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1、It dlops pfit and utility functions for firms and agents in different stages via information symmetry hypothesis and intnsic motives of agents.


2、Everyone - ry person in this world has a Dream: a passion, a vision in their life that pulls them and ges them to move forward in life.


3、Themen in my book are motivated by power, and the information industes offerpossibilities unavailable to people who sell orange juice or rubber boots, apower over people's minds.

4、 良好开端是成一半 A good book is a good fend。


5、Enterpses have to do their best to motivate middle-class s, to enhance their williness to contbute to the orization.

6、 自信是走向成第一步 Constant dpping wears away a stone。


7、This is about understanding what will motivate people to stick with yo tool after a day or a week of using it.


8、The researchers assied 57 obese people to one of these o gups or a contl gup, in which people were simply weighed at the end of each month.

问: 非常感谢在百忙中时间来回答我问题。 您对计算事业长期贡献将永远激励着人们!

9、JA: Thank's for taking time out of yo busy schedule to answer my questions. Yo long-standing contbutions are an inspiration!


10、The best companion is one who is wiser and better than oselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds.


11、Though Frank Frazetta has gone, his immense body of work will continue to affect and impress the many who will follow in his footsteps.


12、Researchers fm the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, found that incentives increased all IQ scores, but particularly for those of individuals with lower baseline IQ scores.


13、In the west, the is seen as a symbol of stren and secuty and inspires leadership.


14、In o company people try to escape the jobs as doers as quickly as they can bee we do not reward doers very well.


15、Motivates staff to bng out excellent perfmance. Evaluates staff perfmance once a year together with the other Supervis(s) the FOM.

期权水池 期权水池普通股那留出补偿,激励未来公司雇员。

16、Option pools are common shares that are set aside to compensate and incentivize fute employees of the company.


17、Mr. Modi keeps coming with new ideas to inspire Indians. If he mas to implement these ideas, the cose of India's gwth will be guaranteed.


18、The mament mechani of company can be classified into o parts: One is initiative supervision(pmpting) of the client, another is the withdrawal menace of the investor.


19、This poem, Milton tells us again and again, has been thozed by that same Holy Spit who had inspired Moses to wte the Book of Genesis.


20、The middle-ll is the key facter. That how to keep the enthusia of them with effective incentive manner is very important.

21、Rehabilitation has the function of encoaging the cminal to actively. Therefore, the Chinese cminal law should adopt the theory of rehabilitation.由于复权制度具有激励受刑人自新复归积极效,我国刑法应加以借鉴和吸收。

22、This result illuminated that as a whole the incentive and restctive mechanis to CEOs of China's listed firms were in a state of infirm.这说明从总体而言,上市公司对高层人员激励制约机制处于一种极弱状态。

23、Pject s are people that need to multitask and ma not only the pject but all aspects of the pject including orizing and motivating the people.项目经理要求能执行多任务,不仅整个项目各个部分,还要安排人员、激励员工。

24、But it also tells us about new pducts and sps companies to impve their pducts and s.但它也帮我们分辨新产品,并激励公司改善他们产品和服务。

25、He set the tone and direction for a young company called Nike, and today those same words inspire a new generation of Nike employees.他为起步阶段耐克公司找准定位、指明方向,如今他箴言正激励着新一代耐克人勇往直前。

英文句子26:,26、She acts as an example to encoage later people to keep their goal in life, and her spit is greatly siificant to man as well as society.她对生命理解和追求一直激励着后来人,即使在当今也仍有极大社会意义。

27、Think about it this way.If you are in a horble argument with someone and yo respected he enters the om, what will happen?设想一下,如果当你正在与某人激励争吵时候,你崇拜英雄不期而至,接下来将会发生什么呢?

28、Planning in Auville pvides an insping as well as challenging platform for all those who aspire for truer life and envision dynamic integration of all possible walks of life.规划在奥罗维尔为那些被真实生活所激励人提供了灵感和具有平台。

29、Gillard said she hoped she would inspire young Australian women to beli anything was possible.吉拉德说,她希望能激励澳大利亚年轻女相信一切皆有可能。

30、WPP is encoaging its established brands to invest in mobile talent, and exhorting its online agencies to embrace mobile in a aggressive way.WPP 现在激励旗下各品牌投资移动界人才,并力劝其线上业务部门更加积极地拥抱移动互联。

