
发布时间:2023-05-04 17:23:28 阅读:140 点赞:0




1、 106. What do you think you are doing?


2、 107. don’t you dare come back again!


3、Any young man that'll come snivelling back after the way you've treated him, you can keep waiting forr.

4、you are out of yo mind.你脑子有毛病!


5、Likely is angry cses at people, arves the ile joyfully, I arve the sob sad, despairs is affectedly unconventional, then circulates once .


6、He had been subject to a campai of innuendo in the press.


7、Sweang is a big no-no. It show that you don't have the vocabulary to express yo thoughts apppately . Fther, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar.


8、who do you think you're talking to?

9、 101. don’t waste my time any. 别再浪费我时间了!

10、i wish i had nr met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你!


11、I’m not going to put up with this!


12、The Book takes the form of a letter fm the apostle Pl to the people of Rome, in which he rails against all manner of godlessness.


13、look at the mess you've made!


14、They feared that he would revile them if they displeased him.

15、i've had enough of yo garbage.我听腻了你废话.


16、 107. Don’t you dare come back again!


17、What's varka to seek to svive in this competitive world?


18、Out of fatigue and exhstion, I shouted him stin words.


19、i'm telling you for the last time!


20、do you know what time it is?

21、 106. what do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?

22、 102. don’t make so much noise. i’m working. 别吵,我在活。

23、Reason, they call you in the ancestors, n if you can not think of a counterattacks, then, can at least lift the table ah!按理说,人家在骂你了,你即使想不出话反击,起码可以掀桌子啊!

24、They resorted to sarca iny, invective and self-praise.他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。

25、 101. Don’t waste my time any. 别再浪费我时间了!

英文句子26:,26、who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?

27、In England, there is a release of it, but it's very little known becse it was so slagged at the time.这个版在英国发行了一些,但是很少有人知道,因为当时它被骂得太厉害了。

28、Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

29、His partner, in a violent letter sent to his bank, had tnted him with hiding his whereabouts .他合股人曾通过他存款银行给他写过一封措词严厉信,责骂他隐匿自己行踪。

30、In order to pinpoint people csing yo are not what you think is a good-for-nothing, I translate what I have wtten into English.为了证明这样骂你人不全都是你认为饭桶,我用英文再译一下。

31、that’s the stupidest thing i’ve rheard! 那是我听到最愚蠢事!

32、Button for reporting false information. If sral people denounce the ad will be hidden tomatically and the istrator will be alerted.报告虚假按钮。如果有几个人骂广告将被自动隐藏,并会提醒员。

33、A fat teacher asked me who I was.一个肥教师问我是什么。 我骂:一群狗奴才。

34、This enraged many people, who srely repached him for his permptoness. One of them, an old translator, felt so insulted that he bst out crying.这就触犯了许多人,都大骂傅雷狂傲,有一位老翻译家竟气得大哭。

35、Maybe for you it’s holding hands or flirting.或许。 你还可以手牵着手,打情骂俏,来增加情趣。

36、 102. Don’t make so much noise. I’m working. 别吵,我在活。

37、That’s the stupidest thing I’ve rheard! 那是我听到最愚蠢事!

38、I have seen sral wters scared into silence by abuse.我亲见几个作者,都被他们骂得寒噤了。

39、Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?

40、i can't beli a word you say.我才不信你呢!

41、You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个!

42、just look at what you've done!看看你都做了些什么!

43、He nr yelled at me ding times I would give up.甚至在我放弃时侯,他也不会责骂我。

44、why on earth didn't you tell me the truth?你到底为什么不跟我说实话?

45、Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁

46、Philandeng cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements.打情骂俏让湖人球星科比布莱恩特和高尔夫球星老虎伍兹在代言上丢失了数以万计钱财。

47、This shames the person being cticized and makes it very likely that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.被批评那人受气以后更不会跟你沟通而是会想直接跟你对骂了。

48、Yo father is going to bawl you out , so just be careful .你将痛骂你一顿,所以小心点。

49、Online anger-release "stores" have convert extremely fashionable with young netizens, as shop landlords are paid to listen to grumbles, confidential secrets and n scoldings fm customers.如今,“讨骂网店”深受年轻网友追捧,网店店主有偿向顾客提供“倾听抱怨和秘密”、甚至是“挨骂”等服务。

50、don't look at me like that.别那样看着我.

经典英文句子51:骂人,51、He said, "This is such a stupid ttle!昏天暗地,忍不住骂了起来:「这只笨乌龟,等一下

52、Whiskers spred his horse forward, reached out, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and lifted him up into the air. 'You pesky little brat! Got anything to say for yoself?茅十八双腿一挟,纵马过来,长臂伸处,便将他后颈抓住,提了起来,喝道:“小鬼,你还骂不骂?”

53、i nr want to see yo face again! 我再也不要见到你!

54、i don't want to see yo face!我不愿再见到你!

55、that's the stupidest thing i've r heard!那是我听到最愚蠢事!

56、Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话?

57、you're just a good for nothing bum!你真是一个!

58、don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话!

59、I know sometimes it's frustrating to watch them underachi , but what ght have we to blame them?我知道看到他们表现不良时,有时会让人很失望,但是我们又有什么权利去责骂他们呢?

60、She has just given him a good scolding ght to his face.她刚才劈头盖脸地给了他一通臭骂。

61、Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话

62、他们害怕如果把他惹恼他会痛骂他们。They feared that he would revile them if they displeased him.

标签: 女士英文名 

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