
发布时间:2023-05-30 16:01:28 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”过去进行时“英子35个,句子主体:Past Continuous。以下是关于过去进行时xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Past Continuous


1、Ding the pcession, the micpcessor finished the pcessing pcede.


2、The pcession passes serenely, like a cortege enteng the cemetery gates.


3、I haven't been doing it recently, but I was working for the sports department


4、When they repduced the expement, they quickly found that the pcess and equipment were far too expensive to be practical.


5、Analysis of pe tone diogram should be combined with the age and the fomer history of patients.


6、In the past, the Affinity Labeling and Site-Directed Mutagenesis are the pmary methods to study amine receptor.


7、The dis at the moment revolved about the question of whom to send.

在过去白勺几xx年,先进白勺医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活白勺时间更 长成为可能。

8、In the last decades, advances in medical technolo have ma de it possible for people to live longer than in the past.


9、There are some job fairs that have value. Ryan, a former human resoces executive, points to company-specific open hos and college placement job fairs.


10、It's useful to ponder the messiness of history fm time to time, bee it reminds us that the present is really no different.


11、For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with yo company.


12、When you invest in yoself, you can nr lose, and over time you will change the trajectory of yo life.


13、User name to pass as thentication when doing HTTP pxying .


14、We were not going to take a holiday this year but we were passing the travel agents and on a blind impulse went in and booked a fortnight in Thailand for next month.


15、If sediment and decanting must simultaneously carry on, please specify decanting time.


16、When Cie died in 1904, Mae pledged to carry on their work.


17、We should enhance the execution ability in joint-stock pvate enterpse thugh impving personnel flow and explong different layer's personnel execution ability.

它们安详地滑过去, 像送葬队列走进公墓大门时那样。

18、The pcession serenely, like a cortege enteng the cemetery gates.

如果还能有空闲时间,我希望回去进行去年开始 Jetspeed

19、And if I get any free time I hope to get back to the Jetspeed

2 integration I started last year.

2 集成。


20、At the beginning, I snuck by an ongoing battle beeen the o factions and fought my way thugh some guards to find a gate.

21、In the past we relied on creatine kinase or the MB fraent of creatine kinase .过去我们依肌酸激酶或肌酸激酶MB片段进行诊断。

22、Something is certainly afoot with Chelsea: in the past 24 hos we've been linked with Benayoun, Alex, and Florent Malouda.这肯定是在进行与切尔西:在过去24小时内,我们已经与贝纳永,阿莱士和马卢达钩。

23、Howr, Apple is quite secretive, and sometimes enters categoes it had previously lghed off.不过,苹果公司经常秘密行动,有时会生产过去曾一笑置之产品。

24、You can search via the Home Page or the Bwse option.您可以通过 首页 进行搜索 ,或通过 浏览 进行搜索。

25、Following an accident, localthoties will monitorany release of radiation anddetermine the ll of ptectiveactions and when the threat has passed.事故发生后,当地有关部门会对辐水平进行监控,决定需要采取保护行动级别,决定什么时候危险过去、解除警报。

英文句子26:,26、You don't have time to put in place a stockpile if the virus mutates.如果病毒发生变异,你没有时间去进行储备。

27、Fitzgerald's parents pitched in to with the baby and to shuttle her to vaous appointments.菲茨杰拉德父母也过来帮助照顾小孩,这样她就可以有时间去进行各种各样门诊预约。

28、In this way, coloing of over o million tons of plastic pducts was achid over the past year.这样,我们在过去xx年里为超过2百万吨塑料产品进行着。

29、It lls on with no hesitation, while I'm still lingeng in the past, which lenens o distance ice the usual speed, as we move in opposite directions.时间果断地向前挺进,而我还在过去犹豫徘徊,由于逆向行驶,我与时间距离以双倍速度在增长。

30、Living in such an era, we must be prepared to engage in great struggles which will have many feates different in form fm those of the past.处在这样一个时代,我们必须准备进行同过去时代斗争形式有着许多不同特点伟大斗争。

31、In the past, I have defended the ght of the I. R.在过去,我一直在捍卫爱尔兰军进行武装斗争权利。

32、He spent a couple of days in Milan for a pmotional to and in Reggio Emilia, the town where he was playing for a junior team.当时他花了两天时间在米兰进行商业宣传活动,并去了他曾经呆过青年队所在小镇Emila。

33、In Gup B, interpximal enamel reduction was made, but no polishing and remineralize treatment.釉质去除组,邻面进行釉质去除,未进行抛光和再矿化处理。

34、Each change is tracked thugh the work order identifying who made the change and when.每一次更改都通过标识谁进行了更改和何时更改工作命令进行跟踪。

35、Methods: Bwlift fixation and blephaplasty thugh suspending the orbiculas oculi muscle repaired palpebrae, and wnkle was removed by eyebw incision.方法:通过眼匝肌悬进行眉上提固定术和上睑成形术整体修复眼睑,同时通过眉部切口去除眉间皱纹及鱼尾纹。

36、They had an argument about whether to go by sea or by air.他们在乘海还是乘飞机去这个问题上进行过争论。

37、A fortnight later, when the snow had gone, and had been followed by a hard black fst, she took advantage of the state of the ads to try the expement.两个礼拜以后,风雪过去了,接着又是一场严酷霜冻,她就利用道路冻住了时候去进行这次拜访。

38、When Manchester United have suffered isolated set-backs in the past, they have generally stuck to their attacking philosophy to regain results.过去,当曼联在进攻不顺畅时候,他们通常会坚持他们进攻方式去赢得比赛。