31、By adopting fuzzy-matter element method, the executive stock option mechani has been comprehensively assessed.依据模糊物元分析方法,论文评价了经理股票期权制激励效率。

32、The charactestic of power flow influenced by coupling damping in coupled oscillators was studied.以简谐激励下双模态耦合为例,研究了耦合阻尼对率流影响。

33、In the second part there are o sub-parts which discuss the incentive mechani respectively when the relationship beeen the clients is competition and cooperation.其中,第二层次讨论中分别考虑了委托人之间竞争与合作关系下激励机制问题。

34、To solve this pblem, not only to raise awareness, but also to continue to im- pve the human resoces mament ~wt, ~, ~ ~mnl :…h.要解决这一问题,不仅要提高认识,而且要不断完善人力资源体系,在员工激励、人员配置和企业文化建设等方面下夫。

35、The order of synthesis filter is fixed in multi-pulse excited linear prediction coding(MPLPC) method.多脉冲激励线编码(MPLPC)方法中,合成滤波器阶数是固定。

36、The company has a sound mechani for training and incentive mechanis, build world-class team.公司具有完善培训机制和激励机制,更能打造国际一流团队。

37、Applying the dual-factors theory in the human resoce mament of the university library can effectively motivate staff so as to impve mament efficiency.将双因素理论运用于高校图书馆人力资源中,能有效地激励员工,提高效率;

38、In his lectes closely focused on the theme — Low-cost Desi Idea, he shared a desier's gwing pcess with his own expeence, which inspired numeus people with dreams.讲座紧密围绕主题——低成思路,并以其自身亲身经历讲述一个创意人成长历程,激励了无数充满梦想年轻人。

39、Today, the instinct that drew Jiang fm his farm and Yan into business inspires dreds of millions of other ral Chinese.如今,驱使姜太平和陶然居餐馆老板严琦离开农村那种能激励亿万农村人。

40、The information acquisition constraints are really binding due to the cost of information pduction and n for the presence of pvate benefits.由于生产成,真正起作用是激励人获取约束。 私利存在,更束紧了这一约束。

41、It has pmised better usability this year and incentives for dlopers to wte applications.诺基亚今年已承诺提高易用,并为编写应用程序者提供激励。

42、His struggle to overcome cancer and go on to win sn Tos de France has been an inspiration for others.他与癌症搏斗并且最后战胜和后来赢得环法比赛七连冠事迹已经成为对其他人一种激励。

43、The trading of emission allowances then gives companies an incentive to seek the most cost-efficient solutions.碳排放限额交易能激励公司去寻求最有效率解决方案。

44、The party's victory in the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th convocation of the National People's inspired comprehensively building a well-off society embark on a new joney.党十六届五中全会胜利召开,激励着全国踏上全面建设小康社会新征程。

45、The association of phibition and stng incitations to speak is a constant feate of o culte.禁忌跟强烈要表达激励相关连,是我们文化历久不衰特。

46、“Taxation is no longer being orised on the basis of what maximises rnue or s the best set of incentives,” says Nick Carn, an Odey partner.“征税已经不再是根基于将收入最大化或者产生最好激励机制”,Odey一个合伙人Nick Carn说。

47、Howr, his last screaming invoked Scottish people and encoaged them to pick up his sword to defend their homeland and ptect their citizens fm the invasion of England.不过,他临终前呐喊唤醒了苏格兰人们并且激励他们捡起他剑保家卫国,保护免受英格兰入侵之苦。

48、In the listed high-tech enterpses of China, the compensation structe of executive is not rational enough, and the stock-based incentive means are lacking;上市高新技术企业高层人员报酬结构不尽合理,股权激励手段缺乏;

49、They hold that the BP disaster, like countless others, will ultimately inspire technological advance.他们通过BP难,就像其他数不清事故一样,将最终激励技术进步。

50、Finally, on the assumption that the supplier is sk-neutral the sk cost, incentive cost and total agency …最后,在人为风险中假设下,进一步分析了物流外包方风险成、激励成和总成。

经典英文句子51:激励人,51、The ICF defines coaching as partneng with clients in a thought-pvoking and creative pcess that inspires them to maximize their personal and pfessional potential.ICF把教练定义为:一种与客户伙伴关系,在这种关系中,教练通过一个激发思考、创造过程,去激励客户最大化地挖掘其个人及职业上潜能。

