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关于”含有主谓宾“英子39个,句子主体:contains subject-predicate object。以下是关于含有主谓宾小学英子。

英文句子模板1:contains subject-predicate object


1、The first volume contains a forceful attack against psychologi.


2、There are o major ore types, namely, oxidized ore dominated by gold -beang limonite and pmary ore dominated by gold-beang pyte.

它返回文档节点序列,包含由 I 指定主模式文档和所有由主模式导入或包含模式文档。

3、It retns a sequence of document nodes including the main schema document identified by the I and all schema documents imported or included by the main schema.


4、Diesel oil in soil has a behavior of moving upward called as "wicking action", which can be pmoted with apppate soil moiste and inhibited with too much water.


5、There's John Robinson.


6、Beer contains herbs known as hops which are natal astngents that have beneficial tightening effect on the scalp.


7、Greenish-blue pient consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina .


8、Robin van Persie has the potential to become the best player in the world – according to Holland Marco van Basten.


9、Guests will toast the yal couple with sparkling mimosas.


10、Lactose is the most mass of elements in cow milk pduct, no matter in liquid milk or powder, While some foods so-called lactose-free milks be not markedly reduced the lactose.


11、On the other hand, the rewte phase might intduce implied predicates thugh transitivity.


12、It usually contains a duct that joins the main pancreatic duct.


13、Did Robin Hood really exist?


14、The major charactesti of soils are texte, acidity, nutent content, gaseous content, and moiste content.

在这里,argv 是包含有参数 list 指针,envp 是包含有环境变量列表(主要是 key=value 对)指针。

15、Here argv is the pointer containing arguments list and envp is the pointer containing list of envinment vaables which are basically key=value pairs.


16、Mainly contain isothiocyanate as the alive compositions.

含矿主岩主要为粗面岩,具有独特“麻子构造” ;

17、The main host ck is trachyte with distinctive pockmark structe.


18、The suzerain-vassal model has fther implications.


19、The toothed whale has a large, square head with a cavity that contains the so-called aceti.


20、Foods like yogt and fermented foods natally contain bactea called pbioti.

21、The inside meaning consists in the invisible inteor relations and contents of the intergative pnouns.所谓语里意义是指疑问代词隐含不可见关系和内容。

22、RWW Live host Sean Amati asked the guests whether e-commerce has changed much over the past few years.RWW直播主持人肖恩·阿米拉蒂问嘉宾,电子商务近些年有没有发生太大变化?

23、We should only be depving them of the very denotations to which they mainly owe such sense as they make to us.如果我们接受上面想法,我们也就剥夺了这些词指谓能,而这些词对我们含义主要地就是得之于它们所指事物。

24、Couman and Oil are the main component.主要含有挥发油和香豆素类成分。

25、Mineralization zoning shows that in topside stibium is the main type of ore, in downside, howr gold is dominated.矿床矿化有“上锑下金”分带特征,即从浅部以锑为主含金矿化带过渡到深部以金为主含锑矿化带;

英文句子26:,26、I have a VIP card.我有一张贵宾卡。

27、Vitamin B12 is only found in animal foods, so ves must eat food fortified with B12.维他命B12仅在动物食品中含有,因此严格素食主义者一定要吃含有B12

28、eg.There are enty girls in o class.have也解释为“有”但是与there be有区别,它含义是“所有,属有”,其主语为某人。

29、These viruses contain so-called oncogenes, which my colleagues and I discovered here in Berkeley 30 years ago.这些病毒含有所谓癌基因,这是我和我得同事在伯克力xx年前发现。

30、“I think the people who run the book fair were kind of naïve when they invited the Chinese, ” he said.“我认为,书展负责人邀请(作为主宾国)时候有点幼稚,”他说。

31、Harman , in the highest of spits, talked ryone down, especially the guest of honor.哈里曼那天情绪极高,高谈阔论,把所有客人,特别是席上主宾都压倒了。

32、Only meat and dairy foods contain cholestel whereas plant-based foods (whole grains, fruit, vegetables, legumes) have no cholestel and are very low in satated fat.只有动物肉类和制品含有胆固醇,而植物为主食品(所有谷类、水果、蔬菜、豆科作物)不含胆固醇,饱和脂肪含量低。

33、In addition to the main content of phosphorus, yellow phosphorus pducts also contain other imputies, such as oric imputies, arsenic, lead, sulf and so on.黄磷产品中除了主含量磷以外,还含有其他杂质,如:有机杂质、砷、铅、硫等。

34、OBJECTIVE:To establish an HPLC method for the assaying of silybin in Gantai capsule.目建立以高效液相谱法测定肝泰胶囊中水飞蓟宾含量方法。