39、Keeps mament appsed of their pgress thugh timely reporting to the Results Mar.通过向集成经理做及时汇报,使层对进程进行评估。

40、Use pgress bars when operations take than fo seconds.如果运行时间超过四秒钟要使用进度条。

41、A person born in 1900 be with horse-drawn buggies and died with men walking on the Moon, but the last few decades have seen nothing like that sort of technological advance.一个xx年生人,出生时候还是马车时代,而过世时人类已经能在月球上行走。 但是在过去几xx年里,这样技术进步从未发生。

42、The cruel king used to impale his psoners on sharp sticks.那个残暴国王过去常把犯人钉在尖尖木桩上进行折磨。

43、In the last sral tens of years, the advanced medical technol had made it is possible to let people live longer than before.在过去几xx年,先进医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活时间更长成为可能。

44、VINIFICATION PROCESS : Traditional without bunch of gs under contled temperates. Fermentation for 酿造过程:去梗后在控温下进行传统发酵15天。

15 days.

45、It has been only five weeks since the new ministers walked thugh the door.打从新部长们进入此门以来,时间仅仅过去五周。

46、The washing is cared out ding operation at regular intervals by means of fresh water injection.清洗过程是在机器运行时候通过定期注入淡水方式进行。

47、Any mon keyboard jockey who jumps to anopinion about this accident would puke, **** their pants and pass out AS APENGER in one of these planes when these pilots do their thing.对于那些任何那些对于这场事故乱键盘党来说,当他们作为乘客坐进这种飞机,飞行员进行特技飞行时,他们会湿他们裤子并且晕过去。

48、Additionally, the pcess of rebalancing shards should be an offline pcess due to key rebalancing as the physical infrastructe is modified.此外,调整分片过程应该是个离线过程,因为对物理设施进行修改时还需要对键进行调整。

49、Application and runtime enhancements such as impved install pcess and tomatic updates for the runtime.应用和运行时改进,如改善了安装过程以及运行时自动更新。

50、Based on this dialecti, the cinematic narrative evolves, n though it reconstructs the past, as dramatic present.继续这样辩证法,叙述在进化,即使它把过去作为戏剧现在进行构建。

经典英文句子51:过去进行时,51、To repcess outdated stocks of plaa pduced in World War II.对二战时期生产过期血浆进行再加工。

52、Now shortly after Milton composed the sonnet "How soon hath Time," he wte a letter to a fend in which he enclosed this poem, the sonnet.在他创作“时间过得真快“后不久“,他给朋友写了封信,把这首十四行诗也附了进去。

53、When invoking SCA components thugh imports and exports, parameters are passed by-value.当通过导入和导出调用 SCA 组件时,参过值进行传递。

54、Van Marwijk said Robben had had only one full training session in the last three weeks.范马尔维克说,罗在过去三个星期里,只进行过一次完整训练。

55、A year later, the museum is offeng monthly cafés on Tuesday nights at an Ish bar that draw up to 120 people, and Ahmann often has to cut off a lively discussion for time.xx年过去了,博物馆每月挑选某个周二晚上,在这个爱尔兰风格酒吧里进行咖啡馆聚会,最多时有120个人,而Ahmann就负责在讨论过于活跃时及时喊停。

56、 for real-time multi-point inspection of temperate, while pviding instruction based on the temperate of PC-time acquisition.对多点温度进行实时巡检,同时能够通过设定指令对温度进行监控。

57、Meals used to be the time when family members got together. But now fast food and quick meals are threatening such family get-together.吃饭过去通常在家人团聚时进行,而现在快餐食品和快餐正威胁着这样家庭聚会。

58、Investigations into the soce of his infection indicate possible expose at poultry .对其感染源进行调查表明他可能去过家禽市场。

59、We had a lot of trade with yo comany in the past five years.在过去xx年中,我们与贵公司进行了大量贸易。

60、Methods: Membrane filtration was taken to remove the bacteostasis of sample.方法:采用全封闭式薄膜过滤法除去抑制菌成分进行检验。

61、The preparations with chemical and physical method are done for the nano-mateals that have potential applications when we comment on the dlopment of them.在对纳米材料过去、现在和未来发展进行评述同时,对一些在光电领域具有潜在应用纳米材料进行了化学和物理方法制备。

62、The juicing method is implemented as follows: (榨制时包括以下步骤:(

1) selecting mateals: removing impities and infeor fruits fm the harvested rutin caraway;


63、With desiers carry out virtual expement which obviates physical s.通过虚拟原型进行虚拟试验,而不用再去做更多实物试验。

、If I see that, I will just go up and reseat you.如果我看到了这样话,我会过去将你进行座位调整。

65、For the past 25 years I have scored the entertainment value of my pgrams and jokes.过去xx年来我一直对我节目和笑话进行打分。

66、Carry on the real-time discussion thugh the coatom and teacher.通过聊天室与老师进行实时讨论。

67、I loved my darkom, and n when I didn't have my darkom any, I still was shooting 6x6 Hasselblad 120 film and pcessing it in a special lab, and then digitizing it.我热爱暗室,即使当没有暗室时候,我过去还用6x6哈苏120胶片照相,在特制实验室进行底片处理后,再进行数字化处理。

68、It is true that we negotiated his possible move to Juve last year, but we are talking about last summer.去年我们确就他转会尤文一事进行过谈判,但是只是在去年夏天。

69、I check-in online so I don’t have to stand in the queue later.我通过网络进行了登记,待会儿就不必去排长队。


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