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关于”表达对爱情失望“英子50个,句子主体:Express disappointment in love。以下是关于表达对爱情失望小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Express disappointment in love


1、Tears of outrage stung his eyes and his heart sank; his disappointment was beyond words. ( wound with a sharp pain;


2、Express clear expectations.

面对此情此景, 英国和爱尔兰坚持和平计划, 但它们对该计划能否使历时两年和谈免遭失败不抱什么希望。

3、Facing this chaos, EnglandandIrelandremain steadfast in psuing the peace pgram, but they did not hold out much hope for prnting the o-year peace talk fm foundeng.


4、Student who are o hope, we are the pillars of o civilization at this time, we should love others, using actions to express o home, school, love of the homeland.


5、I'm sorry. you're ght. you're ght. I'm se j. l. hall will be very impressed With yo passion for the dartmouth expeence.


6、The firer to lover's nitpicking, is the soce in to love nitpicking, to loses the free …


7、You can build up a catalog and magically hope to achi a high degree of reuse, but you will most likely be disappointed.


8、Always ral disappointed expression when shmp ce appears.


9、He despaired of being able to repair the TV set.


10、Rafa Benitez spoke of his disappointment after Liverpool crashed to a 3-0 defeat to Espanyol in Spain on Sunday ning.

11、coffee is bitter but love is sweet.咖啡是苦,爱情却甜 希望能对你有帮助


12、For devotees of Hollywood Westerns, howr, the results might be disappointing.


13、Don't be disappointed with me, just remember that yo child-wife loves you very, very much.


14、It is a world where the most intimate feelings and desires can be portrayed with a single emoticon.


15、Voters may have been expressing their disillusion with Mr Sarkozy as much as any faith that the Socialists could do better.


16、For their loved one is willing to pay, we do not have the time ght away in the thought of retn, thinking love is disappointing people.


17、If you have been disappointed by love, you may refuse to love again.


18、The feelings that she silently conveyed were not lost on him: it was contempt infused with condescending love.


19、Experts have expressed diay at the quixotic Soviet-style pject.


20、All the time Adebayor was giving interviews to forei press confessing his love for Barcelona and AC Milan and was desperate to move to the San Si.

21、"We are extremely disappointed, " said Omar Daair, spokean for the Btish Embassy in Khartoum, the capital.“这真令我们非常失望,”一位名叫奥马•达爱尔发言人对驻苏丹首都喀土木英国说。

22、As Camby continued, it was hard for him to hide his playoff disappointment.他显然不能掩盖他对这些年掘金季后赛表现失望。

23、You can also use it to express things that you don't want to have happened.你也可以用它来表达那些你不希望发生事情。

24、“Many in Japan have lost hope, ” said Yuji Genda, a labor economist at Tokyo University. “And a society that loses hope loses the will to try to make things better.”东京大学劳动经济学家Yuji Genda表示:“在,许多人已经丧失了希望,而一个失去希望社会会失去努力将事情做得更好意愿。”

25、The other is Happiness. It is joy, love, hope, serenity, kindness, genesity, honesty, and compassion.另一匹是‘快乐’,它代表着喜悦、博爱、希望、祥和、善良、大度、诚实和同情心。

英文句子26:,26、Speaking to the media after the commi's meeting, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing expressed disappointment at the result.民政事务局局长曾德成在会议结束后对媒体表示,他对投票结果表示失望。

27、You should know that earlier:only love can make us full of hope and totally despaired.你早就应该知道,只有爱情可以令我们满怀希望而又失望得那么彻底。

28、For most of us, the siate suffices, but I would hate to disappoint a new her-in-arms.对我们大多数人爱说,签名就行,但是我可不想让我新兄弟失望。

29、Land said he was not disappointed that "Avatar," which won three Oscars in technical categoes, failed to net the major pzes.在谈到错失奥斯卡奖时,兰道表示自己对《阿凡达》并不失望。