52、Countermeases of how to prnt brain drain sks are presented fm aspects of discernment of key talents, integration of culte, the reasonable personnel outfit and incentive policies.最后,从识别关键人才、文化整合、人员合理配备以及激励政策等方面对如何防范人才流失风险提出了相应建议与对策。

53、It is pved that the new neork activation function and the impved BP training method are suitable for pcess contl.新网络激励函数和训练方法适用于过程控制需要;

54、Even when polluters get free permits, they still have an incentive to reduce their emissions, so that they can sell their excess permits to someone else.就算污染源企业拿到了免费许可,他们也有降低污染,把多余许可卖给别人激励。

55、Along with o country economys swift dlopment, the hotel industry faced with the competition which dve and .随着我国经济飞速发展,酒店业面临越来越激励竞争。

56、The governing equations were deved for laminated plates incorporating shear-mode piezoelectc actuators fm Hamilton's pnciple.采用哈密顿原理导出带剪切型压电激励器层合板控制方程。

57、To reduce the negative effect ed by pfit-related bonus, some appaches are presented at the end of this article.针对利润分享激励负效应,提出了一些可行建议。

58、This essay studies on how to determine the performance assesent guideline for the s under the stock option incentive plan of listed companies.文主要研究上市公司在推行股权激励计划中,如何确定对经理人合适业绩考核指标。

59、Therefore, the thesis of The Research on Incentive Mechani for Human in Enterpse Based-on Human Resoce Value has theoretical siificance and practical value.因此,文基于人力资源价值企业激励机制研究具有重要理论意义和实用价值。

60、A person with this leadership style is a true leader who inspires his or her team with a shared vision of the fute.运用这种风格人是一位真正,他或她通过与团队成员共享组织愿景来激励他们。

61、凡事不可半途而费 Don't claim to know what you don't know。

62、Executives are rare human resoces. Though there have been many ways of motivation, they don't work very well.企业经营者是我国十分稀缺人力资源,长期以来通过若种激励方式想调动其积极,但效果均不理想。

63、Staff training and incentive mechani are important part of corporate human resoces dlopment and mament. They are closely related to each other.员工培训和员工激励,都是企业人力资源与重要内容,两者具有密切联系。

、David Ngog admits the pspect of a new stker arving in January has motivated him dung an impressive start to 2010-11.大卫恩格戈承认冬季转会引进新前锋期望激励他取得了新赛季令人眼前一亮开局表现。

65、Chapter three, summaze the theoretical foundation that o country cares on the post invention of the stock ght and encoagement;第三章介绍我国进行职务发明股权激励理论基;

66、But again, perhaps pblematically, they are betiful statues – insping, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant fute that was always pmised, but nr quite arved.也许问题在于,这些雕像很漂亮---能激励人,给人以乐观和乌托邦理想。 许诺给一个光辉未来,但从来就不会兑现。

67、Some argue that mentong a client toward adopting pcess impvements is an art, just as pviding any guidance insping a change to human behavior demands artistry of sorts.一些人说指导客户采用过程改进是一种艺术,就像指导激励人类行为变更需要各种各样艺术一样。

68、Cwd excitation is simulated by random method according to normal footfall force cve and other individual factors such as distbution of cwd, step frequency and physiological charactesti.根据单步落足曲线,结合影响人群行走效应因素如人群分布、行走频率及个体生理特征等,采用随机方法模拟人群行走激励。

69、It is very important to set up and perfect the inspiration restraint mechani and competition cooperation mechani in human resoces dlopment.在企业人才资源工作中,建立和完善激励约束机制和竞争合作机制是十分必要。

70、Kenny Dalglish today admitted Liverpool's senior stars have been boosted by the performances of youngsters John Flana and Jack Robinson.达格利什今天表示,利物浦队里老人们都被阿甘和罗宾逊这两名小正太朝气蓬勃表现激励了。

71、According to the similaty relationship, dynamic response of the real bdge structe is got under the action of given general and unusual simulation seiic excitations.根据相似关系得到了原结构在给定常遇和罕遇人工波激励下动力响应。

72、If it extended 24-month loans, then pvate investors would be encoaged to lend to banks for peods up to that dation as well.如果它被延伸到xx月期贷款上,那么私人投资者也会受激励在那段时期向银行放贷。

73、These forays posit a version of what it means to be voiced in a post-modern world, and encoage a consideration of H.这些袭击设定了在后现代世界中什么是意味被声音化底版,也激励人们思考H。


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