35、There are o major ore types, namely, oxidized ore dominated by gold beang limonite and pmary ore dominated by gold beang pyte.矿石类型主要有以含金褐铁矿为主氧化矿石和以含金黄铁矿为主原生矿石两大类。

36、The results demonstrated that, in stalk tips on florescence, the contents of sugar were not diversity, howr the contents of ptein in Feilvbin were highest;试验结果表明,盛花期不同型苦瓜植株尖中糖含量没有差异,而蛋白质含量在菲律宾苦瓜中含量最高;

37、Coal tar mainly contains difficult volatilization of anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, etc.煤焦沥青中主要含有难挥发蒽、菲、芘等。

38、K Ngadzö contains all the Tantc teachings of the K tradition. They are the teachings of the so-called "New Translation".《噶举密咒藏》含摄了噶举传承所有密乘法教,它属于所谓「新译派教法」。

39、The ON, ONO and ONC lids are all stable to air and moiste and are expected to have great application potentials.ONO和含氮杂环钳型卡宾ONC配体对空气和水都稳定,具有很大发展空间和应用前景。

40、Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overpe fruit.切忌将育亨宾与含有酪胺食物,如奶酪,葡萄酒,熟透水果等混用。

41、Tea also contain potassium, hot dnk tea, can reli summer heat, and can supplement of potassium, can shoot o hawks with one arw.茶叶中亦含有较多钾,热天多饮茶,既可消暑,又能补钾,可谓一举两得。

42、The Geneva Conventions of 1949 contain certain common pvisions regarding the safeguarding of the interests of the belligerents by nations desiated as "Ptecting Powers."xx年各项内瓦公约,包含一系列有关交战国利益被所谓保障共同条款。

43、This crunchy green leafy vegetable is very ch in calcium, the main nutent that s in bone health.那些脆绿叶蔬菜含有丰富钙质,这些蔬菜所含主要营养是有助于骨骼健康。

44、It is seen to be the abstract reflection-on-self, which is so clung to, to the exclusion of reflection-into-other-things and of all predication of difference.所谓物自身只是象自身反映,它不反映他物,也不包含任何有差别规定。

45、On the So-Called "Dilution Effect:" Today's vegetables might be larger, but if you think that means they contain nutents, you'd be wng.所谓“稀释效应”:现在蔬可能变得更大,但如果你以为这就意味着含有更多营养,那就错了。

46、The 宾馆共有6间不同主题带暖气客房,可为猫咪提供爵士乐以及古典音乐享受。

6 individually themed, heated chalets offer guest cats jazz and classical music.

47、The results indicated that the oil was composed of 结果显示,茶籽油中主要含有20种脂肪酸,其中单不饱和脂肪酸平均含量为51.06%,主要为油酸;

20 fatty acids. The average content of MUFA was 51.06%, and the major component was oleic acid.

48、We have now shown that these Mycobactea release a complex molecule containing a sugar, called mannose .现在我们已经表明,这些分枝杆菌释放复杂分子含有糖,所谓甘露。

49、Avoid hotel breakfasts loaded with fat and salt (ssages, bacon, pastes, fed potatoes)避免吃宾馆早餐,那些早餐含有过多脂肪和盐分(比如腊肠,培根,糕饼,薯片)

50、Chocolate is chock full of potent antioxidants called phenols, the same as those found in wine.巧克力富含所谓酚类高效抗氧化剂,与在葡萄酒中发现相同。

经典英文句子51:含有主谓宾,51、Lester: And the instantaneity, - the instant also has the concept of time in it.答:所谓瞬时,依然含有时间概念。

52、Each contains at least some so-called bght dust or soil that has pved to contain much sulf, chlone and phosphorus along with the typical ferc oxide that gives Mars its red tinge.每种样品都含有所谓亮白土壤。 经证实,这种亮白土壤主要成份为硫磺、氯和磷,还有特有氧化铁,使火星呈现出赤红调。

53、In fact, without themes there would be no content becse themes contain all the contls that are displayed on the site.实际上,没有主题,就会没有内容,这是由于主题包含所有显示在站 点上控件。

54、怎么没有"无心快语'威猛乐队,出自保证让你爱听,真,把分给我吧,不后悔; 还有"ry thing i do for you"一切为了你,罗宾汉主题曲

55、So-called diploid is refers to the cell to include o gup of chmosome individuals, the nearly all higher animal 's tic cell is diploid.所谓二倍体是指细胞含有两组染体个体,几乎所有高等动物体细胞都是二倍体。


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