30、He thought that his retn home only increased his elderly relatives' anxieties. "Watching their disappointed expressions, I would feel at a loss. ""他觉得自己回家只会徒增自家亲戚长辈们烦恼。“看到他们失望表情,我会觉得自己很失败。”

31、While disappointed with the loss, China coach Bora Milutinovic was pleased by his team's battling performance.在对丢失失望同时,教练米卢是通过他队和表现战斗很高兴。

32、Spsingly, Wang was not disappointed with the runner-up finish I'm definitely not disappointed by my performance here in Penang .奇怪是,王不失望与亚军-完成我绝对不会失望,我在这里表现,在槟城。

33、The women novels by DING Ling express the theme of the disillusion of the modern women in their psuit of the ideal myth of love in the man-centered society.丁玲女小说表达了现代女在精神退场、泛化都市男中心社会里对理想爱情神话追求幻灭。

34、Love involves wanting to show yo affection and/or devotion to each other. It's the ile on yo face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them.爱情包含了你向对方显示关怀和/或热爱渴望。

35、Fther, these toys serve as a means thugh which Chinese people can express their hopes and desires, as well as their affection towards to their children.再者,这些玩意让人表达他们冀盼和愿望,以及对自己孩子感情。

36、Disappointment is injed, than be painful thing 失望是比,更让人痛苦事情。

37、我感到很失望因为你还不能放下对我爱 I feel so upset bee you still can not stop loving me.

38、The disappointed fans of Aimi Eguchi already have.爱実失望粉丝们已经对此做好准备了。

39、After a day of gains, s showed their disappointment that the cut was not bigger, giving up some of their advances.正在经历一天上落之后,金融市场正在头盘表隐出对降作幅度不及预期失望情绪,回吐部分落幅。

40、I just hope they do three things for losers like me.我只希望他们能对像我一样失败者做三件事情。

41、The wtings on emotion and love of Wusi female not only echo the general theme of individuality liberation, but also truly descbe the gender expeence of female.五四女文学情爱主题写作既是对个解放时代总主题呼应,同时又没有丧失女别体验真实表达。

42、I hope this message demonstrates o feelings to o fends.我希望这个祝词能表明我们对朋友们感情。

43、Ex Liverpool Rafael Benitez has expressed his disappointment at not being given the chance to replace Kenny Dalglish ealier this summer.前利物浦主教练贝尼特斯表达了他失望,没有被给予机会取代肯尼在这个夏天达格利什。

44、Confused: What if later I realized the person whom I love does not love me, and consequently feeling disappointed and dejected, Then would my love remain genuine?惑儒: 如果我后来发现对方其实不爱自己,因此感到难过及失望,那麽我还算不算爱对方?。

45、The unearthing of the graves sparked outrage and frustration in the Hmong community in St. Pl when it was discovered about three years ago.xx年前被发现挖掘苗族坟墓事情时,引发了在圣保罗苗族巨大愤怒,他们对此表示失望。

46、The final pduct is a movie able to tranit the depression and lack of faith that gws fm this couple.这部最终传达了这对夫妇哀痛之情,以及对缺失。

47、The company was "disappointed that both shareholders in the joint vente hadn't yet been able to reach an agreement," Disney spokean Jonathan Fedland said.迪斯尼发言人Jonathan Fedland表示,对“合资持股双方不能达成共识表示失望”。

48、Love her but don't expect her to love you back, this will leave nothing but disappointment and make it worse.爱她,但不要期待她也会爱你,否则只会徒增失望,让事情更糟。

49、The assertion in Listing 清单 9中对两个来自相同表达式 c连接表达式等同断言将失败。

9 for equality of o join expressions fm the same expression c with the same attbute will fail.

50、Impermeable as men and women love the people means that the deep love hope, and wade thugh water on behalf of sweet and happyly date.男女隔水相望意味着恋爱中人们对爱情深切期盼,而涉过水流则代表着甜蜜欢会。

经典英文句子51:表达对爱情失望,51、Especially, do not fei affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all adity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.千万别伪装你感情,也不要冷嘲爱情,尽管有乏味和失望时候,爱这感觉就有如顽强野生生不息。

52、No hope or love or glory, happy endings gone forr.没有希望、爱或荣耀,快乐结局永远失去。

53、What are you looking so disappointed about?什么事情使你显得如此失望?

