可及好评。

54、Any time, the pfound knowledge, good quality, elet manners, great minds, together with a loving heart, make a person having a betiful life.无论什么时候,渊博知识,良好修养,优雅举止,博大胸怀,加上一个充满爱心灵,会使一个人活得足够美好漂亮。

55、On the pduct side, Apple s betifully desied, highly functional and user-fendly devices that delight customers and pvide fat pfit margins;在产品方面,苹果优美、强大、好用电子设备掳获了用户芳心,获得了丰厚利润;

56、Shows the o sides have advantages and disadvantages, and we do live in fortunate, always waiting for the other to find o own goods.可见两国双方各有优缺点,只是自己活在福中不知福,总是等著对方来发现自己美好。

57、The homogeneity of quality and betiful artistry belongs to ARTECH enjoy a good reputation in domestic and far east area.ARTECH品质优良均一与美观艺术在国内及远东地区都享有良好声誉。

58、On the pduction side, Apple s betifully desied, extremely functional and user-fendly devices that joy customers and cater portly pfit margins;在产品方面,苹果优美、强大、好用电子设备掳获了用户芳心,获得了丰厚利润;

59、That's good news for Goldman, which paid Buffett's company than $1 billion* in preferred stock dividends over o and a half years.这对于两年半来向伯克希尔哈撒韦支付优先股股息逾10亿美元高盛而言,是个好。

60、Be elet and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人格好。

61、To continue with the past and open up the fute, o company welcome guests in and abad with high quality pducts, good credit record and great enthusia and bght fute together.继往开来,我公司将以优质产品、良好信誉、极高热情,竭诚欢迎广大海内外宾朋前来洽谈,共创美好未来!

62、"St's blliance, passion and stamina were the soce of innumerable innovations namely ench and cultivate entire of o lives, " Apple said in a statement.史蒂夫优秀才能,他热情以及活力是无数使我们生活更美好发明之源。

63、Without exquisite facial feates and taste, without stng backgund, without affluent life, what we can do is try o best to built o amazing fute, fm rags to ches.少了精致五官,坚实背景,优质生活,但依然可以努力创造自己美好未来,白手起家。

、Actively dlop new s, strenen mament, with good quality, high-quality s, good reputation and won the praise and trust of users.积极开拓市场,强化,以优良品质,优质服务,良好信誉赢得了用户好评和信任。

65、Excellent waterpof and heat conduction performance.水密优异,传热能好。

66、NCHR has pvided high quality for than 300 forei invested enterpses in Wuxi, and is highly recoized by all o clients.为三百余家在锡知名外企提供了优质服务,深受欧美、韩和东南亚外商好评。

67、Emei betiful natal scenery, a good envinment to make it become the base for explong spot, Qiuxian monastic ideal of the premises.峨眉山优美自然景观、良好生态环境使它成为人们探奇揽胜、求仙修道理想处所。

68、My best bety tip A good moistuzer containing no oil, a good face mask and a scrub once in a while.我最佳美容小秘诀:一只好不含任何油脂润肤露、一种优质面膜、以及不时去下角质。

69、Betiful om in a terfic location with top-notch - ice bucket was always filled before we knew we needed ice!美丽房间,优越地段再加上一流服务——事事都抢在你先考虑好了!

70、In compason with the deterministic optimization and reliability-based optimization, the new method can oain better optimum solutions.通过与确定优化和可优化对比,验证了所提出优化方法具有良好优化效果。

71、This is a precision machined, high-quality 24 Karat gold-plated brass ng box with betiful diamond tool etchings on the side.这是一个精确度用机器制造,优质24个克拉镀金机会箱子与美好金刚石工具蚀刻在边。

72、BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (Reuters Life!) - Barbados is a serene Cabbean island that les visitors with its aqua waters, fendly people and fine dining.路透巴巴多斯布里奇顿xx月15电(记者 Verna Gates)---巴巴多斯是一个风景优美加勒比岛国,那里碧波荡漾,友好,食物精美,每年吸引着大量游客。

73、Please let's join hands to a bghter fute! We are bnging o excellent desis and high quality to you for yo support. We are also decorating o world with o colorful sees clothing.让我们携手共同创造美好明天,用我们优良工艺设计和卓越品质,去回报客户厚爱与支持,把属于我们美好世界,用我们家蚕丝宝系列服饰把他装扮更加五彩斑斓!

74、UPIN is dedicated to discover and bng to the place the finest hand-painted and occasional fnite fm China to the United States.优品是一家从事家具贸易公司,致力于为北美市场提供最好彩绘和休闲家具。

75、With lyc language, plots and structe, the "Monteray Tlo" expresses the betiful life style of hu, which is a spitual sustenance to people either in mateal or spitual dilemma.“蒙特雷三部曲”以优美语言、情节和结构表现了人类美好生存方式,这对于处在物质或精神困厄中人们无疑是一种精神希冀。

英文句子模板76:good and betiful,76、In physical education teaching to have the fine tendency of aesthetic mentality will optimize the teaching fm the aesthetic point of view, impve the ll of technique, tacti and sports art.建立良好审美心理趋向,可以促使我们在体育教学中从审美角度优化教学,提高技术、战术和体育艺术水平;

77、The company enjoys high reputation and favorable comments for quality pducts, good , and faithful mament in past enty years.公司xx年来以优质产品、优良服务、诚信经营,在业界树立了良好口碑,深受好评。

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