54、This maificent pmise does not indemnify us against the gef of losing a beloved her or n against disappointment with God.这个美丽希望没有保护我们免受失去亲爱兄弟悲伤,或免受对上帝失望。

55、There is no dou that his fame mainly came fm his plays, howr his poems expressed a stng eagerness of love and gracefully descbed the mellowness of it as well.无疑他声名主要是戏剧上艺术成就带来,然而他十四行诗表达了对爱情强烈渴望,对它甘美甜蜜也描绘得恰到好处。

56、Nr disparage feelings yo fend or relative expresses, but point out realities and offer hope.不要贬低你朋友或亲戚表达感情,但是指出事实并给予希望。

57、Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.每个人都爱你,所以别让大家失望。

58、Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?对方爱我程度是否达到了我期望?

59、God is zealous in His love for you, and He wants you to be zealous in yo love for Him.神在对我们爱上是热切,并且他也希望我们热情去爱他。

60、They do not necessaly want to overthw their regime, but to express the depths of their frustration with its inadequacy.他们并不一定是要这个政体,只是在表达他们对其无能失望到了何种程度。

61、He at that peod ought only the daddy pain lost to adore wife, expected to him that only having is higher.他那时候只当爹爹痛失爱妻,对他期望只有更高。

62、I remember how his shoulders slumped and his head g down as he told me about his faile.我至今还记得他耷拉着肩膀,垂着头失望表情。

63、I hope you still give him compassion and unconditional love despite how frustrating he can be.希望无论他有多令人失望,你都会同情他和给予他无条件爱。

、Many Beijing residents said they were disappointed with the speculative reselling of tickets.很多北京市民表示他们对倒票行为感到失望。

65、A clown in a cemetery... why can't a clown stop on his way to work to give his respects to someone he loved? Are those students without emotions?一个在墓园小丑。。。


66、I love you 4r and won't let you down.我永远爱你,不会让你失望!

67、This new findings may change people's perceptions and expectations of what they really want in long-term relationships.这一新发现可能会改变人们对爱情看法和在长期恋爱关系中期望。

68、Wei Xiao looked about, his expression changed.魏晓四处望了望,表情变了。

69、Every love, will have to undergo anticipation, disappointment, hesitation and affirmation, ile and heart-bken.每一段爱情,都要经历期盼和失望,犹豫和肯定,微笑和心碎。

70、There was disappointment following Van der Sar's hei ding the shootout, but Malouda insisted no blame can be attached.我们对范德萨在点球大战中超常表现感到失望,不过马卢达坚持没有人应该被责备。

71、TU . I will not let you disappointed! I love you!恩。我不会让你失望!我是爱你!

72、In despair of "love" and met his another partner "peacockish" intended for his silver lining "Love", this time it was completely disappointed.在绝望中“爱情”又遇到了自己另一个伙伴“虚荣”意为自己有一线生机 “爱情”,这次却彻底失望了。

73、An expectation a subject has expressed regarding an object.主体已经对客体进行表达期望。

74、And if Arsene Wenger was hoping his skipper would use the occasion to pledge his allegiance to Arsenal, he was left disappointed.温格希望他队长可以乘此机会,表达自己对阿森纳忠心,但是看来他会感到失望了。

75、Only the faces and hands of this couple are visible; all the rest is great swirls of gold, as if to express the loss of self that lovers expeence.只有脸和手都可见这对夫妻,所有其余是黄金大漩涡,仿佛表达自我损失爱好者经验。

英文句子模板76:Express disappointment in love,76、A look of disappointment passed over his face.他脸上掠过失望神情。

77、Dear Sir, You have expressed yo frustration and irtation with the city library over the past one year.尊敬先生,您来信表达了您在过去xx年里对市图书馆失望和气愤。

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